A Quick Word About Our Times

Announcements from the site administrators.

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Eden Parker
RoH Admin
RoH Admin
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Joined: Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:35 pm
Location: Old Market

A Quick Word About Our Times

Post by Eden Parker »

Hey everyone -- on behalf of the staff, we just want to say what a privilege it is to be able to offer a space for us all to connect and have fun during these difficult times. Roleplay is a great opportunity for us to escape, be creative, and participate together from all across the world.

It’s only natural for us to want to share information about current events---but we ask that everyone be cautious and responsible about what you share. It’s important to only follow and repeat information from trusted news sources and public health authorities.

Also, we ask that everyone be particularly considerate, kind, and forgiving during these challenging times. Everyone is affected by this on some level, some worse than others, and we all cope and react differently. Take care of yourself and of each other.

Be safe, be healthy, and have fun!
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