The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event) - Ended!

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The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event) - Ended!

Post by DUEL Specter »

[ For the story leading to this event: Click Here ]

Those who step through the portal of Twilight Isle will see a lone table standing to the side. Etched into the wood before three decks of cards reads: "The Crystal Tower of Light and Dark Calls. The Balance of Twilight Isle is disturbed. The Diurnal, The Nocturnal, or will you let Fate decide?"

The cards are there for you to take — but only one. Once taken the card will be yours to keep and signify you as aligning with either the Path of the Sun / the Diurnal Sect, or the Path of the Moon / the Nocturnal Sect.

Yet — there sits a third stack of cards with their faces turned; the single word, "Fate", etched into the wood above it. Will you forgo choice and allow fate to decide which path you walk?

The Diurnal Sect
"Path of the Sun"

Those who join the Diurnal Sect wish to see the Light prevail. Should this sect win the Tower of Light and Dark will shed all Darkness and glow bright with basking light. Only those who fought for the Diurnal Sect will be allowed entry into its hallowed halls to discover the mysteries, knowledge, and magical artifacts within.

The Nocturnal Sect
"Path of the Moon"

Those who join the Nocturnal Sect wish to see the Night prevail. Should this sect win the Tower of Light and Dark will shed all Light and fall beneath the veil of darkness. Only those who fought for the Nocturnal Sect will be allowed entry into its hallowed halls to discover the mysteries, knowledge, and magical artifacts within.

"Be guided by Fate."

Fate will decide which Sect you join. Will you walk the path of Light or beneath the veil of Darkness?


Twilight. The struggle between the Light and Dark.

As you duel in magic your sect will grow stronger. Through gaining the powers of the Elements or besting those of the other sect.. there are many ways to gather energy for either the Light or the Dark.

For every new member of a sect your energy will be raised by 3 points. Should the new sect member be a Keeper, the energy given will be amplified to 5 points.

A victory within a regulation duel in Magic will see that the winner gains 5 points of energy, while the defeated gain 3 points. An undecided match that results in a tie will see both fighters gaining 4 points. Should your opponent be one of the opposite sect, the energy gained will be amplified (+2 point bonus for both fighters).

Energy can also be gained through taking or defending an Elemental Tower. Should you be victorious in your challenge the energy will be of a larger sum (10 points for either defending or gaining a title in DoM), and through the magical conflict even those who are defeated will have residual energy gained for their sect (5 points should you be defeated in a challenge.).

Those who do not join a sect will be part of "Twilight".
Neither Light nor Dark. The energy conducted by duels against a non-sect member will still help your cause.

The Crystal Tower of Light and Dark slumbers..
but it will awaken at the start of the newest cycle.

Draw your card
(Sign up below!)

Image Image Image

Out of Character Information

When the Event Begins
The event will officially begin at the start of Week 1. Sunday, April the 21st at 7 PM EST. And will last until the end of the cycle.
While dueling before April the 21st will not give points to your sect, your joining the side of Light or Dark will still gain the sign up bonus upon your character entering the event. Your characters orbs will not begin gathering energy until the 21st, but please feel free to play out the situation as you like before the official event begins.

For those who Choose Fate
Choose Fate? You will be coin-flipped into a sect. If you'd like to play out choosing fate but OOCly choose a sect? Feel free. But be sure to include it in your sign up / card draw below.

Orbs of Light and Dark
Once a participant takes a card they will be granted an orb of Dark or Light from the Tower that is attached to the card. These orbs are what transfers magical energy (Points), be it of light or dark, from your duels back to the Tower. The more energy gained, the stronger the orb becomes. This orb is yours to grow and evolve as you see fit. Will it gain a voice? Will it take on a new shape? That is for you to decide.

Image Image
Orb of Light (Left) // Orb of Dark (Right)

Where can I see the points updated?
You can see it here! Please click the link.

May I switch to the other Sect?
Sorry. Once a sect is taken, either by choice or fate, it will be kept as that sect throughout the cycle.

May I have more than one character in this event?
Yes. Feel free!

