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Post by Jake »

G wrote:
Jake wrote:
Seirichi wrote:Jake. Hurry and agree that G should be bitten by something. Jeez.
I am pretty sure he's *already* been bitten...many times. doesn't seem to be communicable.
That's the only reason we haven't drowned you.
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Post by G »

Jake wrote:
G wrote:
Jake wrote: I am pretty sure he's *already* been bitten...many times. doesn't seem to be communicable.
That's the only reason we haven't drowned you.

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Post by Amaltea »

Seirichi wrote:Also the forum makes it more community driven. Challenges are not about you and your opponent. Challenges are events for everyone to enjoy. If everything was in a drop down menu? That'd kind of be boring. I like roleplay with my game, thank you.

Yup!! Yup!! Yup!!

and yes... G sucks... and drinks rape Kool Aid
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Post by G »

Amaltea wrote:
Seirichi wrote:Also the forum makes it more community driven. Challenges are not about you and your opponent. Challenges are events for everyone to enjoy. If everything was in a drop down menu? That'd kind of be boring. I like roleplay with my game, thank you.

Yup!! Yup!! Yup!!

and yes... G sucks... and drinks rape Kool Aid
Amal swallows and makes the rape Kool Aid. It is hurtful in the end.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by PrlUnicorn »


You have been unknowingly offending me over the course of this discussion. I like being called Kathy with a K about as much as you like being referred to as Eli. I seem to remember that not only you don't like being called that, but that it makes you angry. My name is Cathy with a C. Much like Data on ST:TNG said when correcting Dr. Pulaski, "One is my name, the other is not."

This issue of why challenges are now served on the boards has been covered ad nauseum at this point. It's proven to be a better system because there's less chance of things getting lost in cyberspace.

I think, though, that you have missed something important with your statement of:
Don't get me wrong, I can still be aggro and more often than not I am usually reactionary to stuff I see in RP. Like more often than not my characters flair up listening to what KoR WLs thinks is a bunch of upstart newbies in team Beatdown who have only been around a small fraction of the two plus decades of dueling that has been around, but that is classic old school versus new school conflict drama. Yeah, I might use words that bother people, or get harsh, but that is live action RP, you can still leave or click IGNORE, there is no mechanism of avoiding the sports message boards if you are an active dueler trying to keep up with dueling events.
Message board play and live RP does not define what we as players find offensive.

I'm finding it difficult to understand how:
Myria wrote:Do all the Knights of Rhodentia have reading problems? If you want to hand over some coin, I'll happily read things aloud to all you guys. You can pay me by the word. Might save you some embarassment.

Seirichi wrote: i guzz its nawt CoM who cent reed its da nites of whocares hoo cant reed
is hating on E, you the player.

However, this from Sunday's chat in the Annex:
[01:36:19] Joku Shoyia: ::rolls his eyes hearing Terry:: (s) said he was unknown to me and introduced myself, sheesh..what a bunch of stupid bitches on Beatdown.
apparently shouldn't be interpreted as you, the player, hating on the players of the characters on Beat Down.

Being able to ignore the behavior doesn't make it less offensive. I don't have a character on Beat Down. However, reading that made me facepalm, especially in light of your out of character remarks about being offended.

I don't want you to rage quit because I happen to know that you can be wonderful role player when you are of a mind to be. That shines in one particular character. What I'm asking is that you take the time to step back a moment when something a character, not a player, says that personally offends you. While you control you characters, you are not your characters and they are not you.

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Post by Joku Shoyia »


I apologize for the "k", and actually thought about that earlier and realized what I was doing, and you are right I should have caught it earlier. Again I apologize.

I think we need to move this conversation to PMs mostly because in saying what I have to say it would expose some people's alts they probably don't want expose, rather then trying to hide from public scrutiny.
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Post by PrlUnicorn »

Fair enough.
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Post by Sartan »

You people leave Jonalyn out of this. She was wonderful.
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Post by Rekah Illyriana »


Take that! And this! Damn you Internetz .
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Post by Bane »

Sorry, guys. I've been remaining quiet throughout and just watching, but this continues to come up, and I wanted to address it. I'm really not trying to kick a dead horse.
Joku Shoyia wrote:I use to be one of those people on the message boards that offered an opinion on everything that happened whether people wanted to hear it or not probably much worse than Serichi or Myria's players have ever done in the time I have been gone. But that's not my thing anymore, because I am not the person who seeks to conflict with someone malicisiously anymore..
Bolded the part I want to address.

I have known Myria's player (M) for a while. I can assure you, M is NOT a malicious person. When I met a group of them in person, M was exceptionally kind.

I have not known Seirichi's player for too long, but every time I've dealt with her, she has been extremely helpful and polite. I have no reason whatsoever to believe that she is malicious. If she were, why would she willingly help me when I had questions? Well, she probably wouldn't.

These PLAYERS are not malicious people. These particular characters may trash talk a lot of people, but you keep calling out the players. I find it odd that you would skip posts by these two characters, but would probably raptly read and respect what some of their alts post. Yet, you keep repeating problems with the players. Your problem is not with the players, it is with the characters.
Sartan wrote:You people leave Jonalyn out of this. She was wonderful.

::grins:: I used to avoid playing in DoS completely because of harsh multiple page debates that you had to go through regarding any challenge. These days, it is tame compared to those.
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