Challenge for Overlord

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Post by G »


You're still fired.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by G »

Gabby has her cupcakes.

The Challenge is set for 10pm Rhyding time tomorrow. (Tuesday)

Jesse is still fired.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by Spell »

G. Have you paid your bullying tax to one of the three parties? If not, then you are in continued violation of the No-Bully law.

You taxation will be increased to 30 Silver Nobles. 5 Silver Nobles for every violation.
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Post by G »

Spell wrote:G. Have you paid your bullying tax to one of the three parties? If not, then you are in continued violation of the No-Bully law.

You taxation will be increased to 30 Silver Nobles. 5 Silver Nobles for every violation.
You're fired.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by Spell »

G wrote:
Spell wrote:G. Have you paid your bullying tax to one of the three parties? If not, then you are in continued violation of the No-Bully law.

You taxation will be increased to 30 Silver Nobles. 5 Silver Nobles for every violation.
You're fired.
Your tax has increased to 35 Silver Nobles.
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Post by G »

Spell wrote:
G wrote:
Spell wrote:G. Have you paid your bullying tax to one of the three parties? If not, then you are in continued violation of the No-Bully law.

You taxation will be increased to 30 Silver Nobles. 5 Silver Nobles for every violation.
You're fired.
Your tax has increased to 35 Silver Nobles.
You're fired. And I charge you 50 silver fine each time you make an attempt to falsely tax patrons for a position that does not exist.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by Spell »

You are in no position to fire me. As the head of the Anti-Bullying Committee (ABC Crew), I am the head of any and all tax-related business within the Dueling Sports Entertainment industry.

Your tax has been increased by another 5 Silver Nobles. The total is now 40 Silver Nobles.

Sir, I can do this all day.
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DUEL Gabby
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Post by DUEL Gabby »

I will give you both a cupcake if you stop bullying one another!
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Post by G »

Spell wrote:You are in no position to fire me. As the head of the Anti-Bullying Committee (ABC Crew), I am the head of any and all tax-related business within the Dueling Sports Entertainment industry.

Your tax has been increased by another 5 Silver Nobles. The total is now 40 Silver Nobles.

Sir, I can do this all day.
Like the Rhydin Watch, I don't acknowledge the veracity of your office. Like the Rhydin Watch, your office is a joke.

Unlike the Rhydin Watch, I accept Gabby's cupcakes.

Jesse, you're still fired.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
Duel of Swords Legend. Best In The World™.
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Post by Spell »

G wrote:
Spell wrote:You are in no position to fire me. As the head of the Anti-Bullying Committee (ABC Crew), I am the head of any and all tax-related business within the Dueling Sports Entertainment industry.

Your tax has been increased by another 5 Silver Nobles. The total is now 40 Silver Nobles.

Sir, I can do this all day.
Like the Rhydin Watch, I don't acknowledge the veracity of your office. Like the Rhydin Watch, your office is a joke.

Unlike the Rhydin Watch, I accept Gabby's cupcakes.

Jesse, you're still fired.
While you are in clear violation of the Anti-Bully law, Gabby paid your bully tax in the form of cupcakes. You are allowed to bully within this thread and any thread related to the Overlord Challenge between Jen Chae and yourself.

Have a pleasant evening
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Post by G »

Spell wrote:
G wrote:
Spell wrote:You are in no position to fire me. As the head of the Anti-Bullying Committee (ABC Crew), I am the head of any and all tax-related business within the Dueling Sports Entertainment industry.

Your tax has been increased by another 5 Silver Nobles. The total is now 40 Silver Nobles.

Sir, I can do this all day.
Like the Rhydin Watch, I don't acknowledge the veracity of your office. Like the Rhydin Watch, your office is a joke.

Unlike the Rhydin Watch, I accept Gabby's cupcakes.

Jesse, you're still fired.
While you are in clear violation of the Anti-Bully law, Gabby paid your bully tax in the form of cupcakes. You are allowed to bully within this thread and any thread related to the Overlord Challenge between Jen Chae and yourself.

Have a pleasant evening
You're fired.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
Duel of Swords Legend. Best In The World™.
First All Time DoS Title Holder.
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Post by DUEL Lacey »

Jin Chae is the newest Overlord of the Duel of Swords!

G called for a SINGLE match. Here's the play by play!

( LC / TH ) 1 JC
( FDU / HC ) 1-1
( LC / FSS ) 2-1 G
( TH x2 ) 3-2 G
( LC / HC ) 4-3 G
( FSS / FDU ) 4-3 G
( FDIS / FLP ) 4-3 G
( TH / FCP ) 4-4
( FCP / HC ) 4-5 JC

Congratulations Jin! Good job at making history, G'nort!

The new Baron of Seaside has already claimed her Renegade Status against the new Overlord!

Code: Select all

Information for Achievements

We start with the challenger! Jin Chae fights under The Taegukgi of South Korea! Her second is her.. brother? KC Chae! Her people of honor are.. Well, this is a long list. Charlie Nine, KC Chae, Grace Frigg, Nana Chae, Izumi Takamine, and Layne Chae.. along with the rest of House Chae, and all of Little Korea. Does House Chae have a motto?"

Our Overlord, who I'm waiting to go `WHOOOOO`, fights under the colors of Silver and Blue! The Banner of the Company of the Dragon! His lady of Honor is Mercedes Velasquez! His second, who isn't here right now, is Gabriella Alexandros!
Last edited by DUEL Lacey on Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by King »

Battlefield Park will be Loyal to the new Overlord.
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Post by Shadowlord »

Dragon's Gate aligns Loyal to Overlord Jin Chae.

"Still round the corner there may wait a new road or a secret gate; and though I have oft passed them by, a day will come at last when I shall take the hidden paths that run west of the moon, east of the sun." -- J.R.R. Tolkien
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

Dockside is renegade


Baroness Empress
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