Who Am I

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Who Am I

Post by Pharlen »

Who Am I? Who Are You?

Here is a place to give us an inkling, an idea, a glimpse of your character and how it came to be. Who they are now, who they were to become that being.

Lift up the corner of the photo and show us the inner workings, show us the cobwebs and blood spots, show us the beautiful vistas of soul and the slow corrosion of ideal and heart.

To help out, here’s a basic character chart and a pinterest board to find one that fits your character. You don’t have to use any of the charts and just write what moves you. Just remember to put the character’s name on it!

Post a photo, a drawing, a piece of music, all those things that make your character who they are right now.

(This is totally not to help the people writing for ‘Walk a Mile’ and ‘Fanfiction.rhy’ suss out your character ;D)

(...but yeah I’ll be using it for that…)
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Morgan LaLuna
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Morgan LaLuna »

Character’s Full Name: Morgan Tiberius LaFey (Middle name Adopted when Mallory Maeda gave it to him)

Nicknames/Aliases: Mo (Given by his brother) Anor Aran (A name from a Story about the Sun and the Moon, only one person calls him this.)

Age: 21, looks younger

Eye Color: Amber/Gold

Height: 5’0”

Build: Athletic

Skin tone: Tanned

Distinguishing marks: Multiple tattoos and scarring, notably on his upper back where it is most concentrated.

Favorite color: Lavender

Least Favorite color: Yellow (Ew.)

Favorite music: Anything with a dancing beat

Least favorite music: Classical (Unless he’s trying to fall asleep of boredom!)

Colorful language with many expressions that change depending on mood. Somewhat cautious in some aspects, but otherwise a bit reckless. Likes fast cars (can’t drive!) and mostly dislikes reading. As for food… Morgan will eat damn near anything.

Smokes cigarettes, especially when he’s drinking, and cannabis whenever the mood strikes. Used to go on long binges of drinking, but has seemingly slowed quite a bit, only drinking one or two drinks socially. Prefers rum. Morgan doesn’t have any outstanding hobbies, but rather seems to let whim take him wherever it will. Has dabbled in potions, enchanting, and can sew rather well, but doesn’t consider it a hobby so much as a necessary skill.

Morgan was born and grew up in a town called Ithaca in the state of New York on Terra (Earth) to Kyong and Eric LaFey, along with his twin brother Corbin. The twins’ childhood was unpleasant. Their mother was an opioid addict for most of their lives, and their father an abusive and violent man that took many angers out on the two. Morgan often shielded his brother from the brunt of the beatings, and was, eventually, singled out for every transgression. The twins were pulled from school for “religious reasons” in third grade, and they were not educated beyond that by their parents. They grew up poor, and in poor living conditions. They often stole food, and what media entertainment they managed to consume was through the windows of neighbors or by way of their friends. Morgan’s favorite memory is a friend allowing him to sometimes play with their gameboy.

Morgan’s mother died of an overdose when he was around 15, and his father allegedly committed suicide not long after. Morgan and his brother were forced to live on the streets, but already had steady income as a “cleanup crew”, pushing bodies into rivers and Morgan doing the less desirable work for the both of them to keep his brother out of certain lifestyles. They separated at the age of around 17 when Corbin disappeared, and Morgan blamed an old employer for many years. Morgan took to narcotics and drinking, then, living recklessly and spiralling out of control.

Morgan’s personality can be best described as “Chaotic”. Depending on his level of inebriation, he can be snarky, skittish, belligerent, or thoughtful. He is deeply loyal to his truest friends. He seems most at ease when he is with them. Though he is often his own biggest priority, he is also known to put certain others’ needs ahead of his own. He has little confidence in himself as a person, but seems to be very proud of many of the things he can do. He is vain, self-conscious, and often finds himself doubting even the best of his abilities which often causes him to seek validation. Though he could have cared less some time ago, he is reticent to bring up his life before RhyDin and the ways in which he earned his money, though he will defend sex work with every breath as valid.

Morgan holds Few friends in the highest of regards. Mallory, who is like a mother to him, Canaan, who became something of a saviour and a source of growth, Gwen Stacey, who is his best friend, William, whom he feels needs to be protected, and Mart Di’Luna, whom he adores with all of his heart. These people seem to be his greatest soft spot.

Morgan is a skilled dancer, and terrible at singing. He says things like these tend to balance themselves out, but has no problem belting out a song he enjoys… When he thinks he is alone. He is also a skilled acrobat, adept at silks and even pole dancing, and performed for the RCPA for some time. Morgan can be kind, and gentle, and helpful, but he can also be cruel, and unforgiving. Though he tries not to judge anyone by first appearances, he often finds he does.

Morgan’s goals vary, and, like his personality, tend to shift depending on mood. The only true goal he seems to have… is to be happy.

To note: Morgan has had many relationships of many sorts, but seems to be rather happy keeping to himself lately. Likely, he’s found someone who has caught his attention in a very different way.

Some think he is romantically involved with Gwen, as they often sleep in the same bed, tend to stick close, and even drape over each other.

Currently, Morgan is the captain of the Heathen, a brigantine ship. A notable member of the crew is the Bosun, Drotar Zesrick, though Morgan doesn’t seem to call him by his name, but rather just “Bosun.”

Morgan is versed in bardic magic, and has a special tattoo on his arm that, when invoked, can do one of two things. It can call from the ground or sea a mass of tentacles that attempt to wrap, bind, and slow an opponent, or it can come straight from his hand in a mass of blackish red tendrils that look like veins and capillaries. He is adept at creating illusions, and uses them to convey information or to get out of hairy situations.
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Strawberry »

This ended up longer than I intended...

Full Name: Karma Armstrong
Pronunciation: Car-muh ARm-strohng
Nickname/Alias: K, Strawberry, Baeberry, Persephone
Meaning: Karma as a girl's name is of Hindi and Sanskrit origin meaning "fate or destiny". In Buddhism and Hinduism, karma is the inevitable effect of actions during life.
Origin: Started as a joke and somehow became her name because it suited her.
Titles: Lady Duchess of the Second, The Wanderer of Fourteen

Gender: Cis-Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Real Age: 20
Age Appearance: 21-22
Birthday: May 2nd
Birthplace: Twilight Isle
Astrological Sign: Taurus

Immediate Family: Raised by two moms and an "uncle" alongside two sisters and a "cousin".
Distant Family: Her family bramble extends to some pretty odd corners of Rhydin. You might be surprised.
Lovers: Known romantic associates include Caleb Feren (current), Sammy Dufort (past), and Dillon Jones (past).
Marital Status: She's bad at putting labels on things, but she seems to be fairly attached to one man with no interest in dating others.

Species: Magically Made Human - Parts include Archabyssal, Celestial, Fae, and enhanced human. Run of the mill Rhydinian mutt.
Preferred Hand: Right handed
Eye Color: Naturally red, trending toward gold more often than not as of late.
Hair Color: Lavender/pink, trending toward white more often than not. Long, uneven layers to her middle back, often worn in braids, updo's, etc.
Skin Tone: Porcelain pale (or as she says, "pasty as fuck")
Height: Just shy of 63 inches (5'3")
Weight/Build: 125 lbs. Not very tall but sports proportionate, feminine curves.
Birthmarks/scars: No birthmarks, no scars, but does have white runic marks in the palms of her hands that are sometimes mistaken for scarification. Several small tattoos.

Style: Very "look at me". Usually revealing in some fashion, well tailored, and slinky. Frequently in shades of black, red, or white. If it's provocative, she'll probably wear it.
Grooming: Messy in the artfully intentional sort of way.
Coordination: Simultaneously immensely graceful, almost predatorially so, while also clumsy at the strangest times.
Habits and Mannerisms: She talks with her hands but gets self conscious of it and frequently will put them down flat to a surface to keep from waving them around as she speaks.
Scent: On a surface level, like violets with light aquatic notes. Beneath that, there's the acrid scent of the abyss crossed with a loftier influence of the stars.

Current Residence: Junior Penthouse Suite 3 at the New Haven Marriott
Wardrobe: Endless, quite literally. Her wardrobe is a magical piece of furniture that not only offers seemingly infinite storage but it also magics clothing into existence at her request.
Equipment: In armed fights, she usually dons a pair of metal clawed gloves that shape to her hands. They have several magical properties that include a perfect fit for her hands, an armor ward upon putting them on, and the ability to burn off any grime or bodily fluids that ends up on them.
Accessories: 3 tattoos, 9 piercings, a thin silver filigree bracelet, a matching necklace chain that currently bears the gold ring of the Old Market barony.
Home: She lives fairly consistently in a junior penthouse suite at a hotel consisting of a sitting room, kitchenette, bedroom, and bathroom along with a hellacious city skyline view. It's usually meticulously cleaned (thanks housekeeping), and the walls are decorated with her own art. Even the walls themselves have been painted (much to the chagrin of the hotel management). The furniture is plush and comfortable and mostly in shades of black and white.

Occupation: "Diplomat", Watcher
Rank: Elite but mid-tier of the Elites.
Income: She doesn't keep track. Her patrons ensure that she wants for nothing.
Religion: Agnostic
Morals: Morally Flexible, what she considers "wrong" usually isn't what others consider wrong.
Crime Record: Was associated with the Blackest Night incident in Old Market. Avoided charges for kidnapping, extortion, destruction of property, arson, assault and battery, and more.

