The light from the candles was hardly enough to keep the pooling darkness of night at bay. In her drawing room she would usually have a fire going in the hearth for more light, or count on the moon, which was currently hiding behind a curtain of threatening clouds. As it was the light was enough for her eyes, and in so dim a lighting the soft glow from the silver starbursts that surrounded her pupils was noticeable.
She read the two letters that had arrived thus far in response to her call for candidates to bequeath the right of challenge. One nearly made her snort her beer, an offense that would surely need to be addressed, perhaps with the offer of squireship. The other made her more thoughtful, it was blunt and to the point, traits that reminded her of things she’d rather not think upon.
The shade announced itself by creating a sound like the clearing of a throat. The poor lighting meant that, if you did not know better, the shade might be mistaken for the man who gave it shape once upon a time.
“Raylin, why do you haunt me tonight? Have I not said that you should find your peace already and go to well-deserved rest?” Ellisa spoke the words as she set the paper down upon the desk. There were stacks of papers, all neatly stored and organized, a habit she had to cultivate after ...
“How can I find my peace? You continue to vex me even after my death! I promised your father that I would see to your happiness and welfare, and here you sit -- in the dark and miserable.” The words held a strength of conviction that were softened by the effort it took to be heard by the living. Raylin had died nearly a decade before and yet he continued to speak to her when he was of a mind to do so, and she did not have the heart to attempt to exorcise the ghost from her home.
“The dark is a necessity. The world would wither if it was forced to endure the harsh light of day all the time. And what state would you have me be in, Raylin? The one thing desired forever beyond my reach. How can any other state suffice?”
Her mind went to that day when the world changed. There had been so much blood. First it had been just Cam’s as she held him in her arms, grievous wounds robbing him of life even as he spoke final words, a futile attempt to comfort Ellisa. After... after the earth had been inundated with the blood of those responsible. A red rage had consumed her and all that was left in memory were vague impressions of men falling to the tide of it. That land would not soon forget the terror that descended upon them that night; all deeds made hollow by the fact that it did not return Cam to her side.
“It has been a year.” The shade of Raylin began, quickly cut off by a noise of anger from Ellisa.
“A year? We were to have many years, Raylin. What would have been off limits-- in word or deed -- to turn that day to a different purpose? To, at the least, have me in his place? The wound still bleeds. Do not speak to me of it again.” Her anger rose in pitch and she could feel other consequences would rob her of wit if she allowed it to continue. “Raylin, please... I wish for more peace tonight than your words afford me. Speak of pleasant memories or depart.” The words tempered by the love she held for the man that raised her after her fathers death.
“There are still things worth experiencing, Ellisa. Things worth really living to experience.” A ghostly hand reached out to touch her shoulder, the presence felt as a coolness against flesh.
“Not tonight, Raylin.” Still, her hand tapped the two letters that had not been put in proper place yet. Something trivial and yet to some, perhaps not as trivial. She had been where both these two had been before in the arena... perhaps in life, who knew what hidden depths lay in strangers? A child of Jewell and Harris? Not so surprising she had not heard of such a thing, she was not big on gathering rumors in Rhydin, it had little bearing on her business... but the girl would be a firecracker, had to be with lineage like that.
And the man? She moved aside both letters and picked up the photos provided by her men of both Sapphire and “Six”... well, he was pretty at the least. When she focused on the room again she took note that the shade had departed. There was still time for the decision to be made, and perhaps others in contention. For tonight she would wander by the docks, perhaps she would be lucky and someone would think her an easy target... violence would be a welcomed distraction.
Coming back to life
- Ellisa Morgan
- Adventurer
- Posts: 19
- Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:36 am
- Junior Adventurer
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Fri May 06, 2016 4:58 pm
- Location: None of your business -- sensing a pattern yet?
“Are you sure?” He paced the length of the small room again, stopping as a blade flew by his face to bury itself in the wall, the hilt quivering from the force of unspent momentum. “What I meant to ask was...” Thurman turned to face the man that had thrown the dagger, he could feel a bead of sweat form on his brow and attempted to calm his heartbeat, these were not the men to show weakness. “Can you trust the man that brought you the information?”
