Appreciating Eden's house decorations, Jewell decided to use a little magic and add to it.
A steady flurry of snow is now consistently falling in the living room. It's not accumulating. Instead, whenever it touches a surface it dissipates. When it touches someone's skin, it feels almost warm. Maybe even tingling. Like a series of butterfly kisses.
December 20, 2017, 11:12am RRD House confessional booth
"Hi mom! Hi dad! Hi everybody!" Eden waves at the camera, smiling brightly. She's wearing a Snoopy Christmas t-shirt and a pair of snowflake earrings. Her wings don't entirely fit in the confessional booth so they're squished in behind her.
"We're on break here because of the Krismass holiday. I don't really know what the holiday is for. I think it's someone's birthday. There's a fat man in a red suit and a big beard. I guess it's his birthday? But you don't give him presents, he gives everyone else presents, only he doesn't really cause you have to give all the presents and pretend like they're from him."
Eden huffs. "They give presents for everything here!
"School has been pretty hard. I'm not really good at the practical sides of magic. I might have to take some classes over again." She scrunches her nose.
"But Andrea has been super nice at work. I got another promotion and I'm getting like a super big bonus cause of the fat man holiday!" Eden giggles. "So I guess I shouldn't complain about it.
"We finished the main season of fights. My team is in the playoffs which should be fun! I just like living in this house with them. Everybody is really nice and fun to spend time with. Kheldar and I go running together every morning. It's really fun! I hope I get to keep doing it once the season is over, though I guess we won't be living together anymore."
Eden tips her head to the side. "It's a little like having a family again." Then she giggles. "Not like I don't have a family now! I just miss everybody.
"With all the money I'm saving though, Cory and I should be able to come visit soon! Once I have enough money for the tickets, I just need to make sure I can get the time off from work and school.
"I can't wait to show you my wings! I don't know how to use them still, but I think they're pretty!
"Anyhow, I know I've been sending messages more often than usual, but that's cause they have a vid center right here in the team house! They keep telling us to record messages, so here I am!" Eden smiles and waves at the camera again. "I love you, and can't wait to hear from you next! Bye bye!"
December 20, 2017, 11:36am RRD House control booth
"You think we should tell her that it's not actually a vid center?"
"This is like her fifteenth message home, man. We gotta just figure out how to send them."
Early on Sunday, Jewell crept downstairs and placed her present for the Secret Santa (or was she Secret Santa for this person!?!?) under the tree. It was a series of purple boxes with a pretty card attached that said, "EDEN!"
When four o'clock rolled around, she was excited for a low-key (as low-key as the Real team got...) Christmas Eve party. She was even wearing a santa hat. "Okay, so I totally read a book and learned all about how to decorate properly," she informed everyone. "I also bought stuff to make cupcakes and we can decorate them."
A forest green envelope addressed to Kheldar Drasinia was placed under the tree. When opened, it was shown to contain a small piece of paper with silver writing that smelled vaguely of pine. The following was written upon it:
“Congratulations! A twenty five silver noble donation was made in your honor to the RhyDin Arbor Relief Fund! Take pride in knowing that trees throughout the RhyDin City and suburban areas will be nurtured and protected because of this generous contribution! Have a safe and happy Holiday weekend!”
And some point before everyone wandered in, blue and silver boxes appeared with Hope's name on them, from her Secret Santa! Tahlia made sure to pay off the PA's not to breathe a word til it was time, and then slipped back to her room to get dressed.
Tahlia was all decked out in holiday cheer, and ready for a good time. She wasn't quite low-key, but then, the blonde rarely was - and it wasn't long before she was swaying to holiday tunes behind the bar, and making both alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions of everyone's favorites!
Eden was super excited to celebrate the fat man holiday with the team!
She and Cory arrived early, with Eden bringing some chocolate-covered cherries that she got as a gift from someone at the gym. Cory was nearly as excited to accompany Eden to the party. He was laden with a large wrapped box. An Arrow on each side pointing the same direction, all reading This End UP. Hopefully Gren didn't try to shake it to see what it was, or there would be a mess to clean up.
When Gren opened his gift, Eden excitedly declared, "It's a baby tree!"
((Thanks to Cory's player for his help with secret santa gift selection and post writing!))
As always, Kate was determined to have a great time while dressing for the holiday spirit (as she understood it).
There was food, drinks (her fave), and some gifts being given out. Her secret present thing was for Tahlia and Kate knew exactly what to get her after that last run in with D-bag Tex. Along with the T-shirts were a wide variety of vibrators and dildos, just to really bring it home.
Kheldar didn't know Kate well enough to have gotten her something super personal, but he had the connections to give a proper gift none the less. A brief conversation with the Outback's distributors left him with a case of high end booze to leave nicely wrapped under the tree. A trip to visit his good friend Koy procured a gift certificate to the Heavenly Boutique which he included in the card.
Hope rung the bell and took a seat on the couch in front of the t.v. She pulled a slim green-ray disc out of a bag and yelled at the top of her lungs. "TEAM BONDING TIME! I RENTED A MOVIE!"
"Team Bonding Time." Gren was in the kitchen drinking a Broot. He wandered out to the couch and peered curiously over Hope's shoulder. "What kind of movie?"
"Sooo loud," Jewell protested, wandering down from the room she shared with Gren. It was a leggings and sweatshirt day for The Empress. She plopped next to Hope. "What are we watching?"
Tahlia had swung by to pick up a few things before heading out to her shift, but she had some time..."Team bonding? What is this ... movies of trust falls, or something? Oh, and Coach...I need another team jacket."
"What was that? Vodka time? I'm in." Kate sauntered into the room from the kitchen-type area, nearly tripping over something small and furry that followed Gren through the door. With narrowed eyes, Kate growled and it scampered away. Hmph.
Hope looked down at the poorly edited cover and squinted. "Arachnid Man's Adventure: One Sticky Web", sounds exciting!"
"Arach-who? What garbage are you making us watch?" Kate questioned.
"Does this have the drawings or the real people?" Jewell asked. "Also, where's the popcorn?"
