Interested in creating a custom house? Feel free to reply to this thread with info like you see below! Thanks and have fun!
Custom Houses
1. Gather a minimum* of two other duelists to join their custom house (3 in total including yourself).
2. Submit their team registration (with an emblem) along with the team option of being an Open or Private House. Open Houses will be for anyone to join while private Houses require House Manager approval for invites.
House Name - Seaside Strikers
Emblem -
Open or Private House - Open House
Duelists Joining
1. John Doe ( Manager )
2. Jane Doe
3. Bobby Doe
3. Should a House Manager remove a player from a Private Dueling House: The removed players points will be deducted from the Private Dueling House and they will be allowed to take them to any new house they join. Players who willingly leave a Dueling House will follow the current rules as followed: Interested in leaving your Dueling House or want to joining another? Post your intent in this thread and you will be switched. Sadly your points will stay with the House you gained them for, but any new points will be rewarded to your new one of choice!
4. Feel free to give your Custom House their own HQ. Space in the tunnel systems in the Underground are available (but not limited to). Feel free to be creative!
5. That's it! Enjoy having your own custom houses!
There is no time limit for registration of a custom dueling house. If you'd like to submit your registration before Season 3 starts then feel free to reply to this thread, if not? Please wait for the Season 3 thread to be made in the Arena folder once the current season is over.
Extra: if you'd like special font for your house title, please feel free to submit that as well! You can make your own however you like. The current house title text was made using:
Note: Duelists who are currently in one of the three original houses ( Steel / Stone / Wilds ), or a custom house, will start in their original house but may transfer to a new house at any time following the rules of house transfers.
*While Custom Houses have a minimum of 3 players to create, there are no player caps (To the existing originals & custom houses). You may register your house with more than the 3 minimum requirement.