To the haters on the message boards...

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Post by Seirichi »

Jake wrote:
Seirichi wrote:
Lem DeAngelo wrote:There's also ultimately only one person who decides whether or not you have fun while playing, and that's you, the player. Just relax and laugh. We've all chosen to play a great game together.

I enjoy the characters like Seirichi, Myria, Harris who talk smack, and I definitely enjoy the heel characters like Anubis and Xanth. They make this place much more fun. Pretty sure Anubis and Xanth think Lem is a lucky buffoon.
Everyone loves Xanth. There should be a plushy for him.

Image mean Xanth *isn't* a plushie?
I'm going to try and edit a plushie for Xanth. He can wear a cute T-Shirt. "ONE LICH ARMY" or "I love the smell of book burning in the morning."
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Post by Steve Armstrong »

For the most part, I'm one of the new kids on the block. Only been dueling a few months or so and have maybe been actively hanging around the RoH community for less than a year.

But in lieu of the current topic, I feel compelled to point this out:

I've found that the very same players of these IC "heels" (be it Seiri, G, Harris, or any number of others) are the exact same player who, on an OOC, level have been nothing less than amazing in the support and assistance of players who're new to the dueling scene. From encouraging the "newbies", of which I'd still say I'm one, to offering pointers, advice, and all that goes with it.

Just my two cents.
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Post by PrlUnicorn »

G wrote:No offense. But have you watched yourself in RP? You have little ground on which to stand with your negativity in chat rooms and all. I may be one of the occasional "haters" and all, but I also see the ones you're calling out in rooms far more than you have been.

Add to that, that these characters you're now complaining about are also playing other characters that are Not ragging on people, you'll begin to understand the concept of IC vs OOC.

If you are having trouble understanding the mechanism of blending or being unable to differentiate the subtle context of IC vs OOC, I am sure one of our many patrons will be happy to assist you.
Yeah, Elijah, I have to go with G here. This is a case of "Hello pot, this is kettle." :(

If you're going to be calling people out for their characters being haters then you need to stop doing things like thought sniping in chat along with having your characters make remarks like "stupid bitches" and referring to other characters in stereo as simpletons, etc.

I didn't like it, years ago, when Jonalyn thought poked at people and I don't like it any more now than I did then. Always remember, there are characters that read minds in Rhydin including those of players that have added it over the years as a means of self defense against thoughts like: ::Wonders why those Rhydinian whores always get the men.:: No, it's not something you did, but it's an example of something that crosses a big line and, barring mind readers, is a purposeful means of stopping someone's character from reacting. I recently had a similar discussion about using foreign languages in chat as a means of sniping at others instead of a communication tool between characters.

TL;DR Don't be a hypocrite.
Joku Shoyia
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Post by Joku Shoyia »

What the hell does TL:DR mean anyway?

When I am in the chat room and I don't want to deal with someone I can ignore them. There is no "don't display messages" by this username option though on the message boards. I like reading the storyline message boards by most players, but the boards involving the dueling sports are disgusting to me most of the time, but yet that is the mechanism you have to use to challenge by or get event info.

It would be nice if the challenge process could be made so you could avoid the color commentary if you wanted to. Like a page that displayed the titles, their challenge status, and some sort of menu of options to do things to avoid the message board if you would like to prefer.

I used to have issues with people because of how I reacted to things posted like what Serichi and Myria do and some others though I had avoided mentioning Jonalyn till Kathy did. When I came back I told myself I would try to avoid getting in tangles on the message boards and if stuff happens in live RP then it happens I will deal with it. For the most part I have stayed away from the message boards except for official reasons, and to be honest my time is too valuable, life too short, and life too busy to have to scroll things you don't want to get what you want to get too.

While I wish some things were different, the fact is this place is here for everyone to enjoy how they want, but that doesn't mean we should have to endure something we don't have any desire to endure.

