The Rocky Horror Show (Theater Company)

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Anthony De Luca
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The Rocky Horror Show (Theater Company)

Post by Anthony De Luca »

The Rocky Horror Show
8th to 19th October 2019
Shanachie Theater Company


Frank-N-Furter - Yasmin
Brad Majors - Dorian Hadley
Janet Weiss - Anya Chavez
Riff Raff - Hugo Durant
Magenta/Usherette - Carina Cox
Columbia - Tippletoe Timbers
Rocky Horror - Asher Price
Eddie - Doran Ilnaren
Dr Everett V. Scott - Amos Maxwell
The Criminologist (Narrator) - Eregor Túr Gairdín
Last edited by Anthony De Luca on Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Rocky Horror Show (Theater Company)

Post by Anthony De Luca »


Act I

The Usherette, sometimes referred to as "Trixie", who works in a derelict cinema, introduces tonight's "film" in a song ("Science Fiction/Double Feature"), with masked Phantoms providing the backing vocals.

After attending the wedding of his best friend since high school (Ralph Hapschatt, now married to Janet Weiss' friend Betty Munroe), Brad Majors confesses his love to Janet Weiss ("Dammit Janet") and the two become engaged. The Narrator appears and explains that Brad and Janet are leaving Denton to visit Dr Everett Scott, their former science tutor, while driving into a rainstorm. During the trip, their car has a flat tire and they are forced to walk through the rain to seek a telephone in an old castle ("There's A Light").

The Narrator explains that Brad and Janet are feeling "apprehensive and uneasy", but must accept any help that they are offered. As Brad and Janet arrive, Riff Raff, the hunchbacked handyman and live-in butler, greets them, and his sister Magenta, the maid, appears. Riff Raff, Magenta and Columbia (a groupie) speak briefly of an unlucky delivery boy named Eddie who fell victim to unfortunate circumstances because he botched a delivery, before performing the show's signature dance number ("Time Warp"*). Brad and Janet try to leave at this point, but are stopped when Dr Frank-N-Furter, a pansexual, cross-dressing mad scientist, arrives. He introduces himself as "a sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania" and invites Brad and Janet up to his laboratory ("Sweet Transvestite"). As he goes up, Brad and Janet are stripped to their underwear to dry off.

Brad and Janet enter the laboratory, where Frank-N-Furter gives them laboratory coats to wear. Frank announces that he has discovered the secret to life itself. He unveils his creation, a blond, well-built man named Rocky Horror, who is brought to life. As his bandages are removed, Rocky worries about his predicament ("The Sword of Damocles"). Frank admires Rocky's physique by singing a tribute to muscle builders ("Charles Atlas Song"/"I Can Make You a Man"**). A Coca-Cola freezer in the laboratory opens to reveal Frank and Columbia's former lover, Eddie, a biker covered in surgical scars, who has been rendered a (slightly more) brain-damaged zombie, intent on rescuing Columbia, and escaping the castle while successfully causing large amounts of damage to Frank's laboratory, exhibiting signs of partially returning memory of the way he lived life in the past ("Hot Patootie – Bless My Soul"). Frank panics, forces Eddie back into the freezer and hacks him to death (his weapon of choice typically being a pick axe or chainsaw). Frank tells Rocky — the recipient of the other half of Eddie's brain — that he prefers him over Eddie ("Charles Atlas Song (Reprise)"/"I Can Make You a Man (Reprise)"**), as although he and Eddie had a strong mental relationship, he had no muscle, and therefore, had to go. Brad and Janet, somewhat flustered after witnessing the re-murdering of Eddie, are then ushered to separate bedrooms for the night.
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Re: The Rocky Horror Show (Theater Company)

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Act II

The Narrator foreshadows that Brad and Janet may be unsafe. Janet enjoys Brad's advances in her darkened bedroom before realizing that it is Frank in disguise. He convinces Janet that pleasure is no crime, and after she asks him to promise not to tell Brad, they resume their lovemaking. The scene changes to Brad's darkened bedroom, where Brad makes love to Janet before discovering that, once again, it is Frank in disguise. Frank promises not to tell Janet, but as they resume, Riff Raff interrupts on the television monitor with the message that Rocky has escaped. Janet searches for Brad in the laboratory and discovers Rocky hiding there. Checking the television monitor, Janet sees Brad in bed with Frank and seduces Rocky ("Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me"). While searching the television monitor for Rocky, the rest of the group discovers that Janet has slept with him and Brad becomes hurt and angry ("Once in a While"). Riff Raff then notifies Frank that there is another visitor entering the castle: Dr. Everett Scott, the paraplegic science tutor whom Brad and Janet intended to visit.

