Amaris peeked her head into the silent arena after the little celebration she’d portaled back and moved inside. She walked across the floor, grabbing up a chair from the table and dragged it towards the cork. Once she was there, she lined it up. After a moment of looking over the corkboard, she’d shrug off her backpack and start to rummage through it looking for the paper she’d stylized with cute Lisa Frank stickers and with a smile stepped up on the chair to reach it and pinned a little flier up before turning and heading back out of the arena and towards home.
- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 1 week of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within 2 weeks of the title holders acceptance.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.
I apologize for not having the artistic talent to reciprocate in answering your challenge. It does look very nice and is most certainly the best challenge notice I've seen!
The challenger Amaris favours blueberry pie, and peanut butter and chocolate pie! She fights tonight under the colours of dark green and the golden emblem of a wolf. Her seconds are Rachael Blackthorne and Mairead Harker with Roni as her sister of honour.
The defendant, Baron Alasdair Galloway, prefers apple pie! His colours are midnight blue and green, his second is Yeardley Owens with Max Lager as his person of honour
Single Bout
Ring Delta: Amaris vs Alasdair Galloway in a dos duel. Begin when ready!
Ring Delta 1: Alasdair Galloway scores! (SH / HC | 0 - 1, Alasdair Galloway leads.)
Ring Delta 2: Everybody scores! (HC / LC | 1 - 2, Alasdair Galloway leads.)
Ring Delta 3: Alasdair Galloway scores! (CP / FSS | 1 - 3, Alasdair Galloway leads.)
Ring Delta 4: Everybody scores! (TH / TH | 2 - 4, Alasdair Galloway leads.)
Ring Delta 5: No action this round. (HC / HC | 2 - 4, Alasdair Galloway leads.)
Ring Delta 6: Alasdair Galloway scores! (TH / FSS | 2 - 5, Alasdair Galloway leads.)
FINAL: Alasdair Galloway def. Amaris, 5 - 2 in 6 rounds. - dos
Alasdair Galloway remains the Baron of New Haven! Well fought Amaris, well defended Alasdair!