
Stories from the lives of House Ilnaren and those whose lives intertwine with it.

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Azure Wayfinder
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Post by Azure Wayfinder »

((This story was part of the Sublimation event over on RDI))

August 2013 under the common calendar

"H'yaa!" The young woman bent forward astride her horse, calling out to urge more speed from it. She had left Murian some days earlier, with her usual disdain for the Satrapy's hedonistic atmosphere still fresh in her mind. Now, following the river into the pass through the Magespire Peaks, she was coming up on the border of Sorcais.

If there was any place she liked less than Murian, it was Sorcais, though for different reasons. The pleasure districts of the Satrapy disgusted her, but the Lords Sorcere? They scared her. It wasn't their power; she had known mages, even took one as a lover for a time. No, it was the coldhearted ruthlessness of which the magelords were capable when they had their heart set on something. Power, or knowledge, or just some pretty trinket that caught their eye. They paid well, however, and Glendyon had paid half of her fee up front. She had little need for the coin itself, but her huntmates in the horse clans made good use of it when the trading caravans came though.

It had been more than her usual fee, though, and he offered it without any haggling. That alone was enough to put her on edge.

* * * * *

Several days of riding westward from the pass had brought her to her destination: the tower keep of Lord Glendyon Ostrel, mage and master of the surrounding valley. Even as she dismounted, the tower door opened and he stepped out, tall and regal despite his unassuming robes. "Azure. Thank you for coming."

She turned her pure-blue eyes to look at him. "Your offer was most generous, and with half up front, how could I say no? I do wish you'd been more forthcoming with the details, though."

Glendyon gave a tight-lipped smile. "Something's happening in Rhy'din."
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Azure Wayfinder
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It was all she could do not to laugh in his face. "Glendyon, there is always something happening in Rhy'din. It's Rhy'din, after all." Her amusement faded as she saw the continuing sobriety in his eyes. "What sort of something," she finally asked, "and what do you need me to do about it?"

The mage smirked at the dual question. "I have been trying to contact one of my... acquaintances there for several days now. In the past, our connection has been flawless, since she and I are both masters of planar communication, but that has changed. The Nexus has become... cranky."

"Cranky?" The word sent Azure's eyebrow towards her hair. "So you can't talk to your lady friend." She kept her expression impassive, but within she was laughing as the mage scowled. Apparently they've been sending more than just words back and forth. Speaking up once more, she reminded him of the second part to her earlier question. "Where do I come into this?"

Glendyon didn't answer, but instead turned and stepped back inside his keep, beckoning her to follow. Once they were inside, he poured drinks for them both--wine for himself, water for her--and handed her glass over. Finally he sat, facing her across the fire, and explained. "You have been to Rhy'din, spent time there. Several years, in fact, though not all together. You have connections to that place that should serve as an anchor." He paused a moment, weighing his words. "I need you to travel there, to carry a touchstone that will ensure my lady and I can contact each other without worry."

One second earlier and the mage would've been sprayed with water. "WHAT?!" Azure was, to put it plainly, flabbergasted but the suggestion. "You want to send me to Rhy'din, knowing that the Nexus is unstable right now and thus asking me to risk my life, or sanity, or possibly both, just so you can keep in touch with some crossworlds lover?" Rising to her feet, she began to pace in circles around her chair.

"I am offering half again your normal commission," Glendyon added.

She paused in mid-pace and glared at him from behind the chair. "Double, and you pay the balance before I go anywhere." When he nodded his agreement, she drew a heavy sigh and walked around the chair to stand before him, hand out. "Agreed."

He rose and shook her hand, then turned to head further into his keep. "Wait here. I'll be back with the rest of your money, the touchstone, and instructions on how to find her once you're there." Then he was out of sight.

As she stood waiting, Azure sighed again and shook her head. "Well, I never asked for a boring life."
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A swirl of myriad colors flowed around Azure as she rode the byways of the multiverse, travelling from Glendyon's keep in Sorcais to the Nexus point in Rhy'din. It was a familiar trip, one she'd made before, but... this time the colors seemed brighter, more vivid. Wilder, she said to herself, as odd turbulence shoved at her. I can see why he said it was being cranky. Windhoof, her horse, shuddered beneath her; he had also made this journey before, but the charged dimensional passage was making him nervous. She reached out to touch his cheek reassuringly. "We'll be there soon." I hope, she added silently.

