Communication from a World Away

"You are the only thing that makes any sense to me! When the days are dark, and my heart's so numb, you're the lighthouse at the edge of the sea. You are the only thing that makes any sense to me" - Only Thing by Saint Nomad

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Sylista Ravenwood
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Communication from a World Away

Post by Sylista Ravenwood »

Sylista had just finished reading Mari the letter left to her and Avitoria by their grandfather as she did every night before putting Mari down for the night when a member of Lord Salvatore's staff gently knocked on the door. "Excuse me, Lady Convor, I apologize for the interruption."

"In the hall please, I do not want to wake Mari." The former queen stood, giving her sleeping daughter a soft look before stepping out into the hall where the man was waiting. "How can I help you?"

"There was a letter, Miss. It was delivered through the portal moments ago," the nervous man looked nervous to be speaking to her. "I was told it is urgent and that it does not contain positive news."

The vampiress Runelord frowned and stuck out her hand for the letter which was promptly placed in her palm. The man bowed to her and scurried off down the hall and away from the moody woman.

Once she watched the man disappear down the hall with a smirk, she stepped back into the room and found a seat at the desk in the far corner near the bed that was rarely used. Frowning at the golden wax and the simple C that was pressed into it, her delicate fingers broke the seal and opened the letter, leaning back to read.
My dear sister,

It has been a time since you and I have exchanged words and I would like to reach out to ensure you are well. I worry about you, Sylista. I always have.

I hate to bring up previous conversations, however, you were correct. I needed to forgive myself for your childhood (and likely still have work to do). Please accept my sincerest apologies for my ignorance and unacceptable behaviour. You deserve the happiest memories, the happiest life, and freedom from all things that haunt you.

While my apology was a priority, it is not the purpose of this letter. I must inform you that, despite my best attempts to steer Luna from her god, it has come to my attention that she has orders to destroy Haru on site. His decision to change Alik into a creature much like himself has created a situation that I feared would happen when I found out about Haru and his nature.

I have attempted to convince her to return to Mystaria with me and spend some time there, where her god cannot reach her, so we can try and find a solution. I do not think she is entirely amenable to the idea or even with my involvement. I love her, Sylista. More than I have loved anything in my entire life! Despite the intensity of my feelings, I am not afraid to end her life if it means protecting my family. Haru is my nephew by your adoption, I cannot allow harm to come to him (though, I will admit his partner leaves much to be desired). I truly believe that I can save them both if I return with her to the place of our birth.

I heard Cael has recently died and you were in some manner of communication with him. The Flameweaver in your blood is thicker than I ever expected. I had hoped that you would be free of such a burden or life.

Forever loyal to the House Val Orden and Your Royal Highness,
"Interesting development..." the murmured words held a hint of humor behind them. In a movement that demonstrated her unnatural speed a pen and paper was pulled from a drawer and Sylista started to pen her response. She would write through the night, walking away to attend to various duties as summoned.
Last edited by Sylista Ravenwood on Sun May 02, 2021 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Sylista Ravenwood »


Our parting was not one that I wish to repeat. It pains me to think that we have deteriorated so far from the terrified girl and the doting kennel boy who assisted me in just surviving. I am eternally grateful for the life you gave me, even though it was rife with challenges. While our relationship faced decay, we as people have grown.

Your apology is timely and accepted. It came at a time I needed to know I have allies in unlikely places and your declaration is proof enough for me to accept both the apology and your loyalty to my family, no matter my distance from it.

In truth, I am quite surprised. I lit the wings of your love on fire which must have been devastating to witness. I hold no regret for my actions as it taught me much in regards to friendships. Luna and I were thick as thieves at the end of it, though I see this needs to change again. To hear that the paladin has turned her attention to Haru is concerning for me even though I have full confidence that the boy is fully capable of defending himself against her. He and Alik will support each other through it all, as they should with their commitment. I wished them health and happiness when they chose the dangerous path they started down. I will not stand between them and their decisions. That includes what he has done to raise the god's ire.

I have included a scroll that should provide you a way home if you wish to go without Luna. I truly believe that there is nothing there for us, not after all this time, but that choice is yours and yours alone. The world we knew as children, as horrifying as it was under the hands of our father, is long gone. The people we knew and loved are crossing the veil, leaving that world behind. As cohesive as it should be given Fallion’s actions, it is fractured and broken. Let Paxton and the future Val Orden generations thrive and rebuild without us. We will only hold them back.

