Challenge to the Overlady

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Post by Spell »

This poster began popping up at random places in RhyDin. Even a few stray dogs had it glued to their backs.


The poster is magically enchanted to play this song non stop.
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Post by Arthour »

To Maria Graziano.

Your quite right, I have very little idea or knowledgeable of the duels. So thank you for filling me in on the more...Finer details.

I understand that the Barons do not have militias. That their place in government is as an advisory role. I understand that they are athletes.

You say your a duelling legend, that the Barons are sports stars. In other words, you are in the public eye? That is to say, the public hear and listen to your opinion and take note of your actions? Would you deny that some may base their own opinions upon your's and those of the Barons and their actions?
Maybe if people were to see one such as yourself putting aside your own feelings to find or help those looking for evidence, more than just four heads on a table, that would make a difference to the way the public is reacting?

I am just trying to help and encourage those in a better position than my own to as well. If that makes me a moron, and an idiot to boot, so be it.
But I would please ask that you keep your insults to yourself. I have not gone out of my way to specifically and publicly insult you after all.

Maria Graziano wrote:Those t-shirts that you knock have raised a significant amount of money.
For that, I apologise. I had no wish to insult or belittle the good work your organisation, and Team Beat Down, does. If that is how it came across, then I am sorry.

Maria Graziano wrote:This Overlord is an idiot and I won’t apologize for the t-shirts.
I wasn't asking you to. I won't, and am not, attempting to defend Rakeesh's actions.


Arthour Chazore-Silverblood
Last edited by Arthour on Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rhiannon D Harker »

Harker's Dueling and Defense Academy's response to Arthour Chazore-Silverblood's letter.

Dear Arthour Chazore-Silverblood,

My uncle's domain of the Underworld must be freezing over in some places since I find myself agreeing with Maria Graziano with whom I am often at odds.

The Barons and Overlord hold seats on the GAC because they are often more familiar with the needs of the residents of their districts. Some do public service and charity work to benefit those citizens during their time holding their title. That is strictly voluntary and not required. Some have personal guards, etc., but they do not come with those titles.

Since you are probably unaware of who I am, my name is Rhiannon Harker. I once won the Talon of Redwin, a Warlord Tournament, and was Baroness of Old Temple. I currently own and run a dueling and self defense academy for children right down the street from the baronial manor in that district.

It has come to my attention, through the current Overlord, that Bristle Crios Academy has expressed an interest to him in examining and possibly replicating some charms, artifacts if you will, created by my mother to safeguard children. I am curious to know why this desire was expressed by him and why no one from your school has contacted me, my mother, or any of our family regarding this.


Rhiannon D. Harker
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Post by G »


I'm G. Everyone knows me.

I made a statement in the February GAC meeting. It was crude and gave me a few bad glares. I even got a reprimand from the Governor even though the foul language from someone on the Wrecking Crew didn't even get so much as a bad look.

I said it. It was made in it's most basic form.

It. Was. Entirely. True.

That statement was this:

"Everything that guy says is Bull$#!7."

I'm stunned that it's taking people so long to really understand this. I'm stunned that people still think it's the truth. How can people just suddenly take one person at his word who hardly anyone outside of the Dueling World even knows about?

If I went and borrowed some goats heads from Jesse, burned them so I only had charred flesh on skulls and dumped them on a table and said "Hey look, here's some demons. They're invading all the Ice Cream Parlors and stealing the rainbow sprinkles, but only people who work with ice cream on a regular basis can see them!"

Would you believe me?

Yeah. I didn't think so.

Why are you believing him?

Also, in case you're wondering, Mr. Guy from some Organization, I'm on the GAC, I'm a dueling Legend, I own several companies that are so profitable that gods ask to borrow money from me.

And though I'm not precisely known for it, I give back, too. Charities are great tax write offs, but sometimes you do it because it makes you feel better and those you're helping smile. I've made deals with devils in order to free slaves. I've built shelters. I've given away free meals.

And I'm not currently a Baron. I don't make deals or react to Bull$#!7. Why do you?

