Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Moderators: Jonathan Granger, Anthony De Luca, Mataya

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Anthony De Luca
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Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Post by Anthony De Luca »

August 26th to 30th, 2019

Applicants entering the theater by the stage door will be directed to the auditorium. In the middle of the stalls will be sat the producing directors of the theater, the director, and the musical director. At the front row is set up a lit table, from which application forms may be taken and filled out. A sign on said table requests that these forms be returned as promptly as possible.
Company Applied for (Theater/Repertory/Ballet/Band):Please include a preference to be a regular or guest performer. Also, if applying for the Band, please specify instrument.

Name (inc. title):


Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application? Yes*/No (*If you answer Yes, please give details):

How much notice do you need to give to your current employer, if currently employed?

Previous training pertinent to this application (if any):

Previous experience pertinent to this application (if any):

Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes*/No (If you answer Yes, please give details):

Please note - The positions offered by the Shanachie Theater are full time and salaried. Members of the Company and Band will be expected to keep to a strict rehearsal and performance schedule. Sick and holiday pay is non-negotiable and subject to duration of employment. The directorship withhold the right to terminate employment, should contractual obligations not be met.
The structure of the Theater Company auditions will be as follows - group warm ups, followed by individual dance, singing, and acting interviews. They will be asked to learn and repeat one dance routine, perform one pre-prepared song, and one pre-prepared scene.

Applicants for the positions in the Repertory Company will be interviewed individually. They will be asked to perform a prepared audition piece of their own choosing, and sight-read and perform a monologue chosen by the in-house director.

Applicants for positions in the Ballet Troupe will be invited back to audition with Anthony and Anastasia De Luca. There will be set pieces, as well as a solo and group audition.

((OOC Note - The Shanachie Theater Companies and House Band are intended to be a platform for players to expand their horizons among the community. Applications can be considered to be successful if made. Regular play, in forums and/or live, would be very much appreciated where time permits. Player's names will be attached to the pertinent productions in varying roles, unless they specifically state otherwise. Please note, if you are currently on the Roll Call of the Shanachie's Companies, you will need to add your details to this thread, or contact myself or Mataya directly, to keep that place in the Shanachie line up. In light of the last couple of years experience at this, we are also adding that should your character join the Shanachie and then do absolutely nothing - play in the rooms, post on the boards, etc - for an extended period of time, we will remove your character from the roll call.))

((Addendum 9/1/19: Just letting everyone know that despite yesterday's deadline, there is still time to audition for the Shanachie's 2019-2020 year, as the next show scheduled is Balanchine's Apollo, which is being performed by the 2018-2019 ballet company. We will be posting the 2019-2020 roll call soon, but you still have time to audition. If anyone has any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to PM me or Mataya. We don't bite ... hard. ;) ))
Last edited by Anthony De Luca on Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Post by Eeva »

Company Applied for (Theater/Repertory/Ballet/Band): Ballet - Regular

Name (inc. title): Eeva Cohen

29 South Gate
Jeshurun, Old Temple

Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application? Yes*/No (*If you answer Yes please give details):
Yes. My body may became fatigue and require bed rest for a few days, or at its worst, a week. These issues arise sparingly throughout the year.

How much notice do you need to give to your current employer, if currently employed?
None, currently employed with the Shanachie Ballet.

Previous training pertinent to this application (if any):
Kirov Ballet company.
American Ballet Theatre.
Background in ice skating for both single and double performances.
Current activities within the Shanachie Ballet

Previous experience pertinent to this application (if any):
Multiple small performances on Earth in both ballet and theater.
Sanachie Ballet Performances include:
The Red Shoes, Irina Boronskaja
Swan Lake, Princess Odette (The White Swan)
Spanish Doll, Spanish Doll
Performances during the Summer Galla: Raymonda's Act II variation from Raymonda, La Esmeralda solo variation from La Esmerelda
Cinderella, Cinderella
Ondine, Giannina
Peter Pan, Mrs. Darling

Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes*/No (If you answer Yes please give details):

Please note - The positions offered by the Shanachie Theater are full time and salaried. Members of the Company and Band will be expected to keep to a strict rehearsal and performance schedule. Sick and holiday pay is non-negotiable and subject to duration of employment. The directorship withhold the right to terminate employment, should contractual obligations not be met.
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Re: Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Post by Consonance »

For his pre-prepared song, Asher performed You'll Be Back from Hamilton, dressed fully as King George, wig and all.

