Fall All Ranks Tournament

Events and announcements from the enchanted isle of the Duel of Magic.

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Lady Of Squeeks
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Post by Lady Of Squeeks »

A pair of worker mice scurried through the portal to the corkboard on the Magic Isle, dragging a most important looking parchment with them. After much climbing, the mice tacked the parchment to the corkboard.


Once their mission was complete, the worker mice scurried back through the portal. Upon their return home, they would receive an extra ration of cheese for a task well done.
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DUEL Claire
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Post by DUEL Claire »

Pre-registration is now closed! But don't worry, there's still time to sign up if you qualify to enter!
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DUEL Peaches
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Post by DUEL Peaches »


1. Eden - Confirmed
2. Basil - Confirmed
3. Sally - Confirmed
4. John - Confirmed
5. Claire - Confirmed
6. Spider - Confirmed
7. Squeeks - Confirmed
8. Dawnblade - Confirmed
9. Mew - Confirmed
10. Xanth - Confirmed
11. Shae - Confirmed
12. Bailey - Confirmed
13. Matt - Confirmed (Walk In)



BYE: 1. Eden

2. Basil vs 13. Matt - Basil wins, Matt OUT
3. Sally vs 12. Bailey - Bailey wins, Sally OUT
4. John vs. 11. Shae - Shae wins, John OUT
5. Claire vs. 10. Xanth - Claire wins, Xanth OUT
6. Spider vs. 9. Mew - Spider wins, Mew OUT
7. Squeeks vs 8. Dawnblade - Dawnblade wins, Squeeks OUT



BYE: 2. Basil

1. Eden vs 12. Bailey - Eden wins, Bailey OUT
5. Claire vs 11. Shae - Shae wins, Claire OUT
6. Spider vs 8. Dawnblade - Dawnblade wins, Spider OUT



1. Eden vs 11. Shae - Eden wins, Shae OUT
2. Basil vs. Dawnblade - Basil wins, Dawnblade OUT


1. Eden vs 2. Basil - Eden wins, Basil OUT


1st Place: Eden (Eden Parker) chose the Spirit Staff + 5 wins!

2nd Place: Basil (Basil Praetextatus) chose the Tower of Air + 2 wins!

3rd Place: Venalia (Dawnblade) chose the Pocket Golem + 2 wins!

4th Place: Shae Stormchild (Shae) chose Mystery Box + 2 wins!

5th Place: Spider (The Spider) chose 2 EF Gems + 1 win!

6th Place: Claire (Claire Farron) chose 1 EF Gem + 1 win!

*Plus pre-registration bonuses for: Eden, Basil, Sally, John, Claire, Spider, Squeeks, Dawnblade, Mew, Xanth, Shae, Bailey
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DUEL Claire
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Post by DUEL Claire »

[[7th place Bailey Raptis takes 1 additional win

Tie breakers decided by difference in points scored versus points allowed. EF gems good until end of next cycle.

3rd Venalia (+.5)
4th Shae (-.5)
5th Spider (+1.0)
6th Claire (+.5)
7th Bailey (-3.0)

Mystery Box contents: 5k silver, candy, and a Mage Gem. New item that allows user to cast a one time use Immolation or Nether Ray spell. Acts just like an EF gem but with one of the mage spells. Also good until end of next cycle.

Thanks to Peaches and Ahni for running it!]]
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Bailey Raptis
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Post by Bailey Raptis »

It had been a strange day at work for Bailey. The after effects of two hard fought duels at the All Ranks Tournament stuck with him even after a good night’s sleep, although thankfully it had shifted from him speaking only in Fae, to him speaking only in Portuguese. Because of that, though, Bailey had been forced to utilize Andressa as his translator as he discussed the latest trends in women’s wear for the winter season.

Sometime between his lunch break and the end of the work day, Bailey made it over to the corkboards where dueling news was posted. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw the All Ranks Tournament results, even as a pang of regret struck him. He had been forced to leave early; it was hard to interact with the public when you were speaking a language none of them understood. There would be time later to celebrate, and to thank those who had helped him make it home safely that night. For now, a brief message would suffice.

Unfortunately, he had brought no paper with him, just a small stack of business cards to hand out in case he ran into folks interested in what he did for a living. He flipped one over, hiding the L.D. 50 logo and his personal details from view, and began writing on the back. When he first caught himself writing in Portuguese, he stopped, and started to scratch it out, but he soon realized the Common words he wanted still wouldn’t come to him. With an exasperated sigh, he finished his message and pinned it to the board. Hopefully he got his sentiment across, even if the precise words weren’t immediately understandable.



Parabéns por vencer o torneio!


((apologies if I've butchered the Portuguese!))
It's the disease of the age
It's the disease that we crave
Alone at the end of the rave
We catch the last bus home

Protect me from what I want

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