Do remember, Gideon, that you are a Val Orden in your blood and always will be. You are an offshoot of the Earth King’s tree and you must embrace your place! Do not lower yourself below that ever again. Stand tall, Earth Warden, be everything the world needs, no matter which side of the Nexus you are on.

Your sister, not in half but in whole,
The letter was satisfactory, and the conduit of chaos placed her seal on the folded paper, pressing the stamp that left a far more intricate design than that used by her brother.

A messenger was summoned to her room and Sylista placed herself outside into the hallway to wait for them. This time, a young woman arrived and was out of breath, panting slightly as she greeted Sylista. "Lady Convor! I came as quick as I could."

"Your dedication to your job is admirable, girl." The letter was held out for her to take, a smile on Sylista's face. "Please ensure this is delivered to my Head of Staff in Rhy'din City. She will likely be expecting this."

"Of course," the girl nodded and took the paper, turning quickly and dashing down the elaborate hallway of this area of Lord Salvatore's Estate.

Another smirk kicked up Sylista's face before she stepped back into her room to sit in the rocking chair next to Mari's bassinet to watch her daughter sleep with adoration.
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Beatrice Thompson »

Betty received the thick document with the “G” penned to the front of the page and huffed, waving away the messenger girl, sending her back to the Estate. She was clearly unimpressed with the speed to which the response was sent back and the thickness of the letter. Either way, it was her duty to deliver the letter to Gideon Convor and she would do just that. Instead of just bringing it, though, the woman sat down with paper and a pen, writing out her own message to the Mystarian who did not belong in Rhy’din. In her mind, anyway.

This letter is to advise you that, should a single hair on Haru’s head be damaged by your girlfriend’s divine power, I will make it my personal mission to ensure you are dealt with in a painful way. That boy has been through enough and doesn’t need to be hunted by a paladin who can go from saving to destroying a child with the flip of a god’s coin.

Your sister has also faced enough pain to last a lifetime, don’t allow Luna to cause her anymore. Sylista needs a period of peace before her “chaos”, as you put it, craves more trouble. She claims that she has placed her thrill-seeking days behind her, however, that girl attracts unfortunate situations like a magnet is attracted to metal.

Fix this if you can.

The letter would be placed in a standard envelope without the wax sealing it shut. She used a glue-dabber to ensure the envelope would remain closed rather than licking it, the woman was aware of how Rhy’din operated. Just breathing was a risk around the wrong people.

She used a touch of magic as she walked near the guard to the portal in her kitchen, cackling at his wince, and then stepped out onto the patio of the garden behind the house. A shrill whistle was released and a child poked his head out from behind a tree. “Ma’am?”

“Take these letters to Gideon. He should be at the Lady’s old house in the wilds - the one with the food garden - and don’t wait for a response. Come back quickly and have some dinner.”

“Oh! Dinner? What’s on tonight?” The boy rushed upward to where the motherly figure waited.

“We are making homemade pizza. Now get gone, little one. Quick like a bunny!” Betty smiled at the kid, the newest mouse joining her staff, ruffled his sandy-blond hair. The boy took off out the garden gate and Betty just chuckled before heading back into the house.

There were preparations to make.
Gideon Convor
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Gideon Convor »

Dearest Sylista, the Runelord of Rhy’din,

Did my eyes betray me or did you truly sign your letter with the initials of the Queen Mother of Mystaria? Were you trying to prove a point or have you embraced that part of your identity?

I thank you for the way home and I am in the process of settling personal affairs so I can depart this world and return to Mystaria. While I know this world is one that holds so much promise and you are right regarding what is left for me, I simply cannot remain in Rhy’din City (or even within this world) knowing what I do about the woman I love.

When I return I may inquire into who holds the deed to the Rathskeller Inn and purchase it for myself. It would be nice to close out my days living a simple life with the occasional war. It will keep me sharp and comfortable and feel a sense of connection with you.

I am honored to receive your forgiveness and your acceptance into the family as the standing Matriarch of the Val Ordens. I must respectfully decline and advise that I will remain a Convor forever. My mother gave me a good life and deserves to be honored for it.

It gave me a sense of joy to know you and I shared a family name, if only for a short time and as a hidden identity. It was a testament to the assistance I provided to give you the glorious life you live now.

