M' naym iz Ma'Ma'Max, bu' yu kin kawl me Max, cuz evvybuddy duz.
I wuz th' freekin' fouhteenth Ovvuhlo'd uv th' Dool uv S'ordz.
Yup, I wuz a' Ovvuhlo'd and I wuz a very culluhful wun if I du say so m'se'f, whych uv corse I jus' di' say so m'se'f.
I din' kno' thys bo'uhd wuz heah, er I wudduh be'n awl ovvuh i'. I tho' th' freekin' Re' Draggin Inn gut blown up.
I dunno, if ennybuddy evin r'membuhz tha' fah ba'k, bu' um hopin' tu fynd an' ol' stuhry post'd a long tyme ago cawl'd "Hedonism."
Ennyway, h'llo tu ennybuddy tha' r'membuhz me, an' if yer styll alyve, tha's gud. If no', tu ba', bu' i' wuzn't m' fawlt tha' yer de'd cuz I haven' kyll'd ennybudy i' aygez.
H'llo frum Ma'Ma'Max
- Morgan le Fay
- Adventurer
- Posts: 127
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 9:00 pm
- Location: Avalon
Hail Max,
It might be the case that this tale is lost, however, I will see what magick can stir up.
Most sincerely,
Morgan Fay
((OOC: You may know her as Lady Arane--she archived as far back as she could of the DOS, DOF, and DOM folders, but alas, the story folders are lost. You can check the DOS folder though. There might be something there.))
It might be the case that this tale is lost, however, I will see what magick can stir up.
Most sincerely,
Morgan Fay
((OOC: You may know her as Lady Arane--she archived as far back as she could of the DOS, DOF, and DOM folders, but alas, the story folders are lost. You can check the DOS folder though. There might be something there.))
Morgan le Fay
- Morgan le Fay
- Adventurer
- Posts: 127
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 9:00 pm
- Location: Avalon
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