Warden of Overlook (Cycle Title)

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Warden of Overlook (Cycle Title)

Post by PC »

Warden of Overlook

Perched on the mountainside the majestic Overlook spies all to the horizon. At one point in time it served as a home away from home for nomads and pilgrims alike. Stark white walls have set many traveler's minds at ease when they crest the tumultuous path along the mountain; its sight with the unmistakable mahogany roof has stood the test of time to grant a safe hearth in the wild seasons. Many cycles later the Overlook has now been fit to serve as a hospitable estate surrounded on all sides by the rich seclusion of the wilderness. With one winding road in and out you can be assured of your privacy during your stay. Equipped with several boilers, an expansive kitchen, countless rooms and halls you will find no shortage of exploration in the Overlook. A myriad of trails exist surrounding the property in the nature and many have dubbed them the Fickle Roads. Depending on your season of choice the webwork of natural paths change due to nature's ways. In the Spring one might find themselves walking along a clearing in the fields; in the cold clutches of Winter a bridge might freeze that wasn't there before. Many a mystery remain undisclosed in this historic site, awaiting its next tenant to share.

Criteria for Winning Overlook
A duelist with the best winning percentage starting at the beginning of a cycle (50% or higher).
There are two brackets, the lower bracket where the race begins at 4-7 duels, and the higher bracket of 8+ duels. The higher bracket will always supersede the lower.
A King of the Hill title. The duelist who holds Overlook at the end of the cycle will receive not only a special grant, the King's Decree, but also a special achievement.

( Special Achievement:
Total Eclipse )

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlord's test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test for either a Renegade or Loyal Baron.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test: The grant holder will be acting as "Squire"** or "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Loyal Barons may counter if the Test is on behalf of a Renegade Baron. Renegade Barons may counter if this Test is on behalf of a Loyal Baron.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness or a Squire Test then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade/Loyal Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlord's test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

**Should a Squire be named for a Squire Test by a Baron, this will supersede the King's Decree, and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. If the King's Decree announces their intention before any Barons, the decree will take priority. If a Baron announces their intent to intercede before the decree, the Baron will take priority. In all cases, the Overlord has highest priority for issuing or countering tests. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022.]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification Added: 7/6/2020]

Note: As per the rules regarding a Test of Worthiness, anyone appointed to counter in a Test of Worthiness, as per Usage One, must be active on the standings. [Clarification Added: 10/18/2020]

Note: Usage Two has been updated to allow a Test of Worthiness to be issued for either a Loyal or Renegade Baron, and an intercession allowed against a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test issued by the Overlord or Renegade/Loyal Baron and/or their Squires. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022]

Note: The Warden of Overlook Criteria was originally the Warden of Lakeside, with the King's Decree formally known as the Grant of Karnafexx. We acknowledge here that Gren Blockman and Gloria Blaze met these requirements under the early criteria of the Warden of Lakeside.
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Re: Winter 2020 Warden of Overlook Race (Cycle Title)

Post by PC »

The winner of the 2020 Winter Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...

Tasslehofl Momus!

Tasslehofl fought throughout the cycle with a 83.33% winrate with an end cycle record of 10 wins, 2 losses, and 1 tie!

Congratulations Tasslehofl!

With his victory comes a prize.. The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Spring 2020 Cycle!

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlords test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a test of worthiness.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness: The grant holder will be acting as "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Renegade Barons may counter this Test of Worthiness as if it were issued by the Overlord.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlords test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification added 7/6/2020]
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Spring 2020 Warden of Overlook Victor & Summer 2020 King's Decree

Post by Tippletoe »

The winner of the 2020 Spring Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...

Lilith Anderson!

Lilith fought throughout the cycle with an 80% winrate with an end cycle record of 8 wins and 2 losses!

Congratulations Lilith!

With her victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Summer 2020 Cycle!

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlords test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a test of worthiness.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness: The grant holder will be acting as "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Renegade Barons may counter this Test of Worthiness as if it were issued by the Overlord.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlords test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification added 7/6/2020]
Note: While Lilith Anderson is Overlord she cannot apply Usage One of the King's Decree. Usage Two is also redundant since Lilith is currently the Overlord and has all the rights and benefits of Usage Two on account of her titled rank. Should Lilith Anderson lose the titled rank of Overlord during the Summer Cycle, she may then apply Usage One (as long as it is after the 14-day 'Cool-Down' Period) or Usage Two (at any time).

A Tip-Top Gnome from Tip-to-Toe: I'm Your Tippletoe!
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Summer 2020 Warden of Overlook Victor & Fall 2020 King's Decree

Post by Cajsa Storm »

The winner of the 2020 Summer Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...