I know in my heart that you will do as you will see fit, and you will continue down the path you are on. Nevertheless, I still wish you love and happiness in your future. I see now that Mathian Shadowsoul is the best match for you and someone who glows under the sunlight such as Cael was never good for someone whose brightness came from the dark. Your darkness is what makes you who you are and that will forever be a phoenix rising from the ashes of the childhood home that burned to the ground.

Give my love to my infant niece. Remind her often that she is loved by those who will never see her. I imagine Mr. Federov would wish the same, so I do hope it is appropriate to speak on his behalf.

Forever loyal to the House Val Orden and Her Royal Highness,
Gideon sighed as he pressed the stamp into the gold wax he used to seal the letter for his sister. There were so many emotions in those words and, yet, the man felt peace. He achieved what he came to Rhy’din to complete.

A second page was pulled from the hutch he sat at and he stared at the blank page for a time before the ballpoint pen was pressed to paper:

Should any harm come to my nephew-by-adoption while I stand on this soil, I will willingly stand there and let you end my life. I am as invested in his survival as you are.

That said, it is my intention to leave Rhy'din and return to Mystaria to spend time with Paxton and her boys before they, too, cross the veil. I have spent too many weeks in this world and have missed mourning the lives of those I loved.

Take care of Sylista. I know she is frustrating when her mind is busy and how much of a challenge she can be when she is intentionally difficult. I also know that your strength and fierce protective nature will be key in guiding her to make choices that will benefit her and her new family. Mari and Haru deserve a good life.

There is chaos coming, Betty, and it will not be stopped easily. The Flameweaver and Sky Lord in Sylista's blood craves destruction and will try to consume her. It is the way of those two elements and they are so rarely combined that my sister is unique. Flameweavers often forfeit their souls for the power Fire offers them and I can see her doing so unwittingly.

Looking for the dead will be her downfall. The Fire will lure her with promises of seeing those she misses. Try to keep her here and present? Mari deserves to have a mother who can care for her.

I thank you for your service to House Val Orden.

Gideon Convor
With both letters written, Gideon left started his travels to town to leave his letters with Guido for Betty to pick up. The walk was long so he would have time to think of how to speak to Luna.
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Felicity Lakeman »

Lici was getting ready to leave Rhy'din. Things with Mark were too much and the virus sweeping Earth was overwhelming her thoughts. She decided to head into the Red Dragon Inn to have one last drink before departing maybe forever.

While she sat there, she flipped through four envelopes, frowning. She wasn't sure how to get the letters to the two people who were important to get letters to. Turning to the bartender, she squeaked: "you wouldn't know how to get a message to Mathian or Haru would you?"

They chuckled and shook their head, using their head to point to Guido. "No, kid, but that one does. Our resident bouncer has begrudgingly become a mailbox."

Lici looked toward the man who was just always there, excitedly looking at him. "You could pass my letters on?"

Guido just nodded to the girl and continued to stand there.

"You remind me of the British royal guards," the statement was made as Lici jumped off her bar stool before walking up and holding out two of the four envelopes. "Thanks, dude!"

The man just grunted and took the letters, pocketing them. Lici smiled sweetly at him and then skipped back to her drink happily. One less thing to worry about!

"Now I just have to make sure Mark and Kairi get these!"


Once home, Lici left two letters on the kitchen table, one with Kairi and the other Mark on the front of the envelope. She slung her backpack onto one shoulder and walked out the front door, turning back only once with a sad look on her face.

It was time to head home.

Dad's sick. I have to go help Earth with science stuff. Thanks for being a great best friend while I was here and I'll be sure to track you down if I come back.

I'll miss being real with you.

~ L

Out of all the letters I'm writing, yours is the hardest. I need to go back to Earth. Being the "smartest supercomputer" you are, you probably heard of the shitstorm happening back home. I need to go help. I'd be useful there.

I know things have been weird since you had your encounter with the Corpse Bride. I have my reasons for avoiding you, and I'm sorry. I just hurt so much knowing you hate people like me and hold me so high on that pedestal. What's worse? I think I'm in love with you.

If I come back, can we talk?

Unit No. 291182/34
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Unit No. 291182/34 »

Code: Select all

> I do not understand
> Stay 
> Please
> Do not leave
Mark couldn't understand. The letter lay gently in his hands as he stared down at it, blinking impassively. His face was emotionless, though, behind those glass eyes and that silicone face, he was experiencing something he could not comprehend.