Company Applied for (Theater/Repertory/Ballet/Band): Theater - Regular

Name (inc. title): Asher Price

Address: 17 Temple Street, Apt. 6. Old Temple, Rhy'Din City

Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application? Yes*/No (*If you answer Yes, please give details): Nope

How much notice do you need to give to your current employer, if currently employed? None

Previous training pertinent to this application (if any):
B.A. Graduate - Wooroonooran School of Performing Arts, Cairns, QLD, Australia
Focus - Musical Theory & Guitar Performance

Masters Candidate - RhyDin University, RhyDin City, RhyDin
Focus - Theory & Composition

Previous experience pertinent to this application (if any):
6 years of schooling plus performances with 3 separate bands over the past 10 years along with several solo stints.
Jason Ware - Rhy'Din Nights 2015
Shanachie House Band 2016-2017
Shanachie Theater Company 2017-2018
Shanachie Theater Company Guest Performer 2018-2019

Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes*/No (If you answer Yes, please give details): None in Rhydin. Misdemeanor criminal mischief when I was a youngin, nothing major, no felonies.
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Re: Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Post by Hugo »

Company Applied for: Theater - Regular

Name: Mr. Hugo Ferdinand Durant

The Annex Auxiliary Supply Closet
Beneath the Red Dragon Inn, Dragon's Gate District
RhyDin (City), RhyDin (Continent), RhyDin (Realm)

Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application?
Yes*/No (*If you answer Yes, please give details):

Yes - due to a regrettable and recurring condition that has been passed down in my family for generations, I experience headaches, sensitivity to strong light, and nausea after particularly long nights. I may require earplugs, shaded eyewear, and naps on those occasions.

How much notice do you need to give to your current employer, if currently employed?
As the master of my own destiny, I am what you might call "liberally employed" and have no scheduling obligations that cannot be cancelled or simply avoided without any notice whatsoever.

Previous training pertinent to this application (if any):
Understudy to Sir Jean-Luc de Allemagne for the role of Fleance in Macbeth with the High Street Theater Company, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Understudy to Baron de Allemagne, then understudy to Dowager Baroness de Allemagne for the role of Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet with the de Allemagne (later Baron de Allemagne Memorial) Theater Company, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold

Previous experience pertinent to this application (if any):
Actor for the role of Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet with the Baron de Allemagne Memorial Theater Company, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Actor for the role of Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet with the Traveling Troupe of Many Masks
Actor for the role of Malateste in The Duchess of Malfi with the Traveling Troupe of Many Masks
Actor for the role of Willmore in The Rover with the Royal Theater Company, Westerleigh, High Kingdom of Albion
Actor for the role of George Careless in A Mad Couple Well-Match'd with the First Colonial Theater Company, Freeport, Colonial Albion
Actor for the role of Fustigo in The Honest Whore with the Second Colonial Theater Company, New Freeport, Colonial Albion
Actor for the role of Fleance in Macbeth with the RhyDin Frontier Troupe

Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes*/No (If you answer yes, please give details):
Public drunkenness, Silvanus, Kingdom of Hessex-Vousson
Debauchery, Silvanus, Kingdom of Hessex-Vousson
Brawling, Silvanus, Kingdom of Hessex-Vousson
Adultery, Silvanus, Kingdom of Hessex-Vousson
Dueling, Silvanus, Kingdom of Hessex-Vousson
Debauchery, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Adultery, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Dueling, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Horse theft (in absentia), Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Public drunkenness, Charlemon, Kingdom of Mauroche
Adultery (in absentia), Drussel, Republic of Zeeward
Dueling (in absentia), Gotenberg, Principality of Halm
Impersonating a bishop (in absentia), Posswen, Kingdom of Dunlaw
Debauchery, Easterleigh, High Kingdom of Albion
Inciting a panic (in absentia), Easterleigh, High Kingdom of Albion
Adultery (in absentia), Westerleigh, High Kingdom of Albion
Dueling (in absentia), Westerleigh, High Kingdom of Albion
Public drunkenness, Freeport, Colonial Albion
Debauchery, Freeport, Colonial Albion
Dueling, Freeport, Colonial Albion
Impersonating a fire marshal (in absentia), Freeport, Colonial Albion
Adultery (in absentia), New Freeport, Colonial Albion
Public drunkenness, RhyDin, RhyDin

Whether or not it was required or requested, Hugo attempted to be allowed to deliver the monologue "My Mistress With A Monster Is In Love" as Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream.
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Anya Chavez
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Re: Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Post by Anya Chavez »

