The Facts:
Name: Richard Robert Cullen
Alias/Nickname: Usually goes by “Cullen” or “Lieutenant”
Age: 51
Appearance: Cullen stands at 6'4" and weighs approximately 220lbs. He sports a mostly athletic build. He has never been lanky except when he was a kid, being picked on for just that.
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Once brown, now a salt and pepper gray
Facial Hair: Usually he possesses a thick stubble, but not enough to be considered an actual beard.
Distinguishing Traits: He is a smoker and is rarely without a cigarette in his hand. His mood is almost always cynical and sour. Hazard of the job, really.
Race: Human
Occupation: Watchman. Lieutenant assigned to the Old Temple precinct.
Originally from Rhydin. As were both of his parents and all four grandparents. He grew up in Old Temple where his mother ran a sandwich shop and his father was a Watchman. He takes pride in the city and is perpetually striving to make it better. Becoming a member of the Watch like his father seemed the natural thing to do. Though he claims to be a cynic, he is truthfully an eternal optimist: always believing that he can make the city a better place.
Presently engaged to Bernadette Saunders, an accountant for the City Watch. On/off relationship with Isuelt DeRomiano. Truth be told, he carries a torch for Isuelt and will probably always be infatuated with her. After having worked closely with the Scathachian general on a number of cases, including the human traffic ring bust in Dockside/WestEnd, he came to find that his fascination with the warrior led to something more. He had hopelessly fallen in love with Isuelt and after working up his courage over a few years, asked her out. Though she initially turned him down, he kept asking and she eventually went to dinner with him. They began a short-lived relationship for approximately eight months. Though Richard was the model of a perfect partner, Isuelt needed more and eventually got bored. While he let her go, she came back to him again and for another few months they were together. It was not to be, however, she decided they were better friends than lovers and they have endeavored to remain friends though their interactions have been scarce.
Music: He is known to frequent a small jazz club in Dockside every once in a while
Literature: While he is not a fan of literature overall (he blames his lack of free time), he does enjoy the occasional nonfictional novel. He despises the tabloids in town, especially the Gossip GangSTAR. He believes that gossip should be outlawed, though he’s not sure how one would actually go about doing that. Even the Rhydin Post is known to get his ire up if they report without the facts.
Food: As any long-time bachelor would say, “Any food that I don’t have to cook is good food.” His favorites are BBQ, most comfort foods and Bernadette’s mulberry pie.
Drink: He’s not often drinking, but if he does imbibe he enjoys ales and beers. Whisky is a favorite too, however rarely he drinks it.
- Richard’s stoic and gravel-like disposition belies the hope he hides. In his mind, utopia can be achieved in the present. That is to say, he truly believes that all creatures can coexist in Rhydin and the city will thrive because of it. Even being in the Watch for close to three decades, his shining optimism is still intact, though seemingly buried.
- During his years in the Watch, he has experienced high highs and low lows. When he was able to help bust up the trafficking ring in the WestEnd, he was handed the promotion to Lieutenant. Not only was he proud of the new rank, but the knowledge that he took down the operation that had been using the sub tunnels and sewers to smuggle victims out to the ships awaiting them in the docks was something that will stroke his altruistic sense of self for the rest of his life. However, he also had hit some lows that will remain with him for the rest of his days. When he was in his sixth year as a sergeant, he was in a stand off with a perpetrator who had just tried to rob the First Goblin Bank of Rhydin. Richard and two other Watch officers had him cornered in an alley after the man’s foiled attempt at robbery had led him down an alley. The man waved around what looked to be a weapon in the dim light of the evening, threatening and charging at the officers. Richard Cullen was responsible for the first shot. The man dropped like a sack and as the other officers closed in on him, it was discovered that it was not a man at all, but a boy of seventeen. Without a weapon. He had tried to hold up the bank with a carved wooden copy of a weapon. Although Richard and the two other Watchmen were cleared of charges, as deemed by the Court of Rhydin, he still carries the guilt of that day. In fact, Cullen found out about the boy’s family and how they were in dire straights; he personally has kept an eye on them and purchased food and helped out with rent for close to fifteen years now.
- Richard is standoffish with most people as he first meets them, owing to the perils of his occupation. However, once his trust is earned, Richard is a staunch ally and a loyal friend.
- Richard is an excellent resource in a crisis. His reactions are thoughtful and measured as are his cognitive abilities to problem solve. He displays exemplary detective abilities and his notions/hunches are almost always accurate.
- Richard is mostly influenced by his parents, who are still alive and well (which has come to be a rarity in this city). His mother sold her sandwich shop twenty years ago, the same year his father retired from the Watch. They live in Old Temple and are enjoying retirement in a quiet home. Richard visits when he can; saying that he owes any ounce of joy in his soul to his Mother and all of his gut feeling to his Father. Their easy approach to everyday in Rhydin is what keeps Richard going most days. They have been his staunchest supporters and eternal fans.
Who Am I
- RR Cullen
- Junior Adventurer
- Posts: 14
- Joined: Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:33 pm
- Location: Usually the Old Temple precinct.