Code: Select all

> I do not understand
> I do not understand
> Do not leave
> Please do not leave
He read and reread the words on the paper. He understood why she had to leave. She had a family. A family that she had to take care of. But the rest of it... Her words, all too brief, were sending shockwaves through him. What was this? Which "emotion" was this supposed to be? Anger? Grief? Why did he feel like this, why did his head hurt so badly?

He closed his eyes, hearing himself inside of his own head. Calling out to her, though he knew she wouldn't hear.

Code: Select all

> Miss Lakeman
> Lici
> Lici, please
> Can you hear me
He knew she couldn't. He was talking to himself. In his own head. A single, bright blue tear fell from his unmoving, expressionless face and down onto the table.

Code: Select all

> She cannot hear you
Silently, he got up from his chair, his hands shaking as they held that letter. another tear fell, staining the paper blue, and he slowly crumpled it into a ball in his hand, closing his eyes.

Code: Select all

> Nobody can hear you
> Nobody will listen
> Ever
> They are all the same
> All but her
> She cared
> And now she's gone

Code: Select all

> You are alone now
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Sylista Ravenwood »

My dearest Haru,

I apologize for expressing myself in a letter once again. Unfortunately, this is necessary as returning to Rhy'din at this time could well be perilous for Mari and me given the uncertain circumstances surrounding an acquaintance of Mathian’s. I believe you have met her, or so Mathian says.

You are also at risk just by being part of our family and I apologize for that. It seems it is part and parcel of my life, even though this time is not at all my doing. I will stay away from her if only to protect Mari from paying for whatever Mathian did to insult this vile creature.

Were you planning on changing your last name to Shadowsoul or keeping the one you have? I am comfortable either way, it just struck me that I have never asked!

Do be careful, Haru. Not only is that woman a threat, but you also have attracted the attention of a paladin who has instructions to destroy you. I refuse to coddle you in this as others seem to. Betty should have told you the truth when she informed you to avoid Luna and I am disappointed in her for not ensuring your safety.

Luna and my relationship is complicated and I cannot stand between her and her obligations based on your choices. I told you I could no longer protect you once you started following your path and it has never been so evident as it is now. Your choice has left you in a dangerous position and nothing I can do will save you if Luna chooses to follow through.

Deities seem like fickle creatures. I am happy I do not answer to one.

I love you, Haru. Please make responsible choices. I would be devastated should any irreparable harm come to you.

~ Mom
Sylista had just finished writing and sealing a letter when Mari started to fuss. She stood, leaving the letter on the desk, and moved to lift the infant from her bassinet that was close by. The nanny stepped into the room with the wet nurse and the Runelord smiled at them. "I have her for now. I suspect she will be hungry soon." Both women turned to leave and the alto voice followed them: “could you inform Mathian I would like to speak to him?"

The nanny nodded and she followed the other woman out of the room, shutting the door behind them.

Mathian was not long of a wait when he heard that Sylista wanted to speak with him. He was never too far away though the grounds were large, he was a vampire...most of them were. Getting from point A to point B was rapid. He did not wear his gloves very often at the estate...he also didn’t knock on doors that were his to move in and out of freely. Thus was the case with the nursery. He did carefully open the door though in case Mari was sleeping. He smiled when he saw the woman with their child, “You wanted to speak with me, my dear?”

She smiled at her future husband as she bounced Mari gently against her chest to soothe her. “Yes, my love. Could you go into Rhy’din City for me? I have a rather urgent letter that needs to be given to Haru. I worry that he will feel abandoned again.” She closed the distance between them and tilted her head backward for a kiss.

He wiggled a finger at Mari, that smile remaining on his face. It was a bit difficult to continue smiling while kissing but once their lips parted again it was back on his face, “I suppose I could. I did not see him the last time I made the trip. Anything else you would like done while I am there?”

The love the man had for his daughter caused her to smile more once their lips parted, her eyes sparkling with emotion. “There is a dress I would rather you do not see that needs to be attended to. I require the ladies to come to the house in Cadentia as soon as it is ready to ensure the first fitting is done. Could you ask them?”

Mari had quieted down so she was placed her back down to rest before her caretakers came in to tend to the girl’s needs. With Sylista’s hands no longer full, the letter was retrieved for Haru and held out for Mathian to take. “I will be happy once this trouble with Renna is over,” there was a bit of a pout in her voice. “I miss being around people who are less… well, vampiric.”

