Jenai Ravenlock

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Jenai Ravenlock
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Jenai Ravenlock

Post by Jenai Ravenlock »

1. No I in TEAM
2. IFL 2014
3. Team: Royal Pains
4. ~


1. I'm with the Band, Dude
2. 3 March, 2015 NewHaven Barony Challenge
3. Arena
4. DUEL Ahni: The challenger dueled under the black and purple banner of Royal Pain! Jewell Ravenlock was her Second! She had Ladies of Honor too, and they were Jenai Ravenlock, Dizzy Flores, Eee-vah Luna, Issy, and PJ Ramirez!

Done - G
"A group of Ravens is called an Unkindness."
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