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Luna Sanguinem
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by Luna Sanguinem »

An elven woman in a long glittery rainbow dress is working the kitchen for the talent show, her rainbow hair braided back into a bun. What appears to be mini tree ents with flat tops having trays of snacks and drink set upon them before they are let loose into the ballroom into serve the guests, each receiving a pat from the elf before they ran off. The elf retreats into the kitchen, supervising the plants, and yet returning to cooking.
Last edited by Luna Sanguinem on Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by Claire Gallows »

June 14th

The Gallows clan once more attended Pride Week's parade in assorted rainbow colors. Cooper wore red, Claire orange. Twins Avy and Alex wore yellow and green respectively. Jake donned blue and his younger sisters Serafina and Jessica wore indigo and violet. The adults wore variations of the Free Dad/Mom hugs shirts seen often in the crowd;

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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by Tenball »

Tenball floated along in the Pride Parade, multicolored ribbons wound around his eyestalks and flowing freely around him in a glorious burst of color. Alongside him, a bodhran levitated in the air, beating out a rhythm while a dozen or so rainbow-clad women and men danced to the beat, waving to parade-viewers and having the best time in celebration.
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Mist Gul
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by Mist Gul »

The parade was always a favorite of Mists. He hitched up Greg and Steve, his horses, to his wagon. It was decorated with flowers and streamers, and had a dozen or so of the local kids from his town loaded up, Amaris along with them, of course, all of them decked out in bright rainbow shirts. This year, dainty Bluebelle the unicorn led the two geldings along the parade route.

The kids threw flower leis and straw dollies to the watching crowds, singing random folk songs as they travelled the course. Once the parade ended, they were all about having a big picnic in the park!
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

Like the Gallows clan, the Ilnarens were out along the parade route in force, with the whole family wearing "Proud Ally" t-shirts, along with many of the Stardreamer fosterlings... those who weren't marching in the parade itself, that is, as more than a few were, showing their personal pride.


Ebon held up a sign that read Free Dad Hugs and delivered more than a few such hugs to parade participants who came over as they passed.
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by The Halcyon »

Halcyon was assigned to walk the parade route. She accepted that mildly, but, before she could move out, the captain thrust a colorful t-shirt at the woman.

"Wear that. Give out hugs as requested."

"Then I will nay be able to ride Stupid..." Halcyon responded, eying the fabric dubiously.

"Sucks to be you," The captain responded with a beaming smile, "Be aware, there's plenty out there that need a lot of help, make sure you can pull them and put them where they're safe."

Halcyon exhaled, put upon, and turned from the bull pen. On the way out, she shouldered out of her chain maille, then undershirt, to the whistles and howls of her co-workers, in order to pull on the 'If your parents won't accept you, I'm your Mom Now' shirt. It featured a large polar bear standing protectively over smaller rainbow cubs.

So, as Halcyon walked the parade route, followed at a few paces by her horse, she kindly gave out hugs. When a teen girl burst into ugly sobs and clung to the taciturn woman, Halcyon simply mopped up the girl's face and put her onto Stupid's back. A ragged looking boy followed soon after. A teen who seemed neither male nor female, another, one after that, and Stupid was running out of room.

Pragmatic as always, Halcyon simply led five teenagers to her home. It wasn't as if she hadn't raised lost and lonely kids before.
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by PrlUnicorn »

The youngest of the brood, Abby and Madison rode in hay wagon with their classmates. Collie was at the end of the parade route handing out food at the Nicole's Bistro food truck. She'd been caring for people through her cooking for many years, Pride Week was no exception.

She designed own shirt for the occasion.
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Jackie Von Tombs
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by Jackie Von Tombs »

Talent Show for Pride! Jackie decided to go all in this time, and when she arrived at the Tranquility Ballroom and saw the amazing decor, she was absolutely flabbergasted. She and Desdenova staged a raid on the candy table before going backstage to wait their turn to shine in the show.

Once Regina announced Jackie VonTombs, and her Small, Annoying But Necessary Assistant, Desdenova, the siblings quickly swarmed to business. Jackie minced out onto the stage wearing a lovely Victorian girl's dress, black and ruffled, and carrying her violin and bow in one hand, and a scruffy tan box in the other. She stepped to the microphone and set the box onto the floor. She had brought all the goth to the rainbow colored affair!

A moment later, dressed all in white, an old fashioned boy's suit, Desdenova marched to an upright piano at the side of the stage and pulled it out a few feet. Jackie smiled and tapped bow to violin thrice before beginning.

"We found an old doll
That was out in the grass
She has special powers
We set a black mass..."