Dr Scott is pushed into the laboratory by Columbia, where Frank accuses him and Brad of trying to investigate his castle, knowing that Dr Scott has connections with the FBI. Dr Scott assures him that he has come in search of Eddie, who is revealed to be his nephew ("Eddie's Teddy"). Frank displays Eddie's corpse to the group and then uses a device to electronically restrain the three visitors and a rebellious Rocky to the floor ("Planet Schmanet Janet"); the inhabitants of the castle are revealed to be space aliens led by Frank, who abandoned their original mission in order to engage in kinky sex with Earthlings and work on Rocky. Magenta insists that they return to their home planet now that they have been found out; Frank refuses and, instead, declares his intentions to put on a "floor show".

Under Frank's influence, Columbia, Rocky, Brad, and Janet perform song and dance routines while clad in lingerie ("Rose Tint My World (Floor Show)"). After, Frank entices them to lose all inhibition and give in to their natural carnal instincts, resulting in everyone beginning to engage in orgiastic sex ("Don't Dream It – Be It") before Frank leads them into the rousing concluding number of the floor show ("Wild and Untamed Thing"). The show comes to an abrupt end when Riff Raff and Magenta enter, wearing spacesuits and carrying ray guns. Riff Raff declares that he is usurping Frank's authority and taking them all back to their home planet ("Transit Beam"). Frank makes a final plea for sympathy from Riff Raff, trying to make him understand his desire to spend the rest of his life having sex with Earthlings ("I'm Going Home"). Riff Raff is unmoved and guns down Columbia, Frank, and Rocky before ordering Brad, Janet, and Dr. Scott to leave.

As the trio evacuates the castle, Riff Raff and Magenta express their excitement to return to their world and do the "Time Warp" again with their fellow Transylvanians ("Spaceship"). Brad and Janet watch as the castle blasts off into outer space, confused about the implications of their sexual escapades ("Super Heroes"). To conclude his tale, the Narrator says "and crawling on the planet's face, insects called the human race, lost in time, and lost in space – and meaning." As the show ends, The Usherette returns to recount the night's events ("Science Fiction/Double Feature (Reprise)").

((I'm a bit late posting this due to being out of town the last week, but better late than never! Have at it, peeps! :D ))
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Re: The Rocky Horror Show (Theater Company)

Post by Consonance »

It took a little airbrushing to give him the definition needed, but Asher stepped in as golden boy Rocky with ease, embracing the chance to play a role from one of his all time favourite movies. Heading into the week of the show, he even bleached his hair rather than wear a wig.

Unfortunately for his cast mates, he also had a habit of wandering around backstage in those little gold hot pants between rehearsals too.
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Re: The Rocky Horror Show (Theater Company)

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A little before showtime Friday, there appeared a cute Helpful Girl, clippity-clipping along to stand in front of the theater.


And she had a box, a large one. The side of the box read "Virgins Come Here".

She had Helpful Information Sheets to hand around, and did, of course, to those Virgins who stepped up to partake of her bounty.

Thus she handed out smaller boxes which contained (in specific order...)

A packet of Rice.
A section of newspaper.
Waterpistols (loaded).
Small LED fingerlights. (Safety First!)
Rubber gloves (One size fits most)
Noisemakers, assorted.
A packet of confetti.
A roll of toilet paper (Scotts)
A piece of (fake) toast.
A party hat, assorted.
A bell.
A small deck of cards.
And a hot dog (fake).

Virgins were marked with red lipstick V's on their brows.

