((Taken from live play involving Josette Wheeler, Isaac Wheeler and The Hedonist aka Unintended Consequences))
Isaac and Josette Wheeler's performance at the Devil's Circus for Fear Fest 2019...with the Unintended Consequence of a specific spectator...
It had been awhile since Isaac had moved from one show to a different one. The thought settled on him like the first cold front to blow in up from north, a subtle reminder of coming change. He took another slow drag from his cigarette, the Showman reclining back on a stack of crates outside the big black, red and orange striped tent. It was a real ten-in-one type attraction that featured not only himself but aerial performances alongside traditional blade glommers and acrobatic feats.
The exhaled smoke drifted away as the pulsing bass beats palpitated the air as those resonated sounds reverberated into the open space around the converted market building. Isaac knew the old Crossroads was no longer the
old Crossroads just as he knew it was no longer a home…especially given the past couple of nights. He hadn’t quite come to terms with that just yet but fortunately the show kept his mind focused on other things such as the talker down the way blowing his pipes trying to turn the tip and get the crowd inside
Another drag as he leaned back so eyes the color of cinereal storms could sweep up the garishly painted and cobwebbed ferris wheel. He absently wondered how much pig iron had been slung to hoist the Ring of R’lyeh. He’d heard the rumors regarding the Wheel and was inclined to believe them when he’d first heard the ride operators were offering discounted tickets. Benny’d blow a gasket if one of the jocks did that on a red one like tonight. It felt odd to look up and not see Big Eli slowly churning away in its endless loops, Jingles unique music choices competing over the old university horns with the glockenspiel notes. The Crossroads was kind of like Savannah in that right…it wasn’t missed till it was gone. The realization blown out with the next exhale, the lungful of chemical vapor hung for a moment before blending in and disappearing into the fog which permeated the lot.
Despite the differences, the similarities were more than enough for the knife thrower to feel comfortable. The bright colors and the lights were all there…even the tinge of excitement which seemed to electrify the very air like ozone trailing a lightning bolt was present on the lot. Hell…Isaac even wondered if the games and other joints were joing their locs and running strong action on unsuspecting souls.
A final drag as he glanced at a watch to see the approaching time had almost arrived. He exhaled and pushed up from the makeshift seat, the remnants of the cigarette falling beneath a boot. The circle of food trucks, similar to the eat houses on the midway, providing a gustatory invitation as he entered the tent to go and find his sister…and assistant…the competing smells twisting together to entice all of the townies, cowboys and rubes into finding something satisfying. “GTFM.” The old maxim drawled out with a single note of amusement. Didn’t matter the lot…didn’t matter the show…get that fuckin money.
Enticement? Surely the legion of souls in attendance tonight hungered for something more than mere gustatory satisfaction, yes? One could only hope so as the Hedonist emerged from the cordoned off beer tent, its brightly checkered façade and piping smoke adding such a
festive flair to the evening.
Over-indulging was the realm of another and so his lissome frame emerged with a tranquility oozing from posture and gait as he prowled the open space of the festival. Of course, he was here with purpose but with so many distractions…who could blame the Hedonist if idle hands found purchase upon others before the start of the show?
The rhythmic tap of the figure’s cane kept beat as he moved, the golden-green smear of leonine eyes providing their own visual inquisition of the festival. He appreciated the irony, certainly, as numerous souls came seeking frights and chills if only to forget the mundanity of their existence outside these transient boundaries and to feel alive, if only for a brief moment, before resigning themselves to a promise that tomorrow might be different. And that was the addiction he leveraged, the weakness he elevated, the vice he spun as virtue to those desperate for a message, any message. Why segregate one’s life into moments of punctuated ecstasy amid a tapestry of banality?
The Hedonist had to remain resolute lest he fall beneath his own bewitching spell. There would be time to indulge his own existence, to inspire and entice those from proper paths in pursuit of more...wanton destructiveness. Yes…yes there would be time for that. A licentious smile stretched itself across libertine features at such a thought. “Step right up and come see the act…” An unctuous appetency to that accentuation as he produced an inviting nod for a couple to his side and proceeded forward into the large circus tent. He didn’t want to miss the show…nor his own contribution to it.
“You ready?” The dogwood drawl cutting through the turbulent bedlam of the backstage area. Isaac appeared in the mirrored reflection of the little station Josette had set herself in to prepare. Eyes roamed over the sugar spun pink ensemble with its ruffles that were sure to catch the light and eye of every member of the audience down to her pointe shoes…she loved that part of the act where she could bring a touch of French style to the stage. “You look great.” Spoken softly as he gave her shoulder a sibling squeeze of support and appreciation.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Knives landed in rapid succession upon the stage, the steel blades landing just inches behind Josette’s powerfully performed travelling pirouettes which carried from stage left to stage right. Isaac rapidly emptied both vest and bandolier which held the numerous edged weapons. The final two which landed were drawn from his hip and were purposefully chosen for the end of this part of the performance.
Isaac launched them into the floor of the stage, the two blades parallel to one another and forming a perfect, if not precariously dangerous platform for Josette to hop up onto and display her balance and talent with a flourish. Possessed of a narrower tang, Josette was literally standing on the bottom of the blade closest to the handles. Isaac came forward as the applause sounded, the Showman reaching up to take Josette’s hand as she hopped down from her perilous platform. Careful to keep both himself and his sister in the spotlight as he walked her to the right where a large board had been erected. Behind them two yardies scrambled in the twilight to gather up the knives and return them to Isaac after he’d placed Josette in front of the target board.