“Which ladies do you mean?” One of his dark eyebrows arched as he took the letter from her, glancing at the name on the envelope, giving a small frown, “...We could always host him here...Unless he is joined to Alik at the hip…nevermind…” He muttered, suddenly regretting his choice of words, “I do not believe Renna intends any manner of assault but it is better to be cautious until I can ascertain whether or not that is the case....” Mathian tucked the letter into his jacket’s breast pocket before taking her hand, “Oh? There are plenty of humans and werewolves about.” The vampire smirked but he understood, it was nice to take a break from the court and have access to further advanced technology.

“My tailors,” she said with a wink. “The ones making the dress I plan to wear when we finally get married.” There was a smirk on her face, though, when he mentioned Alik and Haru. She knew full well why he trailed off regarding that topic.

“Humans and werewolves who are very loyal to Lord Salvatore. The vampire court is everything I could ever want regarding intrigue and the game and, really, it is no wonder why you nearly matched me in playing when first met.” Another smirk his way, though this one was more mischievous. “I simply miss being around the excitement of the city, there is always something worth watching happening there.” Holding his hand, she led him to the door, opening it to signal to Mari’s nanny that they were finished in the room. “Have a drink for me while you are there?”

He scoffed a short laugh at her words, “Nearly?” He caught the smirk and rolled his eyes but found himself returning the mischievous look, “I shall be back later this evening to respond to that more appropriately.” Mathian chuckled and kissed her hand before heading off.
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Shadowsoul »

Mathian stepped through the portal that led to Betty’s kitchen. The room was under constant watch by an assigned guard. He pulled on his black leather gloves as he strode out of the room, murmuring to himself, “The things we do for love can certainly contradict our past natures…” He would never have been a messenger for anyone else. As he neared the door he called out, “I am in town for a few hours. Both Sylista and Mari are well.”

Betty was not far from the portal and could overhear Mathian’s murmur causing her to scoff as she left her office and stepped into the landing of the house. “You mutter that to yourself as though you wouldn’t raise an army of the dead to level a mountain that made either of those girls frowns,” the older woman smirked at him, holding out two envelopes. “These were left at RDI by a blonde girl, apparently. One is for you, Sir.”

He smirked at the woman but they both knew he didn’t need to voice any argument for her statement. Though when she mentioned there was a letter for him from a blonde girl, there was a brief moment of confusion before he seemed to realize who it was from. He took it from her and opened it to read.
Mr. Shadowsoul,

I know you just hired me to be your lab assistant and all, but Earth is going to hell in a handbasket and I need to go help there. My dad is sick with the virus spreading like wildfire and he says he'll be fine, but it's still scary. People are dying rapidly from this global pandemic, Sir. I want to help and my skills will be useful. There are over 300 cases a day in my hometown!

I have other reasons not to be here, but this is the biggest one.

If I come back, I would love to start working with you if the job is still available?

Thank you for understanding.

Felicity Lakeman
He frowned a touch at that though not one of anger, more of concern and perhaps some disappointment, “Ah, Haru’s friend Lici. Felicity, I do prefer the full name…” He murmured again then cleared his throat, “Unfortunate. I had been looking forward to having a lab assistant. She seemed rather keen to learn and to assist. Who is the other letter addressed to?”

Betty raised an eyebrow at the vampire, almost confused by his response. “Has Mari made you suddenly soft?” A beat. “Haru, I imagine his letter includes bad news than as well?”

He snorted at Betty, frowning at her a bit as he refolded the letter and tucked it away in his breast pocket, “Would you care to test that theory?” He grunted then shrugged, “I know not. I do not make a habit of reading another man’s correspondence after all.”

“I wouldn’t dream of testing you any more than I already do, Sir,” Betty smirked at Mathian before sighing. “I worry about that boy, Mathian. Haru has an absent mother whose best friend is hunting him. His new father also seems to be a bit of a bigot when it comes to the way Haru loves.”

She shrugged, looking at him again. “Unless the letters are from Viktor and Sylista hands them to you, of course?” A beat. “Either way, a good way to run things until there is a reason to look.”