Desdenova began to play the piano along with the violin. As they played, a weird, gothic little puppet show commenced at Jackie's feet. The box opened to reveal the doll from the song. A little China doll, definitely the worse for the wear, wearing a shabby white dress and rubber bands, did a strange little dance at Jackie's feet. No strings were visible.

"We sat in a circle
All holding hands
The doll's been held together
With old rubber bands
She'll rise
She'll rise
She'll rise

I'll lay her down in her gingerbread coffin
She's so pretty, all laid out in white
Lay her down in her gingerbread coffin
When we need her she'll rise in the light

We'll look down at the ground
And into her eyes
Passed around an old teacup

Filled up with dead flies

Not dead flies but colorful wind up paper butterflies came bursting from the little box, flying into the audience. Each was marked 'PFLAG'.

"We brought, but not used
A collection of knives
We'll remember this moment
Through all of our lives
She'll rise
She'll rise
She'll rise"

Not knives, but silver streamers, each also marked with the tag 'PFLAG', went flying into the audience.


I'll lay her down in her gingerbread coffin
She's so pretty, all laid out in white
Lay her down in her gingerbread coffin
When we need her, she'll rise in the light
Lay her down in her gingerbread coffin
It's a flickering, beautiful sight
Lay her down in her gingerbread coffin
When we need her, she'll rise to the night..."

Jackie finished off the song with a bowed rilling, then she gave a prim curtsey. The doll curtseyed as well, much more dramatically. Desdenova absently tipped his hat, and pushed the piano back into place. Jackie picked up the dolly and box before scampering off stage.

('Gingerbread Coffin' by Rasputina. PFLAG is place to find resources for families.)
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by The Halcyon »

Halcyon showed up for the last half of the show, after watching much of it on the television at the Golden Perch. She stood near the back with a smile on her face, which turned to soft laughter when a quintet of singers were ushered on-stage. Giggling and clinging to each other, 'Sonny', 'Cher', 'Mabel', 'Dipper', and 'Snoopy' scurried to the microphone and after a missed cue, began to sing "I Got You Babe".

It wasn't great, but the taciturn and stern Paladin's eyes might have been wet. Maybe.

Her horse, Stupid, however, was bawling.
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Morgan LaLuna
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by Morgan LaLuna »

June 16h


The RCPA hosts a Circus Day, with tumbling, dancing, music, and acrobatic feats!

Morgan and Tanner, two aerial silks acrobats, snuck in early and replaced the regulation white silks with ones they'd dip-dyed during "practice" the week before! They will be available after performances to teach anyone willing the basics of aerial dance, with Morgan promising that even if they fall, they will just float down nice and easy!

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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by Morgan LaLuna »


RCPA shirts are on sale! They can be bought at the RCPA information tent at the Circus Day event! All proceeds go to local charities for LGBT youth! Support your community, support the youth, and look awesome doing it!

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Dante Alvarez
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by Dante Alvarez »

What had become of the brilliantly talented ballerino? No doubt such a question had been on the lips of many who attended the Shanachie Theater, those who frequented the city’s bars and clubs, those who ate and breathed. After the masterful performance that literally elevated Prince Siegfried to heaven at the conclusion of Swan Lake the mercurial yet undeniably accomplished dancer had largely been unseen. Of course, this was by design. Dante Lorenzo Domínguez-Álvarez craved time outside the paparazzi lenses and beyond the adoring attention of fans worldwide.

El Águila Negra had flown for the distant shores of Spain and a return to the customs and culture of his homeland. Las Fallas had been cancelled in March yet like the fire the festival was named for the desire for celebration smoldered until a spark had ignited an impromptu street party. Their own La Batalla del Vino had occurred, and revelers were left soaked in wine, their souls expunged of pent up joy. Dante had left with something more than just revelry and amusement.

Cesare. His own Borgian prince.

What had begun as a torrid Spanish love affair rife with passion had spilled over to Rhydin as Cesare was invited out. He'd always appreciated the company of men and women when it came to his lovers, and so it pleased the great ballerino when he learned of the city’s PRIDE celebrations scheduled throughout the week. The celebrations presented an opportunity to honor a wonderful tradition and celebrate the diversity inherent in everyone. Of course, he would present himself and his talents at Tranquility’s Talent Show…even stay to the end to watch and appreciate all the other performers with the realization that not everything was about him.