Dirk was a special kind of guy, he was that guy in the corner that no one wanted to look at directly. The one, when he entered a room, brought the atmosphere of his mood with him and imposed it on others. He was not a subtle man, standing half a foot above six feet meant stealth was a difficult feat in the best conditions, added to the height was the breadth of his shoulders, which were twice as wide as any other man in the room. “Few men are stupid enough to lie to me, none get the chance to do so more than once.” The words coiled about intent, softly spoken but solidly anchored in truth.
“What brings her back? I thought you said she would not return after the death of her husband. The timing of it...” The timing of it could be named poor if he was a man of tremendous understatement. The brokered deal would fall to ruins if the others became aware that Morgan was back in town. A certain subset of trade was owned by the woman in years past, something that had eroded and crumbled with inattention and absence.
“That is something she has kept close to the vest. My men are working at it. I came here in person to find out how far you’d like my men to go.” There were levels of services Dirk offered, currently Thurman had paid for only surface information. To get more Dirk would need to place someone close to Ellisa, a task not easily accomplished as she tended to be very private about her personal business, trusting only a few that had been in her employ for years.
Thurman stood, hands slowly wringing in front of him for far too long before he realized his actions and shoved them into pockets to still the nervous action. “My associates and I...” He began, an obvious attempt to remind Dirk that, although he stood alone now, he was not alone in this venture,”Would go to far lengths to find out if she will remain, and if she intends on sticking her nose into places it no longer belongs.” He paused and then after very little thought added. “If she does plan on either we would pay more to insure that she would not be an issue in the future.”
Dirk watched him silently for a long minute, waiting until the hands came out to wring again before giving response. “I will assess the situation and send over a pricelist. They will be non-negotiable terms you can accept or reject.” And with that he made to move toward the exit, pausing as Thurman called out.
“What guarantee do we have that you will be discreet if we reject the terms?”
Dirk didn’t bother to look back as he gave an answer, stepping through the door so as to invite no response. “You don’t. That is a risk of the game. Ponder your luck that I did not cut out your tongue for implying I lacked proper discretion in matters of my livelihood.”
It took Thurman the better part of an hour and several stiff drinks to calm his nerves sufficiently to send word to his associates with news of the evening, and what could be in store for the very near future.
Dirk was a special kind of guy, he was that guy in the corner that no one wanted to look at directly. The one, when he entered a room, brought the atmosphere of his mood with him and imposed it on others. He was not a subtle man, standing half a foot above six feet meant stealth was a difficult feat in the best conditions, added to the height was the breadth of his shoulders, which were twice as wide as any other man in the room. “Few men are stupid enough to lie to me, none get the chance to do so more than once.” The words coiled about intent, softly spoken but solidly anchored in truth.
“What brings her back? I thought you said she would not return after the death of her husband. The timing of it...” The timing of it could be named poor if he was a man of tremendous understatement. The brokered deal would fall to ruins if the others became aware that Morgan was back in town. A certain subset of trade was owned by the woman in years past, something that had eroded and crumbled with inattention and absence.
“That is something she has kept close to the vest. My men are working at it. I came here in person to find out how far you’d like my men to go.” There were levels of services Dirk offered, currently Thurman had paid for only surface information. To get more Dirk would need to place someone close to Ellisa, a task not easily accomplished as she tended to be very private about her personal business, trusting only a few that had been in her employ for years.
Thurman stood, hands slowly wringing in front of him for far too long before he realized his actions and shoved them into pockets to still the nervous action. “My associates and I...” He began, an obvious attempt to remind Dirk that, although he stood alone now, he was not alone in this venture,”Would go to far lengths to find out if she will remain, and if she intends on sticking her nose into places it no longer belongs.” He paused and then after very little thought added. “If she does plan on either we would pay more to insure that she would not be an issue in the future.”
Dirk watched him silently for a long minute, waiting until the hands came out to wring again before giving response. “I will assess the situation and send over a pricelist. They will be non-negotiable terms you can accept or reject.” And with that he made to move toward the exit, pausing as Thurman called out.
“What guarantee do we have that you will be discreet if we reject the terms?”
Dirk didn’t bother to look back as he gave an answer, stepping through the door so as to invite no response. “You don’t. That is a risk of the game. Ponder your luck that I did not cut out your tongue for implying I lacked proper discretion in matters of my livelihood.”
It took Thurman the better part of an hour and several stiff drinks to calm his nerves sufficiently to send word to his associates with news of the evening, and what could be in store for the very near future.
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