Over the last few months I have been back it's somewhat frustrating and nerve wracking to scroll through pages of stuff you have no interest in hopes you don't miss the one post from someone you do want to read what they say.
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Post by Myria Graziano »

TL;DR = Too Long; Didn't Read

Usually someone puts "TL;DR" and then something after it to summarize whatever it was they wrote just above.
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Post by Joku Shoyia »

thanks for the explanation. Something I definitely need since I can be longwinded and rambling! lol
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Post by Steve Armstrong »

Also... Myria's player.

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Post by Charles Blackstone »

I have one thing to say, and its really simple. This is a game. Take it as a game. Yeah games can get frustrating and even annoying at times. But never get mad at a game.
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Post by Rakeesh »

Gonna chime in here. We just had this discussion over on ME. E's player has said that dealing with the constant jabs at him makes playing not fun. Nobody loses anything from not having their character poke at one of his; there are plenty of other folks to be a heel towards. He's been upfront about how he feels, so I encourage folks to respect that.

Ironically, point is moot based on Corlanthis' findings, but seriously! Make fun of my character, or any number of others. Just know who your audience is.

On the other side of things, if someone feels similarly about E's player (a few pot-kettle-black comments, but I'm guessing that none of those players had expressed their discontent with E directly before this thread), then let him know ... and the same burden is on him. Collaborate.

We can all play heels, backstabbers, samurais, Dark Gods, Dragon Gods, Exiled Gods, midget sorcerers, unicorns, drunkards with-peeing-problems, and anything else we can dream up. Let's just manage it in a respectful way.
When I am silent, I have thunder hidden inside.

[OOC: Twitter is the best way to stay in touch. <3]
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Post by PrlUnicorn »

Joku Shoyia wrote:What the hell does TL:DR mean anyway?

When I am in the chat room and I don't want to deal with someone I can ignore them. There is no "don't display messages" by this username option though on the message boards. I like reading the storyline message boards by most players, but the boards involving the dueling sports are disgusting to me most of the time, but yet that is the mechanism you have to use to challenge by or get event info.

It would be nice if the challenge process could be made so you could avoid the color commentary if you wanted to. Like a page that displayed the titles, their challenge status, and some sort of menu of options to do things to avoid the message board if you would like to prefer.

I used to have issues with people because of how I reacted to things posted like what Serichi and Myria do and some others though I had avoided mentioning Jonalyn till Kathy did. When I came back I told myself I would try to avoid getting in tangles on the message boards and if stuff happens in live RP then it happens I will deal with it. For the most part I have stayed away from the message boards except for official reasons, and to be honest my time is too valuable, life too short, and life too busy to have to scroll things you don't want to get what you want to get too.

While I wish some things were different, the fact is this place is here for everyone to enjoy how they want, but that doesn't mean we should have to endure something we don't have any desire to endure.

Over the last few months I have been back it's somewhat frustrating and nerve wracking to scroll through pages of stuff you have no interest in hopes you don't miss the one post from someone you do want to read what they say.
The problem with a don't display messages option for these boards is that challenges would be missed and possibly declared as unanswered if one was challenged by someone they chose to ignore. You have the option to simply not answer most posts by those jerking your chain.

When IC reading boards, I have a tendency to put myself in my character's head and answer with their voice. For instance, shrew that she can be, you do not see a post from Collie in that challenge thread. It is not her job to determine if challenges are valid or not. Having been through the Draven/Dalamar debacle, unless it's the standings, it's not official under the rules. Things change over the years and Apple often posts title changes like who is whose Squire between updates. I think some people have come to expect that and didn't bother to look before posting.

You have other options as well. You can post the challenge then PM the player and let them know you prefer to read the boards as little as possible and want to make the arrangements privately then post particulars. You are not the only one that prefers to not read the trash talk, but you have to let your opponent's player know that.

You, the player, shouldn't be having issues with what characters say. How their players treat you is another matter. Until you took this issue OOC to complain, I had left the troublesome behaviors I have seen in chat alone. We're human and don't always see that what we're doing is looked upon in a poor light by others.
Rakeesh wrote:Gonna chime in here. We just had this discussion over on ME. E's player has said that dealing with the constant jabs at him makes playing not fun. Nobody loses anything from not having their character poke at one of his; there are plenty of other folks to be a heel towards. He's been upfront about how he feels, so I encourage folks to respect that.
Rakeesh wrote:On the other side of things, if someone feels similarly about E's player (a few pot-kettle-black comments, but I'm guessing that none of those players had expressed their discontent with E directly before this thread), then let him know ... and the same burden is on him. Collaborate.