Point Breakdown
Join a Sect = 3 points ( +2 Bonus should you be a Keeper )
Win a Duel = 5 Points ( +2 Bonus should your opponent be of the opposite sect )
Tie a Duel = 4 Points ( +2 Bonus should your opponent be of the opposite sect )
Lose a Duel = 3 Points ( +2 Bonus should your opponent be of the opposite sect )

Win a Challenge = 10 points ( +2 Bonus should your opponent be of the opposite sect )
Lose a Challenge = 5 points ( +2 Bonus should your opponent be of the opposite sect )

Feel free to waive grace if you'd like to gain more points, but do not feel pressured. This is meant to be fun!

Participate in the end of the cycle Archmage Tournament = 2 Points for Joining
Each match during the Tournament will result in the win/loss point gains. Bonuses will also apply.
The Archmage Tournament winner, should they be part of a sect, will gain 20 points for their sect.

Participants will be given an Icon based on their Sect at the end of the Cycle.
Diurnal Sect // Path of the Sun - Image
Nocturnal Sect // Path of the Moon - Image

Any questions? Feel free to ask on Discord or in Private Messages.
Please enjoy yourselves and have fun.
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by Goldglo »

Path of the Moon.

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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by Andrea Anderson »

Venturing out of the Tower of Fire after a short, and annoying vacation there with her mish-mash of a family had Andrea raising a brow at the sight of the table. The Goblin rumormill, and the sight of the tall crystal tower, told her something odd was happening well before seeing the cards. She looked over the table, read what was there, then pondered about what to do.

Fate. It seemed like the best choice, so she drew her cards and saw...
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by Phil Goshawke »

I select the Nocturnal Sect.

Phil Goshawke
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by Fenna De Vries »

There was still a lot for Fen to explore in this maddening world. She had been through the markets and even applied for quite a few jobs (which encouraged her to check her phone multiple times within the hour), walked the beaches to dig her toes into the sand, hitched a Ruber or a cab into the city to extend her hand into a nightlife adventure. So many things that she experienced on her own for the first time that she lost count of how many times she cursed the life she ventured away from.

The portals had been on her list since she first stretched her shadow in the underbelly of the rings but they had been closed last night due to -- well, she wasn't positive what they were closed for. Rumors and speculation, yes, but none of those things could have been the truth. When she realized they were back online (was that the right way to phrase how the portals worked?) she made haste to dissolve herself through the gateways where the other side was unlike where she had passed.

"Oh, oh, oh, Miss?" The goblin zigged before zagging, his journey a spastic one with his scrambling feet and hands clutching a silver platter that he balanced a goblet on. Semi-out of breath, he skidded to a halt before her to raise up the goblet. There was liquid inside.

"May I offer you a drink? Something to eat? Maybe a candy bar or a shrunken head, depending on your dietary restrictions?", he wheezed out. Nasally sounding, youth stuck in a wrinkled green body. His nose seemed too long for his small face and his eyes were as wide as quarters.

"No, I'm fine, thank you." Polite as she could be while taking in not only the creature in front of her (she admired his bow tie but it was as crooked as his teeth) before looking out to the vast imagery of the Isle itself. "I just came to see what was here. The portals weren't working last night."

The goblin sighed a breath of relief at hearing that Fen did not, in fact, want a shrunken head. While she looked to be less a threat, you could never be too sure. The Isle and all its wonders taught him that. "Yes, yes, yes, they were closed because of that --" A gnarled finger jutted out to point in the direction of the table that seemed undisturbed by any wind that might breeze by. "-- and now it is open. Because of those." Jiggling green fingers in an erratic show of having Fen follow him.

"Would you like to play?" He grinned but there was no way around it; that grin was sharp, devilish, but maybe it was just his face that made it seem that way. The platter he held, a long with the goblet, were thrown over his shoulder as if he couldn't careless about it now. Instantly, before clanging on any surface, it disappeared like the objects were made of an illusion.

"Is it a game?" Fen drew her attention from the snarl-smiling goblin to the cards a top the etched table. They reminded her of something the Aurics used during their trials through Mentalcrafting. Her hands wandered into her pockets rather than reaching out to take any one of the cards.