Karma Armstrong!

Karma fought throughout the cycle with an 87.5% winrate with an end cycle record of 7 wins and 1 loss!

Congratulations Karma!

With her victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Fall 2020 Cycle!

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlords test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a test of worthiness.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness: The grant holder will be acting as "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Renegade Barons may counter this Test of Worthiness as if it were issued by the Overlord.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlords test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification added 7/6/2020]
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Re: Warden of Overlook (Cycle Title)

Post by Conner Reid »

The winner of the 2020 Fall Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...

Haru Jeong!

Haru fought throughout the cycle with a 71.43% winrate with an end cycle record of 10 wins and 4 losses!

Congratulations Haru!

With his victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Winter 2021 Cycle!

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlords test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a test of worthiness.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness: The grant holder will be acting as "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Renegade Barons may counter this Test of Worthiness as if it were issued by the Overlord.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlords test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification added 7/6/2020]
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Winter 2021 Warden of Overlook Victor & Spring 2021 King's Decree

Post by Cajsa Storm »

The winner of the 2021 Winter Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...

Yuzuki Kuwabara!

Yuzuki fought throughout the cycle with a 85.71% winrate and an end cycle record of 6 wins and 1 loss!

Congratulations Yuzuki!

With her victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Spring 2021 Cycle!

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlords test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a test of worthiness.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness: The grant holder will be acting as "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Renegade Barons may counter this Test of Worthiness as if it were issued by the Overlord.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlords test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification added 7/6/2020]
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Spring 2021 Warden of Overlook Victor & Summer 2021 King's Decree

Post by Cajsa Storm »

The winner of the 2021 Spring Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...

Salvador Delahada!

Salvador fought throughout the cycle with a 75.00% winrate and an end cycle record of 6 wins and 2 losses!

Congratulations Salvador!

With his victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Summer 2021 Cycle!

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlords test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a test of worthiness.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness: The grant holder will be acting as "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Renegade Barons may counter this Test of Worthiness as if it were issued by the Overlord.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlords test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification added 7/6/2020]
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Summer 2021 Warden of Overlook Victor & Fall 2021 King's Decree

Post by Cajsa Storm »

The winner of the 2021 Summer Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...

Salvador Delahada!

Salvador fought throughout the cycle with a 85.71% winrate and an end cycle record of 6 wins and 1 loss!

Congratulations Salvador!

With his victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Fall 2021 Cycle!

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlords test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a test of worthiness.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness: The grant holder will be acting as "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Renegade Barons may counter this Test of Worthiness as if it were issued by the Overlord.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlords test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification added 7/6/2020]
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Re: Warden of Overlook (Cycle Title)

Post by Haru Jeong »

The winner of the 2021 Fall Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...

Salvador Delahada!

Salvador fought throughout the cycle with a 71.43% winrate and an end cycle record of 10 wins and 4 losses!

Congratulations Salvador!

With his victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Winter 2022 Cycle!

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlords test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a test of worthiness.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness: The grant holder will be acting as "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Renegade Barons may counter this Test of Worthiness as if it were issued by the Overlord.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlords test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification added 7/6/2020]
Last edited by Ebon Ilnaren on Wed Jan 05, 2022 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Corrected cycle names.
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Winter 2022 Warden of Overlook Victor & Spring 2022 King's Decree

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

The winner of the 2022 Winter Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...


Jackson fought throughout the cycle with an 80.00% winrate and an end cycle record of 8 wins and 2 losses!

Congratulations Jackson!

With his victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Spring 2022 Cycle!

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlord's test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test for either a Renegade or Loyal Baron.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test: The grant holder will be acting as "Squire"** or "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Loyal Barons may counter if the Test is on behalf of a Renegade Baron. Renegade Barons may counter if this Test is on behalf of a Loyal Baron.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness or a Squire Test then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade/Loyal Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlord's test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

**Should a Squire be named for a Squire Test by a Baron, this will supersede the King's Decree, and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. If the King's Decree announces their intention before any Barons, the decree will take priority. If a Baron announces their intent to intercede before the decree, the Baron will take priority. In all cases, the Overlord has highest priority for issuing or countering tests. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022.]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification Added: 7/6/2020]

Note: As per the rules regarding a Test of Worthiness, anyone appointed to counter in a Test of Worthiness, as per Usage One, must be active on the standings. [Clarification Added: 10/18/2020]

Note: Usage Two has been updated to allow a Test of Worthiness to be issued for either a Loyal or Renegade Baron, and an intercession allowed against a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test issued by the Overlord or Renegade/Loyal Baron and/or their Squires. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022]
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Spring 2022 Warden of Overlook Victor & Summer 2022 King's Decree

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

The winner of the 2022 Spring Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...

