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Post by JC »

Props to Apple and Charlie for one hell of a challenge for FireStar tonight. Brutally intense and probably one of the more dramatic challenges I've been lucky enough to watch tonight. All without dramz. But such a sweet cooperative RP opportunity so thank you for letting me be a part of it. And thank you to Grace for bringing her out for a special occasion. She's been missed <3
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

Thank you Lacey for calling the baron tournament tonight! It was fun to see all the barons out and about together.

Nice win, Six!
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

With the unofficial end of Hydra, I just wanted to express my gratitude to a few people.

Thanks to my team for being awesome and fun.

Thanks to the Hydra-Foils, Misfits, and Rock Hards for taking part in the season. We had some really close matches, exciting upsets, and great IC interactions (which are always the best part).

And thanks to Kal for running the Hydra website, getting the matches posted, fixing errors, answering all our questions in a timely manner, and just doing an awesome job to make this season run as smoothly as possible.
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Post by Eden Parker »

I just want to echo what Jewell said. Thank you to everyone who participated in Hydra this season. Thank you Pains, Misfits, and Rock Hards. I had a lot of fun with you guys and I hope you had fun too.

Thank you also to Kal for running the site and helping us with the little issues that came up.

I also want to say an extra-special thanks to the Misfits, and Andu Kirost for organizing the team, and Noah Bird for stepping up to captain for the first time! It definitely would not have been as fun a season without you guys!
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Post by DemiBob »

I'd like to thank all the players who held the Tower of Earth before Bob and talked to me about the various things they'd done with the title while they held it:


I'd particularly like to thank Ahni for being so cool as to let me run with the vegetable story line. I'd also like to thank Xanth for being supportive when I started and for his innate sense of fairness.

I'd also like to thank Ducii and Perpetual Motion for agreeing to work with Bob while he made his fat load of cash, and apologize to them for not getting writing done. Don't worry you two: I estimate each character made about 1.5 trillion dollars. What you do with it is up to you.

Finally, HUGE shout out to Jesse for being awesome IC and OOC. You're the best, and Jesse is my favorite ever.

Apologies if I forgot anyone. I basically appreciate everyone who contributed or played into Bob as Keeper. Thanks!
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Post by DemiBob »


Thank you, John Cole, for the original idea of a Tower of Candy, and for everything else you do. You are simply the best.
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Post by Bailey Raptis »

I'm late on this, but I wanted to thank Duel Awkward, Duel Claire, and Duel Jesse for calling the All Ranks Tournament this past Saturday. It's always a blast, but it's only possible because callers show up and spend their time and mental energy to allow us to have a good time. Thank you. :)
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Post by DUEL Kheldar »

Outback Mayhem was fun. Good idea Harris. Thanks everyone for coming to play.
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

Sabine, thank you for your Baroness Beauty Line! So clever and inclusive.
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Post by Nick Allen »

JewellRavenlock wrote:Sabine, thank you for your Baroness Beauty Line! So clever and inclusive.
^ This! And thanks so much for including those Allen boys. I got a real kick out of it! A Saigon Nick if you will!
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Post by Sabine »

Thank you guys :)

It's a lot of fun to put together, although my brain is drying up on creative names lol.

I try to include as many as I can but it's definitely hard. If anyone wonders, this time it was based on the DoS standings of active duelists. I *think* I managed to get the majority.

If you were missed, I am so sorry. If anyone wants more involvement, a product just for them, like G'nort's cologne, a sponsorship, modeling gig, etc, let me know! This was always intended to involve the dueling community and duelists.
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Post by Kruger »

Just wanted to say, huge appreciation for Lirssa, and Claire for their squire contests! Much love &#10084; for your efforts!
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Post by Claire Gallows »

Thank you sosososo much to everyone who participated in the Overlord Squire Search. Major thanks to Nick, Michi, Six, Bailey, Grace, Candle, Rachael, and G for taking part and to all of the callers that put up with calling and the incessant "YOU, THANK YOU FOR CALLING" from Michi ICly ;) . Something like 30+ DoS duels were called in the past 2 weeks so it was great seeing everyone out dueling and cheering.

Okay, ramble over. Thank you everyone!
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

By mentioning this, it'll probably ruin it, but is anyone else excited that the upcoming DQ is ladies only at the moment?
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

My day just got even better here!
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