Goodbye to Summer Magic Bash! ( Tournament )

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Goodbye to Summer Magic Bash! ( Tournament )

Post by DUEL Lacey »

This Sunday will start the Goodbye to Summer Magic Bash!
Three days of celebrating the acts of running around in shorts and flip flops!
Surfing ocean waves and eating icecream outside!
All the fun stuff of summer that won't be here for long!

Sure, fall will come and bring us tasty treats in the form of Halloween and Thankgiving, but Summer is where all the fun is at!

Each day that passes Summer is slowly leaving us, so we should celebrating it with a bang!

What kind of bang? A bang of magic!

Starting Sunday, August the 10th and ending Wednesday, August the 13th! Duel of Magic will be running a tournament to see who can make the biggest bang for the end of summer!

The top three DoM duelists with the greatest winning percentage after these three nights will have their choice of one of the four prizes! First gets first choices, second - second, etc!

1: The Spirit Staff + 10k Silver Nobles*
2: 2x Elemental Gems ( Earth, Fire, Water )** and 3k Silver Nobles!
3:: The one Elemental Gem that's left over and 1k Silver Nobles!
4: Two young otters, one male and one female, who will hold each others hands to make sure they don't float away while sleeping!

Cute, I know!

That's not all! This Tuesday will be the big summer bash!
There will be bonfires and BBQ! All thanks to the Keeper of Fire!
The party will begin the second duels start on Tuesday and can go on until waaaaay into the night!

(( More info will be posted on setting / food / etc later. There will also be Icons awarded to those who come out and play! You don't need to Duel to win icons, all you need to do is show up and have fun! ))

~ Tournament Brackets ~

Top Bracket: 3 Duels Needed

1: Hope ( Queen ) - 3-0-0
2: Jade Alcar - 3-1-0
3: Lesinda - 2-1-0
4: Misery ( Flowing Tears ) - 3-2-0
5: Blue - 1-3-0
6: Melanie - 0-3-1

Starting Bracket: 1 Duel Needed

7: Lem - 1-0-0 ( Tie Breaker - Won his match 5.5-2.5 )
8: Xanth - 1-0-0 ( Tie Breaker - Won his match 6-4.5 )
9: KC - 1-1-0
10: Myria - 0-0-1
11: Kane - 0-1-0
12: Greenlee - 0-2-0

( All Together Duels: 16 )
(( OOC -- Please Read!!
* = The Spirit Staff will be only useable until the end of THIS cycle. The Spirit Staff may be used the Friday ( the 15th ) after the tournament is complete, but the Spirit Staff holder must... 1: Use the staff as a weapon ( Think of the Squire Weapons ), and 2: Provide the shift caller a link to this thread to show that they are the Spirit Staff holder. You will not have to do this once DoM Standings update on August the 17th, as it will show you as the Spirit Staff holder.

The Spirit Staff = Allows you to use the spell Elemental Fury once every duel. This has unlimited charges until the end of the cycle.

** = Celestial Gems / Elemental Gems. You have until the end of NEXT cycle to use these. If you do not they will instead turn into icons for your profile inventory. If you'd like to see them, please visit Here!

Elemental / Celestal Gem = Allows you to use the spell Elemental fury once in a duel. They can only be used once per gem. ))
Last edited by DUEL Lacey on Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:09 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by DUEL Lem »

This is about as real as it gets people! Otters!

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Post by DUEL Lacey »

The otters are also not named, but I'm open to suggestions! Right now the goblins are watching over them.
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Post by DUEL Misty »

Manny and Evra?
Has funs!
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Post by Lem DeAngelo »

Since they hold hands, I like the sound of Janth and Xesse.
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Post by DUEL Lacey »

The duel count needed has dropped from 5-2-1 brackets to 3-1 brackets! The main post has been updated.
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Post by Awkward »

Seated on the floor in the middle of the central corridor of the Tower of Fire, Grace was thoughtfully looking around at the flickering and enflamed walls of red, orange and yellow. Patches was playing with a small fire fly that darted around on the ground which had a habit of getting caught and then popping the kitten playfully in the nose before continuing the game of chase.

