Challenge for Dockside

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Challenge for Dockside

Post by XanthVanBokkelen »

To the Baron of Dockside, the Duel of Swords Coordinator, and the dueling community at large:

If there is anything that annoys me more than impudent mortals, it is talking animals. Especially
ones that consider heavily salted and fat laden foodstuffs to be priceless treasures. Be that as it
may, in honor of this past Hallow's Eve, I will challenge for one of the Baronies in this insufferable

I hereby challenge for the Barony of Dockside.

I hope to restore some dignity to this title that has been lacking since Lord Shadowcast held
the position.


Xanth Van Bokkelen
Last edited by XanthVanBokkelen on Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Claire Gallows »


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you honestly putting the late (contrary to whatever Harris says) Vanion and "dignity" in the same sentence? Good gods, man. Jesse may very well be the saner of the two of you in that relationship.


I wish you nothing but luck in this, little dude.
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Post by XanthVanBokkelen »

To the brassy Baroness of Old Temple:

The dictionary definition of dignity, is the quality of being worthy of respect. It is easier for me
to respect someone who weilds power and instills fear such as Lord Shadowcast, versus a talking
rat who wears a miniscule tricorn hat and dispenses imaginary points.

Perhaps you should look up the words "inerudite" and "jejune", because I will probably be using
them to describe you in the future.
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Post by G »


You might want to notice that not only have I held the title, but so has Kheldar, Rand and even Soerl and Neo since your BFF last held it. I won't speak for them, of course, but are you implying that I don't have the quality of being worthy of respect?

If so, then we may have a problem.

Just saying.

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Post by XanthVanBokkelen »

To the current coordinator:

Nowhere in my missive did I say I did not respect anyone who has held the Barony since Vanion.
Do I respect him more than you or anyone who has held it since? Most definitely. But I'm sure
you will view that however you will.
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by G »

I hate to nitpick, but.. you said..
XanthVanBokkelen wrote:I hope to restore some dignity to this title that has been lacking since Lord Shadowcast held the position.


Xanth Van Bokkelen
And it's okay to call me G. I'm not coming to you as the current coordinator, but as a duelist. That's why I didn't sign it with my wizardly made signature. As to the respect thing, I was putting two and two together from your dictionary inspired definition. Since there's been several holders, myself included, since your bff held it, well, there you have it.

Unless, of course, we're viewing your bff and yourself as lowering the standards? I don't know. I think you're cool. After all, you've got the best menacing laugh in the history of the Arena. If you want my respected opinion, I'd go with something like.. "I'm going to bring a better world to the Barony of Dockside, better than any of it's previous holders!" then do your cool laugh.

My five cents adjusted for inflation.

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Post by DUEL Apple »

This challenge is valid and may proceed.
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Post by Spell »

XanthVanBokkelen wrote:Perhaps you should look up the words "inerudite" and "jejune", because I will probably be using
them to describe you in the future.
I have no clue what those words mean! BUT YOU TELL HER XANTH!
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

Napoleon was in the magazine room inspecting ammunition inventory. And by inspecting, he was mostly eating some of the sweeter items--gumballs, marshmallows, popcorn--and reading from a stack of comic books he had traded with Gren. He was currently catching up on Spider-Man, thinking how great it was to have a friend like Gren who also liked comics!

Trixie came zooming in, trailing pixie dust. She was highly agitated. "Cap'n! Dockside is being invaded! Hurry! We gotta go save everyone!" She zipped forward and back, pixie dust billowing about, impatient to get Napoleon up on deck so he could see for himself.

What he found was a frightened little goblin, holding out a piece of paper. Napoleon patted the goblin on the head, and after taking the piece of paper, sent him off to the galley to get some treats.

"Trixie! The most villain of all villains has challenged me for Dockside! I can't let that happen! Villains don't care about baronies or the people that live here! Or raiding for loot or spectator points or snack time or Taneth hugs!" He scritched his side, thinking. "I guess we'll have to protect Dockside with all our might!"

He scampered off of the Dread Ship Lollipop and made his way to the Arena. This was an urgent matter! As such, he stopped only three times for a snack break.

He settled down near the boards, orange crayon scribbling and drawing furiously. He was no artist like Jesse, but he gave it his best effort.

"Dear Xanth,

You just stay away from Dockside and the Dread Ship Lollipop! Meet me behind the gym after school and we'll see who the best baron is! But not that St. Mary's School. Those girls are mean. I mean the other school. You know what I mean.