"Arachnid Man! Alright! Wait a minute, I have to get something . . . . " Gren went running from the room, and back up to his bedroom. Rustling around his bed, he found his Arachnid Man Sweatshirt and whipped it over his head. Hurrying from the room and back down to the tv, he finally got it down over his head and sat down next to Hope on the couch, smiling and at attention. "Now I'm ready! Woo!"
Bounding down the stairs, Eden comes calling. "Did someone say movie!?"
"And drinks...if we're watching cartoons, I need a drink." Tahlia was not snickering at Gren's sweatshirt. Not at all. "Who wants what? Kate? Vodka?"
"So I think it might be a bootleg? The artwork seems a little.. lacking.." Hope tilted her head some but rose up and made her way over to the t.v.
"Heeey.. you didn't bring matching gear for the whole team." The faerie sighed. "Hey camera guy number 14," she waved and smiled at one of the cameramen nearest to the couch. His eyes glazed over a little. "Get me some popcorn, okay?" He dropped his camera and wandered off. Hope got up and Jewell flopped over into the space she had been occupying on the couch.
"No. You wouldn't be able to appreciate this movie as much as I, a die hard fan, would." Gren nodded to Jewell as if that answered that.
Bouncing up to sit on the arm of the couch, Eden looked at the cameraman too. "I'll have popcorn too, please!"
Kate kicked the dropped camera into a nearby shady corner so she could pick it up later. Then she perched on the arm of the nearest couch. "Lots of vodka," she called to Tahlia, even though she had a drink in hand already. "Sugar Snatch, make one of them get me chips, okay?"
"Ok, kind of impressed..." Tahlia watched the camera guy wander off like a zombie, and up-nodded at Jewell. She got a bourbon for herself, and a bottle of vodka for Kate. She'd said lots, after all. "Let's do this thing. I have to get to work...eventually."
"Alright let's see how this goes!" Hope hit the play button and ran back to the couch. Silksheet Studios rolled over the screen with a woman's laughter. The scene started with what looked like a storage container. A woman was in a torn getup with very, very short denim jeans and a low-cut tank top. She was tied to a chair. "Oh please, HELP ME ARACHNID MAN!"
"Kaa-aaate," Jewell whined. A little. Then she was too busy grinning all proud at Tahlia and Kate. "Hey Number Five," she waved, all coy, to another camera worker. "We need some chips, okay? Why don't you go get us some." That guy kept his camera before walking to the kitchen.
"Salt and pepper!" Kate yelled after the glazed dude.
"She's a little underdressed for an Arachnid Man epic adventure." Gren looked a little oddly at the screen, but he was still sitting upright at attention.
"Hey, I think I know that chick," Kate murmured, squinting at the screen.
Eden tipped her head at the screen. "This is a superhero movie?"
"It might be a low budget one..." Hope gave a lifted brow at the choice of location. "Maybe the director's first try?" A burly man wearing a ski mask made his way onto the set and laughed, cringely. "Arachnid man will definitely come save you, and that's when we'll CRUSH HIM!" A second man came out and joined in the laughter.
One of Kate’s hands rested on the back of the couch, leaning toward whoever was sitting on the end. "Depends on your definition of superhero, Bubblegum."
"One Sticky Web . . . " Gren mused. "Is this one before 'Arachnid Man 3' or after 'Arachnid Man 7'"?
Tahlia settled onto a seat, handing off the bottle on her way. "Wow....this is...seriously D-List. Are all the Ara...there are HOW many movies?"
"Not counting the reboots, I'd say about sixteen. And not counting the non-canon ones either”, Gren replied.
"Is this one of those real movies or made up ones?" Jewell asked, grabbing a handful of popcorn as Number 14 brought a giant bowl in and set it down. She patted his cheek in thanks, sending him wandering off.
Suddenly glass broke and the camera literally panned 180 degrees to face a silhouette against the window. "Cease and desist! It is I... ARACHNID MAN!" The light overhead swung and revealed a man in a Spiderman hoodie with four black pvc pipes taped to his abdomen.
"If those are pipe bombs on his chest, I applaud his ingenuity. He can rob a bank afterwards”, Kate observed.
Blink, blink blink, went Tahlia. "Hope...where did you say you got this?" Because she was beginning to have some serious suspicions that this was...not exactly family fare.
"The Marketplace." Hope said flatly.
Number Five delivered chips to Kate, then lingered in the way of the screen until Jewell shooed him away. She then scooted closer to Eden with the popcorn. "I don't think this really happened..."
"Maybe this was fan made. It certainly doesn't look like it's special effects are up to the usual Arachnid Man movie standards." Gren was still watching and into it though.
"It's got a damsel, Arachnid dude, and bad guys. What's with all the criticism?" Kate asked.
"And that guy is kinda cute." Jewell added in.
After taking the chips, Kate nudged duder away from her with the toe of her shoe. "This isn't how the other movies are?"
"Maybe this one came first!" Jewell exclaimed.
Eden reached for a handful of popcorn. "He looks nice!"
Whipping out her phone, Kate started tapping at the screen. "What's the name of this one again?"
"The other movies are budgeted millions of silver nobles. And all the top actors and actresses in RhyDin end up starring in them”, Gren said.
"Finally you show yourself! We're going to squash you with a SPLAT!" The one thug said as he smacked a wrench into his open hand. "Yeah, you BUG!" The lights flickered and after what seemed to be a sped-up film shot, Arachnid Man cleanly dispensed of the two thugs. They are left groaning on the ground as he untied the rather buxom damsel. "Oh thank you Arachnid man!" She proclaimed as she leaned over and squeezed him, while the camera for some reason gets an aerial view of this.
Jewell leaned forward now since this was getting interesting.
Bourbon does not have bubbles, normally. This one might be getting them from Tahlia currently using it to stifle the giggles.
"Hey, that cameraman deliberately aimed his shot at that ladies . . . " Gren trailed off, as if trying to figure out what was going on with this movie.
"Did he just call Arachnid Man a bug? Man they're really letting their talent go these days. Spiders eat bugs don't they?" Hope asked.
Tahlia leaned over toward Kate. "We taking bets on who gets it first?"
"That was a nice flip, but he could have taken the short one down faster with a hip-toss." Eden critiqued Arachnid Man's fighting form. That was the point, right?