Moments later, however, her words came true as the riotous color faded to blackness before resolving into an evening scene, with the afterglow of the sun fading in the west and stars coming out above. Horse and rider found themselves on the road approaching a city wall, with forest on either side. A quick look up and she spied the familiar constellations of Rhy'din between scattered clouds. "There we are, see? The Old Temple gate!" Passing through, Azure waved greetings to the Watch on duty, then rode her way along the main avenue to the museum, turning west on Artisan Way to Littleglen Lane. Soon enough she was dismounting in front of a modestly upscale manor house. "Nice for some," she commented as she approached the door and knocked.

It opened to reveal a robed woman with long, fiery red hair streaked with white. "Yes?"

"Lady Ceroel a'Vyrstan?" When the woman nodded warily, Azure untied a leather bag from her belt and held it up, pulling the edges down to reveal its contents. "A gift from Lord Glendyon, something to keep you close to one another in these troubled times."

The woman beamed and reached out to take the touchstone, holding it close to her heart. "Thank you! The risk you took...."

"I was well-paid for that, m'lady, trust me." Affecting a nonchalant air, Azure patted the mystic pouch at her hip, which lay smooth and flat despite the considerable amount of coin within. In fact, seeing the joy on the woman's face had left her feeling warmth and envy all at once. That wasn't something she cared to let on to a stranger, however pleasant she appeared. "Now, if you'll excuse me...."

Ceroel straightened, her expression more serious now. "I can transport you back to your homeland, if you wish."

"I haven't been here in several months; I thought I'd check in on some friends, maybe find a bit of trouble to get into."

The robed woman shook her head, frowning. "You should return home now. A strangeness has settled over Rhy'din of late, stranger than what even we would consider normal. People disappearing without warning, apparitions of those long dead... you should go. Now."

Once more astride Windhoof, Azure looked down at the lady and flashed a grin. "Tell you what, I'm going to head over to the Dragon and get a drink, see who's around, maybe crash for the night. I'll be back in the morning and you can send me home then, fair?" Without waiting for an answer, she turned her horse and rode back the way she'd come. Reaching the main street, she turned left towards the river bridge leading towards the Market district.

She was almost across the bridge when something in the air made goosebumps rise all over. People nearby cried out and pointed behind her, and she had just turned Windhoof around when he reared in surprise. The air around them seemed to shimmer and warp...

...and then it was gone. "What was that?" she murmured softly, before shaking her head and guiding the horse back on his way towards the Marketplace and beyond. So distracted was she with what had happened that she failed to notice the sudden appearance of a tall, high-tech building along the riverside, a couple of blocks away. All around her, in ways subtle and overt, Rhy'din had changed.
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Azure Wayfinder
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As she rode through the streets of the Old Market district, Azure noted a few changes in storefronts and names, though they didn't really leave much impression upon her. Rhy'din was always changing, with some people pulling up stakes rather than deal with the strangeness and others settling in the newly-empty spots. Moonlight & Magic? That's new, I'll have to check it out. Then she was in the Marketplace itself, that wondrous collection of tents and booths, wagons and stalls that shifted as traders came and went on the caravan circuit around the region. Stopping here and there to gaze as some exotic wares, she felt the coins heavy in her well-secured pouch, and managed to resist buying anything more than a twistbread for herself, covered in cinnamon sugar, and an apple for Windhoof.

Turning eastward, she passed glassworks and smithy, and the delightful Teas'n Tomes, before entering the relatively quiet district of Dragon's Gate. After a few blocks, a chill passed through her, though the night was warm enough and there was nothing in sight that might have caused it. The frown that had settled on her face turned to surprise when she rode on a bit more and saw the Bon Bon Boutique. "Huh. Katt's moved locations... and it's a bigger place. Business must be booming."

Finally she came around the corner and rode up to dismount in front of the Red Dragon Inn. Lashing Windhoof's reins around the hitching post, she set him up with a feedbag and patted him on the cheek before heading inside.