"Yes. No. Yes-no? No. It is not a game, Miss. It is to restore balance! The balance is threatened -- whooooooo-aaaaaaah!" The goblin insisted on this noise, starting high pitched and lowering it like he was trying to parrot a sound of doom and awe at the same time.

"Hrm.", Fen made her own noise that was more suspicious of the cards than the goblin's version of a soundtrack. "Path of the Sun -- or Path of the Moon. Or -- Fate?" Her brows rose to signal her curiosity when looking back to the goblin. He was weaving his hands back and forth between one another, wringing them together like he was plotting.

"Yes! Fate. Chosen based on -- fate. Your fate. Not another's. Your own." Stammering over his own words.

Fenna pursed her mouth as she thought this over. There were some within the Named Houses that she knew would lean towards one over the other, but the De Vries dealt with spirits, many of whom were right in the middle of both. Neutral creatures that reigned as magnificent beasts with out being evil or good, black of white, sun or moon. She bonded with these aeons enough to know that they weren't peculiar on something like this; they fought because they had to, or were protective and territorial.

"I choose to let Fate decide."

The goblin clapped his hands together and motioned for Fen to dare her chance at Fate. She was hesitant at first before extending slim fingers to pick a single card that would reveal who she would champion for.
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by DUEL Specter »

Andrea Anderson wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:57 pmFate. It seemed like the best choice, so she drew her cards and saw...
Fate has chosen...


The Diurnal Sect
Fenna De Vries wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:26 pm"I choose to let Fate decide."
Fate has chosen...


The Nocturnal Sect
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by Jonn Revelator »

I choose the path of the sun.
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by Mallory »

"I wonder what could have disrupted their balance," the witch mused to Juniper from her perch behind the bar of the Golden Perch, and turned her ghastly eyes back to Phil again. They were pale white, blighted with the Sight as soon as a strange portal to the Twilight Isle had flared open, bathing the room in sunlight and moonlight. "Would you do me a favor... reach through the portal, find the card from the closest stack, and bring it to me?"

Phil nodded, hopping off the stool and crouching down by his duffel bag and case, where he had stored the weapon he thought to name Death Bringer. "I can do that, if you agree to watch these while I'm over there. Does that work for you?"

"Set them down on the counter," the witch replied, watching as Phil deposited the items before her, then turned and stepped through.

* * * * *

The lanky, glasses-wearing form of Phil stepped through the portal, but by the way he moved immediately towards the table with the deck of cards, it was clear what he was there for. He went immediately for the deck with a moon on it, pulling a card free from the deck. But he was distracted from his next pull by the sight of a new combatant in the magical rings nearby. "Fascinating!"

Finally, though, he did what he had come to the Isle to do, and drew the card he had been asked to draw for Mallory. Without any further hesitation, he came back through the portal.

* * * * *

Mallory has chosen the Nocturnal Sect.

((Many thanks to Phil for participating in this scene and letting me use his words!))
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by Rachael Blackthorne »

I, Rachael Blackthorne, the current custodian of the Tower of Earth, choose the Path of the Sun.
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by Juniper »

Juniper fae will late the fates decide
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by DUEL Specter »

Juniper wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2019 9:34 pm Juniper fae will late the fates decide
Fate has chosen...


The Diurnal Sect
Priscilla Specter
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by Spell »

"A warrior of darkness seems more suitable.. to walk under the moon, it is truly beautiful." She'd take the card which depicted the moon and allowed it to burn away within her grasp. A floating orb of energy pulsed to life beside her and she then turned away from the table to step away.
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by Amaris »

The little girl would wander up to the table and read all the information looking between the two cards back and forth back and forth and finally with a sigh she'd reach for fate to make her choice.
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by DUEL Specter »

Amaris wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2019 9:57 pm The little girl would wander up to the table and read all the information looking between the two cards back and forth back and forth and finally with a sigh she'd reach for fate to make her choice.
Fate has chosen...


The Diurnal Sect
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Re: The Trial of Light & Dark (Cycle Long Event)

Post by Hope »

Fate wills it to be.

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