A generic letter was tacked to the board by Captain Morris, who rarely if ever left his ghostly post.
"To whom it may concern, I, Sabine Gabrielle accept any challenges that may come against me during my time off-world. I intend to return no later than the second week of November and will handle the particulars then. If challenges must be fought before I am able to return, I would ask that my second, Salvador Delahada be allowed to fight in my place or the Squire of Battlefield Park, Nat Candle.
-Sabine Gabrielle
Baroness of Battlefield Park "
(OOC: Sabine will be back in time to make arrangement and follow through with the challenge. Myu's player is aware and agreeable.)
“We spoke eternal things that cannot die.” -Charles Baudelaire, from The Balcony; Fleurs du Mal (tr. by Roy Campbell), 1857