Challenge for Overlord

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Challenge for Overlord

Post by JewellRavenlock »

To the powers that be (other than me),

I hereby challenge Overlord Rand Helston al'Tan for the title of Overlord.

Rand, you're cute and I adore you, but it's getting rather hot out these days and I need to move closer to the water.

The Empress
Jewell Ravenlock
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Post by DUEL Gabby »

Rand suuuure is a popular (or unpopular) man! I cannot decide if these women just want to dance with him or if maybe he has spurned them and they want to take turns with their psycho revenge on him and stab him thirty-seven times in the liver. Ladies, if this is the case, go for his pretty face instead of the'll hurt more.



:::A list of challenge officials can be found tacked to the board:::

((Friendly reminder regarding the amended rule: The Challenger is responsible for acquiring the services of a caller but both parties must agree upon the chosen caller. Please obtain one as early as possible and post to the challenge thread when one is secured. Thanks!))[/quote]
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Post by Rand alTan »

I accept and will arrange a time with the Empress.
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

Rand agreed to check me out in the ring.. I mean meet me in the ring on Saturday, June 27th at 10:30pm by the eastern city clock.

The lovely Arch-Witch and Mage Rena will be officiating.
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Post by Lesinda »

It's the same difference! Good luck Rand! <3

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Post by JewellRavenlock »

RhyDin Inquirer answers the city's most important questions, such as, "What is Jewell Ravenlock wearing to the Overlord Challenge?"

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Post by DUEL Rena »

It was quite a crowd tonight as Rand and Jewel faced off to see who would claim the overlord mantle but most importantly, the waters surrounding the Isle.

The overlord, everyone's favorite flirt, dueled under a banner of a dragon in colors of red and gold. His second was Claire Farron and his ladies of honor were Morgan le Fay, Crystal and Lesinda.

The challenger, everyone second favorite blue hair behind Harris, dueled under a banner that is in various shades of blue. Her second was Kalamere Ar'Din, RhyDin's premier gambler, and her second was RhyDin's third blue hair, Sapphire Ravenlock.

Rand picked a single duel since strip dueling was out of the question.

Code: Select all

Overlord 1   Rand swings low....maybe expecting to flip or trip Jewel. She says nope....not going to happen &#40;LC/FCP&#41; 1-0 Jewel
Overlord 2  Where is Gren? It's an IMP moment at they both went to thrusting &#40;TH x2&#41; 2-1 Jewel
Overlord 3  Rand drops to the mat, thinking to avoiding something..or maybe he spied something&#58; who knows. Anyway, whatever 
his reason, Jewel whacks him good  &#40;FDK/LC&#41; 3-1 Jewel
Overlord 4  Jewel was wanting to hit Rand. Rand, though, does what a lot of males do...he runs  &#40;FSS/TH&#41; 3-2 Jewel
Overlord 5   Rand drops again, not that it worked the last time. But the saying goes, if it doesn't work the first time-keep trying, 
right? Guess works for him this time &#40;FDK/FCP&#41; 3 all
Overlord 6   Jewel blocks high, expecting a hit that way. Rand decides to try a low swing and finally gets to trip/flip/tag Jewel 
&#40;LC/FLP&#41; 4-3 Rand
Overlord 7   Jewel listened to Kal but couldn't quite pull it off as her high swing was a tad late &#40;TH/HC&#41; 5-3 Rand
Rand retains the mantle and all it entails. Well defended and well tried Jewel.
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