Re: Who Am I
___Lt. RR Cullen___
-RhyDin Watch-
-RhyDin Watch-
- Haru Jeong
- Proven Adventurer
- Posts: 261
- Joined: Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:28 am
- Location: Dragons Gate, Rhy’din
Re: Who Am I
Name: Haru Jeong
Nicknames: Cheshire or The Cheshire Cat(Used in very specific circumstances), Kitty Cat Tamer (Fauve only), Crazy Cat Boy.
Age: 18
Appears: mid to late teens
Species: Cambion
Birthdate: July 1st
Hair: Black
Eyes: Normally a darker red, can vary to chocolate brown.
Height: 5’3 (and a half if you ask him)
Skin Tone: Pale
Weight/Build: Roughly 110 pounds, Athletic build
Face Claim: Won Jong Jin
Scars/Tattoos: Haru has an intricate magic tattoo on his back, and much of his body has scars from duelling, though there are a few that have been deliberately faded with magic, can be seen if looked for.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Disaster Pansexual
Relationship Status: Taken by Wylinna Newhaven.
Favourite Drink: half and half milkshake, Chocolate/Strawberry
Favourite Foods: Literally anything spicy, the more mouth melting the better.
Favourite Music: He’ll tell you metal, but he’s a sucker for sappy love songs.
Occupation: Cafe Owner and duelist (Rhydin). Mechanic (Earth).
Former Occupation: Criminal, thief and assassin (Assassin is not common knowledge.)
Hobbies/Interests: Learning, adopting cats, spoiling the people he cares about, duelling, pulling pranks and general chaos.
Strengths: Pyromancy, Magic, Magic theory, and he likes to think he’s good at making friends.
Weaknesses: Reading, asking for help, cooking, taking in strays, and an inability to say no if the request would make a person he cares about smile.
Skills: Mage and Roguish talents, specializes in fire and daggers though can use other weapons based on situation.
Special Abilities: Haru is a pyromancer, and can cast shapechange to turn into a red eyed Siamese cat, as well as short range teleportation, anything long distance he requires help.
IC Background: ((OOC NOTE : Gonna keep this as what’s common knowledge, and keep it short.))
Haru grew up on the streets, orphaned when he was around five years old, and separated from his older sister (Byeol Jeong), he bounced at first from foster home to foster home until he found a group of street rats to hide with, his case worker eventually giving up and assuming the troubled boy was gone for good. Most of his childhood was spent alongside a boy only a few months younger than him, (Eun Lee) until he was assumed dead at age 15, after an attempt to escape the life they had fallen into. The boys were criminals, both acting as bait, Haru taking the role of the killer to protect Eun from having to do it, and later out of habit, some routine, the thievery went alongside to the pair could afford the lifestyles they led, as meager as they were, cuts from their pay being taken by those above them in the food chain.
The pattern continued until June 21st, when Haru first appeared in the dragon, introducing himself and being a smart ass to the group within, escaping bad weather and sleeping down in the Annex, it was the next day when he met Alik Murphy, after trying to rob him, instead being taken in, given a better chance at survival, and a much needed shower. The boys bonded fast, a gratitude from Haru quickly becoming a mix of hero worship and obsession, rejoining the underworld even after he had wanted to be better, and falling back into the life he left behind, all because Alik asked. He adopted the name Cheshire for the purpose of business, as he could blend into nearly any crowd for a job, using magic and tricks. Simultaneously being adopted into a family, a dream he had always had, but never could see it becoming a reality.
Recently, however, the criminal lifestyle became to much, and Haru came to grips that what he felt was not in fact love, but an obsession, and he chose to leave, the condition given to Alik to clean up his life if he wanted a chance to have Haru back. It only took a month for Haru to know that couldn’t happen again, and in an unexpected turn of events, a casual thing turned serious. Now he is currently trying to make sure he doesn’t fall into the same hole he just escaped, and be better.
Nicknames: Cheshire or The Cheshire Cat(Used in very specific circumstances), Kitty Cat Tamer (Fauve only), Crazy Cat Boy.
Age: 18
Appears: mid to late teens
Species: Cambion
Birthdate: July 1st
Hair: Black
Eyes: Normally a darker red, can vary to chocolate brown.
Height: 5’3 (and a half if you ask him)
Skin Tone: Pale
Weight/Build: Roughly 110 pounds, Athletic build
Face Claim: Won Jong Jin
Scars/Tattoos: Haru has an intricate magic tattoo on his back, and much of his body has scars from duelling, though there are a few that have been deliberately faded with magic, can be seen if looked for.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Disaster Pansexual
Relationship Status: Taken by Wylinna Newhaven.
Favourite Drink: half and half milkshake, Chocolate/Strawberry
Favourite Foods: Literally anything spicy, the more mouth melting the better.
Favourite Music: He’ll tell you metal, but he’s a sucker for sappy love songs.
Occupation: Cafe Owner and duelist (Rhydin). Mechanic (Earth).
Former Occupation: Criminal, thief and assassin (Assassin is not common knowledge.)
