Charlie's Book.

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Charlie Nine
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Charlie's Book.

Post by Charlie Nine »

It was just a simple book, with it's boring leather cover devoid of distinguishing marks and a thick ream of appropriately sized paper housed carefully within. It was like it's owner, who was oft seen scribbling fresh mysteries on it's pages, when not using them for random origami creations: Unimpressive on the surface but full of many secrets. A testament to something and of questionable value. Whatever lay inside was important to Charlie Nine. Worth hurting for, certainly.

Maybe worth killing for.

Last edited by Charlie Nine on Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Charlie Nine »

[Date of entry undetermined.]

She calls herself Melanie Rostol, but has implied on more than one occasion that this isn’t her true identity.

Up until recently my observations of my would-be mentor and trainer were predominantly professional, nearly clinical given her relevance to my purpose. I’ve documented her volatile nature and the the excuses she gives for it, the rationalization and unapologetic way in which she addresses it. I have been content to in my position placid subservience for as much as the subject has indulged it, fitting myself quietly into place she find comfortable.
E is not pleased with my approach and is beginning to question my judgement in prioritizing Melanie as a piece in The Game. As such, she’s been curbing her usual acquiescence and pushing harder to make me give up my fruitless relationship (her words and an interesting choice) with the metahuman-like Mandalorian (I’m still trying to understand the significance of the racial differences) and I have to say…

It has been painful.

Yet I persist in maintaining my contact. I don’t understand why. Not yet.

[Date of entry undetermined. Forensics reveals it as a more recent Entry.]

Melanie has been very erratic lately.

More so than usual.

It isn’t my business, her pain. In fact, were it (nearly) any other of the dozens of locals I’ve been in recent months I would think I should be capitalizing on it… but I don’t. Instead I watch her and I try to disseminate what’s going on inside of her head, even when she thinks the masks she wears are all but impenetrable. I see the pain and it gives me an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. She opened up to me recently and, in retrospect, I almost wish she hadn’t. Something in her admission of vulnerability produced too many questions.

About her.

About me.

Before, I found myself content in my place within her shadow, little more than a steady piece to her piecemeal entourage. I’m not supposed to be important. I’m not supposed to be more than passingly liked or memorable. I’m supposed to be nobody. To be more, or viewed as such, would be antithetical to how I move through the world. If
E finds out, I will be punished more severely.


I don’t care for seeing Melanie in this pain…

Too much depends on her, I think. Her and the other…

[Date of entry undetermined. More recent than the previous.]

I haven’t see Melanie since before my loss to Lilly.

I know I shouldn’t be bothered by this, but I am. I know I’m not supposed to have friends. I know what I am and what that means. I know what I should be doing about this…

But she told me that she needed me. Did she lie?

Last edited by Charlie Nine on Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: When he wanted to be found, it was likely the dueling venues or Triple A MMA

Post by Charlie Nine »

[Date of entry undetermined.]

It has been hours since my unstable behavior at the Arena; since recent events were allowed to creep beneath the armor of benign quirkiness I show the others, part of the game, and push me outside the boundaries of rational behavior. Even now, what I did and what I said it still hazy to me, the substance of which I can only partially recall like the way a great many people describe their dreams. A fleeting montage of aggressive behavior. Of blood. Of pain. The little static glimpses of who I am beneath it all. Up until now I would argue that I had been doing a very good job of maintaining my purpose against the onslaught of repeated external emotional stimuli so common to the mainstream Rhy’din masses. But now I…

[A great deal of writing is both scratched and smudged out, blurred until it is completely unreadable]

Clarice is dead… Melanie looked at me like I no longer exist, perhaps blaming as much as I blame myself..

I shouldn’t care. I should analyze and disseminate what I can take from this and report to
E and turn my efforts to a great many of the things I’ve been ignoring these last few months. She grows impatient with me and what were once dismissible threats have taken on a new tone, which even now get shuffled to the back of my mind in favor of this uncomfortable knot that’s formed in my stomach. Is this guilt? No, I’m not supposed to feel guilt over the suffering of others. But I find myself more and more drifting back to the notion of the purpose Melanie had given me within her life with the others; with Clarice. I was supposed to be the balance. The poor, pretty blonde w…

[More writing is smudged out, a gray blur created with the repeated furious pass of a thumb.]