'Nuff Said.

Last edited by G on Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

"You say your a duelling legend, that the Barons are sports stars. In other words, you are in the public eye? That is to say, the public hear and listen to your opinion and take note of your actions? Would you deny that some may base their own opinions upon your's and those of the Barons and their actions?"

I'll give you my opinion. Be careful when using the term demon. Even if noting what type. Keywords like "Demon" catch the eye quicker and will cause a negative reaction in the brain. This could easily cause outrage and panic, something our friend Rakeesh did with his proposition against magic-users, against those of demonic heritage looking to live a peaceful life within the city.

The girl who does my hair at Hellgrrl is a Succubus who is fantastic with dyeing my hair just the right shade of red. I'd be very upset if some random person read your announcement and thought "Oh. Demons. Bad!", went on a rampage, and felt the need to kill random demons.

Personally. I'm tired of all the violence. First the mindless piking of heads last year and now this.

Baroness of Seaside,
Andrea Anderson
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Post by Myria Graziano »

I'm Myria Graziano.

I've won some titles and accolades but I'm not a dueling legend.

I might never be.

Doesn't matter.

Rakeesh is still a punkass bitch. My sister's still right.

To borrow a phrase from a former baron: That is all.

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Post by Wanda »

To all...

As far as I am aware, the only agency involved was the Watch when the killings of innocents began at the hands of an opportunistic third party... Something I still think Rakeesh needs to be held as an accessory for, but this is only the opinion of one citizen.

So far as anything being done about these purportedly maleficent beings preying on the Populace of Old Temple, I do have to ask two things...

1) Why wasn't a report given to the appropriate authorities?
2) Why is it only limited to Old Temple?

The first boogles the mind. Instead of requesting help, the current Overlord, chose to take matters into his own hands, resulting in the deaths of innocents.

The second smacks of these purported demons being controlled and on the leas of another being. So why isn't steps being taken again to stop this at the source?

The OVerlord knows how to talk, but Colonel Simon was very correct in his estimation...

"Words. Actions. Yours. Pretty damning."

In my mind, he is a hypocrit and nothing more.

Wanda Lensherr
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Post by Arthour »

::To Miss Harker, of Harker's Dueling and Defense Academy::

I did offer the assistance of Mage House to the then Baron Rakeesh. I was not aware of plans specifically regarding your families own designed magical defences that protect your Defence Academy, nor did I know of their existance. I was also unaware that the Overlord had gone to you directly Miss Harker. I do apologise if this has caused any confusion as Bristle Crios is still in the planning phase to bring ideas to work with during the Baron's meeting.

I only speak for Mage House, one of several Houses on the Coven grounds. As such, the Academy does not fall within my authority. But on the Academy's behalf I can say that Headmistress Lydia Tolmay is not aware of plans to that effect, but I am sure she would welcome working with you and your staff to help with your own wards, and the ones around our own Academy.

If it is still acceptable to you Miss Harker, then I offer the assistance of the mages here at Mage House to help you and your Academy it adding to those defences if you wish. I am sure that Bristle Crios, as well as our Academy, would be very happy to work with you directly in helping to protect all of our children.

Please feel free to contact the Leader of the Coven, Miranda Branson or Headmistress Lydia Tolmay, or myself if you wish to speak with us further about anything.
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Post by Spell »


I'm Deathlord Jesse DeAngelo Van Bokkelen Eternity Graziano Helston O'Niell, everyone loves me!

The greatest duelist of all time! I have never lost a duel and do not allow communist propaganda to say different!

I'm a dueling prodigy and super star! Soon to be married to the cutest Graziano of all time - Myria, my Star, Graziano.

This is my statement:

Rakeesh is a kitty and a punk.

Wrecking Crew dislikes punk, as I've heard it said "Do not let that punk punk you!" aight?

Punkass Bitch!

I also sold thirty two t-shirts today! I love you Myria!
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Post by PrlUnicorn »

Mr. Chazore-Silverblood.