Company Applied for (Theater/Repertory/Ballet/Band): Theater, regular

Name (inc. title): Anya Chavez


23rd and 7th
RhyDin City

Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application? Yes*/No (*If you answer Yes please give details): No

How much notice do you need to give to your current employer, if currently employed? N/A

Previous training pertinent to this application (if any): 11 years theatre and acting school

Previous experience pertinent to this application (if any): Leading performer at the prestigious New Haven Academy for the Gifted, regular performer for the Shanachie Theater in the previous season

Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes*/No (If you answer Yes please give details): No
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Re: Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Post by Winter Pearl »

Company Applied for (Theater/Repertory/Ballet/Band):Please include a preference to be a regular or guest performer. Also, if applying for the Band, please specify instrument.[/b]
Ballet: regular.
Band: guest piano and violin

Name (inc. title): Pearl Fand

Dragon's Gate District
Correspondence may be sent in care of Harker's Academy in Old Temple.

Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application? Yes*/No (*If you answer Yes, please give details):

How much notice do you need to give to your current employer, if currently employed?
None, I’m currently employed by the Shanachie Theater

Previous training pertinent to this application (if any):
10 years of ballet at New Haven Dance Academy
Music theory
Piano and violin

Previous experience pertinent to this application (if any):
School and amateur productions.
2016-2018 Seasons with the Shanachie Theater

Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes*/No (If you answer Yes, please give details):

Please note - The positions offered by the Shanachie Theater are full time and salaried. Members of the Company and Band will be expected to keep to a strict rehearsal and performance schedule. Sick and holiday pay is non-negotiable and subject to duration of employment. The directorship withhold the right to terminate employment, should contractual obligations not be met.

She had once been told that even the greatest of dancers had butterflies in their stomach before an audition or performance, but remembering that didn't always help. What always worked was reminding herself of a pep talk from her mother when she was stepping up for another kind of solo performance. Do your best and always remember that win or lose, you family is here for you.

For her solo piece, Pearl chose to dance to a medley of Irish tunes played on the piano.
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Re: Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Post by Mairead Harker »

Company Applied for (Theater/Repertory/Ballet/Band):Please include a preference to be a regular or guest performer. Also, if applying for the Band, please specify instrument.
Theater: guest

Name (inc. title):
Mairead “Maggie” Harker

Harkers’ Island

Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application? Yes*/No (*If you answer Yes, please give details):

How much notice do you need to give to your current employer, if currently employed?
My school schedule is attached. Classes for me are generally half-day morning sessions and I do peer tutoring in the afternoons. My teachers have agreed to provide work at home packets if I am invited to perform during the school year. The school administration has also agreed to count my participation as credit toward art and music classes or an elective subject.

Previous training pertinent to this application (if any):
Music theory, dance (including ballet and tap), gymnastics training, and weapons training. Piano and violin lessons. Experience with training dogs. (This helped when I played the lead in Annie!)

Previous experience pertinent to this application (if any):
Acted in school plays, dance recitals, member of the Shanachie STARS for several seasons, several seasons as a guest performer at the Shanachie Theater, and a reporter for Channel KIDS.

Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes*/No (If you answer Yes, please give details):

Please note - The positions offered by the Shanachie Theater are full time and salaried. Members of the Company and Band will be expected to keep to a strict rehearsal and performance schedule. Sick and holiday pay is non-negotiable and subject to duration of employment. The directorship withhold the right to terminate employment, should contractual obligations not be met.
She had come a long way since her first audition for the Shanachie; if she had any nerves on edge, she didn’t show it. For her audition pieces, Maggie had opted to wear a pair of black jeans, red blouse, short black boots, and a black fedora with a red silk band around it. The song she chose was Roar.

For her prepared piece, she chose a monologue from “Stop Playing the Victim.”

Sally visits her best friend and is yet again met with her friend’s negative attitude that she is sick of dealing with for so long.

Sally: I’m trying to understand something. Why is it that when I talk to you about things that make me happy you always get down? Whenever I talk to you about things that upset me, you always get so involved.

Do you want me to be miserable in my life? I feel as though the only way for us to have any relationship is when things are bad. I don’t want things to be bad. I want to talk about good things. I want to hear you tell me good things. Why is that so hard for you? Do you realize that every time I come over here you have nothing nice to say. You are always complaining and moaning about your work, your boyfriend, your family, your apartment…you never have anything happy going on it seems.