"She wants to thank him the old fashioned way." Smirking over her phone, it was put away and Kate settled back in to watch this unfold. "Who gets what first?"
"What, with marriage?" Gren was speaking to Kate.
"If her mouth is gonna marry his dick, then sure”, Kate replied.
"I'm only doing my job." Arachnid man responded and brushed his finger under his nose. "Oh but there must be some way I can repay you, isn't there?" The damsel replied before her hand slowly unzipped the Spiderman hoodie.
"I think they'll probably skip the ceremony and go straight to the honeymoon....", Tahlia observed.
"Wait what?!" Hope turned and looked at Kate in horror.
"That's not polite, Miss Kate." Gren spied what was going on the screen again. "Oh, this looks like the . . . romantic part of the picture. Already?" His face had a look between bewildered and uneasy.
Jewell giggled, handing off the popcorn to Eden and scooting to the edge of the couch now, watching eagerly. "This is better than some of the other movies I've seen."
"Not too many people have accused me of being polite, Crocodile Jack." Kate smiled sweetly at Gren before returning her attention to the screen. "Don't look at me like that, Hope. You're the one that brought this home."
Munching popcorn, Eden’s arms were wrapped around the bowl. "She's going to pay him with sex."
Eyes wide, Jewell looked over at Eden. Then she nudged Hope. "Eden just used the s-word."
"Got it in one, Bubblegum”, Kate said.
"I mean, it's low budget, but they certainly aren't wasting any time. Have to appreciate the direct approach." Eden's response got a sputter from Tahlia, and then a round of applause. "Eden wins this round."
Gren gaped at Eden. "Miss Eden! Arachnid Man would never betray Arachnid Woman like that! Just wait, he's about to tell her that Justice being served is reward enough for him." He glanced at the screen hopefully.
"I guess it can't be helped. Fighting crime is HARD work isn't it?" Arachnid man responded before the camera panned behind him, his feet part to shoulder-length and the damsel is seen lowering between his legs. "That's right, you certainly do work very, very hard." The sound of a zipper could be heard and Hope jumped up and tore the green-ray player from the t.v.
"I WAS HAD!" Hope yelled and dangled the green-ray player from its cords.
Gren was drinking his Broot at the time, and a fountain of the sugary beverage was sprayed across the room as the woman put her head between Arachnid Man's legs. Gren was coughing explosively and frantically trying to pat his own back.
Eden giggled. "I guess he needed more of a reward than justice." Then, mouth full of popcorn, "I like this movie!"
"Eden! Go get Gren some napkins!" Hope said as he erupted into Mt. St. Gren.
"You didn't KNOW?!" Tahlia collapsed against the seat, laughing hysterically. This was almost better than the movie.
"She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to. Sugar Snatch! Make them bring us napkins”, ordered Kate.
"But I'm going to miss the best part!" Eden pouted. She set aside the bowl of popcorn and went bouncing into the kitchen, too late for Kate to catch.
"Hey Number 14, 5, and oh.. hey Number 12," Number 12 was a woman. "Go get us some napkins, okay?" It was fun for Jewell to watch them all wander away into the kitchen, following Eden.
"The movie's over!" Hope tossed the green-ray player and started making sure none of the Broot got anywhere it shouldn't. "Sorry! We'll have to just play a board game or something."
"Now we know what made his web sticky, huh?" Jewell snickered, nomming on some more popcorn.
When Gren finally caught his breath, he was visibly upset. "What kind of movie is this? This isn't the Arachnid Man I know and love! The Studio will hear about this!" He thrust his fist in the air in defiance.
"Why don't you go write them a letter Gren so we can finish watching?"Jewell asked.
"We're not finishing it! I'm throwing it in the pool!" Hope barked before taking a stack of old magazines towards the aluminum trash can.
"Good idea, Jewell. I'm going to do just that." Gren got up from the couch and stomped up to his bedroom to write a strongly worded letter to the Arachnid Man powers that be.
"Whoa, whoa! Hope, let's not be hasty”, Kate said.
Eden bounced back in, wings floating at her back, arms full of napkins, looking around. "What happened to the movie? What happened to Gren?"
Hope took the movie case and slapped her forehead. "God! It's right there! Arachnid Dude, how did I miss that?!"
"You find a guy who can make webs...can you imagine how much you could make on the bondage circuit?" Tahlia swallowed some of her bourbon, then gave a little cough and smirked. "I can grab another copy I bet..."
"You know, if you wanted that kind of team bonding experience for us, Hope, we could just head to the strip club together..." Jewell was grinning widely. "Hey, why don't we all just go right now? That could have been our little warm up.” Pause. "It clearly got Gren's Broot flowing."
"Or just joined in the other night”, Tahlia remarked.
"Do people usually watch these kinds of movies together here?" Eden resumed her perch on the arm of the couch with her bowl of popcorn. "I like superhero movies."
"We can, Eden, if you want”, said Kate.
"Usually in pairs, sugar. Although a lot of people watch them alone. For inspiration." Winking, Tahlia rose, bourbon glass dangling from her fingers.
"Hope, leave that movie with me. I'll make sure it's used widely. Er...wisely. Oops." Kate gave a toothy grin.
"That was not a superhero movie!" Hope replied.
"Why can't superheros get laid, too?" Asked Kate.
Jewell flopped back on the couch, "It kind of was, Hopey. So what game are we going to play? Strip poker?"
"I bet they get laid all the time...", Tahlia said.
"We should play bingo! I'll go get the cards!", Eden suggested.
"How about human Jenga?" Kate asked.
"There's always Hide the Sword in the Bedsheets..." the Empress offered.
"With the camera guys? We're a little short on tabs...currently. Speaking of...why isn't our house monitor monitoring? I'm sure he'd love the movie...", said Tahlia.
"Pretty sure he's passed out drunk in his room." Jewell twisted on the couch so she could reach the popcorn again.
"Nah, I don't want the camera guys. I can bring my own”, Kate remarked.
"Maybe we should just go swimming. Play that game where we're on each other's shoulders and have to knock the other one off?" The water aligned faerie loved that game.