The talent show provided the opportunity for Dante to dance…and reveal Cesare as a dance partner with their own choreographed display of talent and spirit and PRIDE. And so when the pair took the stage at Tranquility, El Águila Negra felt something he had not felt, perhaps ever: Vulnerable. Dance had always been his form of expression, his performances meant to move audiences with a rebel’s approach to tradition. But now he was performing in a style other than ballet, with someone who shared his passion and his heart. It was, dare he say it, humbling…yet liberating.

And so, the pair would dance for themselves and for those in attendance. But, most importantly the performance was for those who, like Dante, believed that love, like art, should not be narrowed to a single form of expression.

Dance Performance
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by Benjamin Piers »

Benjamin Piers randomly showed up as the RCPA's act commenced, riding his black Vanner, Star, a little white crow, and a sand fox on his person. They eagerly watching the performers. Benjamin was always up for learning some new stunts, after all. So, with Star usually following behind the man like an oversized dog, Benjamin was quick to grasp the basics of the various acts.

Usually busy with his little ranch and family, working on his soap opera and the occasional movie, Benjamin enjoyed the day off and a day off to simply celebrate pride. He snagged up one of the RCPA t-shirts before leaving of course, and spent several moments letting Star show off for a group of kids. When they finally headed out, a flight of crows followed them.
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by Pharlen »

((OOC Bit:

Is your char participating in the Demolition Derby? Or do you have an NPC you'd like to toss in? Post in here your driver's vehicle (no -more- military vehicles please!) and their signature move -- did they rig their car with smoke bombs or oil slicks or??? Can they get through the dreaded Figure Eight without getting smashed by crossing cars or getting flipped by the fork lifts?? Post a little or a lot, or make a full post in the Pride thread, it's all good. I'll figure out the winner later. :smile: ... sp=sharing (Healers and spectators are welcome, too!) ))
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Re: PRIDE WEEK! 2020

Post by KhaoticBliss »

Saila was around and about for most all of the Pride festivities, only avoiding a very few of the planned events scattered across the week. She was usually found in the company of one Cane Devillier, one Jackie von Tombs, or maybe both. Though she often wore her unremarkable if somewhat signature black on black, the famously purple-haired girl had tipped her proverbial hat to the occasion with an especially colorful tribute: she'd temporarily turned that cascading mane into an actual rainbow.

Most of the week was spent in active exuberant celebration, but there were a few oddly disconcerting quiet spells; moments she went still as stone, her brain seemingly short-circuiting. In these curious episodes, Saila seemed to withdraw, receding into herself, a cold shadow clouding her usual youthful vibrance. The warlock at her side was indispensable in these times, often dragging his Theater Director into a dance or throwing her face first into a bouncy castle full of colorful foam. You might never catch how grateful she was for his assistance, either, given her tendency to repay his kindness in showers of spontaneous glitter.

She was wholly herself, though, on the 16th. For Circus Day, Saila could be found repping the RCPA with every bit of her heart and soul, cheering on Morgan and Tanner with her obnoxious (and thoroughly borrowed) two fingered whistle, mingling with the spectators, and coaxing passersby to come try the trapezes.

It wasn't until later in the day, as the sun was just beginning to think about setting, that the mercurial girl shed her heavy black layers for something infinitely sparklier. Like leashed lightning, nervous anticipation shot through her -- not for the performance, no: Saila had been training with the RCPA since the day it opened, and she'd been on dozens of stages in front of dozens of crowds. The heady zing of anticipation was all about Cane, and what she was about to coerce him into.


"Hey Cane, I'm putting together a performance for Pride Week," she'd told him, perfectly nonchalantly, only a couple of days before. "But I'm stuck on this one part. Watch this, and tell me what you think it's missing?"

She'd been not-so-subtly prodding him this way for weeks, encouraging and annoying by turns, but he'd resigned himself to watch with a long suffering sigh that he'd swear wasn't dramatic. The performance was fine -- Saila was inarguably the Circus School's most dedicated student, even if she sometimes cheated-- but it was the instrumental piano track she'd chosen...well, that was another matter altogether.

Because it was his.


Nearly show time, and Saila turned to him, her gaze at once understanding, and expectant. She knew she was putting him on the spot, and she knew he was as likely as not to get mad at her for it. But Cane had been mad at her before, and sometimes your friends are worth the risk.

"So." She prompted him with one of those hopeful little smiles, her bottom lip snagged at its corner in her teeth, her strange eyes fixed on his face. "Y'gonna sing it for me, or y'gonna leave me--pretty literally, actually-- hanging?"

She was prepared with a backing track, of course --just in case! But this was a whole lot more about pulling him back out into the light, the one person who'd done more for her than almost anyone else, than it was about Pride, or her performance.

Aerial Performance
feed my will to feel this moment draw me way outside the lines
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