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Post by Delahada »

Bob's Bad Boy Brawlers?

Bob's Brawling Baddies?

I don't know. I'm feeling a Triple B thing going on here.

Alternative to the "Monsters Inc." suggestion that people were throwing at me from the start of all this.

I do also like "Pants Optional" lol.
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Post by Elemmiire Rei »

Bob's Badass Bouncers!
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Post by Maverick Samson »

Soooo, how late we talking here? If so, I may not be able to do it, damn, sucks to be GMT :/
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Post by DemiBob »

Normal dueling hours afaik.
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Post by Shadowlord »

I'm pretty sure it's not unprecedented to schedule IFL matches outside of dueling hours. If both players can, and can find a league-approved caller, that is.
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Post by G »

DemiBob wrote:Normal dueling hours afaik.
Actually, you schedule your duel for whatever time during the actual dueling week of the IFL season. I.E. Week 5. The weeks are 10 days long.

Then, you or the captain have to acquire the services of an official IFL caller, which might *not* be an official caller on duty. The reason why it is best not to request the services of a caller on duty is because of the fact that the IFL Caller has to input the entire duel into the website, and it's not handled via the RoH site. Also, RoH Mods don't count in IFL, and IFL duels do not count towards RoH standings.

So, it's best not to have the RoH Caller officiate IFL matches.
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Post by DemiBob »

I stand corrected.
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Post by Kalamere »

The IFL site is here http://ifl.duelingzone.org/ and you can find the rules here: http://ifl.duelingzone.org/rules.php

Please don't hesitate to ask questions if things aren't clear. I'm happy to write more or give better examples or whatever. This post might help also, though a lot of it is repeat from what's in the rules.

As was already stated, fights can take place whenever 2 people can agree to do them and can locate a caller. This is going to be difficult for someone GMT trying to schedule with those who aren't, especially if you find yourself paired with someone PST. That said, it is only 1 fight a week and hopefully both will be able to compromise.

Typically we use the Battle Field Park chatroom as a stand in for the Iron Fists Garden, and callers are volunteers listed on the IFL site. There's no rule as to what room you use though and there's always more slots to add caller's to the list. As G noted though, it's best not to ask someone calling a shift to call an IFL match since the mod rules differ. Both fighters would have to drop to the lower of either their DoF or IFL rank and adhere to the max mod rules if they wanted it to count towards both IFL and DoF.
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Post by Goldglo »

Just to say, I'd prefer that IFL matches not be called by DoF Callers who are in-shift in order to avoid confusion.

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Post by Maverick Samson »

Okay, so, make sure to book a time with another person, sure I can get a late one even on a friday, annnnd if lucky any earlier ones. Make sure not on a shift or with a RoH caller, sooo I'm fine with that, could work :P
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Post by Delahada »

I've looked at the site, all over the site, a billion times of staring at the site and clicking all the things to read.

I could read and reread until my head explodes, and it has a couple of times.

This is one of those things that I'm just going to have to do to understand.

From what people have been saying here so far, I'm getting a very Madness vibe. But instead of doing regular hours with regular callers, there are special callers who have to be requested especially outside of regulation dueling hours. I get that. And nobody's getting eliminated. Except... I think someone said that teams do get eliminated?

"How it works"?

I do not at all understand... MOST of all that.

Weight classes I can kind of get. I assume they're based off of past IFL participation and not necessarily the Fists records/standings themselves? But I have no idea what that means in regard to anything else such as....
Devils Advocate wrote: The 4 duels per match are in 4 different weight classes and each class is worth a different number of points towards the final match score. The classes are:
  • Anchor Bout - +2 points to winner
  • Crutch Bout - +3 points to winner
  • Push Bout - +4 points to winner
  • Iron Fist Bout - +5 points to winner.
Fighters will earn a number of points equal to what they score in their fights to a maximum of 5. There are bonus points awarded for shutouts of +2, or +3 if done in 5 rounds.