If I get to take anything with me into the void, I think I want to take this. This image. This memory. One of a few, but this one of Jin Chae could be my favorite. Against what should be here better judgement she brought me into her home tonight, bloodied and terrible and too dangerous by far. She wouldn’t take no for an answer and refused to so much as crack a single pretty smile until I’d cleaned myself up and changed into some of fresh clothing (KC’s… but men’s clothes… and no thong underwear). She ordered sushi on her mobile phone and sat be down on one of the couches, chatting away at me about innocuous things as if I couldn’t have wrung the life out of her just a short time ago.

I think she likes that her profession doesn’t bother me. That she can talk about it in humorous (and sometimes serious) detail and that it doesn’t make me uncomfortable. That I don’t judge her.

It was like that for half the night or more, the eating and the casual conversation (she carried most of it and in my chagrin, I admit now that I was terribly monosyllabic), until she made good on her desire to introduce me to her favorite Disney movie: Mulan. I don’t think she noticed that I stared, intent on the casual child-like sprawl of her across the floor, chin to cheek and thorough lost in the events unfolding on the screen with all of the interest of someone who hadn’t seen it dozens of times already. There was a vulnerability to it that I, strangely, didn’t want to exploit and that I found pleasing to watch. Whatever face she presents to the world, as overtly sexual and outlandish as she makes it, she has seen fit to invite me behind the proverbial scenes too peer at something more raw. The more time that passes, I find that she has become just as significant to me as Melanie has…

It’s disconcerting. I want to understand it. I’m not supposed to feel. The inhibitors…

I know that look I saw on her face tonight in the alley. She has an inkling of what I am or might be. Her origins begin in Rhy’din, she knowns a monster when she sees one, even if she only had to look a little harder… She’s as afraid of me as she is interested in having me keep her company.

It bothers me, but why?

[Later entry.]

Jin told me I should stay the night. She told me I could sleep on the couch. Instead of turning it into a point of contention I shrugged and smiled and pretended to watch the next movie until she finally fell asleep there on the floor. I made to leave but found that I didn’t approve of the idea of leaving her where she lay, so against my better judgement I picked her up in my arms and took her to her bed. Worse still, I couldn’t resist the urge to brush her hair from her face… Then I left.

I don’t want to hurt her…

But I might.

I don’t want her to become another blurred face.

Her or Melanie. Or Clarice. Or some of the others.

It’s why I hide this book.
Last edited by Charlie Nine on Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Charlie Nine »

[Date of entry undetermined.]

I am told that I don’t have it within me to ‘like’ anyone.

I am told that this is a purposeful thing, not evolution or of the more pedantic trappings of basic psychology. I am nothing more than a creature, a tool, born of the more precise but bastardized concept of sub-eugenics and other more selective sciences. I. Am. Nobody.

But if I could like people; if I were really capable of some deeper sense of affection…

I wanted to think, before tonight, that I could like Gren Blockman.


Now I’m uncertain as to whether or not I’d like to sew his mouth shut with barbed wire or if I’d like to make him watch as I feed those closest to him their tongues, while one of his precious forests burns around them. The man either wears his fear on his sleeve, like a child, or he’s possibly a gifted con artists. I’ve yet to figure out which. I’ve respected him a great deal, previously, for his prowess in the rings as well as his personal consistency, both admirable qualities in a place as disgustingly (though easilycapitalized on) inconsistent as Rhy’din.

But his boundless idealism…it’s…

Multiple words are scratched out, most barely identifiable save for:




No, I can’t like Gren Blockman. He and the red-headed cretin Tara and the trampish Jewell. Or anyone else. Not Apple or KC or…

It’s not allowed.

Last edited by Charlie Nine on Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: When he wanted to be found, it was likely the dueling venues or Triple A MMA

Post by Charlie Nine »

[Date of entry presumably 3JUL2014]


I’m well aware of what that word means. And I suppose I should apply it to my inability to best Gren in the challenge for MoonBeryl, but while I am disappointed that I wasn’t successful, tonight has given the word a deeper, yet less definitive meaning. Instead of puzzling out the mechanics and mistakes that prevented me from gaining access to one of the Outback mysterious “magic” rocks, I am left to depart from logic and tread into unknown territory.


