DUELER Appreciation Week: Duelist Views

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DUELER Appreciation Week: Duelist Views

Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An interview between GAC mamber Race and Duelist Candy Hart]

R:"First I'd like to say thanks for meeting with me for this interview. From my understanding, you haven't been dueling that long. And you've made Emerald fairly quickly. What do you think led to your success?"

C:"Heh, not as quickly as I'd like... but yeah, I guess you could say that. I might be relatively new to duelin, but not to fightin. That's what led to my success here. My folks. They've been trainin me since the day I was born."

R: "Of all the duelists that come to the rings, who do you think would be the best person to refer new fighters to? Like to learn the ropes and get a feel for just how tough a sport it is."

C: "Hard to say, depends on what the greens are lookin for. Not me. Maybe Old Man Simon, saw him walkin around with the new caller, telling her bout this an'that. And he can fight for sure."

R: "Of all the goals you might have in dueling, what's one you want the most? To hold a certain title, or a certain record."

C: "I got a job, outside of callin for the venues, fightin. Any notoriety I get in the Outback serves to bring in more cash from that job, so I'll take what I can get long as I'm around. Course it's no secret that I want the black rock... but that ain't a duelin goal exactly."

R: "Of all the fighters that have stepped into the rings, present or past, are there any you'd want to go a few rounds with?"

C: "You mean that I haven't already?" Smirks, "I want to get in the ring with every one I can. If I lose... I wanna go again. I want to keep testing myself against them until I'm good enough to take them down... and then I want to keep goin. But I got a few I have my eyes on right now. Gonna get Big Badsider Jake in the Pit with me. Need a second shot at The G Man's woman, Kaja. Maria Grazzy-somethin' or other. She don't come round often enough and when she does... well I'm still workin on bestin her... long with Neo, Roddy, Marc-boy and Jochin who hasn't shown his ugly mug in a while."

R: "I'll admit, I don't get out to the duels as much as I'd like, but do you think that the 'Veteran' duelists have any sort of expectations out of the newer fighters?"

"Veteran duelists huh? Heh. Spose it's possible, they're all different, sure to have different expectations. Wouldn't know. Don't sit around much, shootin the **** with them or anything. But they're likely looking for what anyone else is, a good fight... an' if you're anythin' like that chick Koy... a brutal fight, yeah?"

R: "Once again thanks for doing this, I know a lot of the folks who duel actually have very busy lives. Any parting comments for the dueling fans?"

C: "Not really. But .. you know... we got rings and we need bodies to fill them, so come out and have at it."
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Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An interview between GAC member Race and Duelist Jacy Alexander]

R: "I appreciate you taking the time to sit down with me. Before we start, do you prefer to be called Jaycy or is that just what people started calling you? Like G'nort is called G, or Artemus just gets called Art, Tasslehofl is just Tass.

My real question here is, what goals do you have left for the sports? You've been Diamond, you've held nearly all the Opals, at what goal are you going to draw the line."

J: (chuckles) I prefer to be called Jaycy – it’s simple and easy – easy-going, that is. A lot like me! (grins, which fades as she begins to ponder the real question)

Y’know, the goal I have now is the same goal I’ve had for a long time – to enjoy it and myself. Of course, there are aspects of the duels – people – that make that harder, but as long as I can ignore them, it’s not so bad. I think as long as I do get enjoyment out of the sports, I’ll still be around. Once it truly becomes a job – and honestly, despite caring for the districts and Baronial holdings, it really isn’t a job at all – then I think I’ll go. (pauses) I do want to get the Triple Crown, though. (chuckles) Though I guess that means I should actually try to get in the Isle more often. (there’s a small, almost imperceptible shudder) We’ll see if that ever happens.

R: "As a Veteran duelist, do you think the new groups of fighters live up to the legacy of the sports? All of that rich history has to be daunting for them, I'd imagine."

J: I didn’t really like the “new” versus “old” groupings when I was a newer dueler, and how the “new” ones had to live up to the legacy and standards of the old-timers. We all had to make our own legacy, our own stories. So I would hope it’s not so much daunting. It’s interesting, too, that there are actually a lot of kids running around – or at least it seems like there are a lot. Even more interesting, they’re the kids of older duelers.

That being said, though, there are things – rituals, stories – that have been such a part of the duels’ fabric that if the newer duelers don’t pay attention to then are more than likely to be lost, and really, ruin what makes the duels so special. And I mean, fundamental things. Things like not cheating or throwing matches. Things like respecting the officials. Saluting your opponents. Generally understanding that while this is a bloodsport – especially Swords – we’re not out there to kill each other. Usually.

