RoH Icons/Inventory Items

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RoH Icons/Inventory Items

Post by Eden Parker »

Hey, I wasn't sure where else to follow-up on this so I hope this is alright.

A couple of weeks ago I followed these instructions to make my own inventory icons for RoH. I haven't heard anything back since, even though I followed up again last Wednesday, a week after my first email. I know Sylus also mentioned he requested some icons for Hydra at least a week before my request went in, and I'm not seeing those either (unless he already received them and they just haven't been distributed yet).

Are icons still being made for RoH? Is there a new procedure? Is there a guideline for how long it takes for icons to be made?

Thanks for your help!
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

I"m still waiting on the icons I requested, though I think I may have botched part of the format. I know that the request format is similar if not identical to RDI.
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Post by Eden Parker »

Well, the request format on RDI is actually very different since it's a form that you submit on the site. Here it's an email request.

That's sort of why I'm asking the question since I'm familiar with the process on RDI. I recently received submitted icons with a less than 48 hour turnaround, which is awesome fast! So I'm just trying to gauge my expectations here since this is the first time I've submitted a request.
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Post by Jake »

Where did you send the email for the icons?

I'd suggest following up with an email to

Only Amal or Xeno can help with the icons.
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Post by Eden Parker »

I followed the instructions I linked in my initial post. I'm assuming from the address that it goes directly to Amal. I'll try following up with the roh admins address you provided. Thanks!
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Post by Eden Parker »

Just as a quick update---I heard back that my request was received at the end of September.

Will let you know when I get the icons!
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Post by Eden Parker »

Nothing yet!
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Post by Eden Parker »

Still no icons. I sent an email to the admin who initially responded that my request had been received hoping for an update on the icons (mine specifically, and the site-function generally). I have not received a response.

I don't know who handles these things, but I suggest that whoever stickied the instructions on how to request icons to the top of this folder (G?) might want to unsticky it, since it seems that in practice there is no way to receive icons on this site anymore.

For anyone interested, this was the email I sent early January:
Hey there! Happy new year!

Just following-up on this request. Is there anything I can do to help this process? I ask because waiting for an inventory icon for an event that ended four months ago is starting to feel a little pointless. What I mean by that is that icons are a fun way for players to make little incentives for each other and congratulate each other on a job well done. It's really fun seeing the profiles of some of the older players/characters and all of the different icons they've earned from participating in various events. But if it takes this long to receive them it's a little hard to enjoy them or connect them to the event for which they were earned. Plus it discourages future requests (which maybe is the point?).

Is the user-created icon function pretty much dead? It would be good to know if it is. Alternatively, I would really love to help with it if that would keep it from getting axed. I know you know how much people love the icons over on RDI. I don't think it would be very different over here, if people were able to create and trade them with the same level of ease. I know it probably seems like a small, superficial thing to you. But as a newer player, it's nice to feel like you're creating a history for yourself on the site as you go along in the same way that people did before you. And as a caller, it's really nice to be able to commemorate an event with an icon. With a shrinking number of active players on the site, making sure the site is fun and responsive seems more important now than ever before.

I hope you'll appreciate that this email comes from a positive place. Thanks for reading and for all of your hard work.

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Post by DemiBob »

I'm tempted to just hand draw Eden's icons and take pictures of them and send them around. At this rate, no icons are going to be made.
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