Example 1: Jake of the Badside Brawlers def. Rakeesh of CoM, 5-3 in the Push Bout.
Jake earns 9 points for BAD (5 scored + 4 for the weight class).
Rakeesh earns 3 points for CoM (3 points scored).

Exmaple 2: Aenlyn of CoM defeats Claire of DRT 5-0 in 5 rounds in the Anchor bout.
Aenlyn earns 10 points for CoM (5 points scored, +3 for a perfect shutout, +2 for weight class).
Claire earns DRT nothing for this fight.

The points from all 4 bouts are tallied for each team and the team with the higher point total wins the match. In the case of a tied score, the winner of the match will be the team to have won the Iron Fist weight class bout.

I have no idea what that means. Crutch? Anchor? What?

When Harris was telling me "YOU MUST DO IFL," I asked questions starting with...

"What the heck is IFL?" So he directed me to the webpage. "Okay," I said, still not completely getting it. I clicked all the linkies and read all the things. I periodically returned to the site hoping to read some new updates, since everybody and their mother has been talking about IFL in IM statuses and IM conversations at me and chatter in the RDI Lobby sometimes when I feel like sitting around in there instead of actually playing, which isn't often...

All I have taken away from all this so far is: Find a team, or start your own team, with more emphasis on start your own than finding an already existing one looking for members. Because nobody wants newbs. Unless it's an all newb team. Which I feel kind of discourages people from participating. It was starting to discourage me a lot until Bob stepped up. So thank you, Bob.

ALSO: I want to take a moment to thank Kruger, too, for keeping me in consideration for his team, which apparently is super popular with slots that filled up uberfast. :)
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

Lindsay's explanation of IFL (I've done it twice and TDL, which is basically the Swords version, at least twice as well).

IFL is team dueling. Teams have a bunch of people on them (way vague), more people than there are dueling each week.

Each week there are four fights: Anchor Bout, Crutch Bout, Push Bout, Iron Fists Bout. Each bout is worth a different amount of points if you win; that's the + number part.

So say I (on Team Empress) win the Iron Fists Bout against Kalamere (for Team Shady Elves) 5-2. Team Empress gets five points for winning the Iron Fists Bout and three more for me winning 5-2. But that doesn't mean my team won for the week. After all four fights are done for the week, whichever team (Empress or Shady Elves) has more points wins that week.

Assigning who is fighting what bout is tricky. You don't know who the other team your facing is assigning. So I put myself as Iron Fists match and fill in the other three, Shady Elves do the same, and the matches are revealed at the same time. Does that make sense?

I wanted to do a team newer-player friendly because I was always on teams that were friendly to me in the past even though I've never been very good, but I just can't manage it with real life being the way it is still this year unless it becomes absolutely necessary (like we need another team or the League won't happen); I would need an assistant captain who knows what they're doing.
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Post by DemiBob »

The only thing the team needs to know is when I select them that 'week', they have a 10 day window to schedule the match with the person on the other team that's in the same 'slot' they are. So if you're anchor, Sal, you'll be fighting the other anchor on the opposite team.

Don't worry about points or scoring or anything like that. We're just aiming to have fun.
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Post by Kruger »

The learning curve here isn't so great as you might expect. While I am certain there are better captains out there... I figure most of them are already in more than one team. I'd be willing, and I think I stated this in a different thread a while back, to put an alt in if you need one.

I'd be happy to give advice on the mechanics. I'm not certain what the rules are on captaining one team and assisting another. I would say it shouldn't be done, split loyalties and all that. As of now though I still have only one char in the IFL.

Nicely done on the explanation Jewell.
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Post by Rena A Cronin »

Maverick Samson wrote:Okay, so, make sure to book a time with another person, sure I can get a late one even on a friday, annnnd if lucky any earlier ones. Make sure not on a shift or with a RoH caller, sooo I'm fine with that, could work :P
Mav(and any others who need an early or later time caller), I am usually around all day(and night) most days.
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