Hobbies/Interests: Learning, adopting cats, spoiling the people he cares about, duelling, pulling pranks and general chaos.
Strengths: Pyromancy, Magic, Magic theory, and he likes to think he’s good at making friends.
Weaknesses: Reading, asking for help, cooking, taking in strays, and an inability to say no if the request would make a person he cares about smile.
Skills: Mage and Roguish talents, specializes in fire and daggers though can use other weapons based on situation.
Special Abilities: Haru is a pyromancer, and can cast shapechange to turn into a red eyed Siamese cat, as well as short range teleportation, anything long distance he requires help.
IC Background: ((OOC NOTE : Gonna keep this as what’s common knowledge, and keep it short.))
Haru grew up on the streets, orphaned when he was around five years old, and separated from his older sister (Byeol Jeong), he bounced at first from foster home to foster home until he found a group of street rats to hide with, his case worker eventually giving up and assuming the troubled boy was gone for good. Most of his childhood was spent alongside a boy only a few months younger than him, (Eun Lee) until he was assumed dead at age 15, after an attempt to escape the life they had fallen into. The boys were criminals, both acting as bait, Haru taking the role of the killer to protect Eun from having to do it, and later out of habit, some routine, the thievery went alongside to the pair could afford the lifestyles they led, as meager as they were, cuts from their pay being taken by those above them in the food chain.
The pattern continued until June 21st, when Haru first appeared in the dragon, introducing himself and being a smart ass to the group within, escaping bad weather and sleeping down in the Annex, it was the next day when he met Alik Murphy, after trying to rob him, instead being taken in, given a better chance at survival, and a much needed shower. The boys bonded fast, a gratitude from Haru quickly becoming a mix of hero worship and obsession, rejoining the underworld even after he had wanted to be better, and falling back into the life he left behind, all because Alik asked. He adopted the name Cheshire for the purpose of business, as he could blend into nearly any crowd for a job, using magic and tricks. Simultaneously being adopted into a family, a dream he had always had, but never could see it becoming a reality.
Recently, however, the criminal lifestyle became to much, and Haru came to grips that what he felt was not in fact love, but an obsession, and he chose to leave, the condition given to Alik to clean up his life if he wanted a chance to have Haru back. It only took a month for Haru to know that couldn’t happen again, and in an unexpected turn of events, a casual thing turned serious. Now he is currently trying to make sure he doesn’t fall into the same hole he just escaped, and be better.
- Droet the Bold
- Proven Adventurer
- Posts: 163
- Joined: Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:02 pm
- Location: The Surf Shop or at his beach house
Re: Who Am I
Name: Droet the Bold
Age: 25 (approximate)
Species: Tiefling
Birthday: Uncertain
Hair: Black, kept short
Eyes: Glowing red
Skin: Very red
Height: 6'
Build: Athletic
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: Widowed (?)
Occupation: New owner of The Surf Shop
Former Occupation: Army Captain
Droet's life can be divided into three parts. The first part is his childhood, growing up with nun and the other orphan children. As he grew older he spent increasingly longer on the streets, committing petty crime mostly in the interest of getting enough to eat.
The second part is his military career. He joined the army and went to war. Some combination of his natural talents, skills, and the general dislike of tieflings pushed him into the scout unit. Then the army fought against a nihilistic cult of mages and their otherworldly body-controlling summons/masters. A serious of unfortunate events promoted Droet through the ranks until he was captain of the company before the final battle was won. After marching back to the capital in triumph and being awarded the epithet 'The Bold' and being acknowledged as a Hero of the Nation, the top brass decided to accept his resignation with retirement pay after transferring his command out from under him. Part of the deal was leaving.
The third part is his life in RhyDin. He was married. She opened her dream surf shop. She disappeared and has been declared legally dead. He took over her surf shop. He spent over a year doing little more than going to and from work. Now he's trying to be social once more.
Age: 25 (approximate)
Species: Tiefling
Birthday: Uncertain
Hair: Black, kept short
Eyes: Glowing red
Skin: Very red
Height: 6'
Build: Athletic
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: Widowed (?)
Occupation: New owner of The Surf Shop
Former Occupation: Army Captain
Droet's life can be divided into three parts. The first part is his childhood, growing up with nun and the other orphan children. As he grew older he spent increasingly longer on the streets, committing petty crime mostly in the interest of getting enough to eat.
The second part is his military career. He joined the army and went to war. Some combination of his natural talents, skills, and the general dislike of tieflings pushed him into the scout unit. Then the army fought against a nihilistic cult of mages and their otherworldly body-controlling summons/masters. A serious of unfortunate events promoted Droet through the ranks until he was captain of the company before the final battle was won. After marching back to the capital in triumph and being awarded the epithet 'The Bold' and being acknowledged as a Hero of the Nation, the top brass decided to accept his resignation with retirement pay after transferring his command out from under him. Part of the deal was leaving.
The third part is his life in RhyDin. He was married. She opened her dream surf shop. She disappeared and has been declared legally dead. He took over her surf shop. He spent over a year doing little more than going to and from work. Now he's trying to be social once more.
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