It was a lively night; Azure spotted Issy and gave her an upnod and a grin on her way to the bar. The Judge returned the nod, though her attention seemed more focused someone else nearby. No worries, she said to herself, plenty of time to catch up later. She then spied Katt and a young man she didn't recognize, but who Katt apparently knew quite well. New shop AND a new guy. It's about time!

Reaching the bar, she settled onto a stool and looked over at her friend, who was flailing away in a wave to catch someone's attention. "You okay there?" There was no answer from Katt, who dragged her man off--despite being slightly more than half his size--to meet someone. A frown crossed Azure's face, and then she shrugged and slipped behind the bar. "Guess she's a bit busy to say hello," she murmured before snagging a glass and a bottle of whiskey, and pouring herself a drink.
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Left to herself, Azure drank a bit of whiskey from time to time, and otherwise enjoyed the ambience. Then a sharp whistle caught her attention, and she looked over to see the blue-haired magnificence that was Harris D'Artainian. Magnificence in his own mind, at least. Although, she thought as she eyed him up and down, I certainly wouldn't kick him out of my bed. She watched Harris as he chatted up a woman she didn't know named Connie; there was a fox-man there too, Riku, though he was not being chatted up. It was an amusing conversation, and she felt herself being drawn closer and closer towards it.

Eventually the discussion turned towards Harris--as any discussion in which he participated tended to do--and exactly what he did. "Uhh, I'm famous," he said in complete seriousness; apparently that was precisely what he thought he did. Riku asked why, if Harris was so famous, he'd never seen the man before. "That sounds like a personal problem to me," Harris replied with an odd stare for Riku. "You've never seen me use the bathroom either. Does that mean I don't?"

Connie and Riku decided that wasn't worth a reply and talked among themselves for a moment, while Azure regarded Harris with a smirk. Okay, maybe I would kick him out of bed. Afterwards.

Riku looked over at the still-staring Harris. "Did we break him?"

"I think you should ask him for his autograph," suggested Connie with her ever-present smile.

At that point, Azure could no longer resist chiming in. "He is famous, after all."

"See?" added Connie with a gesture to Azure.

The conversation shifted to the price of Harris' autograph--$10--relative to its value. Riku wasn't impressed enough to pay that much, while Harris replied that it was the other man's loss before turning his gaze to Azure and squinting. "I don't know what's going on in here right now, but I'm pretty sure I don't like it." For her part, Azure just squinted back, trying to make it into a squinting contest but Harris was distracted by Riku's assertion that $10 was an overcharge. "I'm obviously too famous for you. It's okay," he replied with a sage nod, which led Connie to laugh and even got an arched brow from Issy, who'd been listening in on the conversation for a while.

"Will fifty get them an autograph and a cameo on your show?" This came from a newcomer, a young woman with golden eyes who was getting herself a drink behind the bar.

"Ooooh, that could be fun!" Azure flashed a grin at the woman. Then she spied Issy watching them from further down the bar. She turned her blue eyes full on the Scathachian and smiled. "How have you been, Issy?" Clearly the other woman was distracted, as she simply brushed a few strands of dark hair behind her ear. Pouring herself another finger of whiskey, Azure offered it to Issy and then, when that got no response, set the bottle down and turned to look across the bar...

...only to find herself face-to-face with the golden-eyed young woman. "I'm sorry, have we met?"

"I don't believe so." Smiling, she held at out a hand. "My name's Azure."

The other woman reached across to shake that hand. "Pearl. Pleasure to meet you."

"I've been away for several months, but Rhy'din hasn't changed much." Azure glanced down the bar. "Although apparently our Miss Rhysata has a boyfriend." She raised her glass to Katt and Clayton.

Clayton had been introducing Katt to his favorite brand of cognac when he heard the comment from Azure. He glanced over and gave her a silent nod and faint smile before turning back to Katt. "Miss Rhysata?"

For her part, Katt just blinked over to the woman by the bar, a bit baffled really. "I'm... sorry miss. Do I know you?" Hearing someone call her by that name after this long was a touch confusing at best.

"Yes, you've known me for a few years now. It's Azure." She paused for a moment, looking for recognition and finding none. "Azure Ilnaren?"

Pearl chuckled softly and sipped her drink. "Rhydin's been a bit... awkward lately. More then usual." Then she heard Azure's name and her jaw almost hit the floor. That surname explained a whole lot.