Mira Burke!

Mira fought throughout the cycle with an 82.35% winrate and an end cycle record of 14 wins and 3 losses!

Congratulations Mira!

With her victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Summer 2022 Cycle!

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlord's test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test for either a Renegade or Loyal Baron.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test: The grant holder will be acting as "Squire"** or "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Loyal Barons may counter if the Test is on behalf of a Renegade Baron. Renegade Barons may counter if this Test is on behalf of a Loyal Baron.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness or a Squire Test then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade/Loyal Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlord's test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

**Should a Squire be named for a Squire Test by a Baron, this will supersede the King's Decree, and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. If the King's Decree announces their intention before any Barons, the decree will take priority. If a Baron announces their intent to intercede before the decree, the Baron will take priority. In all cases, the Overlord has highest priority for issuing or countering tests. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022.]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification Added: 7/6/2020]

Note: As per the rules regarding a Test of Worthiness, anyone appointed to counter in a Test of Worthiness, as per Usage One, must be active on the standings. [Clarification Added: 10/18/2020]

Note: Usage Two has been updated to allow a Test of Worthiness to be issued for either a Loyal or Renegade Baron, and an intercession allowed against a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test issued by the Overlord or Renegade/Loyal Baron and/or their Squires. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022]
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Alasdair Galloway
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Summer 2022 Warden of Overlook Victor & Fall 2022 King's Decree

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

The winner of the 2022 Summer Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...

Hye-jin Ri!

Hye-jin fought throughout the cycle with a 75% winrate and an end cycle record of 9 wins and 3 losses!

Congratulations Hye-jin!

With her victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Fall 2022 Cycle!

King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlord's test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test for either a Renegade or Loyal Baron.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test: The grant holder will be acting as "Squire"** or "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Loyal Barons may counter if the Test is on behalf of a Renegade Baron. Renegade Barons may counter if this Test is on behalf of a Loyal Baron.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness or a Squire Test then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade/Loyal Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlord's test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020]

**Should a Squire be named for a Squire Test by a Baron, this will supersede the King's Decree, and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. If the King's Decree announces their intention before any Barons, the decree will take priority. If a Baron announces their intent to intercede before the decree, the Baron will take priority. In all cases, the Overlord has highest priority for issuing or countering tests. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022.]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification Added: 7/6/2020]

Note: As per the rules regarding a Test of Worthiness, anyone appointed to counter in a Test of Worthiness, as per Usage One, must be active on the standings. [Clarification Added: 10/18/2020]

Note: Usage Two has been updated to allow a Test of Worthiness to be issued for either a Loyal or Renegade Baron, and an intercession allowed against a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test issued by the Overlord or Renegade/Loyal Baron and/or their Squires. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022]
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Alasdair Galloway
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Fall 2022 Warden of Overlook and Winter 2023 King's Decree

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

The winner of the 2022 Fall Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...


Yuri fought throughout the cycle with a 71.43% winrate and an end cycle record of 5 wins and 2 losses and 1 tie!

Congratulations Yuri!

With her victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Winter 2023 Cycle!
King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlord's test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test for either a Renegade or Loyal Baron.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test: The grant holder will be acting as "Squire"** or "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Loyal Barons or the Overlord may counter if the Test is on behalf of a Renegade Baron. Renegade Barons may counter if this Test is on behalf of a Loyal Baron.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness or a Squire Test then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade/Loyal Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlord's test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. Added language that an Overlord could also counter if a Test was on behalf of a Renegade Baron. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020 & 3/23/2023]

**Should a Squire be named for a Squire Test by a Baron, this will supersede the King's Decree, and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. If the King's Decree announces their intention before any Barons, the decree will take priority. If a Baron announces their intent to intercede before the decree, the Baron will take priority. In all cases, the Overlord has highest priority for issuing or countering tests. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022.]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification Added: 7/6/2020]

Note: As per the rules regarding a Test of Worthiness, anyone appointed to counter in a Test of Worthiness, as per Usage One, must be active on the standings. [Clarification Added: 10/18/2020]

Note: Usage Two has been updated to allow a Test of Worthiness to be issued for either a Loyal or Renegade Baron, and an intercession allowed against a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test issued by the Overlord or Renegade/Loyal Baron and/or their Squires. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022]
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Alasdair Galloway
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Winter 2023 Warden of Overlook and Spring 2023 King's Decree

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

The winner of the 2023 Winter Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...