"No!" Hope began shuffling through the board games in the closet nearby. "Let's see... we have Cards Against Rhy'Din, that doesn't sound fun, Settlers of Serbia, I don't know what that's about, and Communism the Board Game."
"Settlers of Serbia!" Jewell exclaimed.
Gren came back into the room, licking an envelope. "Does anyone have a stamp?"
"Oh, that communism game is a nice game!" Eden said, returning with the bingo set.
"I bet." Bourbon abandoned, Tahlia strode into the kitchen, needing a minute.
"I could do Communism. I always win that game”, Kate replied.
"Make one of the interns go get it for you, Gren." Jewell then eyed the Communism game. "I think I'll just watch cause it's stupid." Someone is still upset she lost on Thanksgiving.
"No, I have to do this now while I'm riled up enough. I swear. It was bad enough when they broke up Arachnid Man's marriage to Jane Mary, but now THIS? Just wait until Wednesday when the new comics are out and I'M not there." Gren grabbed his grey Ranger's cloak, threw it on, and went stomping out the door in search of a post office.
"BYE GREN!" Jewell waited until she heard the door close and then looked to Hope, "Now for real. Put the movie back on."
"Go get 'em, tiger!" Kate yelled after Gren. "For real. Put that s*** back on."
"Have fun at the post office! They're really nice there!" Eden waved.
"Ugh... this is too hard." She dropped the board games and just took a seat on the couch.
"We had something harder but you decided to turn it off”, Kate said.
The Iron Fists Garden was decorated with Real RhyDin banners and logos for the First Annual RealRhyDinFest. Finishing in first place for the season, coupled with their impending bout with Great of Strength, meant a frenzy of activity as fans descended on the Garden to meet their favorite duelers. Concession stands sold popcorn, hot dogs and sodas. Vendors had carnival games like Skee Ball, handing out plushy Kates and Kheldars to the winners. Flyers were passed out, encouraging fans to vote for Jewell for MVP and Tahlia for Rookie of the Year. There were opportunities to take photos with the duelers, as well as one-on-one interviews. In the middle of the festivities was a platform with a table and seven chairs where a Q & A session would be held, and reporters were already jockeying for seats. Around noontime, the seven members of Real RhyDin walked onto the platform, waving while the fans cheered their appearance. Once the ovation ceased, the reporters began to ask their questions.
Eden settled into her seat, smiling brightly at the reporter pool, before glancing down the row at her teammates. She knew which seat was hers cause there was a bottle of cherry coke sitting at it. She opened it eagerly, sticking a bendy straw into the drink.
From the middle of the pack of reporters a question was shouted. "Gren, how are you preparing for playoffs after such a long break?"
Gren took a seat next to Eden. His had the Broot. He smiled and nodded to the reporter. "Well, my duties as a Ranger have been keeping me in shape. Just yesterday I had to wrestle a grizzly bear away from a Honey Farm. It's not easy getting a bear in a headlock, heh. Plus, do you know you can get a great workout just by picking up litter in the forest? All that bending over, just like doing a bunch of toe touches. Anyway, I'm sure I'll be ready to go whenever I get the call."
Another reporter raised her hand and stood. "Eden, this has been your first season in IFL. Can you tell us what that experience has been like?"
Her eyes widened at being addressed. "Uh--", Eden looked down the row at Hope a moment, then looked back at the reporters and smiled again. "It's been really fun! I like fighting, and the other teams have been fun and challenging. And my teammates are really nice too!" She beamed her dimpled smile at the reporter, then leaned over to Gren and whispered, "Was that okay?" Only she whispered it right into his mic.
"That was just fine, Eden." He didn't whisper, but gave Eden a nod and big smile with a thumbs up, before giving the crowd a knowing look.
Jewell took her seat--naturally, it read "Sugar Snatch" on the back--shaking her head with a wry grin and then smiling at the reporters.
Tahlia was next to Eden, on the far side of Gren, her glass holding a deep amber liquid, which probably wasn't safe for children. For the moment she was quiet, smiling calmly, and looking at whichever teammate was being addressed.
Kheldar sat on the end. He was better than one might expect at the whole process for one as quiet as he usually was. A comfort brought on by years of doing it going back to the TDL.
Better late than never Hope made her way in and took a seat where her little nameplate was.
Yet another reporter stood, forgetting to raise her hand in her excitement. "Gren! Have you been able to convince your team-mates to recycle?"
"Well . . I . . I've tried to . . . emphasize the necessity of . . . the benefits of doing . . . . I mean, we all need to be self-conscious about . . . . " Finally, he sighed and hung his head. "No."
"Hey!" Jewell looked down the table to Gren. "We did our best. Kind of."
"I do!" Eden protested to Gren before giggling a little. "I mean, I try but it's a little hard keeping track of all the different bins!"
"See what I mean?" Gren gestured towards Jewell and Eden with a tragic look.
Jewell sat back, smirking.
"We need a bigger glass keeps overflowing." Tahlia said, because that was the issue.
From the audience another reporter shouted, "Tahlia, what do you feel your chances are for Rookie of the Year?"
It took the blonde a moment to respond, letting out a surprised little laugh. "Well, there's just me and KC, so I'd say about 50/50? Honestly, KC has had a great season...except for losing to me." She winked at the reporter, and took a sip of her drink.
"How about you, Jewell?" Another shout from the audience. "How do you feel about your chances for MVP this season?"
Jewell was at ease in front of the reporters and cameras, flashing them her winning smiling and a bit of that Empress confidence. "I think having the best record on the best team speaks for itself, don't you?"
"Hope! Any strategies going into the semi-finals?" Another reporter from a back corner.
Hope gave a grab to the water bottle in front of her and took a second to zone in on the reporter asking the question. "Same as each other week, try to win and do our best."
A reporter with thick black glasses stood up. "Jewell, you were coach of a team, Royal Pain, during the last IFL season. How does it feel to take a step back to Assistant after that?"
She leaned forward, "Awesome." There was some laughter from the reporters, which she joined in with as she sat back. "No really, it's great to let Hope here," she thumbed to the woman next to her, "do all the hard stuff so I can just focus on being fabulous and winning."
"There are rumors of tension between Tahlia and Jewell. Can you tell us what that tension stems from and how you two work it out, fighting on a team together and living in a house together?"