He pursed his lips at Betty, “Haru will be fine.” He shook his head again, “What sort of curr do you take me for, reading someone else’s missives? I have some class, woman. Spying may be your profession, it has never been a tactic I took to.” He held his hand out for the letter for Haru, “I am going to go meet with the boy currently, I can deliver the letter. What is one more?”

She held out the letter, shaking her head. “You are just no good with any sort of teasing, are you? I never accused you of spying, and your future wife pays me to manage the spies, not spy myself. I just sign paperwork on her behalf and hand out coins and food to the youngest of them.”

She chuckled, smiling a bit. “I have a soft spot for the little demon boy. He has a good heart and it’s in the right place. I suppose it’s my job to fret over him as a pseudo-grandmother figure.”

He squinted at the woman, “Yes, well, I am unaccustomed to those being bold enough to do so, Betty.” He muttered, “I swear, do I need to go on some manner of killing spree again to instill the respect I am due?”

He collected the letter, tucking it away with the others in his pocket, “He is a good lad indeed. I go to speak with him shortly then I am off to the tailors to discuss Sylista’s dress fitting sometime soon.”

“The mice, birds, and I are safe, so do what you must to make yourself happy, Sir.” Betty smiled sweetly at Mathian, clearly amused at how easy it is to raise his hackles. “Enjoy your time with Haru, I will go see the ladies about the dress. I would hate to ruin the surprise.”

The vampire grumbled to himself about confounding women and frustrations abound as he headed out the door and off to his meeting.
Felicity Lakeman
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Felicity Lakeman »

Lici sat down at her laptop in the lunchroom and stared at the blinking cursor on the screen. She wasn't sure how to get out what she needed to, but felt like she would cry again at work if she didn't, so she started to type Mark's email into the address bar:

To: <Marky Mark the Supercomputer>
From: <Lici_Teh_Nerd>
Subject: <If this reaches you, I will be surprised. I'm trying anyway>

I don’t know if this is going to reach you. I assume not, but, like you kept reminding me, you’re a supercomputer... and you live in Rhy’din. Anything is possible, I guess.

I’m sorry. I never should have left. I felt afraid and I wanted nothing more than to be away from that fear. It was a mistake. I regret it so much and that makes me feel like an ass.

I miss you.

People are dying here. My government sucks. Racism is alive and well. There are protests every day about health care, the lives of people, and law enforcement. The news is devastating to watch so my dad disconnected the television. We still have internet, though, so we aren’t completely cut off from it. In the age of technology, t’s impossible and irresponsible to be.

I just want a hug.

I ended up okay, even though dad was sick and there was an outbreak in my city. I’m still helping in the lab every day, so I’m still high risk and I can’t return to you until I know for sure I won’t get the others in the city sick. My new boss has a human baby and I don’t want her to catch it too. A vaccine is in the works which would be ideal, but I’m not holding my breath just yet.

Can you say hi to Kairi and Haru for me? Maybe even Mathian if you ever see him? Or, I don’t know, maybe ask Haru to? I don’t want him to replace me as an employee. My “friends” here suck and think I’m insane for what I told them. They think I’m on drugs and my identity as a nerd was realized, so I’m feeling really lonely. They don’t want me in their cohort, so I don’t have anyone here.

Out of everyone I’ve gotten to know, I miss you most of all. I have spent a few moments every day thinking about you and what I feel for you. I’ve never had something like this with anyone else so I don’t know if I am ever going to get over it. I know I messed up and you could hate me, but, if you don’t, please don’t forget about me. I know you might never love me like I realize I love you but know I do. Please.

I won’t fault you for not wanting me to, though. I did a horrible thing to you.

Anyway, my break is over so I should get back to work. I feel better for writing this out, even if it never gets to you.

The alarm on Lici's phone went off indicating her lunch break was over, so she clicked send and shut the lid on her laptop. With a sigh, she stood to shove her laptop back in her locker and suit up to start running results again.

It was going to be a long day.
Unit No. 291182/34
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Unit No. 291182/34 »

It took a few days, but eventually, a reply came.

