A continuation of Rats in the Walls. This post takes place the night after.
"What's with all the red and blue?" complained Jia as she brushed away her see-through pink curtains. The flashing lights coming from outside had been bright enough to catch the attention of many; she could even hear the loud gossip in the hallways. The girl took a peek outside of her window. Unable to spot anything of interest just yet, she'd unlock and force that window open so she could lean out from it. "Hey! Kiki, check it out!" Jia said as she ducked her head back inside.
Kiyomi had already been up and waiting for own turn. A well placed palm against the head of the other girl, along with a shove, had given her the needed space to peek through the window and witness what was going on. ".. Looks like someone f*cked up." she said while leaning forward more. A few movements caught her attention, along with a yell "Hey! Kiyomi!" said the waving girl looking up from the window one floor below. Kiyomi recognized the girl as one of the first years of the high school block who had only recently transferred to St. Mary's.
"What's going on? Did someone get hurt?" Kiyomi's statement could be laughable. When did someone
not get hurt in this school? A place where fists do much of the talking over verbal debate.
The younger girl. Jasmine, or Jazzy for short to the girls in her own year, called out once more. "Riley got arrested!" This caught Kiyomi off guard. Was it because of what she did to Kiki? Usually St. Mary's kept to themselves. The privately owned school only answered to those who sent in donations; the higher the money the more sway you had. Things were kept hush-hush for a reason.
"What for?" Kiyomi said in her search for answers. The response didn't come from Jasmine; it instead came from her right. Jia had been going through a more faster source of information -- the gossip queens of the school. If those two didn't know the answer, no one did; and like always - they knew exactly what was going on.
"Looks like she's being arrested for drugs. Like, she had a TON of them in her room too.. Wow, never thought she'd be the type. Well, never thought she'd be the type to try a takeover of the student council.. sooooo.." Jia couldn't help but giggle at this. "Isn't this funny? It's totally a plant job, it had to be." Jia turned to the third and final girl that sat within the room.
Misty. Who had been looking rather calm right now even with the flashing red and blue outside.
"Your girls did this, huh?" said Jia as she rose up and moved over to poke and prod at poor Misty. She even invaded her personal space by attempting to sit in her lap. A calm shove of a hand toppled Jia over. Misty then used this same hand to press index and middle against a rubbing thumb. This gesture was something Kiyomi caught, she'd nod before responding. "Yeah.. That's a waste of money, isn't it?" Kiyomi then shrugged her shoulders and continued. "She wanted to become the new Queen. Maybe she was trying to get the tweakers on her side too?" She looked to Misty in an attempt to gauge her reaction; she'd get just that with a simple shrug from the quiet girl.
HA.. SHE'S CRYING LIKE A LITTLE B*TCH!" The sound came from the outside window, along with a lot more shouting. "
"Look on the bright side! She's gone, so her little party will break apart too. More recruits for the
culture club, hmm?" Jia puckered her lips cutely in Kiyomi's direction, then turned to look back out the window. She then said, "Mice scurry from a sinking ship. That's what my grandpa always told me."
"Yeah," Kiyomi started as she sat down on Jia's fluffy pink blanket covered bed. "Maybe things'll be more calmer now."
Microwavable macaroni and cheese, a small pack of beer, a few carton of smokes and right now? Eyeing the icecream aisle. Terry stood there perusing the different types of frozen goods. She wanted to try out something new; though cookies 'n cream would always be the best in her eyes. Funky Monkey looked nice. Little bits of peanutbutter mixed with tiny chocolate monkeys and milk balls? That's right up her alley. The chill of frosty air met her as she opened the glass door. She reached to grab, but something caught the corner of her eye.
A walking woman. A wobbling one more like it. This brought a smirk to Terry's face.
She's probably drunk.. she thought. What else could it be? This time of night? Had to be drunk. She'd ignore the woman for now and look back to that
Funkey Monkey icecream. The tub grabbed and dropped into the small basket with the rest of those items. Terry turned away, allowing the glass and metal door to close on its own. As she turned, she felt a sudden knock against her chest. The staggering woman had fallen against her.
"Hey," Terry began. Her first instinct had been to help the woman stand back up -- but what happened next tensed her instead. The sharp feeling of a blade pressing into her stomach. She knew the feeling well enough, she had fought in the Arena for a few years after all. Shock had been her first reaction; and shock alone seemed to absorb much of the pain before realization hit in. The basket dropped in that instant and her eyes focused in on the woman that had been pressed against her.
A young face. One she had seen a few times around St. Mary's. She didn't know the girls name, but she recognized her enough. The face she recalled that had been smiling and joking looked the complete opposite as of now. Fear had over taken it, along with a touch of sorrow; a realization of what she had just done. Terry took hold of her shoulder in a tight grasp and tried to form words. "Why..?", would be all that left her lips before the heated pain of that knife being removed from her stomach cut her off.
Terry grasped at her stomach. Without the support of that shoulder she fell to her shaking knees. The girl backed away in her own moment of shock, then dropped the knife and turned in a hurry to run away.
Blood pooled from between Terry's hand as he pressed roughly to her open wound. "Help.." It's all she could do. Her voice choked in her throat as strength began leaving her. Teeth began gritting as she took in a sharp breath, enough to cause another sharp pain to surge throughout her body. She fell then, no longer able to keep to her knees. Her body writhed some seconds before curling. Shaken breaths all throughout.
"Help..!" She called out again. Someone must have taken notice of the girls sudden departure from the aisle, as Terry - though her vision blurred - could see someone moving toward her with rushed steps.
"Hold on!" The voice said. "Someone call an ambulance!" Terry tried to do that, but her eyes felt far too heavy. "Stay with me, no--" The voice cut off as Terry could feel herself being shaken, but even that had started to become numb as time passed.
I don't want to die.. is all she could think.