Jewell glanced aside briefly at Hope before responding, wondering how fast her Captain would strangle her if she just blurted out her initial thoughts. "Tension doesn't matter when you're working together as a team for a common goal." That was her nice answer.
Tahlia licked her lips and shot an inscrutable look over at her team-mate. "I really couldn't tell you where it started...lets just call it a personality conflict. Speaking for myself, I just try to focus on the fighting, and not let the petty squabbles get to me." The smile was nearly angelic, save that it looked entirely forced.
"Yeah, because personally? I think she's a dirty tramp”, Jewell added.
"Takes one to know one, sugar”, Tahlia shot back.
Hope meanwhile clicked her tongue and closed her eyes shaking her head.
Eden slurps cherry coke right in front of her mic, making the sound carry.
Jewell just laughed and sat back.
A reporter waved out with a flash of a camera. "Gren! You've been on two championship teams before, what separates winning teams from the rest?!"
"I . . . . uh, well . . . " Gren looked between Jewell and Tahlia before he tried to soldier on. " Confidence? I know the members of those teams went out and got the job done, and never doubted their abilities or what their team could do. "
"Eden!! Eden! Over here! How do you like living in the house? Is there a lot of conflict?" Now that the door had been opened and all.
"Oh, I love living in the house! We get along really well. Kheldar is a super good roommate, and it's just like being in a little family." Eden beamed her dimpled smile at the crowd.
"Hope! Hope! It seems like there's been a little bit of tension between your Assistant Captain and one of your team members. How did you manage that?"
Hope just shrugged and held her palms up. "I didn't. I think some integral competition among teammates is always good. A little healthy tension goes a long way."
"Gren! What was it like sharing a room with Jewell?"
Gren turned beet red. "Well, first let me say that apparently I had no say in my choice of roommate. Second of all, I was a perfect gentleman. I put up a curtain for privacy, and I always wore my pajamas so I'd be fully clothed. So other than that, I guess it was okay." He cleared his throat and then took a deep drink of Broot.
"So you didn't accidentally climb into bed with her by accident?"
"What? No! I didn't climb into bed with anyone! How do these rumors get started? I've got a girlfriend! These tabloids are nothing but lies!" Gren tried to defend himself.
"Jewell - Empress! What do you think the teams chances are against GoS in the semi-final?"
"For the record, Gren really is the perfect gentleman. As to our chances against Great of Strength? I know we just skirted by them with a win in Week 6, but we're coming off a crushing defeat against Team Dirty and they're coming out of a defeat at the hands of Warrior Force, so I'll think we're looking at a solid win for us."
"Tahlia, this was your first season doing IFL and you're fairly new to the sport in general. What have you learned this season?"
"There have been a lot of lessons this season. I think I'm a better fighter from watching and training with these amazing people. Everyone has been incredibly supportive. I can't think of anything in particular, without giving away my secrets..." Cue Tahlia’s angelic smile.
An old man with a notepad stood up and addressed Hope. "Hope, if you should get past Great of Strength in the semi-finals, who would you rather face in the Finals, Chae Dynasty or Team Fist?"
"I always like the devil you know versus the devil you don't. But with that being said I think it'll be an accomplishment to just get that far. I don't have a preference”, Hope answered.
"They're both really strong teams, and we did well against both of them so I'm not sure that it matters," Jewell added in.
"Eden, I've been dying to ask. What's with the wings?"
Eden separated her lips from her straw. "What do you mean?"
The reporter smiled. "You didn't have them when we covered your climb to Emerald in Duel of Fists. Now you do. Why? Do they help you fight?"
"Oh, well--", Eden blushed a little. "They kinda just happened?" She glanced down the row at Hope again. "I don't really use them though so it's not cheating or anything, is it?" Her eyes started to widen.
"Oh yeah totally illegal." Hope gave a thumbs-up to Eden.
"Stooop," Jewell laughed. "You're going to upset her."
"Is it?" Eden gave an alarmed look at Jewell, then Gren, then down at Kheldar. "Oh no!"
"Considering this league has seen minotaurs, liches, and liontaurs, I don't think your wings should be a big deal, Eden”, Gren said, trying to ease her mind.
"I'm sure you're fine, sugarplum. You're doing a fantastic job this season!" Tahlia said, backing up Gren.
"Oh okay." She smiled once more, looking from Gren to Tahlia, then back again. "What's a liches? Is that some kind of fruit?"
"Don't worry, Eden. I'll even have my wings out during the semi-finals if you want." Jewell snickered, "It's like a fruit I guess.”
"Lich. It's whatever Xanth is. Basically a bad tempered undead mage”, Gren explained.
"Oh”, Eden replied, sipping and looking confused.
"I think that's a lychee...but ...oh, god, that creepy guy?" Tahlia shivered, and took a deep swallow of her drink.
"If you were undead, you'd probably be moody too”, Gren rebutted.
Jewell's smiled suffered at Gren's statement and she sunk back in her seat.
"Moody...ok. Sure." There was a less that subtle eyeroll from Tahlia.
"I like his pet." Eden shrugged.
"Eden, you like everyone!" Tahlia laughed, and leaned over to nudge Eden.
She giggled. "That's cause everyone is nice!"
"Let's go down the row and you can all name which fight you're most proud of this season."
Gren answered the question first. "I was most proud of my fight with Dizzy. Not only did I come back from being down 4-2, but that meant I won more duels than I lost this year. That's the first time that's happened since I was with the Badside Brawlers. It made me feel good and that I contributed something positive to our season."
Tahlia took a moment before leaning forward toward the mic. "I'd have to say my first fight against KC. I was really nervous coming in to the season, because I haven't been fighting that long. But Hope is a great coach, and my team was really behind me. It was a great way to kick off the season." They'd said proud of, after all...not favorite.
The Empress leaned forward, recovering a confident grin. "I went 5-1 against Koyliak. Doesn't get much better than that, honestly. Also don't think I've ever beat her before so cheers to that."
"I think my win over Vinny was my most proud. I've got nothing against Dirty, but it just feels good to beat your old team. That and Vinny's crazy in the Crutch”, Hope answered.