Amaris fought throughout the cycle with a 71.43% winrate and an end cycle record of 5 wins and 2 losses and 1 tie!

Congratulations Amaris!

With her victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Spring 2023 Cycle!
King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlord's test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test for either a Renegade or Loyal Baron.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test: The grant holder will be acting as "Squire"** or "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Loyal Barons or the Overlord may counter if the Test is on behalf of a Renegade Baron. Renegade Barons may counter if this Test is on behalf of a Loyal Baron.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness or a Squire Test then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade/Loyal Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlord's test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. Added language that an Overlord could also counter if a Test was on behalf of a Renegade Baron. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020 & 3/23/2023]

**Should a Squire be named for a Squire Test by a Baron, this will supersede the King's Decree, and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. If the King's Decree announces their intention before any Barons, the decree will take priority. If a Baron announces their intent to intercede before the decree, the Baron will take priority. In all cases, the Overlord has highest priority for issuing or countering tests. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022.]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification Added: 7/6/2020]

Note: As per the rules regarding a Test of Worthiness, anyone appointed to counter in a Test of Worthiness, as per Usage One, must be active on the standings. [Clarification Added: 10/18/2020]

Note: Usage Two has been updated to allow a Test of Worthiness to be issued for either a Loyal or Renegade Baron, and an intercession allowed against a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test issued by the Overlord or Renegade/Loyal Baron and/or their Squires. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022]
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Alasdair Galloway
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Spring 2023 Warden of Overlook and Summer 2023 King's Decree

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

The winner of the 2023 Spring Cycle Warden of Overlook race is...


Droet fought throughout the cycle with a 73.33% winrate and an end cycle record of 11 wins and 4 losses!

Congratulations Droet!

With this victory comes a prize: The King's Decree! This special grant may be used during the Summer 2023 Cycle!
King's Decree
This cyclical prize is awarded to a duelist who performs excellently throughout the previous cycle and became the supreme Warden of Overlook.

Usage One
1. Can be used as a challenge grant against a Barony of the grant holders choosing (so long as the title holder is not under grace).
2. Can be paired with one (1) challenge right to convert the grant into an Overlord Challenge Grant.
In both cases of usage read above -- the grant holder will be allowed to appoint their own counter should an Overlord issue a test of worthiness against them. This appointment will supersede the right of a Renegade Baron to counter an Overlord's test of worthiness should the grant holder see fit.

Usage Two
1. The King's Decree can be used by its holder to either counter or issue a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test for either a Renegade or Loyal Baron.
a. Should this be a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test: The grant holder will be acting as "Squire"** or "Overlord" (without the benefits of the rank: fancies). Loyal Barons or the Overlord may counter if the Test is on behalf of a Renegade Baron. Renegade Barons may counter if this Test is on behalf of a Loyal Baron.*
b. Should this be a counter to a Test of Worthiness or a Squire Test then the grant user will act in the role of a Renegade/Loyal Baron. Like a Renegade Baron, this counter cannot be refused by a challenger.

*In the rare case that the Overlord chooses to issue a test to a challenger after the King's Decree holder announces their own intention, the Overlord's test will supersede and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. There can only be one test issued during a challenge match. Added language that an Overlord could also counter if a Test was on behalf of a Renegade Baron. [Clarification Added: 2/3/2020 & 3/23/2023]

**Should a Squire be named for a Squire Test by a Baron, this will supersede the King's Decree, and the decree will be considered unspent, returned, and may be used at a later date. If the King's Decree announces their intention before any Barons, the decree will take priority. If a Baron announces their intent to intercede before the decree, the Baron will take priority. In all cases, the Overlord has highest priority for issuing or countering tests. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022.]

Note: This is considered a Cyclical Title with a Cyclical Prize and NOT a Challenge Grant. This means that should a title-holder win Warden of Overlook, they must wait for 14-days after losing a title (a 'Cool-Down' period) before they can apply Usage One as per the Universal Terms of Challenge. [Clarification Added: 7/6/2020]

Note: As per the rules regarding a Test of Worthiness, anyone appointed to counter in a Test of Worthiness, as per Usage One, must be active on the standings. [Clarification Added: 10/18/2020]

Note: Usage Two has been updated to allow a Test of Worthiness to be issued for either a Loyal or Renegade Baron, and an intercession allowed against a Test of Worthiness or Squire Test issued by the Overlord or Renegade/Loyal Baron and/or their Squires. [Clarification Added: 2/12/2022]
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