Hobbies/Interests: Art (painting, sculpting, drawing), books (collecting first edition and rare books), food and drink, dueling.
Dislikes: Koalas, crying children, long lines, waiting, abandonment.
Strengths: A loyal friend, good listener, good at finding positive traits in people (even bad people).
Flaws: Refuses to commit to anything (romantic primarily but also applies to professional and personal commitments), easily distracted, poor time management.
Powers/Abilities: Abyssal and celestial energy manipulation, Hellfire use, Void magic, Portal creation, Hardlight manipulation, Polyglot, and a seemingly endless fount of knowledge
Weaknesses: Pure holy magic, anti-magic forces
Immunities: Immunity to fire

Favorite Colors: Black, White
Favorite Places: The beach on the Isle, the beach in general, anywhere warm.
Favorite Drinks: Bourbon, Scotch, Whiskey
Favorite Books: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Frankenstein, The Great Gatsby
Favorite Movies: Labyrinth

Least Favorite Colors: Green
Least Favorite Places: Cold places
Least Favorite Drinks: Gin
Last edited by Strawberry on Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Who Am I

Post by BardGallant »

Full Name: Sheridan Driscol
Pronunciation: shEHr - ih - dihn | DRIHs - kuhl
Nickname/Alias: Dris, Dan, Dani

Though it is not as uncommon for people to know his actual name anymore, he much prefers to go by the name of Dris. Only very close family, blood relatives, and significant others get away with calling him Sheridan, or Dan(i). Back home among his biological kin, they only know him as Dan or Dani, and Sheridan if he’s in trouble.

Species: Human (¼ Elvish)
Real Age: 56
Age Appearance: 25
Face Claim: Robert Sheehan

Dris is an extraordinarily vain creature who just so happens to have the privilege of being the adopted son of a bonafide goddess. It was his aunt, however, who upon learning how distraught aging made him gifted him with the blessing of perpetual youth. He never again has to worry about a wrinkle or a gray hair, though he is not, in fact, immortal. Unlike his dog.

Height: 5 ' 10"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Fair
Tattoos/Piercings: None whatsoever.
Body Modifications: None (unless you count a vasectomy).
Birthmarks/Scars: Back and forearms.

On Dris’ upper back is a criss-cross collection of very old scars that are just barely visible anymore due to their age. These were caused by a lashing he received in his back story where he essentially embarrassed the daughter of a noble by turning her down and being caught in bed with someone else. Oops.

From his wrists to halfway up his forearms on the under side, both arms bear a single long white scar that reveal a darker story from 2009. These he tries to keep hidden by wearing long sleeves or an assortment of bracelets and bangles. Now you know.

Birthdate: February 14 (year unknown)
Birthplace: Canterbury, England (Pre-Industrial Alternate Earth)
Astrological Sign: Aquarius

The original concept for Dris came from an old D&D game back around 1999. I paired him with a friend’s character in a short-lived game, and liked the idea of him so much that I brought him online. I first played him in the Crosswinds Tavern, part of the Lyran Tal universe, I believe. Over time I adapted his story, thanks to live play interactions and further lifetime study. I liked the idea of him having come from a medieval world, much like the fantasy realms of my tabletop origins, and based him heavily on a kit from the TSR 2nd Edition Complete Bard’s Handbook (link is PDF, see page 25). I’ve stuck with him being a Gallant for at least 20 years now, though he has much matured and made certain exceptions to the code he has sworn to live by since his inception.

Gender: Cis-Male
Orientation: Pansexual, Panromantic, Monogamous
Relationship Status: Committed / Unavailable

Though he has no trouble challenging gender norms and having a little fun playing dress-up from time to time, Dris is fully and confidently male. Despite the fact that the majority of his long-term relationships have been with partners of the same sex, he is attracted both sexually and romanticallly to all genders and all sorts of peoples. When he falls in love, though, he falls hard, and devotes himself entirely to a single person. To date, he is blissfully committed to another man by the name of Rhys Germain. They currently live in a house together in Dragon’s Gate that was once an old pub which they spent months renovating and making livable just for them.

Biological Father: Weylin Driscol (deceased), a cobbler (shoe maker), human.
Biological Mother: Lavena Driscol (deceased), a gallant bard who broke the code, half-elven.
Biological Siblings: 5 older sisters, all married with children and grandchildren. Reaghan, Alanna, Deirdre, Meredith, and Keelin.

I literally have pages and pages of notes about all of these characters. To tell the whole story would require me writing a book. In brief, Reaghan is a snob who took over the family business and married a man who is also a cobbler. Alanna married rich and became the lady of a high society household. Deirdre is the most understanding and supportive, down-to-earth sister; Dris lived with her for a time where she helped him raise one of his own daughters. Meredith is an extremely anxious sort who barely keeps herself together most of the time with the help of Deirdre. Keelin ran away from home in her teens to take on an adventuring life as a pirate; no one has heard from her since.

Biological Children: Brenna Teague (approx. late 30s), Arienh Crowther-Driscol (approx. late 30s), Caelan (m) and Calleana (f) Driscol (16).

Back in time during his late teens, Dris wooed two girls simultaneously. Their names were Lynet Teague and Nealie Crowther. They were completely unaware of each other, until such time that he was hunted down due to the accident of getting them both pregnant. Dris fled and found his way to Rhydin at this time, far, far away from responsibility. At some point my writing partner had chosen to age her character some 30 years, so I wrote it in that Dris returned to Canterbury with a baby in tow and spent a lifetime raising her. Such history! Calean and Calleana came into existence through live play after I brought him back, older, with the agreement of another writing partner, long ago.

Talents: Virtuoso with a focus on voice, piano, and stringed instruments. Wood craft.
Occupation: Bard, Musician, Entertainer, Showman, Duel Caller, and Luthier (to name a few).

With his background, Dris grew up with an itch to build things from his father and a need to immerse himself in music from his mother. Through the years he combined these two things into a profession. Since at least 2005, he has been building pianos by hand. The story there goes that the Red Dragon Inn used to only have a harpsichord and Dris complained the need for a piano. Somebody threw a large sack of gold coins at him, like people in Rhydin do, and told him to build a one then. So he did, and he’s been building them ever since.

For most of his life, Dris has been working out of the basements and back yard sheds of whatever homes he has inhabited. Only recently he finally built a business building in Rhydin City proper. Now he finally has a separate work space away from home known as Etude, which can be currently found in the Old Temple district. He works there five days a week from noon to eight Rhydin Standard Time, with few exceptions. Having a separate work space from home has been a beneficial improvement on his lifestyle and work ethic. He used to be much more unreliable.

Powers/Abilities: Wild Talent, Empathy
Flaws/Weaknesses: See above (haha). He’s also an alcoholic with an eating disorder.

Fun fact taken from the TSR 2nd Edition Complete Psionicist’s Handbook (see chapter one)! Any character can have a psionic wild talent, if you want to roll for it. When I created Dris so many years ago, I did, and it turned out that he wound up with empathy. I’ve written it over the years that he has absolutely no control over this ability whatsoever, and that he has limited range to within ten feet of himself. He can feel the emotions of other people, and generally they’re so potent that they can overwhelm him to the point that he confuses them as his own.

Over time he became more aware of this flaw and can often protect himself by sticking close to a trusted person as a buffer. A good friend of his once made lollipops specifically, chemically tailored to help mute that ability for him so that he could stay more independent and safe. And his current boyfriend made a talisman that is keyed to him personally to help with that as well. So it’s not as bad as it was, but can still be a burden if he’s not careful.

Dris has a low appetite and may possibly be ADHD. He’s easily distracted and tends to forget to stop to eat a lot of the time. Being around food makes him uncomfortable because usually people are trying to thrust food upon him, reminding him how skinny he is and making him feel ashamed. So he won’t often eat in public. People have a tendency to make a big deal about it and he doesn’t like that kind of attention.

Overall, Dris is an extremely friendly guy who enjoys flirting, laughter, and song. He’s a true friend who will always have your back, stands up for the innocent, respects women, is huge on hugging and physical affection, and generally just wants to spread joy everywhere he goes.

( Sorry for the length! Cramming 20 years down to a summary is hard! If you want to use him for fanfiction or whatever, please feel free, and if you have any questions or are in need of clarification, please do not hesitate to ask. :) )
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Anya de la Rose »

Full Name: Anya de la Rose
Nicknames: Anya

Age: 35
Appears: True to age
Birthdate: May 7th
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7"
Skin Tone: Perpetually pale
Weight/Build: a lean 135lb, she's solid and looks like she's accustomed to a hard day's work
Scars: 5 long scars running the length of her ribs on either side of her torso. They're old and faded from a botched healing attempt when she received them.
Tattoos: a triple goddess symbol on the inside of her left ankle and a horned god symbol on the inside of her right ankle:

Gender: Cis-Female
Orientation: Hetero
Relationship Status: presumed widow

Occupation: landlord to her family's holdings, bartender
Hobbies/Interests: Currently working on restoring the Book of Shadows that's been in her family for generations. The ink is faded and the information isn't always correct. It goes beyond magic and rituals and contains information on healing, farming and even some recipes so she's getting a complete re-education as she works.
She reads obsessively. Right now, she's consuming every epic poem she can find in the bookstore, in particular anything with a divine basis.
Anya loves entertaining. She enjoys planning large parties for the residents of Rhydin and, in her former life at home, would throw frequent galas for her tenants. The harder for her is small dinner parties because she's finds it difficult to reign herself in.
Strengths: irrespressively friendly, organized, a tireless worker, extreme loyalty to her friends
Weaknesses: holds grudges, comes off too strong sometimes, that friendly facade can crack - she usually keeps herself to sarcasm but she can go overboard and tip in the the abusive
Anya has an addictive personality. She can get addicted to almost anything - alcohol, coffee, fighting, even people
At the core of it all, Anya is lonely. She's seen all of her friends and family die or leave. She's terrified of that happening again and struggles to connect on a deep level because of that fear. At the same time, she craves the connection and will latch on to people.