Eden listened to her teammates' choices before leaning to the microphone. "For me it was my loss against Tex Wellington." Eden nodded enthusiastically. "I knew our team needed at least one point for our team to win the week, and sometimes when you only have to get one point, it's like the hardest thing in the world to do it!" Her eyes widened. "Now that the regular season is over and Tex wound up with the record he got, I'm pretty proud of that one point." She beamed her dimpled smile and leaned back.
A skeleton wearing a fedora stood up in the back. "Hope, Speaking of Xanth Van Bokkelen, do you think Team Xanth will be in the lineup against you, and what is your plan on defeating him?"
Hope squinted, unsure if her eyes deceived her. "Uh, he was last time wasn't he? As amazing as Xanth has been he's only one person. We just have to be the better team."
"We are the better team”, Jewell asserted.
"That's Lich, not person." The skeleton corrected Hope before sitting back down.
Eden looked very warily at the skeleton, then shifted her chair closer to Gren.
Gren whispered to Eden. "Boy, they're all out today, aren't they?"
"Uh hunh!" Eden nodded.
That was the end of the Q & A, as Real RhyDin drifted off stage, the reporters calling questions out as they left.
Jewell seemed to be lacking in energy at times, so she mushed onto the couch with Eden and Kate. "What're we doing?"
Kate had a bowl of cereal in her hands, slurping and munching away. Squirming sideways closer to Eden, she nestled in the middle. "Watching SpongeBob."
This suited the faerie just fine. She totally just cuddled against Kate. "What's that? Hey, the drawings are moving."
"How come we can hear what they're saying underwater?" Eden has a bag of popcorn in her lap, but she was only eating every other handful. The rest was going on the string to be hung over the Krissmass Holiday Tree.
Gren was hurrying through the kitchen and past the tv room, thinking they were watching something dirty after the Arachnid Man debacle, but then out of the corner of his eye, he saw it was a cartoon and stopped. Curiously, he walked up behind the couch the ladies were snuggled on and peered at the television. "What kind of a show is this?"
Jewell pointed at the screen. "Why is it yellow?"
"It's called a cartoon, people." She rolled her eyes but the smile gave her away. "SpongeBob Squarepants. He lives in a pineapple under the sea in a town called Bikini Bottom. It's about him and his friends and coworkers. He works for Mr. Krabs, who loves money almost as much as I do."
"Is he small or is the pineapple really big?" Eden asked.
The current episode was about Patrick and Bob going off to summer camp, but instead they accidentally board a prison barge. Every attempt to torture them was met with sunshine and eagerness, infuriating the drill sergeant. They even rallied the other prisoners to put on a musical play.
"Bikini Bottom?" Gren looked vaguely nervous, but then he saw there were nothing but aquatic animals running around on screen. "Oh, I see. That's an intentional innuendo. It's just about a sea sponge and his underwater friends. Well that seems . . . . inoffensive enough." Going over to an armchair, he sat down, watching cautiously.
"The pineapple is bigger than him, Eden. The size is relative." Kate explained.
"Oh." Eden doesn’t get it at all. She pauses in her popcorn stringing to offer the bag towards Gren.
Jewell pointed, "What is the pink one? He's funny!"
"That's Patrick Star, the sponge's best friend. He lives under a rock and he's really stupid. Their other neighbor, Squidward (with all the tentacles), is a grumpy bastard and hates them both. He's my fave."
"Thank you.” He takes some of the popcorn. "Why is Mr. Crabs red? Crabs only turn red after you cook them."
"Hmm..." The Empress frowned. "Why does the sponge have arms and why can he talk? Oh, maybe the water is boiling him alive Gren?"
"No, he's so angry that he's burning up! Hahaha! I get it! I get it!" Gren looked proud of himself.
Jewell muttered, "My idea made sense." Then louder, "You know, I've been underwater. I've never seen anything like this there."
"Krabs is red because this is a cartoon, not real people." Crustaceans. Invertebrates. Whatever. “You guys are overthinking it. Sit back, empty your mind, and let the stupidity amuse you. It's ridiculous on purpose."
"I bet I could build a house that looks like a pineapple."
"Would you also get a snail named Gary?" Kate asked Eden.
"Let's find Kheld!! He could build us one next to the pool,” Jewell offered.
"Yeah! I like that name!" Then, a moment later Eden added, "It's a little weird that he meows though."
"Cupcake would eat that weird Gary thing for breakfast." Jewell asserted about her white pet cat.
"Who the hell is cupcake?” Kate asked. “And Gary is not weird, he's a snail. But he meows to show he's a pet. Also, I like that only the sponge can understand him."
"My cat! I didn't bring her here because... wait, why doesn't it bark then?"
"Because SpongeBob is not a dog person. Duh."
"Oh." Jewell sunk back in the couch. "Why not? Dogs are cute. "
"Do you have a dog?"
"How do I know what kind of person I am?" Looking worriedly at Kate.
"You can be both, Bubblegum. Or neither. It's not really a thing to be concerned about unless you're trying to choose a pet."
"Yep! Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. He's so cute."
"I'm a hippogriff person then." Beaming her dimpled smile and looking back to Spongebob.
Jewell eyed Eden. "Not a chicken person?"
"There's this dog at the mansion that Robbie thinks used to be a god or something. His name is Toby. I've never heard of a god named Toby."
Gren was engrossed in the cartoon, trying to find something wrong with it but failing. Then he looked sharply at Eden. "You know a hippogriff?"
"Mmm.. I knew a Toby once. Definitely NOT a god." She laughed.
"Yeah." She beams her dimpled smile at Gren. "Beakley. He's stabled at school."
"Hey wait.." the credits were rolling. "Is it over? Forever?"
"Robbie said he dreamed about the dog. I told him that wasn't my kink." The bowl in her hands tilted to drink the milk from it before she could answer Jewell. "No, just the end of the episode. Basically, they're mini stories. Thirty minute episodes."
"Let's watch another." She shifted to nestle her head on a pillow. "I think I like these cartoon things."
Gren blinked at Eden. "Beakley the Hippogriff. Okay." Well, he was watching a cartoon about a sea sponge, so it wasn't the strangest thing he'd heard that day anyway.
