Archmage Open Tournament

Kitten, I think what I'm saying, is that sometimes, stuff happens, someone has to deal with it, and who ya gonna call?

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Archmage Open Tournament

Post by Spell »

I AM THE ARCHMAGE! AN ARCHMAGE FOR THE PEOPLE! As I am the Archmage of the people I must give back to people for I am the Archmage of the people.

The tournament is quite simple for I like simple things in mine simple life!

The Tournament will start THIS TUESDAY! Today! January 28! It will run until the 7th of February!

Mine power of the Celestial Citadel will be yours throughout the dates of 02/11, 02/14, and 02/16!


First Place
If you win you will gain the powers of the Celestial Tower for one Duel of Magic week! (3 Days) You will gain all mine Foci abilites, along with both Mage Spells (NR / IMMO)! Those alone would make you quite powerful, but I have not forget the fury of the Celestial Tower! Make Keepers quake in their boots! Along with the power of the Archmage... Not only will you gain power, but you will be paid! Everyone likes being paid! 10,000 Silver Nobles worth of being paid!

Second Place
5000 Silver Nobles and 2 Celestial Gems*

Anyone who duels three times during this event will be rewarded 1 Celestial Gem*!

(( *= Celestial Gems must be used during the end of this cycle or throughout the next. If they are not used they will be turned into Icon Items for your Profile. Celestial Gems can only be used once per Duel, allowing the Duelist to use the Elemental Fury spell against their opponent. ))

How to play!

Dueling Points
  • Wins = 3 Points
    Losses = 2 Point
Extra Points -- Dueling
  • Use only Attacks and win ( Blammity Achievement ) = 2 Extra Points

    Use only Defenses and win ( Tortoise Achievement ) = 2 Extra Points

    Reflect a Magebolt and Mindwhip and win the duel ( Mirror, Mirror Achievement ) = 2 Extra Points

    Win a duel in 4 rounds ( Speed Racer Achievement ) = 3 Extra Points
Win a duel 5-0 in 5 ( Perfection Achievement ) = 3 Extra Points

Extra Points -- Non Dueling
  • Drink Silvermark, either the alcoholic or the sports drink `Silvermark: Blue` = 2 Point ( One time award for each DoM / Fight Night )

    Cheer for another Duelist who is currently fighting - 1 Point
    ( Cannot be your Opponent or Yourself. Can be any sport on Fight Nights. Limited one per duel, but can be used multiple times throughout the night )

    Wear a "I <3 Lem" or "Team Xanth" T-Shirt = 2 Points ( One time award for each Dom / Fight Night )

    Throw a Snowball at the Tower of Fire = 3 Points ( One time award for DoM Tuesday each week )
(( Special thanks to Lem for allowing this! Special Icons will be added later for Non-Duelists who gain points, along with Icons for First, Second Place, and Participants who do duel.

Winner Icon
Chosen of Kozt-Yagon!
Winner: Matt Simon

Second Place Icon
Chosen of X'Guth!
Winner: Gren Blockman, Claire Farron

Participation Icon (Dueling)
Scar of Sacrifice
Winners: Rakeesh, Rena, Mallow, Jade Alcar, Dean, Melanie, Ra, MC, Matt Simon, Gren, Kalinda, Claire, Cleo, Rhiannon, Eregor, Shadow, JC, Noctis, Mordecai, Khoom, Bile, Ripper, and Harris

Special Icons

Team Xanth - Wear more Xanth gear than Lem
Winners: Rakeesh, Dean, and Matt

Team Lem - Wear more Lem gear than Xanth
Winners: Rena, Mallow, Melanie, Johann, Rhiannon, Eregor, Claire, Noctis, and Gren

Cheerleader - Have the most cheers throughout the tournament
Winner: Matt Simon with 57(ish) Cheers!

Boss Encounter Icon Awards

Bad Dog!
Winners: Corlanthis, Pearl, Rakeesh, Matt, Arthour, Dean, Velen, Bile, Melanie, and Saieniel

Witches Best Friend
Winners: Bile, Melanie, and Saieniel

Pucks Precious Ribbon
Winner: Melanie

Icon Awards: DoM Dueling Nights

Lore Master
Winner: Gren

Icy Veins
Winners: Claire Farron, Mallow

Blazing Speed
Winner: Melanie

Blood Guard
Winner: Matt Simon, Gren Blockman ))
Last edited by Spell on Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:52 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by Spell »


1: Matt - 13 Points
2: Melanie - 12 Points
2: Rakeesh - 12 Points
3: Mallow - 10 Points
4: Rena - 8 Points
5: Jade Alcar - 7 Points
6: Dean Reighland - 6 Points
7: MC - 5 Points
8: Johann - 4 Points
9: Zack Alcar - 3 Points
10: Ra - 2 Points
11: Tara - 1 Point
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Post by Spell »

Okay... So I might have done something bad. Really bad.
Maybe super bad. But I'll let you know it wasn't really mine fault,
I'm not the one who decided to go run around with a bunch of sprites while leaving the cage unlocked.

Okay.. Maybe that WAS me, but I can explain everything!
I'm just not going to explain it right now,
or most likely ever.
Because nothing really needs explaining.

Now. Mine puppy has gotten loose.
A puppy that I may or may not have injected a new strain of plague-juice into...
A puppy that may now be seeping plague-sludge through yellow puss-filled bubbles...
and -- well, I don't think I really need to go into details!

He's perfectly safe, I swear to it! One hundred percent Archmage guarantee!