Isaac paused to dramatically lower the blindfold over his eyes before he hefted the first of several blades that would be thrown her way. The show would see their points digging into the board and forming an outline of her body which Josette would step from to reveal she was unharmed with a flourish and wave for the crowd as the finale came to a close before Isaac would ask for volunteers to bring the audience into the show and let them feel the tug of terror as their lives danced in the palm of his hand and on the throw of the knife.
Isaac had rehearsed his part of the act too many times to remember, the Showman having never lost an assistant…on stage at least. He cocked an arm back as the audience held their collective breath and began to let loose with the knives, each hard, wooden impact combining with the gasp of the audience confirming that everything was as it should be.
Oh what a show, the Hedonist thought, as he clapped along with the others. The little knight was good with those adroit throws at spinning feet and yet it wasn’t the glinting blades which captured the majority of his attentions. No. It was that delicate little music box doll hopping down from the knives to be led across the stage. A tumid desire grew within him as he watched…oh how he wanted to shatter that delicately soft porcelain and dig with sullied fingers inside her until he mastered her just so that she’d respond as if on the strings of a marionette. Only then, when that temptation had been properly sated, would he divine the source of her light.
Hope. Belief.
Faith. The finale of the sibling duet hinged upon something that was so fragile, so insubstantially unprovable. Allow him to reveal the mendacity of such a forgery that was trust. A glance of chartreuse eyes heavenward to note the ripple in the tent’s top. It might pass for wind but to the Hedonist it was a warning. Granted, it could be interpreted that he was defaming timeless rules yet where did the harm come in a simple nudge? And if the rules were so sacrosanct…so
holy then perhaps He could present himself amidst them all and prevent what was fated to occur.
As the second to last knife was thrown by Isaac its trajectory was altered. The straight line beginning to curve as the Hedonist watched the tumbling blade and ignored the admonishing ripples through the tent. Just a little nudge. That was all it would take. Leonine eyes watching as the blade bent towards the delicate doll’s cage of ribs.
Josie played her part well. Well used to being on stage as both principal and soloist as well as a member of the corps de ballet, the ballerina thrived whether she was occupying the spotlight or sharing it with others. She truly loved being on stage with her brother, performing together and seeing him transform himself into something more vivacious and dynamic once the curtains opened. Josette hopped from the blades with a beaming smile and wave to the audience as Isaac led her to the final part of their performance together, those rococo ruffles straight out of a Fragonard painting with a Degas twist ornamenting her ballet body and bringing their own animated sashay to the stage. She posed dramatically, even giving the audience a coquettish surprised cover of her mouth as Isaac donned the blind fold and then offered a reassuring wink to those in the closest rows. Her brother would never miss.
Josie held her pose as the blades began to fly her way. Each one not even pulling a flinch from her body or cringe of nervousness to her face. Except that second to last blade. It looked like it was coming right for her heart. What had happened? Josie feeling that stomach seizing sense of shock a moment before she turned her head, the supernovas within her eyes coming alight and steering the blade to the side at the very last moment with nothing but a thought.
An unwonted and vexing frown pulled the Hedonist’s countenance down as the blade was turned away at the last moment. It was brief, the exceedingly rare feeling of disappointment yet it also ignited something equally rare within him. Genuine interest and fascination which threatened enthrallment…the sensation as addictive as that first climactic release, that first needle jabbed into a vein, that very first no twisted into a yes. How had she accomplished that? Apparently the little star could do more than just twirl. He was determined to know as he redoubled his efforts on the last blade, ensuring this one found the succulent bite of her left arm. It was past time that they knew the stakes. It was past time he earned his leverage.
Josette hardly had a moment to react as the last knife tumbled towards her. The shock from the first misplaced throw throwing her concentration as that drowning sense of panic resurfaced and consumed her and a tremor coursed through her body. The distraction of it was too much, the sudden spike of fear as sharpened steel was projected towards her exposed and vulnerable body short circuited her ability to completely steer the blade back away from her. There was the smallest little whimper of pain as the knife sliced at her upper arm but the show must go on. Josie carefully pressed her arm against her side to hide the narrow slash and beamed towards the audience while gesturing towards her brother to steer the audience’s attention and applause his way.
Isaac heard the gasps and shouts from the crowd as the last knife landed. He lifted the blindfold, triumphant smile faltering as he, from his position, saw the thin line of crimson from where the knife had
just opened a line of blood along the underpart of her arm. Isaac Wheeler
never missed with a blade and certainly never even came close to his beloved sister. His first instinct was to end the show, go to his sister and see that she was okay with profuse apologies spilling from that contrite tongue.
His face screwed up in question as Josette played it off, turned with that flourish and cleverly tricked the audience into thinking it just been an incredibly close shave and nothing more through megawatt smile and stunning ballerina posture. It took but a moment for him to read her look, the two siblings had a long history and could read one another with barely a glance.
Let Go
Isaac’s expression displaying his deepest regret before turning to face the audience. He swallowed the sense of self-loathing and put the best face forward while calling for the audience to stem their hearty applause. “As you can see…as you can see, ladies and gentlemen…” The antebellum accent carrying to the back of the tent like an itinerant southern preacher holding court beneath a revival tent. “The talented ballerina remains in one piece. Now I ask you…” Isaac pacing the stage as he cast his thunderstorm colored eyes out over the dimly lit audience. “Are any one of you…” Pointed finger arcing out over them. “Brave enough to take her place?” A clever bit of compartmentalizing on Isaac’s part as he cast a look back towards his sister to ensure that was, truly, not seriously harmed.
((Welcome everyone. If your character attends Isaac and Josie’s act please feel free to write their reactions. Thank you and have fun!))