Favorite Drink: dark, dry red wine
Favorite Food: it used to be a root vegetable stew, but she's recently discovered soft pretzels and pizza
Favorite Music: Anya has found pop. And she loves it. She grew up in a world of classical waltzes or folk traditions


Anya has always been with me. I started playing her in 1998 when I was all of 13 years old. She's always been the same age as me. We even share a birthday.

Anya was born in to significant wealth. Her family through her mother's side have held what is roughly a Duchy for as long back as her family history is recorded. Her father is the second husband of her mother with the first having died without issue. Her older sister, Arienne is actually her half sister through her father. Her parents passed when Anya was 22 from an unknown illness that swept the community. Arienne was presumed dead as well but briefly resurfaced when Anya was 26 to challenge her claim to the family fortune.

When Anya was 16, as all good little rich girls do, she ran away to the big city (RhyDin). I started her in the AOL Red Dragon Inn as a typical "witch" but fell in to the fantasy setting quickly. She joined the Order of the Crimson Star in RhyDin for a few years and eventually left there with a friend for the Realm of the Hidden Blade. RotHB was her longest tenure by far. It's where most of her character development came out.

Over the years, she's evolved in to something more of a battlemage. She focuses heavily on fire as her preferred element and fights with a traditional arming sword as her weapon of choice. She was exposed in her time in the Hidden Blade to a demonic possession -an event that resulted in a close affinity to darker magic elements that's never faded.

While in the Hidden Blade, she was eventually married. As residents of the Realm started to move and fade away, she went home. She fell out of use for a long time. During that time I assume she was learning about the changing world around her little holding. That's when she decided her subjects would become her tenants. She's restructured the social system so she's a landlord and not a Duchess anymore. Her tenants pay her a standard rent instead of a percentage of earnings and she keeps the rates low. At some point, her husband left and never returned. She assumes he went home to fight in one of his own family's endless battles and was killed. Given that it was over a decade ago and she's gotten no word on his whereabouts, she no longer considers herself married. If he were to return, he would not be welcome. She will occasionally get drunk and comment on this.

Eventually, she left her home to return to RhyDin for some excitement. She did not anticipate what she found. She has no knowledge of modern technology. She's never been in a car, she doesn't own a phone. She's slowly coming around to RhyDin fashion after discovering how comfortable jeans are. Don't waste your time trying to get her to understand a pop culture reference.

Please feel free to use her in fanfics or whatever. Try to make her funny if you do. I've always wanted her to be funny.
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Re: Who Am I

Post by WillSomnia »

Full Name: William Aegri Somnia
Nicknames: Will

Age: Physically, mid to late 30's. Actual age unknown.
Birthdate: Celebrates on June 9th.
Birthplace: Somewhere out there.
Hair: Dark brown with a hint of red.
Eyes: Dark brown ringed with a light ash grey.
Height: 6'
Skin Tone: Tan, fair, depends on the season.
Weight/Build: As fit as someone who spends most of his days on his feet working physical jobs, though he’s typically completely covered in clothing, Despite his size his weight fluctuates between 350 and 400.
Identifying marks: None.
Clothing: Simple and functional. Wears a custom-made dark green (near black) wyvern-leather jacket with armor plating sewn into the layers, and many enchanted pockets in the inner lining. Black leather gloves in the winter, with knuckle padding between the layers. A basic black v-neck shirt and grey pants underneath, with worn black metal-toed internal-metguard boots round out the ensemble. Every item has its own various hidden pockets sewn in.

Relationship Status: Often relations, rarely relationships.
Family: None.
Occupation: Whatever peaks his interest and pays well enough. He’s been known to take up any number of random jobs just to pass the time, and to be able to say he’s done it. The jobs he doesn't talk about (recon, rescue, assassination and the like) always seem to find him eventually.
Hobbies/Interests: Seeing the sights and having new experiences.

Strengths: Enhanced physical strength, agility, and night vision, that all kick in as his adrenaline starts flowing. The more intense the situation gets, the closer he shifts towards being a mindless blunt object of destruction. Improvisation, open-mindedness, blending in. Resistant to mind control, and can actually sense attempts at it.
Weaknesses: Electricity, forgetting his strengths, social interaction.

Favorite Drink: Whiskey, mead, iced tea (unsweetened), iced lattes.
Favorite Food: As happy eating out of a can as he is a steak dinner. He’s not picky… though he can cook.
Favorite Music: Anything he can dance to, despite the fact that you will never ever catch him dancing.
Favorite Places: Nature, home, somewhere quiet. Especially when it’s snowing or raining.

Backstory: Far on the other side of the known universe, eons of eons ago, a planet was created atop a Dyson’s Sphere. The surface area was so large that most civilizations never even knew about the others. Two had discovered each other, and were in an endless war over territory. Both sides had the technology to stretch the war out indefinitely, and both had turned to cloning. Will was created as another nameless random prototype, this time focused on biological warfare. He was “rescued” by an underground faction of other clones, to be studied and used for their own purposes. The escape ship had been damaged leaving the planet-system, and he was left in stasis for possibly hundreds of years before the Nexus found him. He woke up just long enough to witness the ship crash-landing on Rhy’din, the impact to his head wiping what few memories he’d had.

The ship was discovered by an old mad scientist living in the woods, who had decided to take advantage of Will’s clean slate to transfer his mind to a younger, stronger body. Will was kept as a prisoner, with no idea of his abilities, until something clicked and he burnt the old man’s lab down with him inside. Will set out into Rhy’din and tried to find a place in it. He had been part-time bosun on a ship, tinkerer, and for a few years he lived with a group that moved back to Earth, had wandered away from everything under the possession of a fire elemental, and found his way back. After a few more years he left all of that to travel Rhy’din and again try to find his place in the world, winding up in the City where he started. He's very much a product of the Nexus, having seen and lived in most of the types of places it has to offer. He simply can not find which place suits him best.

Despite his origins, he has never left the planet to see the stars. He has no interest in it, though his past may be the reason.

Personal: Will was in a relationship while with the group that eventually moved to Earth. It was everything he’d wanted, but the elemental drew him away from it. When he came back, she was gone. He thinks about it from time to time, and it’s why he has a hard time connecting with people on a deeper level. He feels like he's the one that will destroy any meaningful relationship.

The Fire became the voice in his head, replacing his conscience as it grew stronger, and it made him do things he will never speak of. When it was forceably removed, the voice remained. It came to learn its place, even came to support his conscience. After his last bout with wanderlust, he was able to clear his head enough for the voice to leave. He came back to the City a different man.

Background: I came up with this character when I discovered RP, back in high school. He started as just me, as I would act in the old AOL Rhydin/RDI settings. For some reason people liked him, so I started to flesh him out as his own thing. That went through college, until AOL petered out. After that, lots of life happened, then I rediscovered it while reconnecting with an old AOL friend. It was hard to find the time I wanted to put into it, and still is sometimes. He often reflects where I am in life, which is why he wanders and has a hard time finding his place in things. I always figured he'd make a good extra or NPC.
Last edited by WillSomnia on Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

Name: Ebon Ilnaren
- note: "Ebon" is a translation of his birth name. "Ilnaren" is his original family name, however, and is derived from il(a) "star(s)" and nare "to dream" plus the -en suffix which works like -er in English. Thus the translation of Ilnaren is "one who dreams of stars" or "star dreamer", hence the name Stardreamer Manor.
Nicknames: Black Knight, Gov, Ellbee (only by Tenball), Lord Black (no longer used)

Age: 158
Appears: early to mid 40's (thanks to time travel and psionic biomanipulation)
Species: Human variant
Birthdate: March 12

Hair: Black
Facial Hair: occasional goatee
Eyes: Solid black
Height: 6'1"
Skin Tone: Mediterranean/tanned
Weight/Build: approximately 185 lbs, fit and graceful
Face Claim: Rik Young
Scars/Tattoos: various faded scars across his body, no tattoos

Gender: Cis-male
Orientation: Hetero. monogamous
Relationship Status: Married to Phen Seer Ilnaren since 6/21/2000

Favorite Drink: Hot tea with milk and honey, iced tea in warmer months
Favprote Foods: Good sushi, pizza (either thin or deep-dish), baked mostaccioli
Favorite Music: Classic Earth rock from the 60's to the 80's
Favorite Beatle: Paul

Occupation: Retired adventurer, occasional hero, horse breeder, investor, duelist, operates foster home for Rhy'din orphans/street kids
Hobbies/Interests: Enjoys outdoor activities such as horseback riding, hiking, fishing, swimming. Surprisingly decent keyboardist (though he will defer to Dris if the latter is present) and bass guitar player. Daily crossword puzzler. Regularly works out in a blend of martial art styles.
Strengths: Protective of his family. Loyal to his friends. Almost impossible to sneak up on (see below).
Weaknesses: Reckless when he believes he is right. Easily triggered by rape and mistreatment of children. Can have a nasty temper.
Eccentricities: Ebon tends not to use nicknames or diminuitives... for example, "Salvador" instead of "Sal". There are a few he will address by a nickname: Gory, Rhi, Maggie, Katt, Tass, Dris , and Jaycy.

Skills: As noted above, Ebon's musical skills include keyboards and bass guitar, and he can sing well too. He is a skilled fighter who uses his expanded senses to full advantage in evading and retaliating against attackers, either hand-to-hand or with weapons. He is a competent field medic, knows his way around a kitchen, is good with horses. Also, never ever play pool against him.

