A Challenge for the Tower of Water

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A Challenge for the Tower of Water

Post by Atiea »

A note pinned into a board at the dueling rings at the Twilight Isle, a knife holding it in place.

Hey Cousin

I wanna duel, but with a bigger stage, and bigger stakes. So, let's go for the Tower.

Bring your sunglasses, it'll be one hell of a lightshow.


((OOC: I talked with Eregor he said to put in the challenge today!))
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Re: A Challenge for the Tower of Water

Post by Eregor »

I only have a day or two of grace, so consider that waived.

Challenge accepted. Let's give 'em a show!

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Max Lager
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Re: A Challenge for the Tower of Water

Post by Max Lager »


With grace waived, this challenge is valid and may proceed!!
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Re: A Challenge for the Tower of Water

Post by Eregor »

We are looking at Tuesday 6/23 at 9 p.m. Rhy'din time, during the normal dueling time on Twilight Isle.

Atiea is currently looking to enlist a caller.

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Nicole Brock
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Re: A Challenge for the Tower of Water

Post by Nicole Brock »

Nicole's Bistro and Pizzeria will be catering for this challenge. In addition to our personal sized pizzas, we'll be serving gyros with lamb or beef, souvlaki, kebabs, dolmades, hummus, and falafel. For dessert, baklava and rizogalo. Heated Ouzo will be available.
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Re: A Challenge for the Tower of Water

Post by Atiea »

Charles Blackstone will be calling for the Challenge! :D
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Re: A Challenge for the Tower of Water

Post by Charles Blackstone »

The bout tonight was one between Cousins! An excellent showing between the both of them for the two matches that were fought! In the end, Eregor Retains 2-0.

Match 1: Starts off in a standard ring.
Ring Chaos 1: Atiea scores! (WB / FT | 1 - 0, Atiea leads.)
Ring Chaos 2: Eregor scores! (FMS / FDS | 1 - 1, Eregor and Atiea.)
Ring Chaos 3: Atiea gains position. (RF / SH | 1.5 - 1, Atiea leads.)
Ring Chaos 4: Atiea scores! (FMB / AB | 3 - 1, Atiea leads.)
Ring Chaos 5: Eregor scores! (FWB / FGF | 3 - 2, Atiea leads.)
Ring Chaos 6: Atiea gains position. (AR / FF | 3.5 - 2, Atiea leads.)
Ring Chaos 7: Atiea gains position. (GF / MS | 4 - 2, Atiea leads.)
Ring Chaos 8: Eregor scores! (MS / EF | 4 - 3, Atiea leads.)
Ring Chaos 9: Eregor scores! (MB / FAR | 4 - 4, Eregor and Atiea.)
Ring Chaos 10: Eregor gains position. (MS / GF | 4 - 4.5, Eregor leads.)
Ring Chaos 11: Atiea gains position. (FF / MB | 4.5 - 4.5, Eregor and Atiea.)
Ring Chaos 12: Eregor scores! (GF / MW | 4.5 - 5.5, Eregor leads.)
FINAL: Eregor def. Atiea, 5.5 - 4.5 in 12 rounds. - dom

Atiea brings out the lead early and gets to the Matchpoint in quick fashion, however, Eregor stands strong with his full arsenal and brought it neck and neck late into the duel: forcing both opponents in and out of sudden death repeatedly! Eregor edges out with a quick strike on the 12th to take the first match!

Match 2: Ring Poseidon
Ring Urchin 1: Everybody scores! (FMB / MB | 1.5 - 1, Atiea leads.)
Ring Urchin 2: Eregor scores! (MW / FDS | 1.5 - 2, Eregor leads.)
Ring Urchin 3: Atiea scores! (FMB / GF | 3 - 2, Atiea leads.)
Ring Urchin 4: Eregor scores! (FF / WB | 3 - 3, Eregor and Atiea.)
Ring Urchin 5: Eregor scores! (FFT / EF | 3 - 4, Eregor leads.)
Ring Urchin 6: Eregor scores! (MB / FAR | 3 - 5, Eregor leads.)
FINAL: Eregor def. Atiea, 5 - 3 in 6 rounds. - dom

Keeping up the momentum from the end of one, A quick back and forth between Challenger and Keeper lead to them being tied in the fourth a point away from match point. It was anyone's bout in the elemental ring until the incumbent called upon his fury to get to Matchpoint and then close on a strong defensive to Retain.

Well fought to the both of them!
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