Challenge for ShadoWeaver *

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Challenge for ShadoWeaver *

Post by Fourth »

Dearest Vinny,
I understand that you have something that I require. I also understand that we should, naturally, settle this one sided dispute in the form of controlled violence. Consider your claim to ShadoWeaver challenged, as of now. With respect to your rank, career and many accomplishments, I look forward to entering the ring with you and I can only hope that you see fit to accept my challenge.
Last edited by Fourth on Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DUEL Kal »

I tried to come up with a reason to decline this one, but I couldn't find anything.


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Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

We are still talking about Vincent here, yes?

This should be interesting. My money's on the newcomer.
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Post by Vinny »

Kal, you should've tried harder. I'm sure there's some rule on the books that keeps the new people from getting embarrassed by me.

As for you, Melanie. I have yet to have the pleasure of meeting you in or out of the rings, but I've heard that you're the new upstart trying to make a name for herself. But I wonder if all those fights you've been in the last few weeks might have messed with your head. Even Harris was smart enough to realize that getting another Diamond was easier than getting Shadoweaver away from me. However, since by rule your challenge is valid, I'll be in touch to set up a time and date for your public beatdown.

Love and kisses,
Vincent Smith
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Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

Is Vincent branching out into stand-up comedy? Finally, he's found his calling!
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Post by Harris »


Sorry, everything isn't about you. You took Seirichi's swag, so she demanded I get her more. So I went out and won the DQ. It's pretty simple. Good try though.

When my student busts you open and you see your own blood on the canvas you'll have me to thank for that. Holla.
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Post by Seirichi »

Insert witty and ridiculing post here.

Get good [name].

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Post by Kalamere »

Vinny wrote:Kal, you should've tried harder. I'm sure there's some rule on the books that keeps the new people from getting embarrassed by me.
I thought lacking the 30 days activity might halt the challenge, but I couldn't find a clause that applies that to anyone other than those who have actually gone inactive (as opposed to those who had simply never dueled).

Nothing against Mel, mind you. I had just been hoping for a shot at the black rock myself.

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Post by Fourth »

Dear Kal,

No worries! When I take it from Vince's infirm, feeble and clearly senile grasp, feel free to try and win it from me. I invite the challenge, always. Also, no offense taken with the '30 days' bit. I'm aware of the fact that a rise like mine, historic, shocking and, quite simply, unprecedented, is going to turn some heads. I'm a little bit ashamed that Vince wanted you to try harder to find a reason! What, Vince, you don't want to get challenged? That's fine, I'd be afraid to fight me. This one's going out to you, Rena. You won't knock me off my horse and neither will Vince. Matter of fact, this one's for you, old man.

I, with deepest sincerity, look forward to making you another step on my ladder of success. Faded glory, Vince. No one cares what you've done. This cycle is what's important. Rest on inspired desperation some more, but since you wanted the challenge denied, that looks, to me, like you want a way out. Well, I've got a way out for you. It's called getting knocked the f*ck out.

Melanie <3
Last edited by Fourth on Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Seirichi »





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Post by Fourth »

Miss Seiri,
Butts are already hurt. I mean, come on now, Cor. You had to fight me at full Emerald when I was a glass? Took you fourteen rounds and you still talked shit. Come at me when you see me next, I can't wait to slap you back down to where you belong. I guess I can understand why someone would hesitate to fight me, a certain blonde who turned me down for three fights, but let's be real. Stop talking sh*t from the outside, blondie. If you've got a problem with the way that I talk, shut me up. If not then stop talking. If you need help to stop talking I'll be more than happy to break your jaw for you. You know who you are, come find me in the ring. As a matter of fact, the guy who put his money on me, Kalamere, you better check on that, really. It's not going to stop. I'm coming after all of you in time, make no mistake. It's about time there's been some change here. Class of 2013, mark it down in the books, ladies and gents.

Also, there's no real if. You might as well count on it. The only way I'm losing that Opal, when I get it, is when I win the next Diamond Quest. You won't be able to run from me there, blondie, you'll have to back it up. knock me off my horse? Nope, you'll just be another step onto a bigger horse.
Last edited by Fourth on Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Seirichi »

It's like Christmas came early for me. Watch out, Melly. Someone might get mad and claim you're hurting their feelings! You don't want to make someone cry, right? That would be mean!

Awaiting the tear stained letters below,
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Post by Fourth »

It must be nice to know the date of your funeral, Vince. 8:30 (Eastern time), next Friday. Kiss the Opal buh-bye. And since Rena won't fight me, I guess she'll just sit and watch me win. What's new?

And Seir? I do, in fact, want to make someone cry. I'd sooner them beg or scream, but sure, I guess I can stand to make someone cry. Hurt feelings? I plan on hurting a lot more than that. Namely faces and butts. Wait. Butts are already hurt and I haven't even gotten in the ring, so check that off.
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Post by Hope »

There's a storm brewing on the horizon; you're all going to want to batten down the hatches. I'll be looking forward to this, Vinny. Let's see if you put up more of a fight against her; than you did with me.
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Post by Harris »


Open a line on this match. I want to throw money at you. So you can then take it and throw more back at me.
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