Special Abilities: Ebon is a talented and strong psion, having discovered his gift rather violently at 15, and has demonstrated the following manifestations:
* Telekinesis - This is his earliest, strongest and most skilled talent, though this fact is not common knowledge. Ebon can lift up to ten tons (or "hit" with that much force) without undue strain (more if he pushes his limits) or manipulate objects on a microscopic scale.
* Flight - Moving objects includes himself, and unlike many psions, he is capable of true flight rather than simple levitation.
* Expanded Kinesthetic Sense ("radar sense") - As an extension of his telekinesis, Ebon is aware of all physical objects (including living beings) in all directions around him, which allows him to move things his eyes can't see (such as something behind him), sense approaching movement, etc. This is a subconscious ability; he can "turn it off" (such as when dueling) much like closing one's eyes, but otherwise it is always "on". He can focus on a specific target or "read" the motions of opponents in battle (though, as said, not while dueling), and sudden motion within or into his range (such as an incoming bullet) will draw immediate focus (fast enough to, for example, stop said bullet.) The extent of this ability is not common knowledge IC.
* Molecular agitation control - Ebon can mentally increase or decrease molecular motion in objects (or beings), with the effect of altering apparent temperature up to the point of combustion or down below freezing.
* Telepathy - Commonly thought to be Ebon's most prominent ability, this allows him to read (unshielded) thoughts, probe memories, and even manipulate or dominate other minds. How gentle or ruthless he is while doing so depends entirely on the situation.
* Mental Defenses - Ebon's mind is shielded not so much by an impenetrable wall as by a labyrinth of traps and guardians. Intruders have been known to get inside only to find their own minds shredded to stringy bits, leaving them forever catatonic and drooling.
* Emotional/Sensory Manipulation - Though not good at reading emotions, Ebon can instill emotional reactions and sensations in others, primarily negative ones such as fear, confusion, or blindness/deafness.
* Biofeedback - Although early experiences led him to shun some aspects of psionic biomanipulation, he is capable of retarding his own bodily processes such as aging, or enter a hibernation state wherein, to outside view, he appears truly dead--no breathing, no heartbeat, no conscious thought--while his subconscious pulls air into his lungs and keeps his blood flowing. Beyond that, he can mentally facilitate healing of injuries in himself or others.

In addition to his psionic talents, Ebon possesses a pair of bracers that he usually wears. These bracers were gifted to him by the Time Lord Eregor, and are picotechnological devices that can reshape themselves into a variety of forms, drawing on ambient matter as needed, and manipulate matter on an atomic scale. Ebon is not fully aware of the potential of these devices, generally limiting them to shaping weapons such as his fighting staff or katars. However, on at least one occasion they proved capable of violently disrupting and repelling Renna's nanotech.

Finally, due to the use of a heartstone at their wedding ceremony, Ebon has a soul bond with Phen, allowing them to sense each other's mental/emotional states and contact one another even across city-wide or continental distances.

IC Background: Born to a rural village worlds away from Rhy'din, Ebon and his younger sister were among the few survivors of a culling by soldiers of the Kyrul who ruled their homeland. Said survivors, all children, were sold into slavery and Ebon became a servant boy in the Kyrul's palace. (see: Origin). Eventually he escaped, though not without tragedy and trevails, and became one of the Feranor, the Free Men, a guerilla force resisting the Kyrul's rule. For years he fought among them, becoming known as the Black Knight, but eventually it came to a point of "escape or die", and so the remaining Feranor fled across unknown ocean and eventually found sanctuary in the city of Terbann. From there Ebon took up an adventuring life, travelling alone or with companions, righting wrongs and defending those in need, including a stint captaining a frigate against pirates and earning the title "Scourge of the Scarlet Isles". Then he moved inland, settling in the dwarven city of Rahyim in the Khasin Desert (where he maintains a residence to this day), serving his new home with honor and rising to the rank of Sandguard, commanding a battalion of desert dwarves for a decade before sent as an emissary to the court of House Girder, which ruled the lands north of the Khasin.

It was during this time that Ebon, or "Lord Black" as he was commonly known, first encountered the mage Elspeth, who was the niece of one of his companions, Lucwell Vastel, during his adventuring days after coming to Terbann, and joined the Band of the One. He made many friends there, and Elspeth became like a sister to him. Eventually he found love in Michlea Reena, who won his heart before tragedy struck as it had before. Lea and other loved ones of the Band were taken as hostages to lure the group to the Garden of Time in the Deep Forest, in an attempt to wrest control of its secrets. During the course of foiling that plot, Lea was injured and the only way to save her was for her to take up the position of Keeper of the Garden. This allowed the previous Keeper, Eregor, his freedom, but Lea was lost to Ebon forever.

Unwilling to remain in a world where would always be reminded of the love he had lost, Ebon accepted Eregor's offer to travel the myriad realities with him. Together they crossed worlds, travelling into past and future and gaining a new friend in the beholder, Tenball. Finally their travels brought the trio to Rhy'din, where all of them were able to craft new lives.

OOC Background: Ebon started out as a bit of villain in my RP on the (now defunc) GEnie network, going by the presumptuous nom de guerre of "Lord Black" (which was actually a title I'd crafted for a most definite villain for a Pern fandom Weyr). Eventually I gave him a real name and moved him from a villainous path. While still in GEnie, I got involved in a writing group called the Fellowship of the Band, and he seemed a good fit there, so I brought him over. That's where a lot of his story was developed, initially for a hand-printed 'zine and then for purely online writing. After GEnie folded, I moved to AOL, discovered the RDI and Rhy'din, and so it went. :)
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Equilibrium »

For those looking to know more about King's Gambit's Sophia Song. It differs a bit from her persona and the information she gives to people, so where that occurs, I'll be sure to note reality vs perception.

I'm not counting on anyone using this for a fanfic or anything like that, but really wanted to take an opportunity to share more about her since it's rare that she does so herself.

Name: Sophia Kei Song
Gender: Female
Age: She looks approximately 22-23 but if asked, claims she is Ageless. She isn't. She just thinks/says she is.
Height and weight: 157 cm (just shy of 5'2"), 52 kg (approximately 115 lbs)
Body type: Thin with lean amounts of muscle. Not an overly feminine frame but she is good at dressing to what minimal curves she has.
Eyes: Almond shaped, light brown colored and framed in false (but well done) eyelashes. In certain light, her eyes trend toward an amber-gold color. She claims it is a touch of divinity. It might be.
Hair: Long and blonde, usually worn in well kept waves.
Race: Half Meracydian Human, Half Terran Human (East Asian)
Nationality: Born on a distant Rhydinian continent with no true "country", she was raised off-world in the Terran land of South Korea with significant time spent in China and Japan. She reconnected with her Rhydinian half as a teenager and subsequently moved back to Rhydin, this time to Rhy'Din City to prepare for a marriage to a well connected Meracydian man.
Birthday: January 5th, 1998
Other important traits: There is very, very faint scarring along her hairline, neckline, both arms, and upper chest from shoulder to shoulder. Usually only visible up close and in the right lighting, those with experience with such a thing may place it as burn scars or at least what is left of them after extensive cosmetic surgery and a well paid makeup artist. If asked about it, her reaction varies from polite obliviousness and pretending it doesn't exist to outright offense.
Preferred outfits: Black is her primary color of choice for clothing, coming in the form of well tailored businesswear. Pantsuits, rompers, blouses and slacks are all very common for her. Dresses and skirts less so but still in circulation. The common thread (pun intended) between them all is that they are always, always, always the finest fabrics and highest end brands.
Sexual orientation: Bisexual Heteroromantic
Relationship status: Widowed. Uninterested in dating but has intermittent sexual partners.
BS - Finance - Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea
MBA - Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
Talents and skills: A sharp eye for business, she tends to be ahead of the curve when it comes to stock and market trends.
Special powers: Minor pre-cognition powers. Moderate elemental magic, including close range wind/air knockback abilities and access to lightning conduction. An exceptionally weighty stare that has been known to induce an overwhelming feeling of dread stemming from an implication of eternal judgement.
Quirks and mannerisms: Carefully controlled and poised, it takes a lot to get her to show an excessive amount of animation. Her voice varies very little in pitch even when she raises it. Despite this poise, she does have a nervous habit of fidgeting with the jewelry she wears, whether it's adjusting bracelets or necklaces, fiddling with earrings, or twisting rings around her fingers. It happens more when she's anxious. If she gets angry, she gets incredibly quiet, which her usual entourage knows is a sign of danger to come.
Minor Notes: Very, very rarely seen without an entourage of some sort, usually consisting of at least one bodyguard (her favorite and most typical bodyguard is an Asian man in his mid-20's by the name of Nobu) and personal assistants.
Strengths: She is fiercely loyal. Once her loyalty is won, it never wavers. That said, it's exceptionally hard to earn as she is very stingy with her affections to begin with. Headstrong and determined, she lets very little stand in the way of her endeavors... sometimes to the detriment of the lives of those in her way.
Weaknesses: She is a terrible cook. Empathy is not her strong suit, she has difficulty connecting with others, recognizing emotions, or understanding emotional reactions. She can be immensely cold toward others not out of malice (though sometimes out of malice) but rather because she simply cannot find a way to relate to them.

Background: Born in early 1998 to a wealthy Chinese businessman, Song Liu Wei, and his "Japanese" homemaker wife, Keiyo, she was the only child and veritable pride and joy of their prosperous house. Shortly after her birth, Liu Wei and Keiyo moved their family to the Terran country of South Korea, where they established a wide sweeping business empire spanning textiles and manufacturing, luxury goods, and hotels. She was given everything she could ever need or want, save for the attention and time of her father. Her mother did her best with what she had though, teaching Sophia not only how to position herself as a woman of power but also stories of a mythical land far, far from their palatial penthouse in Seoul. She grew up a whimsical girl, full of daydreams and imaginary friends, and often entertained the household staff with plays and puppet shows in which she re-enacted the stories her mother told her as well as those she thought up on her own. It was a happy childhood for all intents and purposes, even with her father's sparing presence.