Most of us who’ve been around for a while would be more than happy to discuss the history and traditions with the newer duelers; they just need to ask.

R: "Who would you like to see dueling again?"

J: Obviously, I’d love to see Jeff Oakenshield and his wife Summer back. Kaprielle, too. Morgan needs to come around more. (pauses to think, her head tilting ever-so-slightly) This may sound strange, but I miss all of House Phoenix – Daegarth, Melgarth, Lyon, everyone. (grins momentarily) I may have been one of Dal’s “lapdogs”, but I had a healthy respect for that group. They were handsome, too! (another pause) I think my last one is another surprise. Jesse Troyan. Horrible ego, but man was he fun to fight with – verbally and in the ring!

R: "Have you entertained the thought of taking on a mentee or squire?"

J: I had a Squire the last time I held a Barony – Sal when I had Seaside. That was an unmitigated disaster. (shakes her head) I actually already have a squire now – Psly – he just needs to get his rear end in the ring! (chuckles) I’m not going to call him lazy, but I’m just going to say he’s not doing much in the way of winning our bet. I also made an offer to Rhi to mentor her in the Duel of Fists – if she takes it up then I’ll have her. So, long-winded answer … aye, I have entertained the idea. (chuckles again)

R: "Is there any particular duelist you'd want to 'take under your wing'?"

J: It’s hard to say. I’d love to really work with Maggie, especially as she’s just starting out, but she’s part of a legacy-rich dueling family herself. Her grandmother, mother, and Rhi Brock are all staples here in the duels and have that wonderful tradition. I guess I’d like to really mentor someone who really wants to just learn the history and tradition of the duels. Someone to pass that off to – someone to continue what legacy I learned from my former teachers and current friends. (grins once more) Got any suggestions?

R: "Besides myself? No, not really!" (a soft snickering) "I haven't been in a dueling ring since competing with Gwen Minx for a spot as a Squire. Have any comments as we wrap up?"

J:"You probably all ready know things. Just chose to ignore them." (jokingly in a teasing tone). "Tthank you to taking the time to talk, and go duel!"
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Post by Race »

Notes went out attatched to previous announcements for interviews and story requests.

"Hey Rhydin!

Due to the sheer number of interview requests I'm leaving things open ALL WEEEK LONG! If you duel or are a dueling enthusiast, I'll interview you! Just let me know and allow a day to process the requests! (PM).

Skill and Honor Ladies and Gentlemen.

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Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An intervew between GAC member Race and....IMP!]

R: "Imp, thanks for agreeing to do this. I've got to ask this. Who do you think is the hottest woman at the duels?"

I: "I don't want to pick just one but, if I have to, I have to say Kaja. She's so hot she deserved her own ring! "

R: "I saw in the dueling histories you've held Opals before...any desire to get back into Fists, or was that a different Imp?"

I: "Must have been a cousin or somthin, I've never dueled fists. I do have an opal ring that Mama Imp gave me. That count? "

R:"My mistake then, though I think it might be cool to see you in the Outback rings. Speaking of rings, from what I understand, you're the senior caller. How does that feel?"

I: "I am? Dayum! "

R: "Tying in with my last question. You've outlasted a lot of other callers, what do you think has aided your tenure to last this long?"

I: "A double scotch and a Valium right before each shift…or is it a double Valium and a scotch?"

R: "Is there any duelist you'd like to see come back and take up the career again?"

I: "I miss Sartan. Because whenever he came in the room Rory followed and she's one hot chick!"

R: (laughing) "Well he made Diamond not too long ago, you might get your wish!"
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Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An interview with GAC member Race and Duelist Ria Graziano]

Ra: "You've been around the duels as long as anyone else. What do you think about the newer duelists. Are they standing in some tall shadows?"

Ri: "Uhhh, I dunno anya newer guys. Prolly all jus’ big mouths like the old guys too. Wha’eva. Everyone’s gotta like, stand onna own. Screw this ‘istory crap."

Ra: "Of all the changes that'd come over all three sports, do you think they're underused? Squire system, neophytes, mentor et. al"

Ri: "I dunno, dude. I ain’t around ‘nough. Tha only one I really knew ‘bout was tha mentee crap. I ain’t had a mentee cuz I ain’t had time or desirea. No one worth it, anyway. Only Crew who ain’t made Emerald is M, an’ she’n’I’d butt ‘eads way too freakin’ muchta do ‘er. Well, Tone too. But ‘is ass way too freakin’ lazya do tha. Non-Crew? Hell naw. Ain’t no one good ‘nough.

