Dockside Vacancy

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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DUEL Norah
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Dockside Vacancy

Post by DUEL Norah »

The baron of Dockside, Imp, has been stripped of his title due to inactivity. Because of this, the barony will be included as a prize in the Warlord Tournament. The tournament is set for June 16th, 2013---watch the boards for further information!
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Tha P'Imp

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Post by Imp »

Yup, I messed up and was not paying attention. C'est la vie.

Rand, you can stop shaking in your pants now scared that I'll challenge. Dout you will be Overlord when I decide to go back for the ring. :twisted:

Duel Pirate? It's Imp-ailment, not Imp-alement. Get it right. I should just start charging royalties for that. mmm.... Royaltie$$$

Rena! You liiiiiiied to meeeeee!!!! You said you were gonna challenge me again! I waited!!!! I'm so crushed.

The chick making Impies? She's cute. I want some. Delivered personally. ::eyebrow waggle::

Fio, now that I'm not a Baron, can we go on that date now? Yes? I'll send a limo tonight.
Blood is thicker than water. Adjust your recipes accordingly.

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Capt Sneggle
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Post by Capt Sneggle »

((lol Imp that line "Blood is thicker than water, adjust your recipe accordingly" cracked me up, first good chuckle I had today))
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Rena A Cronin
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Post by Rena A Cronin »

Imp wrote:Yup, I messed up and was not paying attention. C'est la vie.

Rena! You liiiiiiied to meeeeee!!!! You said you were gonna challenge me again! I waited!!!! I'm so crushed.

No, I didn't lie...just folks got in front of me and I didn't get enough duels in.
I have no doubt you will be I'll form a line then::kiss to his cheek::
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Post by LadyAjaBird »

Imp wrote:Duel Pirate? It's Imp-ailment, not Imp-alement. Get it right. I should just start charging royalties for that. mmm.... Royaltie$$$
But, Imp. Babe! If I mispronounce it, it's considered an homage and I can't be sued.. Or.. It could be a new marketing idea for Imp-Ale!

Imp Ale! Now selling at yer finer liquor establishments.

Ya know I love ya, ya tiny blue scamp!

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Post by fiohelston »

Fio, now that I'm not a Baron, can we go on that date now? Yes? I'll send a limo tonight.
I have to wash my hair. But here's a pair of panties from the lost and found box instead. Enjoy!

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Tha P'Imp

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Post by Imp »

REEENAAAA!!! I'll be waiting!

I forgot that was you, Aja. Nah, I won't sue you. But I will hold (myself) against you. ::cackles madly:: Imp Ale? Is that made with real imps?

Fio, really. Your grannie's undies? You are gonna rock me grandma style? Isn't she gonna be cold? You are gonna have to do better than that.
Blood is thicker than water. Adjust your recipes accordingly.

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