As she approached adulthood, her mother arranged for her to be married to a man from an influential family not of this world. After years of stories about this mythical land, Sophia was thrilled to find that it was not only real but that she would be leaving behind her mundane life in Seoul for a place she had not visited since she was an infant. The summer after her sixteenth birthday, she left Seoul, sure that she would find a life of adventure and a happily ever after with this man she had never met.

As it so often goes in stories like this, things were a little bumpy. Kazuo, her new husband, was immensely brilliant and vivacious but also exceptionally cruel to those who did not meet his expectations. She learned quickly how to meet these expectations though and once they found their stride, Sophia found herself the wife of an incredibly dangerous but also well respected businessman though he dealt less with the legitimate enterprises of her father's trade and more in the grey and black market realm, establishing himself easily as one third of a potent Triad ruling over the densely clustered neighborhood of Little Meracydia in Dockside. Sophia and Kazuo had their first (and only) child two years later, a son named Koji.

Her mafia-wife fairy-tale life was not meant to be however. On Koji's first birthday, the doting parents and their little prince were out celebrating the milestone when tragedy struck. All Sophia can remember is the moments leading up to it; laughter, happiness, Kazuo buckling Koji into his car seat in the back of their sedan while Sophia watched in the rear view mirror. The rest is unclear save for searing pain, broken glass, flames, crying. The authorities chalked it up to a random Marketplace bombing. They happen frequently after all.

Sophia spent the next six months in a medically induced coma. When she came to, she found out neither her husband nor her son had survived. At only nineteen years old, she had married, had a child, and lost them both. She spent the following six months after that in a private mental health facility in South Korea. After being released, she returned to Rhy'Din City to take over her husband's operations and to seek vengeance against those responsible for the death of her family. Since her return, Sophia has claimed to be the mortal vessel for a goddess of the same name, patron of balance and justice. Whether there's any merit to this claim in a land of gods and monsters is anyone's guess, but the whispers have taken to calling her the Mad Widow of Meracydia for it.
Last edited by Equilibrium on Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sylista Ravenwood
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Sylista Ravenwood »

Name: Sylista Shadowsoul (formally Adalyssa Val Orden/Sylista Convor)
Nicknames: Ada, Lyss, Phoenix, Little Firebird, Syl

Age: Forever 33
Appears: Somewhere between 25 and 30, smooth skin, no blemishes or marks to be seen
Species: Vampire (born human)
Birthdate: June 5

Hair: Obsidian Black
Eyes: Angelite (Click link for example)
Height: 5’2
Skin Tone: Porcelain (Click link for example)
Weight/Build: Around 110lbs, her body is toned with hints of muscle definition
Face Claim: Ksenia Solo
Scars/Tattoos: A tattoo of a phoenix on her right hip and a serpent with a crown on her left. No scars other than her runes that are scattered across her body
- 2 Glamour
- 2 Wit
- 2 Metabolism
- 2 Stamina
- 2 Grace
- 2 Brawn
- 1 Voice
- 1 Hearing
- 1 Sight
- 1 Touch
- 2 Will (one given, one received)

Gender: Cis-woman
Orientation: polysexual, demiromantic, ethically nonmonogamous
Relationship Status: 2020/12/21 -married Mathian Shadowsoul; partner of Viktor Ravenwood and Kira Adia.

Favourite Drink: Vanilla milkshakes or dark red wine
Favourite Foods: O(negative)
Favourite Music: Classical, opera, musical soundtracks

Occupation: Sylista is running a variety of well-performing investments while funding her lifestyle through her whisper network who buys and sells information as required. She keeps two to three levels between her and her operation so, should anything fall apart, she can remain relatively blameless.
Former Occupation: Camgirl for a period when getting established in Rhy’din.

Hobbies/Interests: Spends a good amount of time listening to music and reading books. She is fascinated by philosophy and psychology and will sit in Mathian’s lab for hours reading while he works. She likes to sing, dance, and socialize. When the weather is warm, she enjoys practicing tumbling.

Strengths: Fiercely protective, resilient, dauntless, open-minded, the ability to see good in the worst of the worst, finds lying abhorrent
Weaknesses: Impulsive, anger control issues, manipulative, emotionally shuts down when things become too much for her, masochistic danger magnet
Eccentricities: Prim and proper in public until something new catches her attention and then she is adorable. Sees sex as something natural and does not understand why people have hangups when it comes to the subject. Can take things literally if she does not understand the humour.

Skills: Networking, building connections, and utilizing her high charisma

Special Abilities: Sylista is a Flameweaver and a Runelord. She is able to visit with the dead while in torpor, heat up or cool down the area directly around her, manipulate fire and air to move to her will. She also has been training in some shadow magic.

Her runes provide her with the following:
16 Glamour (14 vectored)
- Skin shimmers when happy, appears ridiculously pretty to the average eye, unshakeable self-confidence, people want to keep her happy because disappointing her is the worst possible thing they could do
**Note** This endowment is used on NPCs and players as they choose to acknowledge it (or not)
8 Voice (7 vectored)
- Can whisper across the room without moving her lips and only the person she wants to hear can hear her, can make commands (especially if glamour is used)
**Note** This endowment is used on NPCs and players as they choose to acknowledge it (or not)
2 Wit
- Can remember nearly every detail of her life since the first endowment was granted (approx. six)
2 Metabolism
- Makes her move fast
2 Stamina
- Rapid healing
2 Grace
- Dexterity increased
2 Brawn
- Increased strength
1 Hearing
- Can hear better than the average person
1 Sight
- Can see normally as there is a genetic vision problem in her family.
1 Touch
- Things feel more intense against her skin
2 Will (one given, one received)
- Sylista and Mathian formed a Serpent’s Ring together to bind them to the other and to prevent any descent into madness

Sylista is also a vampire and a sorcerer. The endowments are strengthened only a touch more since becoming a vampire and the wit and will allow her to learn specific spells faster. Her favourite spell is Shapechange and her forms include red fox and raven.

IC Background: Sylista was born Adalyssa Sylvia to the fourth son of the King of Mystaria, Rofehavan. Her grandfather died the year she was born and her eldest uncle took the throne, naming Sylista as his Heir Presumptive as she was the child born that year.

Sylista’s father did not take this well and started training her to be a political weapon early in life (around age two). He was a very paranoid man and sent his only daughter on fact-finding information, often using the glamour and voice endowments her father forced her to take through vectors. At sixteen, she decided to plan her escape and spent two years formulating a plot that would help her leave. The kennel boy, Gideon, was best friends with a knight who had taken up residence in Inisfallen, a city on the edge of Mystaria. People who lived on her father’s land stormed their property and Gideon helped the woman onto a horse with the directions toward her safe place before heading in to ensure the work of killing that family was done.

After arriving in Inisfallen, Sylista gets set up as a staff member and future owner of the Rathskeller Inn. Only a few members of the city knew her true identity: Caelum, her partner; Vael and Dorn, her siblings-by-choice; and Taslios, the apothecary who made the tinctures that would help her sleep.

After two years of living in the town, and living happily with Caelum despite the constant war around them with the Inkarrans and the Reavers, she found herself pregnant during a time of peace. That peace was short-lived, though, as the Inkarrans raided Inisfallen the night before Sylista was going to tell Caelum. During a moment in the battle, Caelum noticed Sylista had left herself open and dove in to protect her only to lose his life. The children ended up being twins that she named Paxton and Felix at his request. The twins were to be raised as her sister by choice’s own.

Over the next eleven years, Sylista worked with Vael as assassins, fighting together against every Inkarran invasion as Inisfallen was Mystaria’s first line of defence.

This went on until Beltane 2020 in Rhy’din. The Worldbinding Event lined up with that magical day and Sylista was pulled into a world she did not understand.

From there, she has made friends with a Beholder, learned to use her fire magic, been shot to near death, was adopted by Samuel Federov, adopted Haru Jeong, ended up pregnant with bipaternal twins, almost died from fighting a demon, had her father murdered by the man who shot her and was turned into a vampire (which was the only planned part of her Rhy’din experience).

She also has sundered her essence (her soul) in order to negotiate terms to become a Flameweaver with the Element of Fire without losing herself in the process.

OOC Background: Syl was my first RP character and was developed for the Runelords RP built around the book series called The Runelords by David Farland. Since bringing her to Rhy’din, I have been able to flesh her out past the character tropes I used for her initially. She was originally Lady Phoenix Lee, thus Caelum calling her Little Firebird.
Last edited by Sylista Ravenwood on Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Betty Liski
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Betty Liski »

General/Obvious Info

Full Name: Elizabeth Josephine Liski
Bynames: Hot Betty, B-Bop, Betts

Species: Human
Age: 26
Apparent Age: Early-to-mid 20s.
Birth Date: July 13, 1973 7:15 am
Astrological Signs: Sun in Cancer, Moon in Sagittarius, Ascendant in Leo

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Body Type: Curvy and soft, but still fit underneath.
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Brown with strawberry blonde highlights during the summer months. Usually ironed straight and center-parted, or in space-buns to keep it out of her face and off her neck.
Complexion: Consummately, endearingly freckled.
Distinguishing Marks: Slit earlobes; numerous, yet minor burn scars on hands and forearms.

Gender: Cis-Femme
Orientation: "Eh, whateva." (Pansexual)
Relationship Status: Single-ish. Not in the market either for a relationship or casual hook-ups.

Occupation: Baker, cannabis dispenser
Talents: Front-and-back-end food service and hospitality, fry cooking, baking, first aid, driving stick, weights and measures to medical standards.

Personal Flair

Style: Mildly stuck in the mid-90s, but very fashion-aware otherwise. She tends to show quite a bit more skin in summer months, while the winter sees her wrapped up in (faux) fur coats, knee boots and skirts made with heavy fabrics. Her choices in makeup are often flashy and bright, a deciding factor in her appearing a bit younger than her age. She almost never goes without a pair of round, tinted sunglasses, whether set in place or perched atop her head.