Least tha mentor-hippy crap used at all, right?"

Ra: "Do you think the atmosphere of the duels is more accepting of newer duelists now than in past years? I've heard rumors the place used to be pretty cut-throat."

Ri: "Hellivino. I ain’t ‘round ‘noughta say ‘bout tha new kids. Inna past, though, wasn’t so badas all tha. Sure, there was a craptona trash-talk, but ‘ell, we ‘ad tha league! ‘sides, Crew was around an’ big. Everyone wanted a piecea us. Jesse, too, an’ Avery. Flippin’ Unforgivin’. Lotsa bad-ass-wannabe big mouths back then. So yah, maybe kinda cut-throat. "

Ra: "The Graziano clan. Any chance of a ringside reunion with the whole crew?"

Ri: "Depends if we can get Chris’s ass peeled offa tha couch. An’ get Tone outta Pizza n’ Beer. An’ Mama G outta ‘er kitchen. Heh. So naw. Prolly not likely. My an’ M’ll come out once inna while. Tic an’ K-Ball come ‘round too. Bode gone. Never know, I guess, though. Weirder things’ve ‘appened."

Ra: "If TDL came back, would you be one of the first people to start making a team?"

Ri: "Naw. Not jus’ naw, but ‘ell naw. I ain’t never been a good captain, an’ Crew ain’t inta teams no more. I wouldn’t do nothin’ but wit’ Crew. So naw. ‘less someonea Crew’d wanna do it. Then I would. "
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Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An interview between GAC member Race and Duelist Seirichi]

R: "Saw your response to the Best I Ever requests, you seem like a very confident person. What would you say is responsible for that?"

S: "Responsible? I'm the best, there's not much else to say. But don't get me wrong. For these people, the day Seirichi graced their rings was the most important day of their lives. But for me, it was Tuesday."

R:. "You have any dueling dreams in mind? Overlord, Diamond? Triple Crown?"

S: "Nope, nope, and nope. I don't care much about titles. Sure, I'll challenge someone for it, but the title itself? Nah. The fights all that matters, not a silly title or so called honor you get from your peers."

R: "I'll admit I'm out of the loop on a lot, but of everyone at the duels, it looks like you've got it out for Harris the most. Care to explain what that's about?"

S: Laugh. "Because Harris wont let me have his kid. He'd make me a strong daughter so I need to force the idea into that thick skull of his. Other than that? Harris is one of the only people around here I can really respect. Why not fight a guy you respect?"

R: "Do you think you can beat him? Of all the duelists he's got the loudest mouth and the ability to back it up."

S: "Did you hear? He totally beat down this Sarah chick with one hand tied behind his back. Right now I'm shaking in my boots because of the beating I can imagine him giving me. I mean, what if he writes about me in his little paper? I'd totally start to cry! Nah. You might as well put down at the end of this interview that I'll be beating Harris whenever he decides to stop being a little boy and accept my challenge. I can totally see into the future, so I know this for a fact."

R: "If you could change anything about the duels, what would it be?"

S: "Take away those stupid challenge restrictions. I'd love to see some newbie pop in and challenge the overlord at any given time. That's one thing I liked about this Halloween event going on." Laugh. "You know what kind of upset it would be to have someone no one's ever heard about before beat down one of the so called of the bests of the best? Archmages, diamonds, whatever you want to call them? That would be hilarious."
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Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An interview between GAC member Race and Duel of Magic Coordinator Neo Eternity}

R: "First off, let me thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this. I really do appreciate it. You've been Coordinator of Duel of Magic for some time now, what was going through your head when Topaz handed down the mantle? I figure you felt it was coming for some time before she dropped the news on everyone."

N: "Well, uh... hmm. Actually, I think I went blank for a while. Speechless and thoughtless. And then the realization of how real everything just got hit me."

R: "A lot of changes have been instituted under your leadership. Are there any more to come in the next few years or do you think this final incarnation is the last stop?"

N: "I do have a few minor changes to bring in really soon, but those are the last foreseeable changes that I have in mind. I don't think there is a 'last stop', though. No point where there will be no more changes ever. If it becomes necessary to make a change, it'll be done. We'll keep evolving as we need to."

R: "Dueling..are there ever times you feel that you'd want to just go back to being a regular duelist without the added responsibilities?"

