Spring Talon of Redwin Tournament

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Post by G »

Okay, yes, the dagger can be kept, but no overdoing it with mad skills.

(I.E. You still lose the fancy if you make Warlord or higher. Which was known.:) )
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by PJ Ramirez »

Did you all hear that? Seiri wants me.

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Post by With Wicked Intent »

Shadowlord wrote:Not taking a side here (I seldom do), but it ever fascinates me how the new-blooded think that mocking on these boards those more experienced, will somehow enhance the relative newcomers' gravity in the rings.

Anubis and Mur have earned their right to brag, through actual, quantifiable accomplishment in these sports.
This 'new-blood' just went from Enchanter to Mage in a single cycle. Actually, less than a single cycle, as I came back in to duel a third of the way into it.

Have YOU done that, Shadow?

I think I've earned my bragging rights, thank you.
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Post by Bleys Bashire »

This sounds like good fun. I'll join, if there's still room.

Al'Bleys Toval Bashire
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Post by Jaycy Ashleana »

With Wicked Intent wrote:This 'new-blood' just went from Enchanter to Mage in a single cycle. Actually, less than a single cycle, as I came back in to duel a third of the way into it.

Have YOU done that, Shadow?

I think I've earned my bragging rights, thank you.
That accomplishment might hold weight if you were stating it in relation to some Magic event.

This, however, is the Duel of Swords. "Bragging rights" (if you have any at all in any sport) do not translate from one form of combat to the other. As they say, apples to oranges.

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Post by Harris »

With Wicked Intent wrote:
Shadowlord wrote:Not taking a side here (I seldom do), but it ever fascinates me how the new-blooded think that mocking on these boards those more experienced, will somehow enhance the relative newcomers' gravity in the rings.

Anubis and Mur have earned their right to brag, through actual, quantifiable accomplishment in these sports.
This 'new-blood' just went from Enchanter to Mage in a single cycle. Actually, less than a single cycle, as I came back in to duel a third of the way into it.

Have YOU done that, Shadow?

I think I've earned my bragging rights, thank you.
Who comes to the Arena to brag about Magic? You do realize that this is a completely different sport that you've shown up in to denigrate former Overlords (which by the way, I have no problem with)? Obviously you need to be taught how to properly utilize your ego to decimate your opponents. Come find me. I give lessons.
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Post by Seirichi »

PJ Ramirez wrote:Did you all hear that? Seiri wants me.

Official "I want" List:

PJ and/or PJ's chest. I'll take either of those. By take, I mean grab. Often.
Candy to take Nayuns place as my official floor scrubber. This is DoS related because she's a Baron now.
Harris to remember I ended his 500+ day reign of holding PathFinder by slamming him through a table.
This Talon thing so I can use it as a mail opener.
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Post by Shadowlord »

With Wicked Intent wrote:
Shadowlord wrote:Not taking a side here (I seldom do), but it ever fascinates me how the new-blooded think that mocking on these boards those more experienced, will somehow enhance the relative newcomers' gravity in the rings.

Anubis and Mur have earned their right to brag, through actual, quantifiable accomplishment in these sports.
This 'new-blood' just went from Enchanter to Mage in a single cycle. Actually, less than a single cycle, as I came back in to duel a third of the way into it.

Have YOU done that, Shadow?

I think I've earned my bragging rights, thank you.
As Harris pointed out, this is a thread concerning Swords, in which you have earned no bragging rights (though I'll agree with G that anyone can brag, but backing it up is quite different). I applaud your accomplishment in attaining Mage so quickly, to be sure, even if the requirements became easier recently.

Clearly, this is a sensitive issue for you. My intention was not to denigrate your accomplishments, merely to provide some perspective.

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Post by G »

And so, Mur wins the Talon of Redwin!

G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by MurOllavan »

I'd like to thank all you chumps and suckers for coming out and letting me have a night off from fighting competent warriors. I thoroughly enjoyed playing patty cake with you all on my personal field day.

Special thanks to Ria and Myria for giving me a preview of what the crew has to offer in terms of challenge level. The eight years you two took off from dueling didn't show one little bit.

I have had a change of heart concerning the Talon while I pondered what it would be like for me to have my Gaelic blade gifted to say one of the Grazianos or that little kid I kicked around the ring tonight. It truly was a flesh crawling experience.

So I will not be simply dropping it in the trash outside the Outback like I planned. I cannot risk having a relic from a winning duelist like Siera potentially falling into the hands of the lousy Z-rated duelists I saw tonight. So I will keep the relic with me until such time you winless cretins show some motivation.

((or Sean, as the thread may be))
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Post by King »

What? There was a little kid in this tournament? Good thing I spent most of the night getting blazed.

Did John Stamos show up? Was he hot?

~ King
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Post by Anubis Karos »

You just wrote two paragraphs bragging about winning the Children's Title; indeed, the Talon was a few strokes of a sword away from literally being just that. Pinned just to the right of this tomfoolery is a simple sentence from the corpulent ringmaster of this ordure-matted circus stating that your challenge is invalid because you could not keep up with the real Warlords.

All in all, it may very well be the most pathetic display I have ever seen here. I suppose I should take this time to note my innocence of an uncommited yet inevitable crime: Should Mur Ollavan's sister be found collared and marked for carnal usage, do not look to me. Rather, the likely culprit is Mur himself.
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Post by Anya Titov »

Anya bettings little kid was not as strongs as superior Russian science that runs through tempered veins! King should knows that by now.

Also, Anya would likes to know as wells if "John Stamos" was really makings with breaking backs at tournament tonights. Anya likes John Stamos. He funny guy.
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Post by Mia Evans »

I been out the loop for a good minute or two. Why everybody hatin' again?
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Post by Ticallion Carter »

I think we should probably all take time out of our busy lives to note this one important fact: I agree with Anubis for once. Wholeheartedly. I know for a fact that has never happened before and, Lord willing, it won't ever happen again.

Moving on. Obviously, people still haven't given this Mur clown a lesson in history. The Crew stretches well beyond the Graziano name. Trust me. Hold on to the Talon long enough to fight your way back to Warlord and then into a title. You'll see how deep that river runs.

Tical M. Carter
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