Her wardrobe would run her into six digits if their price tags were tallied up on Earth, yet she managed to pick most of it up for a few silvers a piece at Dangerous Duds.

Personality: She wears Brooklyn like a cloak, leaning into her accent and the 'brassy NYC Outer Boroughs' stereotype on first blush. With time, she tends to show a curious, philosophical side, as well as a strong tendency for caregiving.

Downtime: She likes doting on friends and house guests, yet she's equally prone to withdraw into libraries, zoos, planetaria, and other public learning centers. She usually has a few research books in rotation, usually around topics of entomology, astronomy, and art history. If she's watching a movie or listening to music with friends, she tends to want to talk first and watch second. Even when by herself, she talks to the screen or stereo, and that's without extra-curricular refreshments.

Food: Betty tends to be able to find a way to enjoy just about any cuisine, though she has a preference for lovingly-prepared fish and vegetables (According to her, her skill in preparing seafood is 'so-so'.). Ironically, she doesn't enjoy baked goods as much as her chosen occupation would let on, but she's a sucker for anything dark chocolate and/or spiced.

Music: Most of Betty's music tends towards dream pop, shoegaze and other eclectic alt-rock, but in general, she tends to like music that isn't hard to have a conversation over. Musical acts from Brooklyn tend to make her wistful.

The Less-Obvious Stuff

Living Space: She lives in a 2-bed 1-bath apartment in the Golden Palms complex in Seaside, not far from the Plaza. The water stays hot and the radiators work most of the time, but when stuff goes wrong, it goes wrong. The apartment is furnished by trash-picking around universities and finds from Fitzroy's Junkyard, and decorated with colorful art nouveau tapestries and surrealist film posters. Her bulbs are LED, her phone has a cord, her TV is a wall-mounted 4K definition screen with a BluRay player, and her answering machine has a tiny, thinning tape in it.

Pet(s): A tawny, domestic long-hair cat named Lucas, who tends toward 'talking' and a level of curiosity that usually renders his kind dead, and a blue Italian greyhound named Jason, a quivering, tender soul with spindly legs and a cable-knit sweater. Lucas operates invisibly whenever Coydog stops by to visit.

Weird Stuff: Holds a key to a house formerly owned by a Witch. Her mobile bakery, a pink VW Bus, is outfitted with charms, wards, and even a few booby traps thanks to the mechanical aptitudes of Bart Fitzroy and Rhys Germain. It also has a "Hot Box" feature on the dash.

Vices: Cannabis and clove cigarettes. Occasionally indulges in good wine and spirits, or fungal/herbal/floral psychedelics. Had a two-month-long love affair with cocaine, with little chance of it being rekindled. When determined to find something she needs, she isn't averse to shopping at trap houses or contacting a fence. She hasn't needed to do this a much since the Wake & Bakery's business had kicked up, but she still keeps in touch.

Fears: Betty's oldest fear is getting kidnapped and sold into slavery, yet her most recent scare comes from animated objects, or 'stuff that isn't meant to move on its own, but does anyway,' thanks to a poltergeist incident in a previous living space in RhyDin. Needless to say, she avoids anything involving a certain steamer trunk and its interns.


Like many of my more enduring characters, Betty started out as an NPC, little more than a name tag and a particularly snug waitress uniform, working at a dirty little diner in a logging town well past its heyday. Like most characters, details started to spill out as time moved forward, some spontaneous, and some purposeful. I set her point of origin in Little Odessa in Brooklyn, mostly to show that characters can be of Russo-Ukrainian origin without being in the KGB, a mail-order bride, or in the Bratva.
Last edited by Betty Liski on Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mist Gul
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Mist Gul »

Mist Gul Silhaeven, which means a wanderer, lost or eternal, in Sindari.

Mist is one of the few characters that I created that comes from a fandom, specifically, Tolkien's Middle Earth. He's a minor prince who ended up as a catspaw of a cadre of human wizards. Intending to use him as an answer to the rings of the elves, they broke his spirit and mind, but still managed to lose hold of him when the Nexxus decided it needed an sweet, confused, blond battle mage elf in RhyDin.

He was a long ways in making it to RhyDin, and just as long in trying to figure himself and his place in RhyDin out. ...He's still working on it.

Physically, Mist is as gorgeous as you'd want your Tolkien elf to be: tall, slim, golden skinned and golden eyed and golden haired. He is covered with strange engravings, runes that cut through his skin and glow a bright blue. These enhance and direct his magics, and he is very powerful.

Over time, Mist gained control of the runes which had once controlled him. Many have been altered from their original cuts. They are cuts, and when his power wanes, they show the flesh underneath, sometimes even bleeding. On taking control of his own energies, Mist realized that he did not want to hurt others. He wanted to be a healer, in fact.

RhyDin being RhyDin, however, Mist hasn't ever been able to put aside the battle spells and other epic magics. He has modified many of the incantations or recitations to prevent the effects of the spells from becoming deadly, but things do happen – and he can be angered, mild and calm as he usually seems.

Mist has settled in the village of Kanger, south of RhyDin City proper. He lives in an actual cave on a small hilltop outside of town with his cats, his chickens, geese, goats, horses, wolf pup, dragon, and all the other pets his adopted daughter Amaris brings home. They run the small farm and help the town with their farms as well.

He works for the city's medical board, usually answering to Colleen, overseeing the health of the people of Kanger, and working at the Southgate Medical Center's clinic. Working for the clinic as a Nurse Practitioner, Mist has had to learn a lot of modern ways. He's become somewhat adept with most technology, and finally even purchased a vehicle.

Mist can be a strange bird, one moment silly and giggling, the next, cool and reserved, shy, or confident. He learned the hard way to be very mistrustful of too-friendly people. Ironic, when he has often had a bad habit of being much too friendly too soon! He's learning to be more self aware of that, but he's still a pretty awkward soul.

Though Mist tends to ask ladies out on dates, he is easily bisexual and polyamorous. However, he is convinced that he is incapable of feeling romantic love. That doesn't stop him from occasionally looking for dates. He has been in the past quite submissive, but as he's had Amaris to look after, he has found a persistent strength.

Mist has a strange relationship with Pharlen VonTombs. She happily exploits the elf in many of her bizarre schemes (or gets him to clean up after them), but doesn't tend to actually consult with him until after he's chained to a chair handing out Easter Baskets. She actually cares for Mist quite a lot, and though he is usually very wary of her, Mist returns the sentiment. Lately, he's been able to answer her mischief with mischief. Progress!

He absolutely adores Mallory and Eri, his beloved queens. They have always accepted the elf as he was, even when he has ended up doing things that were simply awful in the name of confused justice, or just simple panic. He gives his allegiance to them as a proper knight should, though his knighthood was granted by the fires of Beltane.

He calls Roni his sister, and feels he's failed her when his spells to help her dropped... But he's gotten a niece out of the deal.

Kitty VonHelston is a goddess of mercy to Mist and there is nothing anyone can do, including her, to disabuse him of that notion. She saved him at a low point, and he never forgets that.

And of course Amaris is daughter of his heart. The orphan needed someone, and he needed to be that someone. Adopting her is one of highlight in a long life fraught with trouble.

Mist's mental health tends to be somewhat fragile, though he is improving with time and stability, medications and support. He's learned that mental illness can be shameful or frightening to others, and though he'll speak of it openly, he usually will avoid speaking of it in public.

What few people, if any, are aware of is that his psychiatrist and master wizard is also his owner. He's still not allowed to go on his own. But as he has been a slave most of his life, being free is a big and frightening prospect.

He claims January as his birth month, but he doesn't actually remember when he was born. He is some hundred and twenty years of age, young for an elf.

He rarely holds an expression on his features for long, a smile will shine for a few moments before fading, worry will fleet across his brows, he doesn't actually realize he does it. This is a leftover of being trained as an artist's model. They usually wanted his features neutral.

He dances very well, whether classical or modern or exotic styles. Innately graceful and precise, he has the strength and coordination to make a beautiful performance. He also sings quiet well, as one would expect, and occasionally can be found playing a lute, as well. He has been enchanted by modern pop music, classical, swing, and rock since he first heard them. He only recalls a few songs of his people or world.

Mist was married, for less than a year, then was divorced. He tends not to speak of it.

