Challenge for IceDancer

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Challenge for IceDancer

Post by Hope »

It's about time I re-establish myself in this sport and give people something to watch. I'm coming for your rock Necromancer.

- Hope
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Post by Shale »

Between my studies of the opal and the infernal league that seems to have everyone preoccupied and out of the Outback, I have been lax in maintaining an active standing. I believe I have rectified that as of this evening and may now accept your challenge.

I look forward to it! IceDancer has been very educational, but I believe that only through challenge setting combat will greater mysteries be unveiled.

I will abduct a messenger as soon as I can manage and forward to you some thoughts on a reasonable date for the affair.

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Post by Hope »

I sent a missive your way and I hope no abductions need to take place.
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Post by Hope »

This challenge will be fought on Wednesday the 16th at 9:30 PM. The amazing Peaches will be calling.
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Post by DUEL Peaches »

In two solid rounds, these duelists came with the thunder! Both matches were nail biters as it came down to sudden death, but there can be only one, right? Hope emerges as the newest holder for IceDancer!

DUEL Peaches:Chilly Willy 1: Shale wastes no time sending his minion to start a clean up! (FeFL/SW) 1 Shale
DUEL Peaches:Chilly Willy 2: And the savagery gets kicked up a notch as each are dishing out a solid WHAMMY! (CH/JA) 2-1 Shale
DUEL Peaches:Chilly Willy 3: Das boot! Is that the right term for that? It can't actually wear a boot but -- (SW/SN) 3-1 Shale
DUEL Peaches:Chilly Willy 4: Hope snaps to it to rattle them bones! (SN/FaDU) 3-2 Shale
DUEL Peaches:Chilly Willy 5: Scary spooky skeleton is also a scary spooky sneak! The fake out lands the bones to match point! (FaDO/FeSN) 4-2 Shale
DUEL Peaches:Chilly Willy 6: Ah, ah, ah! Hope feeds Mr. Bones a knuckle sandwich to help fatten him up! (JA/SW) 4-3 Hope
DUEL Peaches:Chilly Willy 7: Whomp whomp! A real jump, and a not-so-real jump makes it so there aren't any real points! (JK/FeJK) 4-3 Shale
DUEL Peaches:Chilly Willy 8: These two are just a little too wary of one another! Kind of understandable. Which one of them is not like the others? (FaAB/FaDO) 4-3 Shale
DUEL Peaches:Chilly Willy 9: Ooo! Hope goes for gold by getting grabby with the corpse! Geez, Hope, don't be so desperate for a date! (FL/JA) 4 ALL
DUEL Peaches:Chilly Willy FINAL: Mr. Bones is trying to find a bone to pick with Hope but she's going low to clean up this round! (SW/FL) 5-4 Hope
DUEL Peaches:( FINAL: The Queen .def. Shale , 5 - 4 in 10 )

DUEL Peaches:Santa Claws 1: They start out with -- nothing. Not a bang, not a kaboom, not a wham. Just posing! (FeFL/JA) 0
DUEL Peaches:Santa Claws 2: Hope gets fancy! Too fancy for the bone puppet! (FaAB/SN) 1 Hope
DUEL Peaches:Santa Claws 3: There's that wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am stuff we're here for! (JA/JA) 2-1 Hope
DUEL Peaches:Santa Claws 4: Down, down, down she goes! Where she stops, nobody kn-- Oh, no, she stopped on the mat. (FaDO/SW) 2 ALL
DUEL Peaches:Santa Claws 5: Who knew skeletons would be so quick to the punch!? (SN/JA) 3-2 Shale
DUEL Peaches:Santa Claws 6: Bouncing Hope takes a lucky leap right out of the path of grabby hands McBones over there! (FaLP/FL) 3 ALL
DUEL Peaches:Santa Claws 7: Swing and a miss! How low can a bag of bones go? Pretty low! (JA/FaDU) 4-3 Shale
DUEL Peaches:Santa Claws 8: The ol' one-two! The one doesn't hit, but that second one comes out with a vengeance! (CH/FaLP) 4 ALL
DUEL Peaches:Santa Claws 9: DID YOU THINK IT WAS OVER!? They got a little mind games going on right now! (FeFL/JA) 4 ALL
DUEL Peaches:Santa Claws FINAL: Our lord and savior, Skeletor, takes a clue from his summoner to go low but Hope has her eyes on the spellbinding prize of IceDancer! (JA/SW) 5-4 Hope
DUEL Peaches:( FINAL: The Queen .def. Shale , 5 - 4 in 10 )
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