I do believe that you have misunderstood the query presented to you by Mrs. Harker, who happens to be my daughter. However, reading between the lines of your reply has cleared up the matter. The current Overlord was not asked to act on behalf of your organization and you had no knowledge of the charms in question. It was that simple. Since the magics involved are my own it is my business to address it. I am willing to assist any families that wish protective charms for their children.

As for your chastisement of The Wrecking Crew, Team Beat Down, and anyone else involved with recent charity fund raising, for which Maria Graziano rightfully to you to task, I suggest that you do a bit of research before assuming that fund raising and aid to Old Temple or any other district in the city is something new. It is not.

Perhaps, you should speak to the Scathachian Sisters, who spend hours patrolling the streets and rendering aid where it is needed. They have been a part of the community in Old Temple these many years. You could speak to Caroline Granger, who recently opened her family's compound to those in need of safe haven. Ms. Granger heads the Granger Guild and is one of the first to step in to aid anyone that she is able to. There are countless others that do things each day to aid the community, but do not speak of it publicly.

With all due respect, if you must wait for decisions from others before taking action on certain matters, it might serve you well to have them review any statement that you intend to publish for public review lest it reflect badly upon the superiors of your organization.


Colleen MacLeod-Fenner
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To the Dueling Community

Post by Miranda Branson »

To the Dueling Community,

I first wish to apologize for the recent misunderstandings and accept full responsibility for the disturbance that has been caused. The dueling community does so much for the districts of Rhy'din without ever being asked and I bow my head to you in thanks. For without your help so many things could not be accomplished including the very dueling parties that Bristle Crios helped advertise, (Pillow and Jello fights) which we hope to host again in the future, with the help of the dueling community.

Colleen you are as sharp as always in your perception. The current Overlord Rakeesh spoke of things he did not fully know in detail nor had he been asked to speak of such things on the behalf of Bristle Crios. Currently both Mage and Alchemy house are working on a way to protect children from these creatures that could be given easily, but we are still far in the planning stages. I would be honored for you help in this matter Colleen, if you have the time. I do not wish to impose upon anyone.

My door is always open to anyone in need and my ears more than happy to listen. I wish all duelists luck in their upcoming duels and congratulations to Charles Blackstone on his recent win.

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Post by Xavior Mues »

In short, I’m what a dueling legend looks like.
In who's mind? You're good, but you fell short of the 'legend' mark, little one.

Winner of the 02 Winter WLT
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Post by G »

Xavior Mues wrote:
In short, I’m what a dueling legend looks like.
In who's mind? You're good, but you fell short of the 'legend' mark, little one.
And Rakeesh asked if I still thought if *I* was relevant.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by Xavior Mues »

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 17:45 Post subject:

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Xavior Mues wrote:
In short, I’m what a dueling legend looks like.

In who's mind? You're good, but you fell short of the 'legend' mark, little one.

And Rakeesh asked if I still thought if *I* was relevant.

You never were. All you've ever done was to chase the coat tails of those who were important.

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Post by G »

Xavior Mues wrote:
Posted: 28 Feb 2013 17:45 Post subject:

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Xavior Mues wrote:
In short, I’m what a dueling legend looks like.

In who's mind? You're good, but you fell short of the 'legend' mark, little one.

And Rakeesh asked if I still thought if *I* was relevant.
You never were. All you've ever done was to chase the coat tails of those who were important.

I'm sorry, who're you again? You must just not recognize me because I don't feel the need or crutch to make myself feel important by listing all my accomplishments when I sign a message. No, People know me because they already know the numerous accomplishments I've had in my career. They know and quote regularly things I've said. People come to me for advice in matters both business and sports.

The only time, Xeric, they mention you, is when somebody either did something stupid, or is a complete Xeric... Oh, sorry, I mean a complete ass.

Don't try to insult me, kid. You fail. Badly.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
Duel of Swords Legend. Best In The World™.
First All Time DoS Title Holder.
Listed as "Daddy" in your daughters contacts list.
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