Though he has several modern suits, he prefers to wear more exotic garb, ranging from sinful dancing silks to elegant elvish robes. He will happily wear his loud and silly Opposuits whenever he thinks he can get away with it.
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Claire Gallows »

The Basics:

Full Name: Claire Rose Gallows, née Farron
Nickname/Alias: Slugger, Clairebear, Mama, Lightning, L

Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Real Age: 532
Age Appearance: Early 20's
Birthday: May 13th
Birthplace: Bodhum, Cocoon, Gran Pulse

Race: Bhunivelzan deity within a Pulsan vessel
Dominant Hand: Left
Eye Color: Blue, somewhere between aquamarine and turquoise
Hair Color: Bubblegum pink
Skin Tone/Complexion: Fair
Build: Athletic
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs
Birthmarks/scars/markings: No birthmarks. 1 scar around her left pinky finger. Older scars that have faded nearly from view. 2 tattoos, a small rearing horse on her lower back just above her right hip and another that looks like a barcode on her inner right thigh, lined by Etro Script underneath.
Faceclaim: Nina Agdal (and less commonly Lightning from the FFXIII series)

The Details

Current Residence: Dunmovin, a secure "compound" outside of the city. By compound, really it's just a well warded tract of land with a large main house and a few smaller outbuildings and guest houses built upon it. Alternate residences include Underwood Manor in New Haven.
Husband: Cooper Gallows
Children: Averia, Alexander, Jacob, Serafina, Jessica
Step-daughter: Belle Gallows
Timeslipped Children: Royal & Reign Farron, Lilith Anderson (wife: Andrea), Jade & Gabriel Alcar
Sister: Serah (partner: Kaleb)
Niece: Clarissa
Pets/Familiars: An almost 6 year old Bernese Mountain Dog named Doom and a special needs tabby cat named Eclair. A 5 year old Poodle-Pitbull mix named Calliope. A hound dog named Baxter. A number of bunny rabbits, a giant turtle named Shelly, a miniature pig named Bacon, a robotic horse (Tink) plus two actual horses (Thunder and Storm), a pink chocobo named Squawks, and a hedgehog named Prickles. Needless to say, she has a veritable menagerie. Her two oldest children are protected by dire wolf familiars named Titan and Chronos but Claire is the one who takes care of the giant dogs.
Marital Status: Married as of June 5th, 2017
Significant Other: Cooper Gallows

Occupation: Entrepreneur (She owns The Sassy Owl Saloon in the Marketplace, Hangman Distillery in Old Temple, Owl at the Gallows in Twilight Market, Caelum Training Center at New Haven, and Caelum Enterprises, a private security firm). Duelist (Semi-Retired). Philanthropist. Savior. Deity.
Socio-economic Status: Well off, upper class. Was left quite a bit of money after the death of her first husband and even more after selling the house they owned.
Past Jobs: Full time duelist, Military Commander for the Royal Lucian Army, Sergeant in the Bodhum Security Regiment of the Guardian Corps
Organizations/Affiliations: Gallows Foundation, Twilight Isle Development Endowment, Farron-Queen Memorial Youth Centre, Dragon's Gate Orphanage, Team Dirty Dueling

To say that she is a busy bee is an understatement. Between their various business holdings, philanthropic endeavors, and family, she is pretty constantly go-go-go. As such, she has taken a big step back from dueling. She has a particular knack for restaurant development and has been successfully running The Sassy Owl Saloon since late 2013 and added Hangman Distillery, a joint liquor distilling endeavor between Claire, Cooper, and Nigel Alder a few years later that soon became its own restaurant with its own menu. Aside from that, Caelum Enterprises, she is less hands on about and mostly serves as one of several overseers to make sure everything stays running smoothly. The only way she can manage to fit in involvement with DGO and the Youth Center is thanks to delegation of administrative and day to day duties to people she trusts.

Greatest Achievement: Her children and keeping herself and her sister alive in the years following the death of their parents when she was 15.
Biggest Failure: Likely failing to cultivate a relationship with her sister after moving to Rhydin.
Best Dream: A life in which she no longer has to save the world
Worst Nightmare: Anything bad happening to her babies or the people she loves

Hobbies/Interests: Dueling, surfing, food and alcohol, her family
Skills/Talents: A halfway decent duelist, a stellar surfer, and a pretty good snowboarder. She can also tie a cherry stem in a knot with her tongue if you aren't looking.
Likes: Beer, dueling, fast vehicles, the beach, running, being a lame homebody with her family
Dislikes: Lack of loyalty in friends, war, tofu, splenda, gods who think they're infallible
Guilty Pleasure: Cupcakes and sugar in general
Mannerisms: Closed off and standoffish, can come across as a bit of a bitch at times. A little bit tsundere. Fiercely protective of her family, friends, children, and animals.
Vices: Pride, Wrath
Virtues: Temperance, Charity

Abilities: Supernatural strength and athleticism, Chaos magic, guiding/controlling wayward souls, traversing realms and timelines, life & death touch (ability to grant either)
Origin: In Claire's words; "When you become the unwitting pawn of a demi-deity creature, weird shit happens. It gets even stranger when the Goddess of Death takes a shine to you and makes you her protector. Even weirder? Watch that Goddess die, take her place and sleep for five hundred years, then wake up at the end of days to fight God himself. Kicked his ass, by the way. Bigger they are, the harder they fall after all."
Weaknesses: Grossly enough, her weakness list is quite short, almost unfairly so. She has a poor handle on her emotions and they can easily be twisted against her. Her temper is ferocious and reckless, and well, she can be quite reckless in general. Very much an "act before thinking" sort, this has got her in trouble a number of times.


Favorite Colors: Blue, Pink, Black
Favorite Animals: All animals. ALL OF THEM.
Favorite Flavors: Vanilla, cake batter, mocha, lemon
Favorite Foods: Cupcakes and other baked goodies, Behemoth steak, beer, red meat in general
Favorite Drinks: Whiskey, Scotch, Beer, Dr. Pepper
Favorite Music: Rock/Alt


Claire is my most time-invested character I have currently. I know I've likely forgotten all kinds of fun bits in this, but hopefully this provides at least some glimpse into her history and life.
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Anthony De Luca
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Anthony De Luca »

Name: Anthony Stefano De Luca
Nicknames: Most people know him simply as "Tony". (He is sometimes called “Ballerino” by his sisters, chiefly Mataya, and “Antoshka” by Irina.)

Birth Date: May 31, 1982
Species: Human

Hair: Dark Brown
Facial Hair: None
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6' 2”
Weight/Build: 180 Lbs. / Athletic - He is in peak physical condition and works hard to stay that way.
Face Claim: Roberto Bolle
Scars/Tattoos: None

Gender: Cis-male
Orientation: Hetero/monogamous
Relationship Status: Married to Anastasia “Anya” nee Komarova, 1/31/14

Immediate Family:
Stefano (father – presumed deceased), Rosita (mother), Mataya, Theresa, and Elena (sisters)
Children: Sofia Marya, born 2/18/15; Aleksander "Sasha" Antonio, born 6/24/19; Cassandra Anastasia, born 4/29/21
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, NY
Current Residence: A house not far from the Shanachie Theater.

Favorite Drink: Espresso, cappuccino, red wine, or a cup of strong, black coffee.
Favorite Foods: Mainly Italian fare. His favorite dish is lasagna and his favorite dessert is tiramisu.
Favorite Music: He likes most music, but prefers classical. He’s not a fan of heavy metal.
Favorite Color: Blue

Occupation: Ballet Instructor at De Luca Dance Studio. (Former Ballet Dancer / Director / Choreographer)
Hobbies/Interests: He doesn’t have a lot of time for hobbies, but he enjoys cooking, music, dancing, theater, movies, and spending time with his family.
Strengths: Loyal to a fault, nothing is more important to him than family. Though he has only been tested once, he is willing to put himself in danger to protect those he loves. He is friendly, outgoing, and approachable and has an open-door policy where his students are concerned.
Weaknesses: Has a tendency to work himself into exhaustion. He also has a weakness for sweets.
Eccentricities: Though it is not his first language, he sometimes lapses into Italian, especially when he is feeling emotional.

Skills: Dance of all kinds. He is multilingual, fluent in English, Italian, Russian, and French. He is also an exceptional cook.
Special Abilities: He’s an ordinary human with no extraordinary or superhuman abilities other than those listed above.

IC Background: Of Italian-American descent and the eldest of the four De Luca siblings, Tony grew up in Brooklyn. His father left the family when Tony was still a boy and was never heard from again, leaving Tony's mother to raise her children on her own. Tony grew up quickly after that, stepping up to take his place as “man of the family” while still a boy. Hoping to keep her son out of trouble, mother Rosita enrolled Tony in ballet school at the age of seven, and though Tony endured some bullying because of it, he became even more determined than ever to succeed as a dancer. He eventually went on to join the NYC Ballet at the age of twenty-one and became a principal dancer by the age of twenty-five. While his sisters enjoyed their share of fame as the stars of a TV show, Tony focused on the ballet, but also did a little acting and modeling on the side.

A few years after becoming a principal dancer, he met and fell in love with Anya Komarova, a young Russian dancer who had been invited to dance with the NYCB. The couple was paired and became known for their chemistry, both on stage and off, especially well known for their performance in the title roles of Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet. While the pair fell quickly and madly in love, they eventually broke things off so that Anya could tour with the Bolshoi, while Tony stayed behind with the NYCB. They eventually fell out of touch, too worried about upsetting the other's career. Tony enjoyed a few romantic flings after that, but nothing serious or lasting. Years passed and while both dancers achieved their dreams within the ballet world, neither ever found anyone to replace the other on stage or in their hearts.

The couple was unexpectedly reunited in 2013 when both were invited to dance in the American Ballet Theater’s annual gala, thereby rekindling their romance, and they’ve been together ever since. Shortly after that, Anya’s life was put in danger because of her connection to Tony, when his sister Elena got involved with the mob. It was then that Tony decided to accept his sister Mataya’s invitation to come to Rhy’Din and start a ballet company with the Shanachie Theater, bringing Anya with him. Tony was founder and artistic director of the Shanachie Ballet Company, until the theater closed at the end of 2021. Since then, he has been teaching ballet at De Luca Dance Studio.

He and Anya enjoyed a winter wonderland wedding on New Year’s Eve 2014 in Rhy'Din. Daughter Sofia was born a year later. Having trouble conceiving a second child, the couple adopted a baby boy they named Sasha in 2019. In 2021, they welcomed daughter Cassandra into the family, an unexpected joy and blessing.