I'm lying but you can't read this.

Since I'm so, so, soooooooo busy doing Archmage things.
I was wondering if I could leave the task of playing with this puppy to the rest of you?
And by play I obviously mean kill with extreme prejudice
because if the plague brewing inside its stomach even now were to somehow change even the slightest bit
it could be the end to even those afflicted with glorious undeath..
So, yes. Play with it!
I mean kill it.

He likes Sundays for some odd reason. I always walked him around the lagoon on Sundays!
I think that's when we should strike!
Sunday, February 9th, 10 PM EST may be the best time!

I leave this task to you, mine brave adventurers!
Oh.. and if you somehow fail during the fight?
Be sure to run into the Anti-Danger Field.
Don't forget to take a dip in the decontamination pool.
Really. You don't want to know what could happen if you skip that.
Or! Skip it! I could really use the results for research!

And before I forget.. Pick up a *Plague-Be-Gone Serum* from one of mine ghoul attendees before encountering the beast. I think you'll be needing it.


• Sign Ups •
1: Corlanthis
2: Bile
3: Saieniel
4: Pearl
5: Rakeesh
6: Matt Simon
7: Melanie
8: Arthour
9: Dean Reighland
10: Velen

• Substitutes •
- List goes here -

I should really get paid.



The encounter will be like a normal duel using the DoM Matrix. Except on a wider scale.

Foci and Mage Spells will not be used during this encounter.

WOOFGANG PUCK's Attacks and Special Ability order will be decided and written on a private list before the encounter ( Excluding SOS BARK!!! ).
There will be proper spacing between Normal Moves ( DoM Matrix ) and Special Abilities.

WOOFGANG PUCK's HP will be determined by signups and those who show. Since he's an Encounter Boss he will have a larger Health Point pool than the players.
Don't worry! He won't be unkillable! :). But keep in mind.. the boss CAN win.

Also! You don't need to be on the current rankings to join. If you're new to DoM and want to try, or just want to play around, feel free to sign up!
There is a 10 participant limit for this event!

*Please*. No alts during this event. Only one character per player is allowed.

This will take place in the Twilight Isle chat on Rings of Honor.

If you have a question about the format, please IM me at Nayunx on AIM


Plague-Be-Gone Serum

This is a one time use ELEMENTAL FURY like ability and will go by the DoM Matrix.
Everyone is allowed one!


WOOFGANG PUCK: Special Abilities

Rot Cleave
Anyone in the group using a defensive spell during the round this takes place will suffer 1 point of damage and be unable to use a defensive spell the following round.
[ Defensive Spell: Shield, Armor, Foul Fog, Ghost Form, Displacement, Reflect. ]

Puss-Bubble Pop!
Anyone in the group using an offensive ability during the round this takes place will suffer 1 point of damage and be unable to use offensive spells the following round.
[ Offensive Spells: Mage Bolt, Mind Whip, Wizard Blades, Fear Touch, Meteor Shower, Arctic Blast. ]

WOOFGANG PUCK summons Skeleton Puppies who only have one health.
The amount of Skele-Puppies will be half the size of the group.
These Skele-Puppies will attack random members of the group for 1 Damage the round they are summoned
and will continue damage until they are targeted and destroyed in following rounds.
Players must use offensive moves to destroy any Skele-dog.
Any offensive move will work.
If targeted by a player the Skele-Puppy will not damage anyone during round the player-move is called.

This ability will only be used ONE time during the encounter.

Point Prizes

Players Still Standing


Players who participated but lost all HP


Icon Awards

Bad Dog!

Participate in the Boss Encounter Event.

Witches Best Friend

Be one of the last group members standing after defeating WOOFGANG PUCK!

Pucks Precious Ribbon

A one of a kind stylish ribbon awarded randomly to one of the group members upon WOOFGANG PUCK's defeat.
Last edited by Spell on Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:51 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by Corlanthis »

Giant monsters to fight? Yeap. I'm game for this.
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Post by Bile »

I return from my duties elsewhere and as much as I'd love to watch your ... pet (?) terrorize the Isle and its worthless inhabitants; that ribbon looks dashing. I will lend you my aid once more, Archmage.
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Post by Saieniel »

Clank Dearest is in? Surely I'll join.
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Post by Winter Pearl »

Let the hunt begin.

Pearl Fand
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Post by Rakeesh »

This never should have gone so far. Such magics are not to be toyed with.

But I will lend my sword to help put this monster to rest.
When I am silent, I have thunder hidden inside.

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Post by Goldglo »

The Isle needs a good cleansing by task-focused mages. Until then, I'll lend a hand.

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Post by Shadowlord »

I'd better lend a hand so these youngsters don't hurt each other trying to hunt. Except Matt, he's not a youngster.

I'm in.

Last edited by Shadowlord on Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fourth »

Mine soul is touched by the fact that you have deemed fit to grace your subjects with such a chance to win everlasting glory in the eyes of you, mine commander.

Yeah, enough of that sh*t. I'll fight a dog, whatever. I think you should make it say this, Jesse.


I saw that on Jersey Shore. Perhaps you and I should watch it at some point?
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

I'll do what I can to help!
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Post by Dean Reighland »

I'm in. Taking wagers on who takes it down.

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Post by Shadowlord »

Hmmm. Well I was in with the previous date, but have a conflict on that Sunday. I'll have to withdraw, my apologies. I suppose Rakeesh can keep an eye on the youngsters. Good luck!

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Post by Spell »

Nine out of ten slots are filled!

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