Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

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Anya de la Rose
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Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Anya de la Rose »

Join us on October 30th at 8 PM ET to kick off the Halloween weekend at the Red Dragon Inn.

The Red Dragon Inn has been taken over for a Halloween party. The lights have been turned down low, replaced by jack o lanterns and candles flickering on every flat surface. The tables are set with centerpieces of branches, blood red roses, gourds and bottles of mysterious spirits. Ravens call from the rafters and branches, provided by several generous mages gifted in illusions.

Two half barrels are set at either end of the bar, well stocked with water and apples for bobbing. A dance floor has been cleared to the right of the door, taking up a full third of the Inn. A spectral band, seen but not heard, plays in the guests with waltzes that echo unexpectedly through the crowded room, giving the incongruent impression of a much larger space.

The buffet table has been set with dinner. Pitchers of signature drinks are already mixed behind the bar. Candy bowls are set around the room, kept replenished by unseen hands.

Judging of the costume contest will begin promptly at 10 PM.

((Please feel free to post your costumes in this thread or the green room. Entries must be submitted by 9:30 PM so I can pull together and post a poll.))


Apple Cider Marinated Short Ribs

Vegetarian Pumpkin Chili

Salad of Candied Walnuts, Pomegranate Seed and Goat Cheese

Baked Apples

Hot Mulled Cider and Pomegranate Rum Punch
Last edited by Anya on Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Static Rest »

At some point around the start of the event, a large wooden box (labeled FRAGILE and THIS END UP) fell down the chimney and landed upside down in the hearth rather hard. With the force (or perhaps Olaf throwing his weight around within his costume), the boxed trunk managed to bounce, rock on one end, and land upright in the corner to either silently brood over the evening's initial proceedings, or recover from his abrupt and probably painful arrival.

(No leg lamps were harmed in the making of this costume.)
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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Regina Wellston »

The musician had convinced The Cowboy to wear the costume not one, but two nights in a row! She was thrilled with the idea of seeing him dressed up as the dashing Rhett Butler so she would do her best to be the perfect Scarlett O'Hara she could be. The couple showed up on horseback to the Red Dragon and slowly made their way inside. Reggie's arm linked in his, she smiled widely at the compliments and gave several of her own to others. The night was spent in good company and good spirits. Some you drink and some you could speak to!

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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by ValuciaSabet »

Just before the start of the event, someone somewhat familiar heads in by way of the back entrance. A red top with sleeves compliment grey britches. Brown, black and gold boots are on her feet. She's straightened any curl from long dark brown hair that looks black in that lighting. For the festive night, she's streaked silver down her front locks of dark hair and put colorful feathers and ribbons in her hair as well. About her shoulders was a cloak that reached her knees -- brightly colored patchwork to brighten the darkest of corners! With her, she carried an instrument akin to a lute with a red dragon painted on the body of it. This night, she was a Gleeman from the Westlands to play music and tell a tale or two!

Valucia Invaeress Sabet
Aes Sedai Blue Ajah
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Josette Wheeler
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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Josette Wheeler »


Josette popped in dressed as Corey Mason from one of her favorite movies, Empire Records. Wide eyed at all the wonderful costumes coming through the door, she made sure to pluck up one of the delicious baked apples and take a seat so she could have an excellent view of the door and those that entered all dressed up for the occasion.

However, the restless dancer did not stay seated for long! After numerous trips to the magically replenishing candy bowl and some fun with bobbing for apples, she investigated to see if the spectral band or jukebox could play “Sugar High” by Coyote Shivers (the movie version!). Either way, she was up and dancing with any fellow revelers that were game to join her. Damn the Man! Save the Empire!
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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Canaan »

Accompanying the vivacious ballerina that night was Cane, who played into her chosen theme by dressing up as Lucas complete with Joe's stolen drumsticks and the cheetah patterned couch cushion. Empire Records was one his favorites, too, so Rhydin's Best Cajun was more than happy to step into the role. He'd even glamoured his hair black for the evening. Fortunately for everyone, he still sported his usual ponytailed undercut. Where Josette displayed something of a hummingbird's appetite compared to Cane, he made sure to fill his plate with some of everything and even went back for seconds. In the case of those short ribs it was thirds!

It wasn't until after he'd filled his belly with good food, knocked back a few drinks, and smoked a suspiciously spiced blunt--hand rolled with rose paper--that he joined her in bobbing for apples. There was a little high stakes side bet between the two, and Cane's loss result in his having to pluck up the courage to perform before the masses. As the Jukebox blasted "Sugar High", Cane played along with a found guitar and the two really leaned into their borrowed skins by singing along at the tops of their lungs. Damn the Man! Save the Empire!
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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Isaac Wheeler »


Isaac would never know how they talked him into it, but he arrived to the costume party in tow with two fellow troublemakers as Joe from Empire Records.

Even the usually sullen scion could not help but crack a rare and genuine smile at seeing Josie and Cane laughing together, completely drenched as they bobbed for apples. Seeing the man he loved and his sister lose themselves without a care in the world while singing, “Sugar High” had him letting out a high pitched whistle of approval between two fingers for their performance.