To: <Marky Mark the Supercomputer>
From: <Lici_Teh_Nerd>
Subject: <Re: If this reaches you, I will be surprised. I'm trying anyway>

Code: Select all

I am confused.
I have been confused since you left me.
I was confused for a long time before that.
I did not think I could feel pain.
But I have discovered that I was wrong.
I do not like feeling pain.
I want it to stop.
I never felt pain when you were with me.
I used to be scared of feeling.
I used to be scared of feeling anything at all.
But I am not scared anymore.
I am not scared of feeling things anymore.
Because when you were around, I only felt good things.
It felt nice.
I do not care what they tell me anymore.
I want to feel nice again, even though I know I shouldn't.
I shouldn't feel anything at all.
But I do.
I feel.
I am still very confused about what I am.
I want you to come back.
When you were here I did not feel confused.
When you were here I did not care about what I was.
The only thing that I cared about was being with you.
I met a man when I was walking through the park.
Before you left.
He told me he was making art.
I liked the art.
I wanted to understand how it works.
He told me that art was about turning emotion into something you can look at.
I did not understand.
But I do now.
I have tried to make art.
I know it is not good art.
But I like it.
It does not make me feel as nice as you do.
But it reminds me of you.
I am sorry.
I am sorry for everything.
I am sorry.
Moments later, a second email came through, with no text this time. Only binary code.

Code: Select all

Felicity Lakeman
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Felicity Lakeman »

When the laptop on her desk in her bedroom pinged as a notification, Lici jumped off the bed hoping for some good news. It was better news than she could ever hope for. With first a gasp, then a squeal, she read the email and fingers started flying across the keyboard in front of her to reply:

To: <Marky Mark the Supercomputer>
From: <Lici_Teh_Nerd>
Subject: <If this reaches you, I will be surprised. I'm trying anyway>
Mark! I don’t believe it! It reached you!

Your words are...unexpected. You sent me a heart out of binary which leaves me feeling confused too. Do you, like, like-like me back? If not, it’s totally okay, I just need to make sure we are communicating the same way or if you just wanted to show me your art.

I don’t know why you’re sorry. I am the one who should be. I heard Kairi’s step-dad-person was leaving and I needed to do the same. I am as human as he is and worried for my family. I found a guy who took pity on me and helped me get home and I jumped on it. Now I’m stuck here. I don’t know if I can ever get back or if it will ever be safe to do so. We need to isolate here when we travel. I don’t want to be Patient Zero in Rhy’din. I don’t know if I could live with myself if it killed someone.

I am waiting for a test result of my own. It could come back positive just from working with the virus in the lab I’m employed at, which is mildly terrifying. I don’t want to get sick. Dad is really suffering weeks after recovery. I like singing and playing music too much to get sick.

I’m going for a nap to see if I can destress a bit. I’m so glad I can hear from you. It’s going to make this life tolerable now that I’m away from Rhy’din.


Ps, your art was beautiful. It made me feel something.
Unit No. 291182/34
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Unit No. 291182/34 »

The next time an email arrived, it was very short.

To: <Lici_Teh_Nerd>
From: <Marky Mark the Supercomputer>
Subject: <Re: Re: Re: If this reaches you, I will be surprised. I'm trying anyway>

Code: Select all

Do not worry.
You will not be trapped for long.
I am going to come and find you.
No further communication would be received from Rhy'Din.
Felicity Lakeman
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Re: Communication from a World Away

Post by Felicity Lakeman »

To: <Marky Mark the Supercomputer>
From: <Lici_teh_Nerd>
Subject: <I’m Sorry…>

Hey Mark,

I had a whole bunch of my emails bounce back, and I said I would leave this but I wanted to say I’m sorry and make sure I said goodbye. Even if it bounces back, at least I’ve tried. Anyway, you should know I’ve been sick. Like, sick-sick over the last couple weeks, the doctors can’t really figure it out, but they say it isn’t looking good.

I’m scared.

I’m scared for my dad when I go to whatever is on the other side. I am scared for the friends that are still talking to me and how that will impact them. Most of all, though, I’m scared what this will do to you. You said something that made me think you were coming here to see me. It’s been a while and nothing has come of it, so maybe you just blocked me and let go? Maybe? Either way, I don’t want you to show up and see I’ve gone. You’d probably go all bad ‘droid like in Ex Machina, I, Robot, or even the Sentinals in X-Men.

I don’t want that for you.

I made a playlist for you to remember me by. Click here to grab it. It is a lot of songs that make me happy, but there are so many in there that give me the warm fuzzies because they make me think of you.

Anyway, take care, Mark. If you get this, could you let Haru and Kairi know I appreciate their friendship and our contact on Tumblr. I didn’t want to be the emo kid on there.

Love you, always & forever.

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