OOC Background: Tony was created out of a desire to bring a ballet company to the Shanachie. We thought, what if Mataya had an older brother who was a ballet dancer, and Tony was created from that idea. We then created a love interest for him in the form of Anya, and the rest, as they say, is history. He is not my oldest or most well-known character, and he’s not likely to frequent the chat rooms, but he is known to those who are involved in the theater and to those who are family or friends. He is mostly a board character, but if anyone wishes to mention him in RP, feel free; and if anyone wishes to write a scene with him, just let me know.
Last edited by Anthony De Luca on Mon Jan 10, 2022 6:12 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Kira Adia »

Kira Adia
Species: Human, Fae ancestry
Gender: Cis Feminine, She/Her
Apparent age: mid-20’s
Hair: Vivid red
Eyes: Violet

Homeworld: Thendozal, now permanently cut off from The Nexus

Regular equipment: 6” silver dagger at the back of the belt, steel camp knife on thigh, long sword at left hip, gauntlets that project small shields for a short time at will, cloak that makes her harder to notice especially in shadows, a broken pocket watch.

Skills: Archery, Hunting, Wilderness Survival, Singing. Has a natural knack for researching broad subjects. Raised in noble society, and educated in the traditions of that particular nobility, along with general rules of noble etiquette. Some basic skill in sword and shield combat. Knowledge of how to navigate Nexus warps, once she has learned which warps are which. Can cook, not with any particular skill, but can make coffee and tea like a pro. Has begun basic magical training on her own, and is currently focused on rune crafting, teleportation, and illusion based magic.
A desire to learn some magic, drawing and sketching, dance, flirting, and horseback riding.

Bio: Firstborn daughter to House Adia, Kira never expected to be of any prominence. He family was a Middle House, part of the lower nobility, and thus not expected to take part in the cultures and traditions of the Great Houses, much less the Court.

It wasn't always this way. Adia was once one of the Great Houses, being Touched by the Fae and carrying an unbroken Great Bloodline. Kira's mother, the head of the house, thought they deserved to regain that role. She arranged for her eldest child, Kira, to be married into one of the Great Houses, itself about to gain entry into the Court. Things did not go as planned, and Kira's House was declared a traitor house and marked to be purged.

Only through the efforts of a mysterious bodyguard of the King, a man named James, did she manage to escape the fate of her family. After several years, she has found her way to Rhy'Din, hopeful to find a new home and refuge amongst its travelers and patrons.

Author’s notes: James represented me at a much earlier time in my life; I had questions. Kira reflects who I’ve become I’m since then; I’ve found answers.

Kira came about from a desire to start fresh in a new incarnation of the Red Dragon Inn. James was my original OC I used in the AOL days and was a reflection of who I was at the time. I still love the character of James and had a running narrative going in my head 20 years later.

When I found rhydin.org and joined the Discord, I considered it and found that, not only had I changed significantly over the past two decades, so had James. On top of that, it had been quite a while since I’d done any free form role playing of any type. I couldn’t justify to myself the contradiction of playing an old veteran while also relearning what I once could do.

And so, Kira was born. Her story begins at the tail end of his. And while I haven’t necessarily killed him off (rule one in fiction: if you don’t have a body, they probably aren’t dead) I have closed the book on his narrative. Kira is a new person, trained in the basics by her friend and companion and left to her own devices, to grow into her own at her own pace.

As of now, Kira has begun to happily accept her new home in Rhy'Din, while acknowledging that she had a long road to building a firm foundation here. She has dedicated her attention in her spare time to uncovering the secrets left behind by her old friend and mentor, building herself a life in her adopted homeland, and fostering a few close friendships with those who have been indispensable in helping her get established.

As for James, while his adventures continue in my mind, he is forever cut off from the realm he once considered his second home. I may revisit him one day in another format, but for now, I am happy that he has found a measure of peace and a fulfilling end to his story.
Last edited by Kira Adia on Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who Am I

Post by Pharlen »

Where did Pharlen come from?

She's old, we know that. And she's been around. She knows everyone, or did, or will. But let's be logical about this.
Name: Pharlen Amiel VonTombs, Nee Jones
Nicknames/alias: Jackie/Desdenova/Alice's Mom. Mrs. VT. Gubner (Now ex). Phar, Pharl.

Physical Appearance:
Five two and curvy as sin, Pharlen is an albino with white hair and pinkish-blue eyes. Her hair is kept long and straight, though it does have a wave to it. Her skin is flawless, which is a lie, she should be covered in scars, but her husband removes them. She has a dimple which moves side to side. Her eyelashes are white, thus, she almost always has mascara on, whether black, blue, or brown.

Notoriously short sighted, Pharlen wears glasses, and had been in the past classified as legally blind. A pair of new eyes later, and she's still short sighted, but can drive and get around as any sighted person while wearing her glasses.

When working, Pharlen can be found wearing usually a pair of green Lee greens, desert boots, a t-shirt or thermal, and an overcoat, along with a hat of some sort. She will be carrying an aluminum locking clipboard, and in general, will keep that out of anyone but her own reach.

OR, she will be wearing amazingly accurate period costumes. In general, she will go back in time to purchase (or abscond with) clothing she likes, but when not working, she will usually be wearing either modern "goddessy" clothing, or '50s housewife dresses.

Pharlen loves her coffee. She doesn't care how bad it is, but of course prefers good over bad. She drinks a little, usually random shots of brandy or whiskey, sometimes port, or a glass of champagne.

She prefers blues and greens, folk and gothic, tubes to diodes, but she hacks a pretty mean computer when need be.
She loves her mad science and wacky schemes.
Pharlen's a sucker for pets and babies, but will not take those home.
She loves to knit and crochet, to can and preserve fruits and vegetables, as well as to hunt small game. Which she will also preserve.

Back in the Pre Cambriac age, Pharlen was born number seven, the first and only girl, to her parents. Her parents are the flighty socialite sort, and tended to stop by their lovely futuristic home to drop off the newest kid on the older kids.

Thus by the time Pharlen was sixteen, she could totally rule at games similar to GTA, but she had no idea how to use silverware. Literally, she was an irritable, moody, gothy, sexually ambiguous teenaged barbarian.

How is this so? Simply put, Pharlen and her family are not human. Rather, they are Mariners, a race of artificially evolved humanoids who existed outside of time. This turned out to be a really bad idea, and most of the race destroyed itself with trying to make more of the world than it was prepared to be.

Small pockets of the Mariners remained, also referred to as 'Practical Jokers'. These few remaining were in general employed by the Powers That Be, the entire spiritual and scientific core of the planet Earth, to assist in various ways. Usually in managing time, as that was what they had been created to be, beings of the time stream.

So. Pharlen's parents dumped her into a program for the blind, and soon after, she was given a seeing eye dog – Corinne. Corinne, a golden retriever with Cu Sidhe in her bloodlines as surely as coyote, prompted Pharlen to apply to the Firetaker Division.
And that's where she's been ever since.

The Firetaker Division is a branch of the Powers that makes sure that the current dominant race is not given gifts beyond their understanding.

Because of the nature of time, and the fact that Pharlen opted to live closer to the crest of time's Passing, she often will recruit friends to assist her on missions to restore order to the time line. Sometimes, she sends her older children, as they likely will be working with her in their own time.

But, back in the day, one couldn't even get Pharlen to commit to one sex or the other. She was usually rude, surly and not all that bright. Thankfully, Corinne was there to try and start civilizing her.

Originally falling in with what had been known as the 'Goof Troop', or 'Clan Heart', Pharlen began to grow. From there, she's been diplomat for En Kharakas, for DETH, and even Takhisis. She is ferociously neutral although she does keep to a moral code and compass. She'll insist she's not chaotic, however, she is definitely an agent of.

Pharlen is the WORST at fighting hand to hand, with a sword, or with anything except for firearms. She has actually fallen on her own sword. However, you put a Thompson Automatic into her hands, and she deals out death with a smile on her face.

And then came Jack C. VonTombs. He was hired to assassinate her. But that didn't work out. They married and have been married ever since.

Pharlen and Jack tend to live in his family home in Hollywood, Ca, in the VonTombs Eternal Rest Cemetery. Jackie was born in RhyDin. Desdenova was born in Hollywood, and Alice was born in Amboy.

Pharlen had been a fairly easy going parent until Desdenova was born. Almost upon his birth, he began to die. They realized quickly that he was unable to tolerate living in moving time, and shifted him outside of time to try and work out what was happening.

It took several years, and a split timeline, to finally stabilize Desdenova to a place where he was able to live and prosper in real time, but by then, Pharlen was hideously paranoid of he and her younger daughter, Alice, who has some of the same problems as Desdenova, but not nearly as dire.

Slowly, Pharlen is easing up and can now simply yell things like 'if there's no blood, I don't care' when her darling progeny get up to mischief.

Jack and Pharlen remain a strongly bonded couple, and have no trouble passing the kids money to get rid of them for the afternoon so they can do the taxes and things like that. Boring parent stuff.

As a person, Pharlen tends to be warm, a little distant and then, without warning, UberMom. She's exceptionally tolerant, and will put up with a lot of crap before she starts to reveal that she is indeed a powerful celestial creature yanked right out of the primordial.

When she loves you, just accept it, she's going to treat you as one of the kids/cousins/nieces/nephews/sisters/brothers/whatever. If she doesn't like you all that much, well, she'll still come to the assistance of anyone asking.

She hands out business cards to people she takes interest in, that card can be used to summon her by holding it and repeating her name thrice. Or, just email, text, or message.

As always, Pharlen sings to the spirits. Her lyrics and playing attract the attentions of the local ghosts and spirits, who enjoy the energies she stirs in her magical performances. When she has gathered them, she sometimes asks boons of them, or will sort out ghosts which should be sent on, or returned to their body. She plays an ancient birch topped acoustic guitar with an amazing degree of skill.

Though in the past, Pharlen did keep several pets, most have passed on. Daisy, the nightmare, of course remains, though Daisy tends to look after Desdenova these days. So much to her surprise and glee, her husband brought her a podenka puppy, all white with blue eyes, to be her new companion and hunting doggie. She named the pup 'Beseme Mucha'.
Fantastically Ordinary
Drop by for a cuppa odd.
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