94th Diamond Rules: Kids Edition

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Lilith Anderson
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94th Diamond Rules: Kids Edition

Post by Lilith Anderson »

Fourth straight, look at that. So... by now I'm honestly out of rules. I was never much for them to begin with. This time around we're going to do something different. Mostly so I can be lazy aside from the running around I had to do this morning. I really don't recommend putt putt at 9 am with a hangover.

Anyways. Business stuff. Parents, guardians, and other adults that know kids! Bring them by the board, let them pick a rule for this cycle's Diamond Rules and they'll get a mini (cubic zirconia lab grown) diamond of their own and a coupon for a free round of mini golf with a free snow cone at Pirate Pete's Putt Putt in Seaside. Adults, you can grab yourselves a 50% off cocktail coupon for Pirate Pete's bar while you're at it. Trust me, you'll need it.


I'll keep a running tally of submitted rules here. Just leave your kid's name and age, get their prize from the office, and look forward to the next couple of hours where your kid is totally stoked that they are a mini Diamond. It'll wear off after a bit, don't worry.

94th Diamond Rules

1. Lilith has to hug me every day. - Angela A., Age 2 and 1/2
2. Lilith has to visit at least two schools or children's groups a month to demonstrate basic fighting skills. - Maggie H., age 12
3. Tea parties for everyone! - Michi, age 4
4. Lili should hug all the goblins becuz we iz precious and cute. And we likes shiny things. Lili should train goblin kids too. So we canz fight the bullies who pick on us. So mean... Lili should bring treats for goblins cuz we iz hungry. - Sezme
Last edited by Lilith Anderson on Thu Jul 19, 2018 9:36 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

"Lilith has to hug me every day."

That's what the kid wants.
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Mairead Harker
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Post by Mairead Harker »

Lilith has to visit at least two schools or children's groups a month to demonstrate basic fighting skills.

Maggie H., age 12
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Post by Seirichi »

Tea parties for everyone!

- Michi
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Post by Sezme »

I wants one too. Diamonds iz shiny.

Lili should hug all the goblins...that will make it easier for them to rob you.

Oh, wait. No. I didn't mean that.

Lili should hug all the goblins...that will make it easier to stab you.

Nono. Wait. That's not right...

Lili should hug all the goblins becuz we iz precious and cute. And we likes shiny things.

Lili should train goblin kids too. So we canz fight the bullies who pick on us. So mean...

Lili should bring treats for goblins cuz we iz hungry.

So hungry.

Lili do that, be goblins' bestest friend.

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