Napoleon Bonarat
Best Baron of Dockside Because I Said So
Captain of the Dread Ship Lollipop
Captain of The Kraken's Own
Captain of PiRATes From Heck

P.S. Release the hostages Inerudite and Jejune immediately. They are innocent little words and don't deserve this treatment!"

He posted this to the boards, tacking it firmly in place by spearing it with a giant lollipop. If anyone tried to remove the lollipop, they would come away empty handed. He learned this trick from reading the Thor comics that he lent to Gren earlier in the week.
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

Another lollipop spears a note to the boards:

"Xanth and Napoleon are gonna fight. Behind the gym. Monday, 11/17, 9 PM. Pass it on."
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Post by XanthVanBokkelen »

The Baroness of Old Temple, Claire, as agreed to officiate.
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Post by Arthour »

Good luck against your verbose opponent, Napoleon! Let's hope he doesn't become a sesquipedalian in the mean time.
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Post by Delahada »


Just in case you'd like to try something newer than that old sword you always use and want to strike true terror into the heart of that ridiculous candy-addicted rat, I'd like to offer loaning you out my very own personal vermin control system.

His name is Snubs. He does a wonderful job keeping my dungeon clear of rats. He might work better than the rabid wire-haired terrier I tried using a while ago that Nappy adopted and rides around like a horse now. Here's a picture Skid drew. Let me know if you want to borrow him.

- Sal

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Post by XanthVanBokkelen »

As much as the idea of loosing an attack dog on the talking rat would amuse me, I am forced to follow this challenge by the rules and use my rapier, especially now that I have incurred the wrath of the Coordinator. I am sure I may need use of your pet's services should I win and the former Baron refuses to vacate the Manor in a timely fashion.
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Post by DUEL Claire »

Our challenger, the Warlord Xanth Van Bokkelen dueled tonight under the orange, white, and blue Prince's Flag of the Netherlands with no second and no lady of honor that he would admit to. Baron Bonarat dueled under a white flag with a yellow smiley face and red bandana, eyepatch over one eye and another flag, black with a white kraken. His second was Top Thug Jake Thrash and Arch Witch Rena Cronin was his lady of honor!

Code: Select all

THE PLANK ROUND ONE! Napoleon is quick on the draw, dashing in with a dashing lunge for the lich but Xanth doesn't think his robes need any tailoring and is quick to deny Nappy any thrusty thrust access. (TH/FCP) 1 Xanth
THE PLANK ROUND TWO! I would say turnabout is fair play here, wouldn't you? Xanth's coming in hot down low. Granted, most the time when you duel Nappy, you're aiming low. He's rather little, you know? Anyways. Where was I? Oh yes! Despite that rather precise low swing, Nappy is ready and exacts little parry-ish retribution upon the challenger. (FCP/LC) 1 All
THE PLANK ROUND THREE: So many booms, I can barely hear what's going on in the ring. Luckily I have eyes, right? For a second there, I thought Nappy might catch him with that thrust. Not the case it seems and Xanth has pulled back into the lead with some rather snazzy footwork. (TH/FSS) 1-2 Xanth
THE PLANK ROUND FOUR! They're both going for it this time, Napoleon high...well, as high as Nappy can get. And Xanth down low. They both connect and claim some points. Xanth retains his lead. (HC/LC) 2-3 Xanth
THE PLANK ROUND FIVE: Xanth's fancy footwork served him well earlier in the match but Napoleon's pretty smart. We have no scoring this time around but you all should at least be able to appreciate the skillful artistry of their dance moves there. (FSS/FSS) 2-3 Xanth
THE PLANK ROUND SIX! This. This has happened before. Just two rounds ago in fact, in the exact same order. They're trading cuts again, Napoleon up high and Xanth down low. This one, however, brings Xanthypants to match point! (HC/LC) 3-4 Xanth
THE PLANK ROUND SEVEN! Xanth's going up high-ish. It looks like he might just pull this one off! He's got Napoleon working hard for it. But Nappy's no slouch in the ring and look at him go! He deflects Xanth's cut and that brings us to SUDDEN DEATH! Someone fire the cannons! (FLP/HC) 4 All
THE PLANK ROUND EIGHT! These two have battled it out back and forth but after eight rounds, we have a winner! Napoleon's dashing in with a crashing slash sent right for Xanth but he's a smidge too slow, and Xanth's low sweeping rapier seels the deal. Ladies and gentlemen, hide your books, lock your libraries... Dockside has a new baron! (SL/LC) 
After claiming his victory, Xanth declared Dockside Renegade to the Overlord Terry King. Well won, Xanth and well reigned, Nappy.
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