We can all play heels, backstabbers, samurais, Dark Gods, Dragon Gods, Exiled Gods, midget sorcerers, unicorns, drunkards with-peeing-problems, and anything else we can dream up. Let's just manage it in a respectful way.
I can't speak for anyone else, but the simple fact is I never said squat to E or jabbed at him until he complained OOC about how he, as a player, felt he was being treated. I left things that happened IN Character as IN Character. I gave the benefit of the doubt that he was doing the same. This is much like I avoided not having my character's opinions of Rakeesh be my opinions of you.

I have expressed on an opinion on the quintaphonic stereo character effect of the RoK referring to Nayun as a simpleton. Honestly, it troubles me that E. used his characters to do that and doesn't seem to equate it OOC as being on par with Elijah, the character, being trash talked by Myria and Seirichi. One should not stir The Stew pot and expect it not to bubble and splatter on them. :/
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Post by Rekah Illyriana »

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Post by A. Dagger Sasc »

I laughed so hard at that Rekah xD
– Aurast Dagger Sasc
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Post by Charles Blackstone »

Rekah Illyriana wrote:Image
I love you Rekah.
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Post by Joku Shoyia »


I mentioned in an earlier post that the challenge process should be changed to something other than using the message boards with a posted topic header. I think there should be a page listed with the titles of a sport, it's challenge status, and options to do things like from a pull down menu, and when "sent" is hit on the option it goes to the appropriate parties needed to get the missive either by PM or email, and the process could also create a thread in the sports message boards at the same time. That way for those players who like to have their characters offer color commentary on dueling events they have their outlet and for those players who want nothing to do with the message boards but still want to participate in dueling events they don't have to be FORCED into reading/scrolling, through stuff they have no interest to get to the stuff they need to know.

While yes I wish the vibe of some people on the message boards was different mostly because I think people chose petty things to have conflict over instead of developing real conflict drama, I am not asking anyone to stop RPing their character the way they do, I am just saying their should be additional choices available to other players who don't want to be a aprt of other characters if they don't have to is all.

In the chat rooms you can use the Ignore function. It would be nice to have a function on the message boards to filter out posts by certain usernames if you so desire.

This relying on the message boards for handling official dueling business is archaic anyway and should be modernized for a lot of reasons besides my desire to have a message filtering utility.

As a side note I am the way I am in RP since I came back because I know people can choose to Ignore me in the chat room if they desire, I have been avoiding trying to post any kind of conflictive stuff on the message boards IC because I prefer the live action stuff anyway, and honestly I rather read storyline folders if I have any time then scroll the crap I see in the sports folders. But being a "power dueler" type more than an RP'er dueler, I need to look at the sports folders for details of things to matter to me.

Listen, I know I am not a popular player around here and I have had my share of issues in the past with some players who are mostly gone now and some that are still here. I know my faults and my issues and with age and wisdom comes temperament and knowing how to do preventive maintenence like things to not end up in situations that show your worst sides. I use to be one of those people on the message boards that offered an opinion on everything that happened whether people wanted to hear it or not probably much worse than Serichi or Myria's players have ever done in the time I have been gone. But that's not my thing anymore, because I am not the person who seeks to conflict with someone malicisiously anymore..

Don't get me wrong, I can still be aggro and more often than not I am usually reactionary to stuff I see in RP. Like more often than not my characters flair up listening to what KoR WLs thinks is a bunch of upstart newbies in team Beatdown who have only been around a small fraction of the two plus decades of dueling that has been around, but that is classic old school versus new school conflict drama. Yeah, I might use words that bother people, or get harsh, but that is live action RP, you can still leave or click IGNORE, there is no mechanism of avoiding the sports message boards if you are an active dueler trying to keep up with dueling events.
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