Overlord Challenge (Madness Prize)

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Myria Graziano
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Overlord Challenge (Madness Prize)

Post by Myria Graziano »

Miss Empress-Overlady-Prognosticator,

Looks like you took my advice and spent some time in the video room! Congratulations on your fifth title defense.

Now it's my turn. I'm challenging for your title.

Start getting my Manor ready and make sure you spruce up the beach.

Myria G.
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Post by Kalamere »

- Title holder acceptance must be publically posted within 1 week of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within 2 weeks of the title holders acceptance.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.
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Post by JewellRavenlock »


Congratulations on winning Madness this year! That was quite a feat.

I also wish to thank you very much for your kind advice prior to my challenge against E. It was unnecessary, though. I do not need to view recordings of my opponents in order to beat them. I beat them with daily practice, good training, and innate skill.

It's worked five times so far. I suppose we'll see if it works a sixth since your challenge is accepted.

Here's some advice for you in return: ask Lacey for what not to do when we meet in the ring.


The Empress Overlady
Jewell Ravenlock
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

Myria and I should be meeting on Sunday, 4 June 2017 at approximately 9:30pm RST to settle this challenge.

I understand that Sadie has offered to call this match.
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Post by DUEL Sadie »

Our combatants fought tonight sans Seconds or People of Honor and in three mighty matches, Myria Graziano is the 111th Overlord of the Arena!

Full write up coming shortly.
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Post by Vaeluthil Whitevale »

Seaside aligns Renegade to the usurper.
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Post by DUEL Sadie »

As promised:

Code: Select all

First 1: Both ladies are goin' for blood but in this instance, only the fierce Empress takes home a point for her direct thrustin' under Myria's head loppin'.  (TH/HC) 1 Jewell
First 2: Myria doubles down but Jewell's not lettin' her through! Two for the Overlady! (FCP/LC) 2 Jewell
First 3: Evidently turnabout's fair play, didja know? Jewell's findin' that out the hard way! (HC/FLP) 2-1 Jewell
First 4: We're takin' a dance break here. Just a short one hopefully. (FSS/FSS) 2-1 Jewell
First 5: In a repeat of the openin' round, we see Jewell once more nailin' Myria under My's high blow. (TH/HC) 3-1
First 6: Might not be a wallop or anythin', but Myria's defendin' her way into another point (LC/FCP) 3-2 Jewell
First 7: With a clatterin' clang, they reach an impasse up high! (HC/HC) 3-2 Jewell
First 8: Ladies are keepin' it close tonight, Myria's treatin' Jewell to a little direct contact to tie it up! (LC/TH) 3 All
First 9: Off with 'er head! Nobody expects the fourth, at least Myria didn't. We're at MATCH POINT in the first match! (HC/FSS) 4-3 Jewell
First 10: Jewell hacks her way to victory in the first of a three-fer set! (LC/SH) 5-3 Jewell

((JewellRavenlock .def. Myria Graziano, 5-3 in 10.))
Second 1: Wastin' no time, Myria's lookin' for revenge and tryin' to take off Jewell's head! (FSS/HC) 1 Myria
Second 2: Myria's really out for blood, doublin' up with a quick thrust! (LC/TH) 2 Myria
Second 3: Matchin' parries, that's cute. Let's get back to stabbin'. (FLP/FLP) 2 Myria
Second 4: Myria's callin' open season on all ducks, includin' the Empress it seems. (FDU/LC) 3 Myria
Second 5: That was a doozy of a blow but it's not dissuadin' Jewell from wallopin' Myria right back! (HC/SH) 1-3 Myria
Second 6: S'all about positionin'. Unfortunately, Jewell's duckin', My's dancin', and neither are gainin' any ground. (FDU/FSS) 1-3 Myria
Second 7: Repeatin' round two here. Myria's thrustin' her way to MATCH POINT! (LC/TH) 1-4 Myria
Second 8: And a reversal o' six, Jewell gets to steppin' and it's Myria's turn to duck. (FSS/FDU) 1-4 Myria
Second 9: Jewell's not out yet! Does she have enough steam to get that train goin'? (FCP/LC) 2-4 Myria
Second 10: There's another nickel for Jewell as she bookends just in time! (LP/HC) 2.5-4 Myria
Second 11: Valiant effort on Jewell's part, but an untimely trade means we're goin' to a third! (HC/LC) 3.5-5 Myria
((Myria Graziano .def. JewellRavenlock, 5-3.5 in 11))
Third 1: Jewell's lookin' for a quick buck but Myria's not quite ready to give it up (TH/FLP) 1 Myria
Third 2: This one's shapin' up to be a bloody one as Jewell goes low and Myria goes high (LC/HC) 1-2 Myria
Third 3: We might wanna call medical, Jewell's vicious thrust is goin' for My right as she drops and we're all tied up! (TH/FDU) 2 All
Third 4: Not down for long, Myria's takin' her lead right back before Jewell can do her victory dance (FSS/LC) 2-3 Myria
Third 5: Both are defensively minded but Myria's positionin' her way under Jewell's parry for MATCH POINT! (FLP/FDU) 2-4 Myria
Third 6: Jewell's still not givin' up the ghost, defendin' against Myria's low swing! (FCP/LC) 3-4 Myria
Third 9: This is where it gets excitin'! Jewell's callin' on the tried and true bookend and here we are at SUDDEN DEATH! (FLP/HC) 4 All
THIRD FINAL!: In a battle of wills (and defenses) only one can reign supreme. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your new Overlord, Myria Graziano! (FCP/FDU) 4-5 Myria

((Final: Myria Graziano .def. JewellRavenlock, 5-4 in 10))
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Post by Lirssa Sarengrave »

Old Market aligns loyal.
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Post by Claire Gallows »

::a typed response rather than a handwritten one was tacked up by the Baron of Dragon's Gate's manager early in the afternoon.::

Dragon's Gate aligns Loyal to the 111th Overlord. Well reigned, Jewell and best of luck, Myria.
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Post by Ekthbjlgke »

Well fought, the both of you.

Sorry to see you lose, Jewell. I've quite enjoyed the friendly rivalry we've had going for the past few months.

Congratulations on the win, Myria. It's always good to see The Wrecking Crew going strong.

That being said, I will be aligning myself Renegade.

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Post by Anubis Karos »


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Post by Hope »

Looks like there's at least a few willing Renegades so I'll try my hand at Loyal for once.
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

Congratulations Myria on your win! We had a fine challenge.

My thanks to all the barons who reigned during my own reign, loyal and renegade. You have made my time as Overlord interesting.

E, I hope our friendly rivalry shall continue moving forward in some form or other. It has been enjoyable.

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Ria Graziano
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Post by Ria Graziano »

ya done good, kid. ya done real good.

~ R
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Post by Sabine »

Battlefield Park will remain Renegade at this time even though I have the utmost respect for Myria and think she's a total badass. Congratulations Myria.

-Sabine Aubrey-Gabrielle
Baroness of Battlefield Park
“We spoke eternal things that cannot die.” -Charles Baudelaire, from The Balcony; Fleurs du Mal (tr. by Roy Campbell), 1857
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