It’s my skewed priorities in choosing between my Purpose and the social “life” I’ve found.


It’s the conflicted thoughts I have over that which has been previously mentioned. I am forced to ponder on the idea of emotions that I am not supposed to possess and the impact they could have (or are having on my existence). I’m a monster. That isn’t speculation. It’s fact. I am and will continued to be a living nightmare, a horror applied to purpose, until the Void takes me completely or someone ends me. Before recently, the safety of others, of anyone, was about as significant to me as the idea of flicking a bug from my sleeve. Emotions are for manipulating, not pondering. And certainly not indulging. I’m not supposed to care what the rest of the world, of humanity, thinks of me.


Here I am. An intruder in the home of the oddest girl who’s shown me not only kindness, but has extended the proverbial hand of friendship. Someone who has perplexed me in such an incalculable manner with gifts. A whore who sells the pleasure of her body for money, who is supposed to be among the lowest of civilized social casts and beneath consideration. Someone who shouldn’t be the barest flash on my radar. Someone who, like me, is expendable. An acceptable loss. There was a time that I could hamstring her and throw her to the dogs, to make a point or to slow someone else down.


Now I’m sitting in her bedroom. Just another shadow. A ghost, watching her sleep and visibly wrestle with whatever psycological “demons” haunt her. Here I stand some vigil, more horror than human, and do her no harm. Instead, I decorate her room with pretty things and tuck her back in. And I sit. And I wonder. I wonder if there was a time when I could have been saved. I wonder why I still keep so much time with her when I know how this ends.

I don’t want to hurt Jen Chae.

I don’t want to
forget Jen Chae. Or Melanie. Or Apple. Or Terry and Peaches. Grace. Or… Gren. Any of it.

What I am is all I know. I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do when they want to know “who” I am and I can’t… or won’t, give an answer that will satisfy.

I tucked her back in. She looks a little more peaceful now.

Failure. This is failure. Knowing what will come of this and still not leaving well enough alone.

Last edited by Charlie Nine on Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: When he wanted to be found, it was likely the dueling venues or Triple A MMA

Post by Charlie Nine »

I have learned a great many things about Jin Chae in the six months we have been acquainted.

She loves french fries, crinkle cut more than the curly.

She prefers root beer floats to milkshakes.

She can’t stand so many of the trendy things that were done by normal people but harbors a deep seeded desire to have experienced them. Like Prom and carriage rides through Seaside and being treated like a princess when she thinks no one is looking.

She doesn’t like to eat meat, but she loves pretend meat. Like soy burgers and things similar.

She wiggles her butt when eating something particularly delicious and making animated conversation.

One would almost thinks she’s a prostitute with a heart of gold or some similar cliche.

But tonight I am discovering how insidious she really is. How, unbeknownst to me, she really DOES have the mind of a torturer.

Tonight, I have been subjected to something called Korean Soap Operas.

It’s horrible.

It’s almost admirable how she lulled me into a sense of complacency, inviting me over for an evening of her company and plying me with egg rolls and Vitamin Water in hopes of wiping away the events of the last few days. It was there that be both picked opposite ends of the couch and settled in what I was led to believe would be something saccharine sweet, like more Disney (I have to admit I have a shameful enjoyment of these animated Disney films).

And then the dramatics started. And what’s worse?

...I don’t speak a single shred of Korean…

For a while, I think Jin actually convinced herself that this stuff was actually something I would enjoy or, just maybe, she was very good at hiding the malice in her heart she holds for me. She let herself get absorbed by the jibbering drama that unfolded on the screen, inching her way slowly across the couch and curling into more of a ball as she did. Once or twice she glanced in my direction with a reassuring smile, as if that would reaffirm to me that this garbage is some genius’ gift to cinema.

Now I sit here and distract myself from it all by writing/doodling in this book, in hopes that it will help me suffer through this and maintain some semblance of sanity. It speaks very highly of my enjoyment of her companionship that I’m willing to endure this.

Wait, I think someone just died. Or was crippled. And his father is teaching him to walk again. WHAT KIND OF UNREAL FANTASY IS THIS??

Jin is getting a little choked up and sniffling. She’s leaning against me.

