Dockside Part 2

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Rena A Cronin
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Dockside Part 2

Post by Rena A Cronin »

Dear Imp,
It's that time again...I challenge you for your barony.
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Post by G »

This challenge is.... Whoops. I can't okay this anymore!
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

This challenge is valid and may proceed.
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Tha P'Imp

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Post by Imp »

Yes, I have accepted!!

Rena-babe and I will be doing this on Wednesday the 20th, at 9PM eastern. I suggested Teagan because I like her... ::makes roundish hand motions:: ... rings! But instead I selected Dio, I mean, we selected Dio because we she does have some pretty nice.. UNDEAD.. .::makes more roundish hand motions:: ...ass..sets
Blood is thicker than water. Adjust your recipes accordingly.

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Post by G »

Code: Select all

Imp	Rena
1. HC	CP
5. TH	LP
6. LC	HC

DUEL Dioxane	"Rena, you have challenged for the Barony of Dockside, smelly salty waters, dilapidated docks, and notable criminal activity. Do you wish to continue with this event?"

DUEL Dioxane	"Imp. You foolish blue monstrousity. You repugnant creature. You disgusting beast, you.... I kid, you're adorable. Anyway. Do you pledge to defend this Barony with your sword and accept this challenge that has been brought forth against you?"

DUEL Dioxane	In the Pink Corner: The Challenger, Dueling under the Colors of the Lack of Colors, Seconded by the a Ratty McRatterson of the South Hampton Rattersons, the PiRATe, Napoleon, and she is a Woman who will fight for his Honor, him being Rabid Rico Tharadon. We have the one, the only, The Hammer, the Bay Blaster... Reading Rena "I Crush your Skull" Crooooooooooooooooniiiiiiiiin!

DUEL Dioxane	In the Plaid Corner, fighting under the Azure Banner of Impland, Seconded by Gimpno, with his Ladies of Honor being Kaja, Corlanthis, King, Fio, Jay, Maria, Teagan, PJ, Anya, Aja, Kaja, Rena, Wyheree, Not-Sartan, Maria, Rekah, Delahada, Taneth, Neo, Maria, Maria, Xenograg, Candy, Misty, Dioxane, Misty, Kalinda, and all Arena Babes, oh, and Kaja, is the Defending Baron, The Instigator of Irritation, the Lord of Liability, The Regent of Restraining Orders, The Pimptastic Imp "Possible" Jooooooooooooones!

DUEL Dioxane	"Ladies and Gentlemen and Rats and Anthros, and whatever the hell some of you other freaks are...." Look who's talking. "The Baron has chosen Solitary Combat. Means One shot."

DUEL Dioxane	"You may begin when ready."

DUEL Dioxane	Ring Challenge.
DUEL Dioxane	Striking a bouncey, blue creature is difficult to start with. This must be why Rena opted to begin this match in a defensive posture. The defense designed to protect the lower half of her body, however, serves no suitable purpose when the Imps attack swings in from on high. (HC/CP) 1-0 Imp

DUEL Dioxane	Ring Challenge.
DUEL Dioxane	Seeking retribution for an attack is a noble goal. In an attempt to do thusly, the Challenger has aimed her blade to strike at the center of the Baron. Seeking to perforate him. One must recall that the Baron is crafty, and moves quickly. This is no different, as Rena seeks to strike in, the Imp has quickly disappeared, not to be attacked. (FSS/TH) 2-0 Imp

DUEL Dioxane	Ring Challenge.
DUEL Dioxane	Expecting an attack and attempting to find a way to counter it is always a wise decision. You know the attack is coming, and prepare adequately. The unfortunate result is that on occasion, those defenses are found to have a weakness, and thus are exploited. Rena's high block has a few weaknesses, one of which being a low attack from the Baron. (LC/FLP) 3-0 Imp.

DUEL Dioxane	Ring Challenge
DUEL Dioxane	More defenses abound as both duelists grow cautious. The Baron opts to sink to his level and get down very low, while the Warlord has moved to quickly step aside and gain nothing. (FDU/FSS) 3-0 Imp.

DUEL Dioxane	Ring Challenge.
DUEL Dioxane	It is Imps time to attack. The little blue monster aims his sword and strikes in directly. Rena finds herself prepared and achieves a mark on the scoreboard by blocking it with a simple defensive manuever. (TH/LP) 3-.5 Imp

DUEL Dioxane	Ring Challenge
DUEL Dioxane	Wisdom is a word one can use in many situations. It is wise to come in out of the rain. It is wise to avoid playing in traffic. It is wise to trade while leading. This is the last time we will say "Imp" and "Wise" in the same situation. (LC/HC) 4-1.5 Imp

DUEL Dioxane	Ring Challenge
DUEL Dioxane	Oppa Rhydin Style. Both the Imp Baron and the Rena Challenger take a moment to pause in this duel to entertain the gathered crowd and present to them a fabulous, pre-choreographed dance routine. (FSS/FSS) 4-1.5 Imp.

DUEL Dioxane	Ring Challenge.
Imp Low cut under Rena's Fancy Lateral Parry for the final point and retain his Barony. (LC/FLP) 5-1.5 Imp
Imp also declared himself renegade to the new Overlord, Rakeesh.

And that, as they say, is that.

Good dueling you two!
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Anubis Karos
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Post by Anubis Karos »

Blue imp,

You agitate me and you always have, but I commend you for having skill with is increasingly obvious to me that such a talent is rarer than white gold in today's Arena. Between the majority of the Council and the identity of the newest Overlord, I cannot resist the realization that when I next grasp the mantle, I will hold onto it for a thousand years.

I would offer more of a proper congratulations for besting Rena Cronin, but I believe that the vile fellahin who infest Dockside's piss-drenched warrens have a fitting simile; something about a one-legged man and an ass-kicking contest.
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Post by G »

Course, it'll be a thousand years before you can challenge for the Mantle because you'll either never get the SoA, or you'll improperly issue the challenges for it repeatedly.

Guess there are some advantages to being immortal. There'll be a chance to get it right eventually.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
Duel of Swords Legend. Best In The World™.
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