Three days of celebrating the acts of running around in shorts and flip flops!
Surfing ocean waves and eating icecream outside!
All the fun stuff of summer that won't be here for long!
Sure, fall will come and bring us tasty treats in the form of Halloween and Thankgiving, but Summer is where all the fun is at!
Each day that passes Summer is slowly leaving us, so we should celebrating it with a bang!
What kind of bang? A bang of magic!
Starting Sunday, August the 10th and ending Wednesday, August the 13th! Duel of Magic will be running a tournament to see who can make the biggest bang for the end of summer!
The top three DoM duelists with the greatest winning percentage after these three nights will have their choice of one of the four prizes! First gets first choices, second - second, etc!
1: The Spirit Staff + 10k Silver Nobles*
2: 2x Elemental Gems ( Earth, Fire, Water )** and 3k Silver Nobles!
3:: The one Elemental Gem that's left over and 1k Silver Nobles!
4: Two young otters, one male and one female, who will hold each others hands to make sure they don't float away while sleeping!
Cute, I know!
That's not all! This Tuesday will be the big summer bash!
There will be bonfires and BBQ! All thanks to the Keeper of Fire!
The party will begin the second duels start on Tuesday and can go on until waaaaay into the night!
(( More info will be posted on setting / food / etc later. There will also be Icons awarded to those who come out and play! You don't need to Duel to win icons, all you need to do is show up and have fun! ))
~ Tournament Brackets ~
Top Bracket: 3 Duels Needed
1: Hope ( Queen ) - 3-0-0
2: Jade Alcar - 3-1-0
3: Lesinda - 2-1-0
4: Misery ( Flowing Tears ) - 3-2-0
5: Blue - 1-3-0
6: Melanie - 0-3-1
Starting Bracket: 1 Duel Needed
7: Lem - 1-0-0 ( Tie Breaker - Won his match 5.5-2.5 )
8: Xanth - 1-0-0 ( Tie Breaker - Won his match 6-4.5 )
9: KC - 1-1-0
10: Myria - 0-0-1
11: Kane - 0-1-0
12: Greenlee - 0-2-0
( All Together Duels: 16 )
* = The Spirit Staff will be only useable until the end of THIS cycle. The Spirit Staff may be used the Friday ( the 15th ) after the tournament is complete, but the Spirit Staff holder must... 1: Use the staff as a weapon ( Think of the Squire Weapons ), and 2: Provide the shift caller a link to this thread to show that they are the Spirit Staff holder. You will not have to do this once DoM Standings update on August the 17th, as it will show you as the Spirit Staff holder.
The Spirit Staff = Allows you to use the spell Elemental Fury once every duel. This has unlimited charges until the end of the cycle.
** = Celestial Gems / Elemental Gems. You have until the end of NEXT cycle to use these. If you do not they will instead turn into icons for your profile inventory. If you'd like to see them, please visit Here!
Elemental / Celestal Gem = Allows you to use the spell Elemental fury once in a duel. They can only be used once per gem. ))