"Remember," she twinkled, "Don't aim at the actors! Aim upwards. And no biting."

Once the Helpful Girl had collected up her posse of Virgins and Non Virgins and possibly confused bystanders and that guy Ralph over there and his girlfriend Cindy, she gave a twinkling smile and led them all in, from handing in their tickets to taking up their seats. Keep an eye on her, she was cueing the Virgins and others to dispense with the props from their boxes.

Thus, as the wedding scene concluded, yay! Rice was tossed happily in the air! And... so on.

You couldn't do Rocky Horror without a little audience participation, after all!
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Re: The Rocky Horror Show (Theater Company)

Post by Raul Stoneson »

As the Shanachie's resident makeup master, Raul enjoyed the opportunity to get a little wild in his work, and The Rocky Horror Show fit that opportunity perfectly without going overboard. He took pride in working without using glamours and magic to shape the cast into their parts:

- a little airbrushing to turn Asher Price into the golden Adonis that was Rocky
- the hunchback prosthetic and wig that made Hugo into Riff Raff
- numerous surgicial scars on Doran for the role of poor Eddie
- an appropriately-colored wig and exaggerated beauty makeup transformed Carina into Magenta
- heavy highlights on the assorted chorus

Frank was the easiest to do; he simply showed Yasmin the colored sketch of what he had in mind, and she was able to match it easily. Working with a shapeshifter may have been cheating, but it did make his job a bit easier at times.
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Re: The Rocky Horror Show (Theater Company)

Post by Eregor »

In all of his years on stage, Eregor had never been in a production of Rocky Horror. He had seen the film, of course; he was even part of the "cast" for a season during one of his university stints, every Friday night for a few months. But he had never been in a production of the original stage show.

Until now.

His favorite tune was, naturally, the Time Warp, which always made him grin at the absurdity of it. "One of these days," he told Yasmin during an intermission, "I'm going to get back home and perform that song--and dance, of course--on the steps of the Prydonian Academy, just to see if those arrogant, red-robed smegheads would crack a smile."
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Re: The Rocky Horror Show (Theater Company)

Post by Josette Wheeler »


Having never seen the show before, Josie was always happy to explore new performances and enter different worlds! Not to mention she always wanted to support her fellow Shanachie performers.

However, she had zero clue about the audience participation part of the evening!

Curious as a kitten, she moved towards Jackie and her box of favors and helpful information sheets. The dancer flushed deeply when she was cheerfully asked if she was a "virgin."

"I..." Josie looked around helplessly till another helpful theater goer nearby took pity on her and shared one of her barrettes with Josie. "Don't worry! I am one too! It means it's your first time seeing the show. It's all part of the fun!"

The petite ballerina's slender shoulders visibly relaxed and she smiled and decided to jump in feet first and accepted the helpful information sheet and her box of goodies. "Okay." She gave a bit of a start as a red "V" was placed on her forehead with red lipstick. "Um.."

Her fashion designer Mother in Paris would have been mortified.

The show was certainly unlike anything she'd ever seen, certain parts making the ballerina turn as red as the lipstick that marked her forehead. She tried to follow along at the appropriate moment with the other veterans who had seen the show countless times to wait for the proper cue for newspaper, water guns, confetti, etc. She giggled while doing the Time Warp, enjoying that bit of the show immensely once she got the steps down. After all, she lived to dance!

All in all, it was a delightful evening and the actors did an amazing job, but Josie was happy that she had not dragged her brother along to attend. Isaac would have no doubt tried to stab some poor soul attempting to mark him with lipstick!
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Re: The Rocky Horror Show (Theater Company)

Post by Anya Chavez »

Anya loved being chosen as Janet for the production, overjoyed to be able to show a different side of herself (literally and figuratively) to offset her usual portrayal of youthful innocence. The young woman threw herself into the role, going from naive innocent to a full, almost completely willing, participant in Frank's final moment of uninhibited glory.

She didn't seem to mind Asher's penchant for wearing hotpants as often as he did, but she made sure to keep herself fully clothed until necessary when rehearsing or performing. It seemed more appropriate for Janet to maintain some modesty until after a bit of corruption.

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