Ducky Rainboots (Challenge for Dockside)

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Ducky Rainboots (Challenge for Dockside)

Post by Static Rest »

The following notice was posted on the cork:


A translation was attached underneath:

Using the gift bestowed upon me by the most worthy wielder of the Ducky Rainboots of Doom, I hereby challenge Gren Blockman for the Barony of Dockside.

Per the baron's request, I have made a donation of fifty thousand credits to the RhyDin Arbor Relief Fund. I encourage everyone to make donations of their own, and I will be matching a further one hundred thousand credits out of my own pocket interior.

May God have mercy on your souls.

Olaf von Trunk, Esquire
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Re: Ducky Rainboots (Challenge for Dockside)

Post by PC »


- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 1 week of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within 2 weeks of the title holders acceptance.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.
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Re: Ducky Rainboots (Challenge for Dockside)

Post by Gren Blockman »

I accept this challenge and applaud Olaf's generosity. Details will be coming soon!

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Re: Ducky Rainboots (Challenge for Dockside)

Post by Static Rest »



We will face each other on Wednesday the 29th at 8 by the eastern clock. Dris has agreed to call.
- Olaf von Trunk
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Re: Ducky Rainboots (Challenge for Dockside)

Post by Mairead Harker »

Tacked under the challenge notices:

Dear Olaf,

If you would like to go to that challenge match as the Squire of Dragon's Gate, it would by my honor to have you. Please send word or visit me at the Dragon's Gate Manor. I'm sure my Uncle Heph can help with finding a way for you to use the weapon of station.


Maggie Harker
Baroness of Dragon's Gate

P.S. Whether you take the squireship or not, I'll be glad to add 1000 platinum to the RhyDin Arbor Relief Fund.
"And those who have not swords can still die upon them." - Eowyn, shieldmaiden of Rohan
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Re: Ducky Rainboots (Challenge for Dockside)

Post by Static Rest »


I accept, and will wield the Poking Stick of Dragon's Gate with gusto!
-OVT Esq.

((Thanks to Cor for creating and letting me use that meme!))
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Re: Ducky Rainboots (Challenge for Dockside)

Post by BardGallant »

Friends! It was my great pleasure to oversee this match! Let me tell you a little about it.

The challenger, Olaf von Trunk, Esquire fought under the banner of … >:[ ... his second was ... >:[ ... and his lady of honor was the Worthy Wielder of the Ducky Rainboots!

The defender, Baron of Dockside, Gren Blockman fought under the gray banner with a green oak tree of Perrigan's Rangers! He chose no second. His Lady of Honor was Izira Nyte, in absentia.

Gren Blockman, the Baron of Dockside, chose a single match format for this challenge. The round by round is as follows:

Ring Katana 1: Static Rest scores! (HC / FSS | 1 - 0, Static Rest leads.)
Ring Katana 2: Static Rest scores! (FSS / FCP | 2 - 0, Static Rest leads.)
Ring Katana 3: Static Rest scores! (FCP / TH | 3 - 0, Static Rest leads.)
Ring Katana 4: Gren Blockman scores! (HC / FLP | 3 - 1, Static Rest leads.)
Ring Katana 5: Gren Blockman scores! (LC / FCP | 3 - 2, Static Rest leads.)
Ring Katana 6: Static Rest scores! (FLP / HC | 4 - 2, Static Rest leads.)
Ring Katana 7: Static Rest scores! (SH / TH | 5 - 2, Static Rest leads.)
FINAL: Static Rest def. Gren Blockman, 5 - 2 in 7 rounds. - dos

It is my immense honor and privilege to announce that Olaf von Trunk, Esquire has wrested the barony of Dockside from the hands of Gren Blockman. Congratulations, Olaf! Well tried on that defense, Gren!

As gratitude for being chosen to oversee this match, I too will be dropping a generous donation into the RhyDin Arbor Relief Fund!
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Re: Ducky Rainboots (Challenge for Dockside)

Post by Static Rest »



I am a rebel, and rebel means renegade, and renegade is where I stand!

VOTE >:[
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