It’s like the only way you can exist and communicate is by raging against something. Doesn’t that exhaust you? It takes more energy to be miserable than be happy. Try being happy and stop playing the victim all the time.
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Re: Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Post by Dante Alvarez »

Name: Dante Lorenzo Domínguez-Álvarez

Company Applied For: Ballet, regular

Address: Please forward all correspondence to the Red Dragon Inn

Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application? No

How much notice do you need to give to your current employer, if currently employed? NA

Previous training pertinent to this application (if any):
Royal Ballet School:
Lower School: White Lodge , Richmond Park, London aged 11-16
Areas of emphasis included: Classical, Character, Contemporary, Pas de deux, Folk Dances, Choreographic and Gymnastics/Conditioning

Upper School: Covent Garden aged 16-19
Areas of emphasis included: Increased focus on Character and contemporary, Pas de deux, Variations, Repertoire, Improvisation and intensive Conditioning/Pilates

Summer intensive programs held at both White Lodge and Covent Garden

Previous experience pertinent to this application

First Artist 2012, Soloist 2013, First Soloist 2014, Principal 2016 all with The Royal Ballet Company

The Royal Ballet repertory:
Albrecht Giselle
Prince Siegfried Swan Lake
Prince Florimund The Sleeping Beauty
Basilio Don Quixote
Colas La Fille mal gardée
Leontes The Winter’s Tale
Created Roles: David Bintley’s Les Saisons, Will Tucket’s The Seven Deadly Sins
Guest Artist at the Paris Opera Ballet

Do you have any criminal convictions?
Statutory Offence: Affray on five separate occasions
Penalty Notice for Disorder for drunk and disorderly conduct in public and again on public transportation traveling to a designated sporting event

Dante scanned the application for the Shanachie Ballet Company. He’d just come from an early morning Pilates and conditioning session, his sleeveless hoodie revealing several tattoos along muscles while covering most his head and oversized head phones which pumped Repeat by Regal into his ears. Josette had mentioned the company to him after he’d returned from a self-imposed mental retreat to Nepal where he’d been in search of greater clarity and knowledge. As he was looking for work, he would fill out the application with a well defined and precise script, the flourish coming in the signature as he signed with just his first name…those who mattered would know there was only one Dante in ballet.
Dante would find an empty space where he could go inward and find the mental clarity and concentration necessary to perform at peak levels of technical proficiency and artistic spirit. Dante would be performing Orion’s variation from the ballet Sylvia.

Orion's variation

After completing his solo audition, Dante would remain in the wings and hydrate as he waited to play his part in Josette’s choreographed surprise for the group auditions.
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Re: Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Post by Hugo »

Hugo wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2019 4:02 pm Company Applied for: Theater - Regular

Name: Mr. Hugo Ferdinand Durant

The Annex Auxiliary Supply Closet
Beneath the Red Dragon Inn, Dragon's Gate District
RhyDin (City), RhyDin (Continent), RhyDin (Realm)

Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application?
Yes*/No (*If you answer Yes, please give details):

Yes - due to a regrettable and recurring condition that has been passed down in my family for generations, I experience headaches, sensitivity to strong light, and nausea after particularly long nights. I may require earplugs, shaded eyewear, and naps on those occasions.

How much notice do you need to give to your current employer, if currently employed?
As the master of my own destiny, I am what you might call "liberally employed" and have no scheduling obligations that cannot be cancelled or simply avoided without any notice whatsoever.

Previous training pertinent to this application (if any):
Understudy to Sir Jean-Luc de Allemagne for the role of Fleance in Macbeth with the High Street Theater Company, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Understudy to Baron de Allemagne, then understudy to Dowager Baroness de Allemagne for the role of Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet with the de Allemagne (later Baron de Allemagne Memorial) Theater Company, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold

Previous experience pertinent to this application (if any):
Actor for the role of Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet with the Baron de Allemagne Memorial Theater Company, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Actor for the role of Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet with the Traveling Troupe of Many Masks
Actor for the role of Malateste in The Duchess of Malfi with the Traveling Troupe of Many Masks
Actor for the role of Willmore in The Rover with the Royal Theater Company, Westerleigh, High Kingdom of Albion
Actor for the role of George Careless in A Mad Couple Well-Match'd with the First Colonial Theater Company, Freeport, Colonial Albion
Actor for the role of Fustigo in The Honest Whore with the Second Colonial Theater Company, New Freeport, Colonial Albion
Actor for the role of Fleance in Macbeth with the RhyDin Frontier Troupe

Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes*/No (If you answer yes, please give details):
Public drunkenness, Silvanus, Kingdom of Hessex-Vousson
Debauchery, Silvanus, Kingdom of Hessex-Vousson
Brawling, Silvanus, Kingdom of Hessex-Vousson
Adultery, Silvanus, Kingdom of Hessex-Vousson
Dueling, Silvanus, Kingdom of Hessex-Vousson
Debauchery, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Adultery, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Dueling, Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Horse theft (in absentia), Salogne, Grand Duchy of Avold
Public drunkenness, Charlemon, Kingdom of Mauroche
Adultery (in absentia), Drussel, Republic of Zeeward
Dueling (in absentia), Gotenberg, Principality of Halm
Impersonating a bishop (in absentia), Posswen, Kingdom of Dunlaw
Debauchery, Easterleigh, High Kingdom of Albion
Inciting a panic (in absentia), Easterleigh, High Kingdom of Albion
Adultery (in absentia), Westerleigh, High Kingdom of Albion
Dueling (in absentia), Westerleigh, High Kingdom of Albion
Public drunkenness, Freeport, Colonial Albion
Debauchery, Freeport, Colonial Albion
Dueling, Freeport, Colonial Albion
Impersonating a fire marshal (in absentia), Freeport, Colonial Albion
Adultery (in absentia), New Freeport, Colonial Albion
Public drunkenness, RhyDin, RhyDin

Whether or not it was required or requested, Hugo attempted to be allowed to deliver the monologue "My Mistress With A Monster Is In Love" as Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Hugo snuck back into the theater (whether or not this was actually necessary) and made the following amendment to his audition paperwork:

Companyies Applied for: Theater - Regular Guest
Repertory - Regular

Then, having recalled that a prepared piece was required for a repertory role — and having forgotten that a) this was supposed to be a stealth mission and b) that he’d already needlessly given one before — he re-delivered the monologue "My Mistress With A Monster Is In Love" as Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream.
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Re: Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Post by Josette Wheeler »

Company Applied for (Theater/Repertory/Ballet/Band): Ballet - Regular

Name (inc. title): Josette Marie Wheeler

143 Cherry Blossom Lane, New Haven

Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application? Yes*/No (*If you answer Yes please give details):
Yes. At times prone to subtle to violent tremors when under extreme stress. Currently under treatment to help mitigate these symptoms.

How much notice do you need to give to your current employer, if currently employed?
None, currently employed with the Shanachie Ballet.

Previous experience pertinent to this application (if any):
Various performances with the Paris Opera Ballet, most notably her performance of Giselle as her first principal role with the company. Shanachie roles include:
The Snow Queen: Gerda
La Bayadere: Nikiya
The Little Mermaid; Little Mermaid
Onegin: Olga
The Nutcracker: Clara
La Sylphide: The Sylph
The Red Shoes: Victoria Page
Swan Lake: Odile-The Black Swan
Coppelia: French Doll
Peter Pan: Wendy
Ondine: Ondine

Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes*/No (If you answer Yes please give details): No

Josette was particularly excited for the auditions for this new season for a special reason. After her absence at the Summer Gala, she was feeling stronger than ever after working with Irina on her strength training after taking a much needed rest and she was eager to be back to work rehearsing and performing in Apollo.

Having spent the morning in the quiet reverie of the branches of one of her favorite ancient oak trees in the Southern Glen, she felt recharged and rejuvenated as she bounced with eager excitement through the backstage door. There may have been a stray leaf or two still stuck in her hair and some dirt beneath her fingernails as she plopped her bag down and brushed her delicate bangs out of her eyes that framed her doll-like face like wisps of angel wings. Feeling one of the leaves with delicate fingers, she gave a little sheepish smile, before plucking one out and tucking it into the safety of her bag before she began stretching.

A warm smile was given to both new and old faces alike as she began her warm up routine. She of course greeted Dante, who she had worked with many years ago at the Paris Opera Ballet. Josette had told him about the company after he returned from his time in Nepal to escape his alleged scandal with the Royal Ballet company. Dante denied the rumors as spurious lies of course, but as Josette had worked with the notorious "Black Eagle" before, she knew his temperament all too well. A brilliant dancer to be sure, but he'd given more than one choreographer in the ballet world a few sleepless nights as he was a bit of a divo. She'd told him about the company when he said he was looking for work after the leaving the Royal Ballet, she just never actually thought he would decide to audition!