N: "Sometimes it's pretty exhausting. I'm an adventurer-for-hire, a duelist, and a coordinator. Sometimes the quests I get hired for take up a great deal of my time and energy. But no, I've never been so exhausted that I want to just drop being a coordinator. It's another quest, and as long as I'm needed for it, I will continue to do my duty."

R: "I can imagine the demands of Coordinator get in the way of things you want to do as a duelist. Are there any goals you have left as a duelist?"

N: "Actually, they haven't gotten in the way at all. I do still have my dueling goals, and I'm fortunate enough to have the community's trust that I will pursue them without abusing my power. So, my goals... well, I'd like to obtain all of the elemental towers, to match Vanion, and the Citadel of Stars, to surpass him. I'd also like to become Overlord someday. The Diamond, and with it, the Triple Crown, is certainly not off my radar, but it's pretty far out there."

R: "What drew your interest to the duels? Was it the use of a training tool or the idea of them in general; a form of "civilized combat".

N: "Both, actually. Considering my profession and personal drive to protect, I need to make sure that my skills are as polished as possible, in as many ways as possible. And I also really enjoy the thrill of combat for sport."
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Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An interview between GAC member Race and Kairee]

R: "Again, thank you for doing this Lady Kairee, or is it just Kairee? Any preference?"

Kairee: "Don't stand on ceremony, babes. I have no taste for groveling."

R: "Just playing it safe since I only know of you through reputation. The duels. You were there at their inception. Do you like how they've grown?"

Kairee: "Do the duelists come to duel? Do they find challenge and excitment? Do the crowds still gather to witness displays of martial finnesse? All those things show the sucess of the duels. I brought the duels here for three reasons, babes. First to get the fighting out of the inn. It was hurting business. Second, for the duelers. There's nothing better than to test your skills against other masters. And finally, for entertainment. Watching the best duel is very invigorating. I always enjoy a good contest."

R: "Any contest or just ones of physical prowess? I'd say the idea was a success then."

Kairee: "A success form day one. That's why I sponsored the creation of the other duels. To answer your questions, any contest but there is something.....about physical prowess...."

R: (Coughs )"Touching on the founding the duels. Were you the one that created the healing wards then? I tried to look up how they came to be but some of the older writings need touched up."

Kairee: "No." "I did not create healing wards. I don't recall who did.. sounds very Xenograg-ish. He'd be concerned about people getting hurt."

R: "So 'The General" might have had a hand in their construction? That'd be an interesting fact to learn, at least I think so. Magic's a bit outside my field of expertise."

Kairee: "you should ask him, babes, though he may downplay it in his humility. He will also tell you true if he had no hand in them."

R: "I'll have to do that. My next question might be a bit personal, if it is feel free to decline answering. You and Gondar...." "The pair of you were pretty close. Would he be proud of the Arena in how far its come?"

Kairee: "What an interesting question!" a suprised and very genuine smile emerged, "You never knew Gondar and if you did, I doubt you would ask your clever question. I doubt Gondar would be "proud" of what the duels have become. He wouldn't have the emotional investment that "pride" would require. He'd be intrigued, perhaps. He would certainly try his blade against today's alledged best." "You do know that Gondar was undefeated in the duels and left because the challenge was gone, yes? And so, He'd be curious and would test the mettle of the duelists if he felt them worthy."

R: "I didn't know that he left undefeated. Do you think that might have changed had he stuck around during the years of Dalomar?"

Kairee: A sudden laugh, "You are funny!" then more seriously, "No. I don't think that would've changed. Gondar was the greatest swordsman the duels have ever seen, but Dalomar may have given MeMonk and Fallon a run for their money."

R: "Do you think any duelists have come close to Gondar's legacy?"

Kairee: "No."

R: "Could there ever be? Depending on philosophy there are always greater challenges to be found."

Kairee shrugs, "Anything is possible. I've not forseen it but then again, the future is always shifting. There are too many variables. I should like to meet that duelist should he or she ever come to be."

R: "I think everyone would." Agrees a bit. "Did you ever duel? Or just come to watch the blood, sweat, and skill?"

Kairee: "I toyed with it in the begining, babes, but there were too many rules. I don't like being contrained by rules."

R: "That's a common thread I've found. Though some have mentioned the constraints of the duels have made them better in unbarred fights outside the rings. Don't like rules, then what do you like?"

Kairee: "I like doing whatever I want, whenever I want, with whomever I want."

