Neighborhood patrols, militias form to dissuade racketeering

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deus ex machina
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Neighborhood patrols, militias form to dissuade racketeering

Post by deus ex machina »

This evening, as the Blackguard ran amok throughout the city, local militias rose up to respond! These groups have sprung up recently in different parts of the city in response to the Blackguard threat.

Over the past few weeks, neighborhood charters have been signed by residents and business owners agreeing upon common concerns such as racketeering and related violence, and patrols have been formed to help make up for what the Watch either could not or would not do in their own neighborhoods. These groups are taking on limited roles in discouraging racketeering activities where they have formed and when they patrol.

While they are playing a pivotal role in turning back the Blackguard in several areas, they will for the most part not be disbanding once the violence appears to be over. Moreover, their ranks seem to be bolstered in some neighborhoods by Paladins.

((Players are more than welcome to play out or vapor an encounter with a militia or other patrol, or create one of their own! So far these groups are formed by local volunteers and are specifically discouraging racketeering.))
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