Arching an eyebrow, Clayton listened in silence and took a swallow from his cognac. Ebon Ilnaren he knew, at least by reputation as well as a few passing encounters, though he didn't think the man had a daughter this girl's age. Meanwhile, Katt blinked slowly, silent for a long moment before replying. "Ebon's... child?"

((Lest I forget, credit goes out to the players of the following characters, for giving me things from which to play off and/or engaging Azure directly: Harris, Riku, Connie, Winter Pearl, Clayton, and Katt! And Issy, though she had no dialogue to color!))
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Azure Wayfinder
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"Wha...?!" Azure's eyes went wide like pools of blue before narrowing, and her tone went cold. "How do you know that name?"

Pearl shook her head. "No, no. The eyes are wrong. She's not that one. Azure was named for her aunt. She ... she died." The young woman covered her mouth with her hand.

Katt looked at Pearl, then to the newcomer before downing her drink and reaching over to Clayton, glass held out with an expression that said, Pour more please and thank you! "Middle child of three siblings. Older brother and younger sister? Am I wrong? Or are you the aunt she was named after?"

Through it all, Issy was watching Pearl and Azure conversing with Katt and Clayton. She was quiet for the most part, and keeping her distance.

Standing there, Azure dropped one hand to a knife at her hip, though it remained undrawn as she looked from Katt to Pearl. "What are you talking about? And how do you know my dead brother's name? I have NEVER spoken of him in all the time I've been here!" Her tone was cool, wary but not threatening, more defensive than anything.

Clayton had just finished pouring the cognac into Katt's glass when things looked like they were about to escalate, and quickly. As the woman stood so did he, the green-gold eyes dropping to the hand that landed on her knife, then moving back up to her face as he waited for whatever was coming.

"It seems the Nexus struck again. Ma'am, you aren't in your time, or your universe by the sounds of it. Here... here Ebon is alive and well, married and with three children." If Katt was bothered by the dagger it didn't show.

"...." That revelation had left Azure stunned. "....alive?"

"The Nexus went crazy ... again. We've had people cropping that had been missing for ages." Pearl gave a little shrug, then smiled. "He has two daughters and a son. Doran is the eldest."

"Mrm." Katt nodded slowly. "I can contact him if you want. Have him come here and what have you. But yes... he is alive and well. A very good friend as well." She nodded her head to Pearl, then slowly her eyes turned up to look at Clayton and he reached out to softly brush her fingertips against his wrist. That touch seemed to be all it took to relax him, and he moved to resume his seat, though his gaze did not waver from Azure for a long moment, until he was comfortable no violence would be perpetrated for the moment.

Azure staggered back onto her stool, trying to absorb what they were saying. The mention of Doran's name drew her attention to Pearl. "Doran... his son? Ha." Grabbing the bottle of whiskey, she took a hefty swig from it. "Glendyon said the Nexus was cranky. Now I know what he meant."

"Doran is," and Pearl paused a moment to choose her words, "my little sister's best friend."

"Oui," added Katt. "Sweet lad that one. Hard worker too." She had proof of that kid. Pulling out her PCUI, she dug around for a picture of Doran and another lad from the orphange that worked at the Bon Bon. Turning it, she showed it to the woman. "Cute lil devil too. Going to be a heart breaker in a few years." Of course she saw Doran and Maggie as a future couple, though she knew she'd get so jumped if she said that out loud. She waited until Azure was satisfied and at the same time began to drink down the second round. Hearing Katt, Pearl just grinned.

"Ebon's alive, and I... I died." Azure turned her face from Pearl to Katt, then to Issy. "Well, that explains why you acted like I was a stranger." Hearing Katt's description of Doran, she reached out to touch the picture on the pcui. "He looks like m... his father. But I can see he has his mother's eyes. You said you could call him, Katt?" Azure frowned, unsure of whether she wanted that. "What if... what if he doesn't like me?"

"I think you are being silly," replied Katt, blunt to a fault. "I think if anything he would be shocked."

Azure thought for a moment. "Would you, please?" Katt nodded and turned the PCUI over to do something or another with it. One-handed, no less' the girl had talent!

"You don't name your children after someone you don't like," added Pearl with a grin.