R: "What do you think about the Duelists being granted their own holiday?"

Kairee: "Babes, I don't recognize the authority of anyone, thing, or group to grant holidays or to control any aspect of any one's life. Having said that, if the duelists choose to subjugate themselves to the authority of another...Why should I care what they are granted or denied?"

R: "I don't know. I wouldn't mind a day of the year where people celebrate my own greatness. Just reminds me I need to work harder."

Kairee: "Babes, people should feel free to celebrate you anytime they damn well please. I certainly never limit when, where, and how people clelebrate me. And they do celebrate...with abandon."

R: "They do? I might need to pay more attention then as that's something I've not come over yet."

Kairee: "You live a sheltered life. You should get out more."
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Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An Interview between GAC member Race and Duelist Rand ]

R: "Rand, let me start by saying thank you for agreeing to the interview. I've gotten a sense that a lot of duelists seem to lead very demanding lives. With that, I'm going to open things with what might be an odd question. When are you finally going to settle down? Seems you've had a number of consorts and arm candies over the years. Just enjoying the bachelor life I take it."

R: “One of the best accessories you can have is an attractive companion. I like to accessorize and I've been an accessory myself to several fine ladies. As for settling down, I'm actually married to the ever lovely Morgan Le Fay. I'm not sure which of us has the bigger harem, truly, though it's more about quality than quantity. “

R: "All three sports have gone through renovations in recent years. Are any of them ones you wish had been around when you started dueling?"

R: “I enjoy all of the sports. I think if they'd all been around when I started that maybe I wouldn't have had the success in swords that I've had. It took a good year or two of beatings before I started climbing rank. I might have split time with the other sports. Of course, maybe I would've actually learned how to fight in the Outback, but who knows? “

R:. "When are you going to settle down? Kidding, all ready asked that. Seriously, you've been around long enough to see a lot of great duelists rise up, have their 15-minutes, and move on to other things, then make resurgence. Like I asked Jaycy...in another interview, are there any duelists you'd love to see back in the rings?"

R: “Hehe, never! As for duelists returning, the list is huge. Slothie, Billy Ray, Bishop, Lupton, Phlag, Vixx, Siera, milady Morgan, Rellish, Kaprielle, and I'll stop. Some are gone forever, some will hopefully return, and some are still around just not as much as I'd like, ya know?”

R:. "Touching on my last question, what do you make of the current generation of duelists?"

R: “Get off my lawn! Seriously though, I don't think there's a fundamental difference really. Maybe the biggest difference is the amount of ego? Seems like there's a lot more big heads around now, but that's likely just because there aren't as many quiet duelists filling in behind the loud ones.”

R: "Of all the talent that frequents the rings; do you think there are any duelists that have been underrated?"

R: “I think that there's a lot more overrating going on than underrating.”

R: "Before we wrap up, do you have any parting comments to future duelists or the people that would read this?"

R: “Keep coming to the rings! We need old blood and new blood alike to keep making stories, which is really what it's all about. And if you're hot, call me!”
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Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An interview between GAC member Race and Duelist Josuah "Gork" Skinner]

R:. "Glad you could be here, Gork. I guess my first question has to be...Why the Moon?" ( a pause then as though expecting a groan) "I'm kidding. So, you took a break from dueling. What were you away for?"

G: "Why is the TDL champions?" ::chuckles:: "Just that, a break. I just needed some time away from dueling to recharge. "

R. "Now that you're back, are there any goals you left from befoe that you want to persue again?"

G: "I've already accomplished one goal since my return and that is to win an Opal. I would also expect a Duel of Swords challenge from me in the near future as well. As far as magic goes, I just want to finally make it to Mage. "

R: "I've kind of asked this of everyone so far, but what got you interested in the duels?"

G: "I just decided to check out the dueling venues one day and saw some people duking it out. I decided to step in the ring and give it a shot, I loved it, and it just kind of grew from there."

R: "Would you say you have any dueling rivals or nemesese?"

G: "Just the general population of those that we all love to hate. My upcoming challenger for FireStar, Anubis, would be a good example."

R: "Just one more question before we wrap things up. If someone asked you what is the most important quality to be a duelist, what would you respond with?"

G: "Practice makes perfect. The more you duel, the better you'll get. Nobody comes in here for the first time and becomes Overlord, Diamond or ArchMage in a week."
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Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An interview between GAC member Race and Duelist Rachael Wynter

R: "Well Rachael, I'm glad you agreed to this. As a duelist still climbing her way up the ranks, what's something you think the duels could do to bring in more people? He's not pulling any punches with that.

