Squire Champions?

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Rhiannon Brock
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Squire Champions?

Post by Rhiannon Brock »

In light of Norah's plans to update the rules, I have a change to suggest.

Under the rules regarding Renegade Barons:
6. "Right of Challenge": Renegades may appoint only a warlord champion IF the Overlord elects to use the "Test of Worthiness" against them. The appointed champion may decline.

Why not allow Squires, regardless or rank, to champion their Baron if the circumstances fit?
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Re: Squire Champions?

Post by G »

Rhiannon Brock wrote: Why not allow Squires, regardless or rank, to champion their Baron if the circumstances fit?
Why not?

Champion's a champion. I'd be inclined to consider anyone available to be able to be a champion. However, I would only require that people who are champions MUST be listed on the standings in order to be eligible to be a champion.

I'd be cool with Squires being a champion. Hell, if the Baron picked the wrong squire and that squire sucks, the Baron ends up paying for it in the long run.

When I'm a Baron again and have a squire, chances are pretty high I won't let my own squire champion me. I'm going to pick someone who'll have a better chance of winning.
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DUEL Norah
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Post by DUEL Norah »

I will consider this suggestion.
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Maria Graziano
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Post by Maria Graziano »

Very cool idea! I'm not so sure I'd be into anyone being able to be a champion but definitely like the squire idea. I love that it offers a way for lower ranks to have a chance to participate in Arena politics/challenges without a huge alteration in the rules.
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