I guess that’s not so terrible…

Last edited by Charlie Nine on Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: When he wanted to be found, it was likely the dueling venues or Triple A MMA

Post by Charlie Nine »

At this height, the sunrise is a just a hint of orange and red teasing around the edges of the curtains. It’s not much light but enough to render my night vision nearly useless and to reveal the most minute details about my prison.

It’s a puzzling mix of the austere and girly, neatly stacked folders and old texts mixed amongst a few pictures and an ever growing origami menagerie. The books are no business of mine, though I’ve been curious, and the pictures are a small trove of special memories. Wide smiling faces, full of white teeth and joy against the temporary backdrop of happier places. They all look alike. I’m not in any of them but the little paper treasures are from me.

Little pieces of myself I gave to her, before I even knew what that meant.

We had greasy steak fries and root beer floats last night, the latter taken straight out of the cheap paper bag holding them as we made the long walk back to the apartment building. She didn’t want to expedite the trip by hailing a cab nor did she want to take the less trod short cuts what would have made it shorter. We walked where there was lots of light and more people. After what passed between us in the Arena, the conversation had become more innocuous when we talked at all. KC wasn’t there when we arrived but Jin trying to hide a yawn made me reconsider sticking around. I was exhausted. She looked tired.

I had just made the decision to say good night when she asked me to stay.

It would have been prudent to say no, but I didn’t.

I can’t say if it was for her benefit or mine and she didn’t elaborate when she led me down the hall. She didn’t look at me, didn’t smile, as she led me down the hall and when I managed to stop imagining the walls on fire, I saw more. She lacked the certainty of a professional prostitute. She wasn’t sure of her decision. Even now…

...I can still smell her fear.

That’s the first thing they taught us. Not to kill.

To sense the fear. Smell it, identify it, exploit it.

Revel in it.

With her, I’ve done all but the last, and I tell myself that it’s only a matter of time. That I’ll do it eventually, because it’s what I am. What I was made to be. Like the night I fled this very place, out of disorientation, and maybe… just maybe, out of fear. For what happened inside my head. For what I might have done for her. Everything is so jumbled these days. I’m losing my purpose and I know where that leads…

She’s still sleeping.

It didn’t come to her right away and we spent maybe an hour talking between her sleepy yawns, the tension draining away. She was as hesitant to say anything as I was in the Arena, but each little glance seemed like an indication that she hoped I’d elaborate more. I couldn’t. But I wanted to give her something of myself. I felt I owed it to her, a glimpse deeper into the darkness so that maybe she could find a light that I couldn’t. She’d offered me something recently, free and without strings, but even as he continued to lay in her bed, we were both still fully clothed.

So I showed her something. It wasn’t anything overtly special, but it was part of me.

She asked questions and I answered in ways that would keep her safe. Eventually she drifted off.

She didn’t stir when I finally moved to sit up, her chest rising and falling evenly. She did stir eventually, a restless stretch and shift of limbs that even now still leaves an arm draped across my legs. Her cheek still pressed awkwardly into my side. I can’t help but think she’d be more comfortable holding her pillow and yet I’ve made no move to deter her. Instead I reached down to brush errant dyed blonde strand aware from her eyes like I expect her to look up at me any moment.

She’s unsophisticated. Uneducated. She likely comes from terrible genes and represents a minimal contribution to the future. The idea is supported by the fact that she has sexual relations with virtually anyone with the coin to pay for her time and affection. And I’m a monster. A creature reinvented again and again to hunt the shadows, capitalize on fear, and create horror for a purpose. I’m a spreading crack in a glass castle. I’m slowly coming apart at the seams, with control fading away and soon I’ll become worse. Some have figured that out. She has.

But here we are.

No judgement between us.

She promise she wouldn’t let me forget her. Or the others.

I promised her I’d never hurt her.

And I wonder which of us will break the promise first.

I don’t know how I know it, but I know that I’ll be able to sleep. Here and now. That for a few hours I’ll find a measure of peace here and that when she wakes up finally, she won’t have to be upset because I’ll still be here. Maybe she’ll smile and be glad.

Maybe this isn’t a prison. Maybe it’s a refuge.

That’s a lot of maybes.

Last edited by Charlie Nine on Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Charlie Nine »

It’s just an apartment.