The tower itself was sparsely decorated, as Grace’s belongings were limited to a single cardboard box (which was singed a bit at the edges by accident), but Grace hardly felt alone in the large place. This was largely due to the presence of the fire elemental who had introduced himself upon Grace’s arrival, Ignis.

Though he didn’t see smoke coming from Grace’s ears, he could tell that she was thinking long and hard on something at the moment and it was the cause for his approach. “Something on your mind Keeper?”

“Oh, well yes! The Goodbye to Summer Magic Bash is tonight. And…And some of the prizes are Elemental Gems. But I don’t know how to make them yet.” A slight duck of her head, hair dipping forward to hide her minor embarrassment.

“Gems? Is that all?” Ignis smiled and gestured to one of the flaming pillars in the room. “Ask and you shall receive.”

A blink of surprise then as she lifted her head. “Really?”


Grace scrambled up to her sneakered feet and turned to the pillar that Ignis had gestured to. To someone else it may have seemed strange to speak to a wall, but not to Grace. “I would like a few fire gems to share as prizes for the tournament plea---“

Before she could even finish her request, a few bright orange gems were popped out into her hands. “Oh wow! That is so cool! –I mean hot. That’s hot.” Looking over to Ignis to see if she had spoken correctly.

Ignis just laughed.

Looking over the gemstones happily a moment before her thoughtful look returned and she looked up to Ignis again.

“Yes Keeper?”

“Do….you think the tower can help me with several giant vats of barbeque sauce? I think the Archmage is going to want to grill up a stegosaurus soon.”
Patches Gasps!
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Post by DUEL Lacey »

Goodbye to Summer Magic Bash... Bash!
Nailed it!


Small bonfires line the beach and lead to the great bonfire!


At the great bonfire small slips of paper have been set up on a nearby table for anyone to write prayers and/or wishes to cast into the fire.


While the end of the night is going to go off with a bang thanks to the huge firework show the goblins are working hard to set up; you can start your own show early with a pack of free fireworks!


There's so many yummy treats that I had to stop myself from stuffing myself silly.

Each table will have spinach cheese dip and unlimited chips!


That's not all though! The Keeper of Fire's BBQ continues even into the End of Summer Bash! Be sure to grab lots of napkins because your fingers will be getting dirty.


Don't worry. There's BBQ tofu-related food too!


Pink Lemonade!


Be sure to refuel your heath and mana with these drinks!


Okay... they won't really refuel anything, but they sure taste great! Don't drink too many though, the Blue Berry: Mana and Red Berry: Heath have a bit of a tipsy kicker to them!


BBQ Cupcakes. 'Cus what's a BBQ without BBQ themed cupcakes?


Vanilla pudding. So much vanilla pudding.


And pink lemonade pie!

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Post by DUEL Lacey »

(( Prize list updated. There's now 4 prizes. ))
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Post by DUEL Lacey »

The Goodbye to Summer Magic Bash winners are...

First Place!

Hope ( Queen ) - 3-0-0

Second Place!

Jade Alcar - 3-1-0

Third Place!

Lesinda - 2-1-0

Fourth Place!

Misery ( Flowing Tears ) - 3-2-0

Hope chooses the Spirit Staff and cash prizes!

Jade, please respond here with your choice! Then Lesinda. Whatever is left will be rewarded to Misery!
Thanks to everyone who participated and spectated during this tournament!
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Post by Jade Alcar »

I have my own elemental abilities and money is not an issue to me. Therefore I wish for the otters. While I'll accept suggestions for names, I shall name them within the next day.
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Post by DUEL Lacey »

Jade takes the Otters!

This leaves Lesinda with the choice of 2x Elemental Gems of her choosing between Water, Fire, and Earth.. or if she wants, just one of them and a smaller cash prize? Just saying since those are the last two prizes!
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

Otters are best prize. Jade is wise.

She'd make a good pirate. She knows good loot.
Napoleon Bonarat
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Post by Lesinda »

Since I can use fire already, the Water and Earth gems seem best for me, thank you!
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Post by Blue »

Just want to say I enjoyed the tournament. I look forward to the next magic shindig when it happens. :]
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