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Post by DUEL Gabby »

The Boss, in all of his benevolence and generosity, has agreed to provide free cupcakes to all challengers for this week! Isn't he the best?!

So get off your bums, get down to the corkboard and challenge somebody. Then place your order for any kind of cupcake you want! <3<3

P.S. Please don't ask G for the cupcakes.
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Post by G »

"I... what? Free? Whaaat?"

Facepalms and walks away, not denying anything.
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Post by Awkward »

Grace draws a large smiley face under the notice and then adds


~ Grace Frigg
Patches Gasps!
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DUEL Gabby
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Post by DUEL Gabby »

Yesssssss! You get one for you and one for all of your animals! You can all have different ones if you want.
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Post by Tara »

((This is to Gabby whom Tara has decided to call Gabriel. It's a thing. She calls Joey DeMarco 'Joseph'. Pay no attention.))

Dear Gabriel,

Well aren't YOU a spunky little lunatic, making demands of the meat puppets now that you have this UBER important position! A position which I would like to REMIND you that you STOLE!

I have the power now! I am LICENSED to bully you! And, girl, I'm just getting warmed up.

You may have USURPED control from the Over-G and poisoned the minds of these idiots with your ridiculous cupcakes but you will NOT best me!

I'm gunning for you. And I don't even own a firearm.

I tried to get a license for that. It seems that I passed the psychological exam they gave me but when it came time to demonstrate my aim, I shot up all the windows in the place and they said I'm not allowed there anymore. Also, the teacher MIGHT have mentioned that my keeping my eyes closed while shooting up the place probably wasn't the right way to do it.

I said, "I march to the beat of my own drum, baby."

He said (his name was Terrence, I say was because he's no longer breathing), Terrence said "Well go beat it someplace else because you are terrible."

I said, while blinking, "Define terrible."

And then Terrence pointed to all the broken windows.

I smiled and said, "Some might say that's art."

He said, "I don't. Go away."

And I didn't get my license but I did get a court date out of the deal. Terrence got a silk-lined coffin and a twenty-one gun salute at his funeral which I attended.

I was not allowed to shoot that day either but I wanted to.

THAT ASIDE, you are terrible. In every sense of the word. I cannot even begin to articulate to you how the very thought of you gets under my skin.

G-man wasn't great, I mean he makes fun of my boyfriend a lot, but we did share some special moments together. One had to do with a salt shaker. I'd go into more detail but I'm not comfortable with the particular level of intimacy needed to talk to you about that.

And I never will be!


Right now!

It's bad enough not enough of you meat bags don't die for my liking, now I have to be subjected to them fawning over you?! No! Uh huh! Not going to happen.

So pack your bags, take that boring Arch Witch Rena with you, and hop on a train.

Or else!

- I don't need to sign this because you know who I am and if you don't, YOU SOON WILL DISCOVER WHO I AM AND WISH YOU DIDN'T KNOW!
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Post by Gabby »

::Gabby saw the letter pinned to the corkboard and decided to write her replies right on the original::
Tara wrote: Dear Gabriel,

Well aren't YOU a spunky little lunatic, making demands of the meat puppets now that you have this UBER important position! A position which I would like to REMIND you that you STOLE!
I am! Thank you so much for noticing...that means tons coming from the Queen of all the lunatics!
Tara wrote:I have the power now! I am LICENSED to bully you! And, girl, I'm just getting warmed up.
Oh yay, you paid your tax! And I have to agree that warming up is a good idea before working out! SO SMART!
Tara wrote:You may have USURPED control from the Over-G and poisoned the minds of these idiots with your ridiculous cupcakes but you will NOT best me!
I would NEVER poison the patrons! And I only put ex-lax in G's cupcake that one...okay two times. PLEASE DON'T TELL ON ME!
Tara wrote:
... and they said I'm not allowed there anymore.
The buffet places won't allow me there anymore either. It's discrimination and we should protest!
Tara wrote:I said, while blinking, "Define terrible."

And then Terrence pointed to all the broken windows.

I smiled and said, "Some might say that's art."

He said, "I don't. Go away."
What a meanieface! I am sadfacing for you.
Tara wrote:And I didn't get my license but I did get a court date out of the deal. Terrence got a silk-lined coffin and a twenty-one gun salute at his funeral which I attended.
Oh yay, you got something! What color was the silk??? Did you wear a really super pretty dress? I bet you did because you always have such super pretty dresses!

Tara wrote:THAT ASIDE, you are terrible. In every sense of the word. I cannot even begin to articulate to you how the very thought of you gets under my skin.
That's not very nice at all! I really wouldn't want to be under your skin because that means there would be blood and guts and nastiness. Ewwie.
Tara wrote:G-man wasn't great, I mean he makes fun of my boyfriend a lot, but we did share some special moments together. One had to do with a salt shaker. I'd go into more detail but I'm not comfortable with the particular level of intimacy needed to talk to you about that.
He made fun of mine a lot when I had one too! And my girlfriend when I had one, come to think of it. Do you know her? Her name is Kingly and she is a Baroness. My ex boyfriend, and baby daddy, is named Rix. Have you ever seen our baby? She's just beautiful. Bossman G doesn't make fun of her, thankfully...though he might once she is a girlfriend since he makes fun of those. Do you think he makes fun of his own girlfriend? If he doesn't, maybe we should do that since he makes fun of ours?
Tara wrote:And I never will be!
Never? Never ever? Never ever ever? Never ever ever ever? ARE YOU SURE?
Tara wrote:YOU GO AWAY.
Tara wrote:Right now!
Well, we didn't establish where I am supposed to go. Are you inviting me to a tea party with little miniature tea cupcakes with the pretty icing roses on them? I would love to go! Is there a dress code? Should I bring anything? I can use G's credit cards to get things for the party if you want.

Tara wrote:So pack your bags, take that boring Arch Witch Rena with you, and hop on a train.
Oh, I didn't realize it was a tea party AND a sleepover. I will have to make sure Rix can babysit for Willow that night. Willow is our daughter.

Can I bring CC? He's my penguin. I figured since you have baby Horus, I could bring CC and they can have a playdate too! I will see if Rena is free to join the party and if she has a small animal child for a playdate too.

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Post by King »

Gabby wrote:My ex boyfriend, and baby daddy, is named Rix.
Excuse me? Pretty sure that Willow's mine.
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Post by Tara »

Gabby wrote:Can I bring CC? He's my penguin. I figured since you have baby Horus, I could bring CC and they can have a playdate too! I will see if Rena is free to join the party and if she has a small animal child for a playdate too.

I will NOT dignify your responses with responses of my own except to say that yes you may bring CC. So long as he is housebroken. Anpu does not like the manor to get messy and he gets particularly grumpy when the foyer, as one recent example indicated, is not clean.

So make sure you and that penguin wipe your feet.

You should not take this invitation to mean we are friends because WE ARE NOT.

I am doing this, as my Second Bestie Jesse might say, for science.

I wish to observe you in a controlled setting so I might glean where and what your weaknesses are so I may eventually destroy you.

And, I thank you for complimenting on my sense of style. I might even let you borrow a dress.


You are insignificant otherwise, Gabriel.

Do not forget this!
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