R: "What could be done. More events like the one last night in the Marketplace, the Fight Night. The, how do you say, more seasoned duelers being open to sharing their knowledge with those ascending the ranks."

Race: "I'm sure there are a number of veterans who instruct the new and rising duelists. Even just by simply dueling can be instructional I would think. Or do you disagree?"

Rachael Wynter: "Oui, provided that the more, as I said, seasoned duelers do not overwhelm those just starting with all of their talents at once. It can be discouraging to those on the way up to feel like the footstools of those who have been here for years. I know that I myself felt that way until the recent changes on the Isle."

Race: "Not sure on that. At least for me, I'd want my opponent to not hold back at all. If I'm coming at him or her with everything I have...it would feel disrespectful if my opponent didn't do the same. Again just me."

Rachael Wynter: "Oui, there is that. I do not ask my opponents to hold back, nor do I hold back on them. But those who have advanced and have done so for years should keep in mind how someone new to the sport would feel. Perhaps recall how they themselves struggled to gain their position."

Race: "Fair point." "Do you think finding a rival or nemesis helps to climb the ranks?"

Rachael Wynter: "I find that setting a goal and achieving it helps to climb the ranks. I did that in Fists, and last night achieved the goal that my Mentor there had set for me. There will always be rivals and such in the duels. My rival is myself, the dueler I was yesterday, versus the dueler that I am today, and the dueler that I will be tomorrow." "I do have one who seeks to claim my Tower, but perhaps after two defenses on my part she will have abandoned that quest."

Race: "That's a pretty good outlook on the whole sport. Take it as a personal test." "You think more would benefit from that way of thinking?"

Rachael Wynter: "Oui, I know that I would have in the beginning. But it takes time, and a willingness not to let setbacks stop one from participating in the duels. Some may call it stubbornness. Oui, perhaps I am that. But I would not have and hold my Tower if I had let those initial pummelings on the Isle stop me from participating."

Race: "Stubborn doesn't seem like a negative trait when your hobby is a blood sport." "Everyone seems to have different goals with the duels. What are a few of yours?"

Rachael Wynter: "Moi? To perform at the highest level. One day I shall hold the top ranks in all of the sports--Emerald, Warlord, and Mage. Perhaps higher, but I am patient."

Race: "Aiming for any records?".

Rachael Wynter: "Records? Like one hundred wins in each sport or the Triple Crown before my next birthday? Non. I prefer to keep improving myself as a dueler. If the records happen, they will happen."

Rachael Wynter: "Oui, I need to keep the skills that have kept me alive with my eleven years with the Watch honed to perfection." "It is long overdue. Duelers are people like you and me, Monsieur Race. We duel for many reasons. But we are not outsiders to so-called normal society."

Race: "11 years with the watch is pretty impressive. I take it you've worked with Neo Eternity, the Duel Of Magic's coordinator? I know his little group aids them, or did at one point."

Rachael Wynter: "Not myself personally, but my current partner in Special Victims, Tony Sobczak, has in the past. My association with Monsieur Neo has been on more of the level of events on the Isle."

Race: "Your 'mon amour" duels as well. Do the events of the duels ever get in the way of your relationship?"

Rachael Wynter: "Oui, Roderick of the clan Douglas is a fine dueler in his own right. Non, he has stood by my side when I have been challenged, and I stand by his when he presses challenge, as he will do against Monsieur Artemus for the yellow Opal. One that I would not mind possessing, had I the rank to do so."

Race: "Anything you want to add before we finish up?"

Rachael Wynter: "For future duelers, never give up and never surrender. If you face me in a ring, I will wish you bonne chance--good luck. For your readers, come to the duels and buy a dueler a drink. I for one prefer single malt scotch."
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Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An interview between GAC member Race and Collie Fenner, Rhiannon Harker, Rhiannon Brock, Maggie Harker]

R: "Quad header today, Rhydin. I'm sitting down with not one, not two, but three generations of duelist. Colleen and her daughter Rhiannon, and Rhiannon B, and Little Maggie. Thank all four of you for coming to do this."

Collie: Collie cleared her throat and spoke carefully, her accent tamed, "Thank you for having us here, Race."
RhiH: "Good to be here, Race."
Maggie: She grinned, "Hiya."
RhiB: "Hello, Race."

R: "I guess my first question is more for the dual Rhiannons. What's it like to literally grow up dueling?"