Clayton finished off his first round and poured himself a second, followed by Katt's third with a chuckle as he listened to the conversation. His eyes remained more on Katt than anything else, silent and watchful, though he did nod to Pearl. "She speaks the truth."

"Good point." A thoughtful expression shaped Azure's face.
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Ebon came into the Inn ready for trouble, since the signal came on via a special channel. "Katt, what's the emergeny?" Unnoticed by him, a young woman turned at the sound of Ebon's voice, and her jaw dropped open when she saw his face.

Perhaps that was a little evil of her, Katt thought, calling him on that channel. She pointed to Azure, back to Ebon, back again, and left them to handle it while she dealt with her third drink. Pearl, meanwhile, had a drink ready for Ebon. He might need it after this shock!


He looked to where Katt was pointing, from where that soft voice had come, and blinked, taking an involuntary step back. Shock swept across his face, followed by wariness that faded to amazement. "It can't be," he whispered.

The impossibly-familiar woman took a step towards him. "You're alive." Tears welled in her eyes. "Gods above and below... you're alive!"

Clayton was silent again, taking a swallow of his cognac as he looked between Ebon and Azure, the green-gold eyes contemplative. Meanwhile, Pearl looked from Ebon to Azure and back, murmuring, "That's just about how Da looked before he missed the chair and landed on the floor."

"Azure?" Ebon stood silently for a moment, as if expecting the world to explode around him... and then rushed forward to sweep his lost sister into an embrace. Yes, he was crying, but he didn't care.

Clayton saw nothing, while Katt watched the two with some sort of mixed emotion she was trying to seperate and eventually lowered her eyes to her glass. Pearl, meanwhile, had a gleeful grin on her face. "I can't wait to deliver this news when I get home!"

After a long hug, Azure pulled back and looked up at Ebon. "Wait, if this isn't my Rhy'din... how am I going to get home?"

Without pausing, he grinned back at Azure. "If you'll have us, then as far as I'm concerned, you've a home with us for as long as you want it."

Azure contemplated that offer for a few seconds, then smiled. "I'd like that." She looked over at Pearl and started to ask a question when Ebon whispered something in her ear. "Ohhhhh." Then she winked at the other woman.

Pearl's cheeks flushed. "What'd I do this time?"

"I was just explaining something, that's all." Ebon flashed a grin at Pearl.

Having leaned in to place a soft kiss on Katt's lips, Clayton stood and nodded to the others. "A good evening to you all, until we meet again." The snifter was lifted and drained of its remaining contents at a single go, then he set it down and headed for the door. A moment later and he was gone. The bone-chilling scream of a mountain lion came from outside, fading into the night.

Clayton's playfulness was met with a half graced smile as Katt watched him leave. Turning a bit she started draining her glass while watching Ebon and his family reunion.

"Hmm." Looking between the reunited siblings who had never met before this night, Pearl smiled thoughtfully. "Should I round up Velen and bring him to the house tonight or should I wait until morning to give him this news?" It was her way of asking if Ebon wanted spend some time catching up with his sister, one on one.

Ebon glanced over and nodded to Katt. "Thank you, KattBatt," to which she nodded back. Then he turned to Pearl. "Bring him by in the morning."

"Gladly." Pearl grinned. "I'm very happy for you, both of you." She sipped her juice and listened.

Azure smiled back at Pearl, then focused on her brother with a raised eyebrow. "I hear you're married, three kids... your son named after Doran, so I gather you knew him too, and a daughter named after me. And the third daughter?"

"Olivia. Phen named her... nine months old, she is."

"Children. I've never thought of children, not since..." Azure's voice trailed off, and she closed her eyes as hurt swept over her face. Then it was gone. "You know, yes?" It was a tale for another time.

Her brother just nodded solemnly. "Let's walk a while... there's so much to share, I think we'll both need some fresh air before it's all over." He turned and waved to Katt and Pearl. "Good night, all!" Both ladies returned the farewell. Azure waved as well, and flashed Katt a smile hoping to cheer her up some, before steppng up beside Ebon as they headed out the door.
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As they left the Inn, Ebon was talking almost non-stop, about family and friends, and all the good times ahead that they would share. When he finally paused for a breath, Azure raised a finger to his lips. "So this is what it's like to have a brother, is it?" She smiled with wry amusement. "I was wondering if you'd ever let me get a word in."