"He's mine!" She holds the bag of popcorn out to see if he wants more. "I won him at one of the magic tournaments, and raised him from when he was a baby! Me and Cory named him."
Jewell yawned. "We should go ride him after we watch this one."
Gren took some more of the popcorn. "Hey, maybe they'll make a cartoon about Beakley some day."
"Gren, these are like your Ant-Man stories, or whatever. They just move and have sound."
"Beakley doesn't fly yet. He's too little." Then her eyes widen at Gren. "Maybe!"
"I want Cupcake to be in it. Only she can't meow. Things have to be weird in cartoons." Suddenly she's an authority on the subject.
"They have Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy in Bikini Bottom. They're in the old folks home."
"How long does it take for a hippogriff to reach maturity?" A skeptical sideways glance was given to Jewell
"Oh, I've seen cartoons before. Just not this one. Most of the ones I've seen have superheroes in them."
"He's almost full grown, and he's a year old now. But he doesn't know how to use his wings just yet."
"How has he made it a year without using his wings?"
"He uses them!" Defensively. Starting to pout. "He's just not ready to fly yet."
"Eden, you gotta learn to fly so you can be like his momma and teach him."
A quiet, anxious noise squeaking from her throat, she looks down at her popcorn string. "I don't really wanna."
That got Jewell up and looking across Kate to the younger girl. "You ever been on a ferris wheel?"
"I don't really like being up high so much."
"Oh. Well then, we should practice." She settled back down comfortably. "Baby steps. I taught all my kids to fly you know."
"That's not one of the nifty powers I got but it would be pretty useful. However, I can fly anything with a joystick. Including men." A smug smirk curled her mouth.
"You did?" Now she's the one leaning forward a little to look at Jewell.
He gulped when he heard Kate, but then looked at Eden sympathetically. "I know what it's like to be afraid to fly." He nodded and smiled.
"Uhuh," she nodded and looked at Eden with a smile. "And it was fun too!"
"You don't like planes or ships, Gren?" she asked with raised brows.
"My little girl.." Jewell glanced back at the TV. "She was afraid of heights too."
"Oh, no. I break out in cold sweats just thinking about it." His cheeks flared out as if his nervous stomach was causing him to digest his popcorn the wrong way.
Leaning back again. "Okay. Maybe."
Hope made her way to the fridge with a towel dangling around her neck and she peeked around the corner to spy on the others.
"Okay." Jewell didn't push it past that. Just leaned over and like Eden's wing playfully. She giggles, and gets back to stringing popcorn. Jewell settled back down against the pillow, quickly mesmerized by the squirrel in a space costume.
"Why do you hate it so much?"
"How do they all move normally down there? Wouldn't they be slowed by the water?" She made her way back to the workout room.
"Well . . . what if I fall? From so far up?" He raised his hand above his head and brought it down sharply for emphasis.
"How would that happen if you're in an enclosed ship?"
He blinked. "What if it crashed? Or a gaping hole appeared in the floor?"
"You should let me take you up one day. I've been flying since I was a scrawny mini-Kate. I'll take you out of the atmo so you can really get a feel for it. There's nowhere to fall in space."
Gren looked pale. "Yeah, nowhere to fall because you never stop falling! Like ever! Oh no no, no, I'm fine here on the ground." He waved his hand in the air as if that was all there was to it.
"I'm not so scared of flying in ships, cause I'm in a thing. I just don't like it when I can actually fall."
"You want me to take you up, Bubblegum? Wanna go see the stars?"
"I'll get it for you on holo, Jewell." Edging slowly out from underneath Jewell, Kate replaced herself with a pillow so she could take her bowl to the kitchen and set it next to the sink, where dirty dishes went.
A majority of the Real RhyDin team has not left the living room in 60 hours. They have watched six seasons of SpongeBob SquarePants in that time. There are empty bowls of cereal, pizza boxes, and burger bags scattered around the living room. The team are in pajamas. Someone has built a pillow fort on the floor. Jewell is wearing a Squirtle Pokemon onesie that some fan of the show sent her for Christmas.
Kate wandered in and out during that 60 hours since she was already familiar with the show. There was still a city to run and she had some other business to attend but she was never gone for more than an hour or two at a time. Sometimes, Robbie even showed up at her side but he wasn't really understanding the cartoon. Precious.
Right now, she was squeezing on the couch in between two teamies, ignoring any protests or objections. "Which ep y'all on?"
"There's a sponge. And a squirrel. And Patrick is the best. And I just don't know what's happening with my life," Jewell admitted to Kate, not once moving her eyes from the screen. She was on the floor, half inside the pillow fort.
"Well right now, you're a cartoon zombie, no wonder. Have you slept at all?" Kate asked.
"Nu-uh." Jewell shook her head. "I was afraid I'd miss some of it."
"Just wait til the movie" Kheldar looked over at Jewel with a grin from where he lay on his back idly watching. He hadn't binged quite as hard as the rest, still maintaining his workouts and other business, but to be fair he had multiple kids in the 10-17 range and had seen all these episodes before. When he was home he participated in the 'bonding' wearing pineapple pajama pants and his faded grey sweatshirt and lounging with the others.
"Kheldar! I almost forgot you were here, you're so fuck-all quiet." Kate grinned down at him. "Have you gotten your hot pants yet?"
"Gren must have stole them like he did Jewels gold shorts." shrugs, grinning back.
"Ooohhhhh so you need a backup pair. Don't worry, boo thang, I got you. Can I take your measurements?" Manicured brows bobbed while she leered.
"I leave you people alone for a few days, and just look what happens..." Smirking, Tahlia made her way inside from the bitter cold, sliding a key fob into her pocket. She'd caught the beginning, but it had been an... eventful weekend. "Have you guys moved, like, at all?" Actually, flopping on a couch for a bit didn't sound so bad...
Jewell came out of her fugue long enough to blink at Kheld and Kate, "Gren stole my hot pants?"
"I mean, I haven't seen him dancing around the bushes in them or anything but it makes sense. He shares a room with you. Can't deal with revealing clothing or cardboard cutouts.." Shrugs. "I don't work for the watch or anything but that seems like motive and opportunity." Grins
"Man has a point..." Bar first. "Anyone want a hot toddy or something?" It didn't make sense to just make one for herself.