A box above Andrea’s gym with orange walls (she calls it “Egyptian Sun” but orange is orange) full of empty picture hooks and an ashy gray splotch from where I accidentally set the couch on fire. No amount of scrubbing got rid of it and I still haven’t replaced the couch. The appliances are like-new but the only remote sign of habitation when you walk through the door is a small folding card table with matching chairs, second (or third) hand, and a rollout mat I do my stretches on sometimes in the morning. The bathroom boasts little more than the minimum amount of toiletries I keep in a bag next to the sink, just enough to maintain my hygiene.

The bedroom is equally unimpressive, with a pair of mattresses stacked on top of one another and a scattering of sheets. I added a comforter and pillows recently, but they were cheap; function over form. Everything I own is mostly divided between a pair of backpacks, held together by hundreds of stitches and stowed at the foot of the bed, because you never know when you are going to have to leave a place in a hurry. Sans this book, what little I have is pragmatic. I don’t have keepsakes like normal people.

This place doesn’t feel like a home.

Not that I would know what home feels like. I know that I was born, at some point. I know that I’ve been
born again more than once. I remember my pre-adolescence and what I was taught in wide swathes of vivid memory that would destroy the few relationships that I have established since coming to Rhy’din if anyone were to know the truth. Even Melanie would shun me. The others would call it atrocity. I call it purpose. There’s not divine about it. Nothing righteous. Power vacuums are created to be filled. Controlled chaos creates a need for more control. It takes the creation of a special kind of monster.

To them, it’s just a word.

Theft. Kidnapping. Arson. Torture. Sabotage. Rape. Murder. Genocide. Scratching scars into the minds and bodies of thousands. I’ve done it all. I’ve done it and I’ve slept the deep sleep of indifference afterwards, every time. I am their tool and a monster and I feel no guilt for the things I’ve done. They take the memories they think I don’t need, but I remember every task I’ve been given.

I’ve always been able to accept that I’m no one, my home a cryo tube or Company frigate.

And yet I called
her bedroom my refuge. I dote on her and let her hang on me, and I don’t mind when she uses me as her person pillow on movie night.

I know what I am. What I’m going to become when the serum runs out. What I’ll be forced to do if I continue to pretend that I can be a person.

But I feel as though I broke my promise to her. And I don’t want to admit that thinking it makes my stomach turn, like the twist of a hot knife through my intestines. I don’t want to admit what run through my head when I saw her tears.

She saw it. She saw my lack of guilt. But I made everything better… I fixed the problem.

I made everything better…

But why is she still upset with me?

I don’t like this feeling. It makes me want to hunt Gren Blockman down and punch him in the testicles repeatedly for everything he said. Maybe Peaches too. Because there is no light in me. I’m not the good guy. I can’t be.

I’m never going to tell him that I like Jin Chae more than mustard on a hotdog.
Last edited by Charlie Nine on Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Charlie Nine
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Location: When he wanted to be found, it was likely the dueling venues or Triple A MMA

Post by Charlie Nine »

I've never liked the works of Robert Heinlein. Works of fiction shouldn't... make that much sense. Yet I've read all of them. A lot. I think that if I were to ever have my own personal library, large or small, I would have his works.

One man's 'magic' is another man's engineering. 'Supernatural' is a null word. -Robert A. Heinlein

I have always been under the impression that I was hardwired against the concept of faith and things mythical. There is no magic. Yet here we are.

I was warned against this. If E finds out, I think I know what will follow.

But then I look at her. The way she smiles up at me, especially they way she did after the party. I want more of that.

I want to believe.

Maybe even in magic.
Last edited by Charlie Nine on Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: When he wanted to be found, it was likely the dueling venues or Triple A MMA

Post by Charlie Nine »

I’ll never be a good man. I’ll never be the story’s protagonist. I’ll never be a hero. I’ll likely, with whatever time is left to me, never regret the things I’ve done or succumb to the gray clouds of guilt. I was made in darkness. That is where I will always have to abide, even if I choose not to revel in it.

But every time I look into her eyes, I consider what it would be like to dream of being something better. Something that makes her smile.

Something that makes them proud.

And knowing that I can’t disturbs me. It must be sadness.

It must be…


I just want her to look at me, just like that, one more time. I want to freeze it in my memory and carry it with me into the dark.

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