"I'm sorry." Ebon stopped and turned to face her. "I'm just happy, almost deliriously so."

She nodded in understanding. "It feels right, yes. I see in you the Ebon I lost years ago, and I remember how much I missed those warm, dark eyes." She looked down, away from him. "How did you lose me? My self in this reality, I mean."

"I'd found you in the Palace, a... a pleasure slave. The matron and one of the Knives helped us escape, but we were betrayed. The Kyrul and two of his guard found us, and he-" His voice broke off with a choked sob. "He killed you. My gift awoke in rage, I killed him and the guards, and then a man helped me get away."

"Astenyar. He rescued us both, in my world. I remember watching, held by the guards while their their master decided to play with you a bit first, the knife tip tracing lines across your chest. Then he made the mistake of saying what he would do to me once he was through with you." Azure chuckled and looked back up at her brother. "Your eyes flashed white, and then the knife flew out of his hand, spun around, and plunged into his eye and out through the back of his skull. The guards let go of me in shock, and then something like a lightning bolt cut them down before a man--Astenyar--came up and led us away."

Ebon shook his head. "Such a slight difference that lead to great change. I'm curious... what happened to me, in your world?"

"Well, we managed to escape the city with help from 'Yar, who got us to Doran. Growing up with the Feranor, well, I expect you know what that was like, hit and run fighting, always having to shift camp juuuuust as we were getting comfortable with the old one. Finally we had grown too big to keep that up, and it was time to make our break, cross the ocean to a free land. We weren't quite fast enough, though, and the Silver Knives caught up with us." Tears welled in her namesake blue eyes as she went on. "We both wanted to stay, but I was wounded and you told them to take me to the ship. As they carried me, I looked back and saw your eyes, full of love and pain and sorrow, before you turned and vanished into the fight."

"Then you never-?"

A raised finger cut Ebon's question short. "When we were well out to sea, someone called out that there was something in the air behind us. Weary as we were, all hands made ready to fight, but... I knew. I knew it was you, even before I raised the spyglass to see. You crashed to the deck, bloodied and missing an arm, and as I rushed to kneel beside you, to lift your head into my arms, you looked up at me and smiled. 'We made it, sister. We're free.' You coughed once, twice, flecks of blood on your lips. 'Farewell.'"

Silence fell between them, hanging there for a long, heavy moment before Azure spoke again. "And now I think I have to say the same to you. Farewell."

"WHAT?!" Shock and dismay filled Ebon's face. "How can you say farewell when we've just found each other?"

"Ebon, think about it! I came here through some strange Nexus... thing. Is it permanent? Will I be yanked back to my own world?"

His expression pensive now, Ebon nodded in understanding. "Best not to get too attached, too quickly. I understand." Beat. "Still, you can at least stay the night... while you're here."

"No, I-"

It was his turn to silence her with finger on lips. "Shh! What was one of Doran's favorite sayings? 'Don't let fear for tomorrow...'"

"'...stop you from living today.' All right, then. Lead on, brother!"
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Azure Wayfinder
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February 2019

Five and a half years.

It had been almost five and a half years since she had first come to Rhy'din--this Rhy'din, she reminded herself--and she had spent most of that time travelling. Oh, there had been a few return visits to the city, to her family, but for the most part she went where the next boat, or train, or starship took her. Long enough, Azure told herself as she led her horse up the road that led north out of Rhy'din. Stopping at a gateway arch, she looked up at the sign. "Stardreamer Manor. Mother and Father would be proud of you, big brother." Then she turned and passed through, heading along the wide path that lead to the manor house.

There were children playing in the front yard, spending the late winter afternoon with a snowball fight, but only one of them noticed her as she guided her steed to the stables and let him into a guest paddock. Turning, Azure blinked her blue eyes when she saw the girl standing there. Lips spread in a smile as she crouched down to eye level. "Hello, Azure."

"Hello." The girl studied her for a moment, hesitant... and then eyes widened a bit in recognition. "I remember you! Auntie 'Zure! You came to visit?"

"No." Seeing her namesake's blink of confusion, she smiled and spoke again. "I'm here to stay. I've come home."
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