RhiH: "It's been quite the experience, Race. As you probably know, my sister and I started when we were two and our mother was working in the arena as an official. Some of the older duelists absolutely refused to duel a child. However, others like Papa Tass, Jaycy, Seamus MacDonnaugh, and Baphe took that desire to learn seriously. Between us, we've seen many come and and go. Most have been a positiv influence."

RhiB: "One of the advantages of growing up dueling is that you have many adults to look up to and learn from. It's also a good way to help avoid being a victim statistic on The Watch's crime list. This is not to say I think kids should be wandering the streets without supervision. I think children need every edge they can get to protect themselves."

R: "Two? Actually I didn't know that. I know the Arena has mellowed in recent years, but I thought at that time the atmosphere was rather ...cut-throat. Though I've gotten mixed answers on that point of history."

Rhi: "Having a mother that knew most of the duelists didn't hurt. It was pretty cutthroat, Race. However, new blood, no pun intended is the lifeforce of duels. If the youth are ignored, things die."

R: "Looked like it was going to take that route a few years back. Either of you know what helped to reinvigorate the duels as a whole?" The question posed more to Collie and RhiH.

RhiH: "I think years ago, people gravitated more toward the individual sports rather than all three. I think these days there's a nice melding of things. Swords, of course, is my favorite, but I have taken a turn or two in Magic. All it takes is telling one friend and next thing you know, several more people take the step into the dueling venues to see what the talk is about, Some stay, some don't. It's getting them in the door that first step to keeping the sprts and traditions alive."

Collie: "Management changes have made a great difference over the years. Matt has been associated with Fists for as far back as I can recall. Rask was in charge of the Outback when I worked the Arena. Neo is has made many improvements over on the Isleand I look forward to being able to try them out in the near future. G'nort is a fixture in the Arena, has been for a long time. He's been doing a fine job of of things. The recent Trick or Treat Challenge is a good example of some of the things he's implemented to keep interest going."

R: He'd chew on his bottom lip regarding the responses, his face thoughtful as though considering his next question. "As multi-generational duelists, what would you say keeps people coming back to the duels? I know its the 'civilized combat' " air quotes it. "For some..and others the means of a realistic training tool for another side."

Collie: "For some, it's the need for continuity, for leaving their mark in the history books. For me, personally, it's the people. I've done my time in the trenches in more than one battle. Civilized combat, as you put it, forges bonds in a similar fashion as those made during a battle. You learn a great deal about the character of a person when they are pointing a deadly weapon at you and vice-versa."

RhiH: "As mother said, forging bonds or learning who not to create them with. I know the Maggie is fairly safe within the walls of the arena because I know who is there."

Maggie: She piped in with, "I learned to duel Mama and Da at home, but I need to," she paused find a word, "practice with other people. So I go there to watch and learn. More kids should, but they gotta know it can be messy."

R: That actually gets a laugh from him. "Well Maggie, like your mom, and gram' have said, some are hesitant to duel children. I know if I had a daughter or son, I couldn't watch them duel, unless it was someone I'd trust swinging a deadly weapon at them. Jus tme though, but I'm more of a Dueler, not a duelist. I go just for the fun, not really a career."

Maggie: She gave Race her trademarked impish smile. " 's ok, Mr. Race. Mama 'n' Aunt Rhi tell me wasn't easy for them when they started either. Sometimes, you gotta keep goin' 'til the big people takes you serious. The big rules I learn from them 'n' Gran are no makin' fun if you win and no poutin' or cryin' if you lose. If you acts like a big baby the big people will say no all the time. If you behave, they will know you wanna learn. So, I watch a lot. You knowed what I learned?"

R: "What did you learn?" he's smiling now at that look

Maggie: "I learned it's ok break Mr. G's rule, but you gotta know when no matter what the caller says about not smashin'!"

RhiB: She'd been quiet until now, but was stifling giggles at her very verbal niece. "Slashing, Maggie. G'nort's rule is no slashing."

Maggie: "Ok, slashin', but my way sound better cause he uses the big hammer thing!"

That produced chuckles from the three women.

RhiH: "Excellent point, Maggie."

R: "Very astute of you, Maggie. I know from my limited dueling, not many use my weapon either, so I can appreciation a different weapon than a sword." Nods in understanding.

Maggie: She nudged her aunt and stage whispered, "Aunt Rhi, wha's ah-stute mean?" She was smart enough to ask what she didn't know.

RhiB: "Means you pay attention and learn from what you see."

