Winter Cycle 2019 DoF Tournaments

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Winter Cycle 2019 DoF Tournaments

Post by JewellRavenlock »

Hello! Master of Frippery here.

I'm trying to plan the upcoming Winter Cycle 2019 Panther's Claw and Diamond Quest ahead of time to give people plenty of lead time to join up. I thought it might be nice to see when people would actually like these tournaments to take place.

I am looking at two weekends:
January 4th-6th
January 11th-13th

Let me know below which weekend you'd prefer to do the PC and which weekend you'd prefer to do the DQ.

Additionally, use these two doodle thingies to choose which dates/times work the best for the tournament on each weekend. I'd like to play around with the days of the week the tournaments are held going forward and give it a little variety so people with different schedules get a chance to participate.

Thank you!

Doodle for January 4th-6th weekend
Doodle for January 11th-13th weekend

PS- Just a little teaser, the DQ is going to be a "Snow Squall Brawl" while the PC is going to be "Megabrawlers on Ice" and they'll both be set in the Winter Wonderland setting!
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Re: Winter Cycle 2019 DoF Tournaments

Post by Gren Blockman »

I would like to see a DQ on a Friday or Saturday, even if it's just one time a year. It would help me and perhaps others who can't stay up late on a weekday work night.
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Re: Winter Cycle 2019 DoF Tournaments

Post by Spectre »

I think a Saturday night could be fun for the DQ for the above reasons. It'd be nice for people to be able to really linger after they get knocked out :lol: probably me first, to then play some more without feeling the eyes on the clock. I would suggest to keep it to night time hours since from what I remember, most Saturday afternoons people are way too busy. Sunday is a good night, like TV schedules, because no one will be out on a Sunday night getting turnt. So, with Saturday or Friday you do run the risk of people weighing going out, versus staying in. I'd suggest Friday night, but we do have some west coast duelists who might find trouble getting done work in time. Honestly, I don't see a perfect one-size fits all answer, but all I want is a solid 2+ week notice so I can finally attend one of these bad boys :-D
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Re: Winter Cycle 2019 DoF Tournaments

Post by JewellRavenlock »

Thanks for the feedback so far! I'd like to alternate it and have (at least the DQ) on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday sometime throughout the year and just kind of cycle through so everyone gets a chance? It is dependent on who is available to run it, but we are trying our best to make it work :)

And I will hopefully be able to post dates by the beginning of next week so there will be more than two weeks lead time!
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