Squirtle Jewell just looked at Tahlia. She had the hood up on her onesie. Then she looked back at Kheld. "Does Gren even know how to dance?"
Wandering in from the kitchen, Eden had one arm around one of those giant cans of three-flavor-popcorn, and her teddy bear in the other. The teddy bear was wearing Jewell's hotpants. "Does anybody want some popcorn? I have the sugar kind, the salt kind, and the orange kind."(edited)
Jewell didn't notice the bear wearing her hotpants right away. Patrick and SpongeBob had just done something apparently hilarious on screen because she was cracking up. "Mother of Nature," she brushed away some tears, "that Patrick!"
Gren entered on the "know how to dance" part, thankfully missing the hot pants discussion. He was wearing his Arachnid Man sweatshirt and drinking a green colored fruit smoothie. "Of course I know how to dance! Me and Izira enjoy waltzing just like anybody". Here he did a little solo box step waltz and hummed to himself.
The end credits were rolling on the current episode, which did not hold Jewell's attention as much as a dancing Gren. She knocked over part of her pillow fort she was hiding in to join him in a box step waltz. It didn't matter that she danced elegantly, it looked ridiculous since she was wearing that onesie.
Gren didn't miss a beat and swept up Jewell in the dance. One and two and three and four. "You know, you dance divinely, madam", he said.
"See, he's from the forest not some midwestern baptist town. Forest creatures dance." Nods decisively, goes to get a snack, taking assorted dishes and trash he passes with him on the way.
"Why thank you my fine sir!" Jewell giggled at Kheld's commentary.
She plunked down on the couch with her teddy and the can of popcorn. "I'm not sure I like the orange popcorn."
The "sponge" "bob" "square" "pants" part of the song fit in just nicely with the four step box waltz. When the end credits song was finished, Gren dipped Jewell in dramatic fashion.
Jewell put her arm out, laughing as he helped her upright. "Very nicely--GAAASSP!" She was pointing at Eden. No, not quite Eden. She was pointing at Eden's teddy bear!
"Why is that teddy bear wearing hot pants?" Gren looked more bewildered than normal.
Eyes wide. She slowly offered the can of popcorn towards Jewell. "You can have it if you want some."
Looking from Gren to Jewell to her teddy. "It's not a bear. It's a grag." There were, in fact, a few subtle differences from a typical teddy bear.
Jewell blinked. "What's a grag?"
Gren shrugged at Jewell and looked at Eden for the answer.
She held out the bear-type-stuffed animal. "A grag!" Duh.
"Uhh.. okay. But why is the grag wearing my hotpants?"
Brow furrowing. "They're yours? I found them in the laundry and thought they were for my grag. They're so small!" She held out her grag towards Jewell. "Look, they fit perfectly!"
"Plus, you wouldn't want his graggle hanging out.. it's a family show. " Kheld called back from the kitchen.
Gren gaped at the tiny hot pants. "You fit in those?"
Jewell could barely contain a shriek of laughter, "This is a family show!?" She then leaned forward and looked at the grag and its sparkly gold shorts. "Uhh.. well yeah." Her cheeks turned red. "I've lost some weight."
"Do you want them back?" Looking a little reluctant to hand the pants over.
"Hmm the curse of bikini bottom.. wonder what this one's about" sitting back down with his sandwich.
"Yes! They make my ass look good. Of course I want them back. Your.. grag," she waved, "doesn't need--" Attention stolen back to the TV just like that, she was settling back down on the couch, "There's a curse?"
A quiet giggle, and she tucked her grag back behind her out of Jewell's sight.
A wink for Eden and he shrugs. "'s what the episode title said."
"Who the fuck wouldn't want to watch us with their family?” Kate asked. “We're fucking awesome. Kids, if you're watching, learn how to make money as soon as you can. Then you can do whatever the fuck you want instead of what your parents tell you. And ESPECIALLY don't join any religion, they're all a fucking hoax. Oh hey, lemme see that grag, Bubblegum?"
"Shhhh!" Jewell hushed Kate and then looked at her with a grin. "Stop saying fuck so many times. They always fucking censor us and take it out."
"Miss Kate! You used the 'F' word one - two - three - FOUR times! Please tell me you bleeped that out." Gren said, turning to one of the cameramen. "Miss Jewell!" Even more shocked.
"Yeah Kate! It's fucking unbelievable how many times you can say fuck in one sentence."
"In that fucking case, they can fucking lick my fucking balls and give me a fucking reach around."
Holding her grag up towards Kate over the back of the couch, trying to keep it out of Jewell's sight, whispering, "Don't they fit so nicely!?"
Gren clapped his hands over his ears and ran from the living room. "LA LA LA I'm not listening . . . !"
"They really do " she whispered back, winking at Eden. "Hey, lemme borrow the shorts for a little bit? I wanna add some bling to 'Em. Really make his graggle stand out."
"Awww, now you scared Gren away." Jewell watched him dash out. "Nice fucking job."
"Not my fault. He should be used to it by now." But still, she yelled out, Sorry Gren-Gren!"
Giggling, Jewell settled into the couch and grabbed one of the pillows from her fort to hug to her chest. "Can we make it go backwards in time? I missed the beginning."
The sound of folksy new age music could be heard from Gren's bedroom as if he's trying to block the conversation out.
"You just wanna hear the song again." Kheld grins before restarting the episode.
"Uh, you mean rewind it?" Chuckling, Kate reached for the remote and started the episode over. But Kheld beat her to it! See, he needed to hang more. Grinning widely, Kate winked at her again. Bouncing to her feet, she sauntered to her room.
"Okay!" Wiggling the shorts off, she handed them over.
"Yeah yeah, that. Whatever." She's grinning, guilty-as-charged. She starts to sing along with the opening song even with the new-age folksy stuff in the background.
"You should totally put one of those blurry box things on the grag now." Looking off camera at a producer before finishing his sandwich.
Snuggling down into the couch cushions, her grag sitting on the arm of the couch, with his graggle blurred. Who wants to play Hide The Graggle?
Jewell sung along with gusto now: "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea!"
They were likely to sit there for another 60 hours at this rate.