Tournament of Challengers OOC stuff

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Tournament of Challengers OOC stuff

Post by Bane »

Just wanted to cover this a little on the OOC side.

I was thinking that this may go down on Thursday December 19 around 9 EST. Does anyone have a problem with this date/time?

I may do it with Slugfest rules, but I need to go take a look at those when I have a little time to familiarize myself.

Anyone have any suggestions?
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Post by Lilly Hyde »

That date should be good for me so I'm all for it! :-)
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Re: Tournament of Challengers OOC stuff

Post by Jake »

Bane wrote:I may do it with Slugfest rules, but I need to go take a look at those when I have a little time to familiarize myself.
Slugfest rules!

They are pretty easy. They only affect scoring. They do not impact any move/mod interactions.
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

Works for me!
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Post by DUEL Kheldar »

There is also a flash calling tool for Slugfest on duelingzone I think.

You should make it a megabrawl though.
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Post by King »

Mentor fancies allowed in the tournament?
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Post by Jake »

DUEL Kheldar wrote:There is also a flash calling tool for Slugfest on duelingzone I think.
Javascript actually.
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Post by Bane »

Unless something goes terribly wrong, It will be Thursday Dec. 19 at 9 EST.
Slugfest rules.
Mentor mods are allowed.
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Post by Bane »

I am now given the task of making brackets work for this thing. Sign ups aren't complete and I have 10 signed up now. When it gets over 8, people start getting screwed because there are no pre-tourney seedlings. I'm thinking of seeding completely randomly on the day of the tourney, but I don't want some to be unfortunate (no byes) and get mad at me because the brackets are wonky.

Two extra dilemmas: although Thursday is one of the best dasy for me, I can't stay up all night due to work.
At the same time, I don't want to make people ineligible because they don't check the forums every day, so I'd like to include everyone who is interested.

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Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

You could consider handling brackets like I handled mine for the recent DoS tourney.

Split up your fighters into multiple (2-4) small brackets, and do a round-robin within those brackets. Track your match points by some means, and then take the top 4 over-all fighters into a single elimination semi-finals. The advantage of this, IMO, is that everyone is guaranteed three duels minimum, there are no byes (since there's no good way to do seeding), and you finish the tournament relatively quickly once you move onto single elimination, meaning the whole thing would only take you five total rounds of duels. ... 346#159346

If you wanted to handle it similarly to how I set my tournament up, you'd just need to establish how you wanted to track match points for the round robin portion of the tournament.

I did points scored in the match (up to five) + 3 bonus points for a win + 2 bonus points for a shutout + 2 bonus points for winning a duel in less than 7 rounds.

The latter was more specific to the tri-sport format, but you could consider bonus points for winning on a stunning move or other things more Slugfest-specific.
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Post by King »

If there's no set mod list for each person, slugfest might be a little difficult - at least for glass players who don't have a mentor. Not that I don't think the idea is bad or anything; slugfest is the best tournament set outside of tag-team :P.

I'm just seeing the small downside is all.
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Post by Bane »

King wrote:If there's no set mod list for each person, slugfest might be a little difficult - at least for glass players who don't have a mentor. Not that I don't think the idea is bad or anything; slugfest is the best tournament set outside of tag-team :P.

I'm just seeing the small downside is all.
I do agree that this would be a tough hill to climb for a glass. Then again, the prize is a challenge for an opal. Do you think said opal will take it easy on a glass challenger?

Don't get me wrong, I am not discounting a rule addition/change, but the reason I decided against set mods (to this point) is the prize. Argue your case. ;p

ETA: Thanks Vanion! That's a pretty awesome idea.
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Post by King »

Bane wrote:
King wrote:If there's no set mod list for each person, slugfest might be a little difficult - at least for glass players who don't have a mentor. Not that I don't think the idea is bad or anything; slugfest is the best tournament set outside of tag-team :P.

I'm just seeing the small downside is all.
I do agree that this would be a tough hill to climb for a glass. Then again, the prize is a challenge for an opal. Do you think said opal will take it easy on a glass challenger?

Don't get me wrong, I am not discounting a rule addition/change, but the reason I decided against set mods (to this point) is the prize. Argue your case. ;p

ETA: Thanks Vanion! That's a pretty awesome idea.
Yes, there's an Opal grant on the line. That's true. I'm not really arguing for or against slugfest. In all honesty, using the rules would make the higher ranks more predictable *if* they play by them. Is the jade->sapphire you're fighting randy enough to try for the 2 point spinkick? Welp, time to duck or sweep! I'm mentioning it because slugfest and any sort of non-normal DoF style is rarely used, and if there's a good bit of glasses joining the playing field might not be seeing much slugfesting going on.
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Post by Bane »

I was just gonna run a regular tourney, but it was strongly suggested that I use special rules. Slugfest rules are tried, and I don't have the imagination to create my own special rules. Your argument, while not invalid, just adds an extra layer of strategy to the tourney, which isnt necessarily a bad thing. Also, I am guessing most of the glasses are alts who don't need much help (with a couple of true glasses sprinkled in). :p

In the interest of getting sleep, I am going to run the tourney with 16 people, single elimination, regular brackets. Still pondering whether to make the final duel 2 out of 3.
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