Having worked hard on her strength and flexibility during her time off, Josette chose to dance the variation Arabian Coffee from her first and forever favorite ballet, The Nutcracker as her individual piece. For the group auditions, she'd choreographed a special surprise at the very end, that she'd enlisted Dante's help with, as well as several willing members of the corps. Josie had worked rather hard on it, as she wanted to flex her choreographer muscles a bit and needed to channel some restless energy during her time off. Testing the waters to see if Anya and Tony would ever want to give her a chance at choreographing a few pieces should they ever need the occasional break, she created a piece that was a bit of a modern twist of The Nutcracker.

After watching a few amazing duels, she drew inspiration from the fighters and their incredible movements to combine some fight aspects with the ballet and merge the two together to give Clara some fire and a bit more to do than simply throw her ballet slipper at the Mouse King! She hoped everyone would enjoy the fresh take!

(OOC Note: Everyone that wishes to is welcome to participate in the group piece as long as it remains in line with the choreography in the following video. Josette is dancing the role of Clara and Dante Alvarez is dancing the Mouse King, but all other roles are open to whoever wants to join in on the fun! Full credit for the original choreography goes to Benjamin Millepied)
Last edited by Josette Wheeler on Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shanachie Theater Auditions 2019

Post by Tippletoe »

Applicants entering the theater by the stage door will be directed to the auditorium. In the middle of the stalls will be sat the producing directors of the theater, the director, and the musical director. At the front row is set up a lit table, from which application forms may be taken and filled out. A sign on said table requests that these forms be returned as promptly as possible.

Company Applied for (Theater/Repertory/Ballet/Band):
Theater: Regular
Repertory: Regular
Band: Guest - Lute, Lyre, Flute, Pan Flute, Fiddle

Name (inc. title): Tippletoe Timbers - Bard, Minstrel & Actor Extraordinaire!

Address: Room 3, The Golden Perch Inn

Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application? No, I am in perfect health!

How much notice do you need to give to your current employer, if currently employed? I am self-employed, so I am ready when you are!

Previous training pertinent to this application (if any): I have been trained in the arts of minstrelling, barding, dancing, singing, instrument playing, storytelling, and in general performing by the well respected and accomplished halfling extraordinaire Al the Bard.

Previous experience pertinent to this application (if any):

- Regular Performer at the Golden Perch Inn (Presently)
- Regular Performer at Grubb's Grubb (Six Months)
- Street Performing in the Dominion of Arterbury (2 weeks)
- Regular Performances with the City Watch of Sulibala (4 years)
- Guest Performer with the Travelling Band of Minstrels and Bards in Comeau (1 year)

Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes*/No (If you answer Yes, please give details): Nope, I perfectly uphold the law! Okay, well maybe I was accused and found guilty of trespassing in the Dominion of Arterbury but I swear it was all a great misunderstanding. You see, their signs are not very big and the roads are not clearly marked. I was hunting a rabbit to eat and there was a small fence in the way so I ducked under the fence to snag the rabbit. If I had known that's where their property started I would never have squeezed between the boards in hunt of my meal. I swear I would have turned around right then and there and gone after something else to eat. Regardless, I didn't know these things so I kept up my merry pursuit. Turns out the rabbit was quite quick, but I was quicker! I caught the rabbit but had stumbled over some fellows well and fell inside. I screamed for help with my now-drowned-rabbit-meal and it took half a day for someone to find me. They hoisted me up and summarily charged me with trespassing! I got to keep the rabbit.
Theater Company Audition
Pre-Prepared Song
Tippletoe gave a rousing rendition of Rattlin' Bog with her fiddle.

Pre-Prepared Scene
On the recommendation of someone else in Rhy'din she had quickly read and prepared the well-written monologue of Katherine from Taming of the Shrew, Act 5, Scene 2. It was an odd performance for the normally upbeat and chipper Tippletoe but she executed the piece with perfect dramatias.

Repertory Company
During the entirety of the interview, Tippletoe babbled and chatted without any of the anxiety that normally accompanies such auditions.

Prepared Audition Piece
Tippletoe attempted to perform the entirety of Murder for Two by herself. She used a sock puppet for the investigator and played all of the suspects herself.

A Tip-Top Gnome from Tip-to-Toe: I'm Your Tippletoe!

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