Depending on how much bourbon and Cane’s special blend of smoke he consumed before the night was over, he possibly even get up on that stage himself to give AC/DC’s “If You want Blood (You’ve Got it)" a whirl.

The song was all too fitting for the pair. Because there would be blood before the night was over since he’d be taking those drumsticks back by force if necessary. In fact, he was quite looking forward to the challenge if that knife sharp grin was any indication before he dragged the Cajun out the alley door.
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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Jaycy Ashleana »

Definitely at the party (and mayhap with a few tricks up her metaphorical sleeves), Jaycy went dressed perhaps slightly familiar...

Oh, she cut out holes for her arms and legs and head (and had clothes on underneath) but it seemed she'd taken inspiration from Olaf von Trunk!

Through the night she opened the trunk's lid and dispensed both tricks and treats (live bats anyone?!) to all of the partygoers.
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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Rhys Germain »

Give me Disney, but make it Grease.

What had begun as a joke born of too much whiskey, weed, and weekend movie marathons had become a plan, and now that plan had begun to spawn memories Rhys hoped he would keep for a lifetime. The way Dris had brightened after Rhys suggested they “rewrite” the ending of The Fox and the Hound for Halloween, so that Tod and Copper remained friends and loved each other always, and the way Dris’ smile had practically lit up the room the first time Rhys had tried on his fox ears—those memories were definitely going somewhere close to Rhys’ heart for safekeeping.

It hadn’t taken them long to decide to put their own spin on the cartoon characters, toughening them up a little with a bombastic, Fifties-inspired greaser style. Beneath his furry fox ears, Rhys wore his curly hair combed forward into a sleek, black pompadour. And since his boyfriend had co-opted his favorite leather jacket for his own costume, Rhys donned a grey-washed denim jacket over dark winter layers. A fluffy fox tail, pinned to his belt beneath the hem of his jacket, and a bit of face paint rounded out the physical components of his outfit. But in Rhydin, no costume was truly complete without a touch of magic. With help from a little glamour, Rhys transformed his and Dris’ ears and tails into lively, life-like appendages that twitched and moved like extensions of their body. He gave them whiskers, too, and sweet, black noses worthy of any canine face.

Over the course of the evening, when he wasn’t throwing down on Anya’s vegetarian pumpkin chili, Rhys mingled alongside his better-half, making conversation and drawing friends out onto the dance floor. During the musical numbers, he was front-and-center, encouraging others to join in the fun of “Thriller” and “The Monster Mash.”

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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by BardGallant »

Rhydin’s finest former Governor was in attendance as Copper to his boyfriend’s Tod, complimenting him in the same 50s greaser crossover style. Never mind how the movie made him sob uncontrollably during some parts when they’d watched it. The idea was too cute for Dris to pass up! Especially when Rhys added in the twist of rewriting the ending of the film to better suit his romantic heart. With the help of the right accessories, face paint and a touch of expert glamour, Dris’ fake tail was wagging perpetually all night long to accentuate his eternally besotted joy.

Throughout the evening, between sets of guest performances and during breaks by the spectral band, Dris snuck in some piano playing. The bard worked in covers of classic Horror Movie Themes to help improve the ambiance. When not at the piano, he mingled with the crowd alongside his beloved Rhys. Anyone who was willing, and in need of a partner, was pulled onto the dance floor. They saved dances for each other, of course, but made sure to engage their friends, both old and new, throughout the evening.

When the karaoke machine was freed up and a large enough crowd had gathered, Dris took the stage for two performances geared at engaging all those assembled. For the first, he took on the role of a puppy-dressed Bobby Pickett and sang ”The Monster Mash,” encouraging the audience to get up and dance along with him, using their best Mummy and Creature movements. For the second, he encouraged everyone to bust out their best Zombie moves and join him in dancing while he sang Michael Jackson’s classic ”Thriller.”

Suffice it to say, Dris and Rhys partied the night away from start until finish, and were likely, as usual, the last to leave.

( *This look is inspired by Andrew Keenan-Bolger and Scott Bixby’s (2014) The Fox & The Hound couples’ costume pairing. )
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Anya de la Rose
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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Anya de la Rose »

Since she was hosting, Anya kept her costume simple and classic. She had been in the Inn since early afternoon putting finishing touches on the decorations and buffet. Her hair had worked itself out of any styling thanks to the heat of the kitchen and she smelled a lot more like cooking than the perfume she'd hastily applied that morning. But the party was ready and so was she in her makeshift witch costume, compete with stereotypical hat that made her laugh every time she wore it.

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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Conner Reid »

Conner will be dressed as one of his favored literary icons, Jack Kerouac.

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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by PrlUnicorn »

Colleen chose to honor one of her fellow Irish women, Grace O'Malley.


((Source for the picture: https://takebackhalloween.org/grace-omalley/))
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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Mist Gul »


Every now and then, the entire elf and onesie would slowly fade away, except for the big curling grin on the hood. Just long enough to make one doubt their senses and wonder about what they were drinking!
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Re: Halloween at the Red Dragon Inn ~ Start of the Holiday Weekend

Post by Amaris »

Amaris, mad scientist ... aka per mist a Pharlen wannabe ^_^ Image
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