Maggie: She grinned at Race. "Thank you."

R: "You are most welcome, Maggie." grins. "Any advice for people that are still hesitant about dueling?" opens it to all of them.

RhiB: "My advice is to take the step and try each sport at least once. Much like anything else in life, you won't know if you're good at it until you try. The next newcomer to walk through the door could be a future holder of the Triple Crown; Overlord, Diamond and Archmage. Everyone of the current title holders had to start somewhere. Don't be intimidated by numbers, just get out there and duel."

R: "Rhi B" using a nickname. "You're holding of both the Talon and the Ring of Klytus, any plans to go after the Panther Claw and be a mini Triple Crown?"

RhiB: "Actually, Race, I took a shot at the Panther's Claw in the recent tournament. I wiped out in the first round to Overlady Ellisa Morgan. However, I plan to try again. One of more experienced duelists in the Outback has offered to mentor me when I'm ready."

R: "Who's that?" taking the hint.

RhiB: "Jaycy Alexander. It's rather fitting since she was one of the people I learned from when I started in Swords."

R: "You'd also be learning from her husband Plsyder, I would think by studying under her." nods with that, a look of being impressed on his features.

RhiB: "I think learning from more than one person improves one's abilities much faster. You have to be able to out think as well as out punch or kick your opponent in Fists."

R: "Depends, I know thinking too greatly on what you're going to do is more dangerous than not completely thinking through your strategy." Ponders what their responses would be to that.

RhiB: "Using the gut method is generally best. Second guessing is generally a competitor's own worst enemy much like overthinking that 50/50/90."

R: "You're right. So the ultimate thing abou dueling is; Trust your gut, learn from everyone, and don't get an ego?" There's a smile there as he asks the question.

RhiB: She smiled and nodded. "Absolutely, Race."
Maggie: "Uh huh. No gloats 'n' no pouts!"

Collie: She chuckled at Maggie's comments. "Watch everyone, you never know when you might miss a technique that will work for you."

R: "Was wondering when you'd jump in Collie, started to think you were fine letting the kids commandeer the interview." A light tease.

Collie: " What can I say, I raised daughters that know their own minds, Race." She grinned. "As for Maggie, that pearl didn't fall far from the oyster bed she was raised in."

R: Sort of beams at that response befor emusing. "Every going to get that husband of yours into a dueling ring? I can imagine Chris and Emmet'd have a field day commenting on Fenner in a duel."

Collie: "With me, you mean? Oh," she smiled and there was a twinkle in her eyes as lightly patted that baby bump," have to wait until February, I think. However, it's a little known fact that Darien currently holds a Swordsman rank in Swords. Last duel, I think, was against Vinny."

R: Now that's good to know. I don't really pay too much attention to the standings. Congradulations on the coming bundle by the way. I'll be sure to send a bottle of 1970 St. Magdelene to you both." grins.

Collie: "Thank you very much, Race. "She held up two fingers and wiggled them. "That will be most welcome."

R: "While you have more experience with children, I'm sure Darien will need the relaxatin assistance more." Teasing again before looking at one of his little notes.

Collie: She laughed lightly. "I don't about that, Race. He's looking forward to this very much. His first... and second."

R: "Just going on what little I know of kids. Can jus timagine a lot of times inthe first three or four monts there there's a lot of 'Its your turn this morning' as one of you smacks the other to get the kidss from their cribbing."

Maggie: Dark brows raised and she eyed her mother as if to say ... is that so?

Collie: "We do have a nanny to help out from time to time. At least until we get into the swing of having infants in the house again."

R: " Got it. Before we wrap up, I think I might have asked this, and know I've asked most of the others I've interviewed this week but what do you think of the Duels being given their own holiday?"

RhiB: "I think it's great!" Her face just about lit up. "Good opportunity to draw in people that never tried the duels before and, perhaps, reignite the interest of those that might have dueled in the past and bring them back into the fold."

RhiH: She smiled thoughtfully. "I think it's about time that something that has been a part of Rhydin's history for so long was given wider audience, if you will. There are still people that don't know there's arena in the Red Dragon's basement or what's beyond that mysterious portal within the inn's walls. Some have passed but never walked into the domain of the Outback. Dueler's Appreciation Week has opened that door and piqued interest."

Collie: "It's about damned time."
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Post by Race »

[Transcribed from audio tape]

[An interview between GAC member Race and Duelists Matt and Koyliak Simon]

R: "Matt and Koyliak Simon. What do you guys think about being the 'power couple' of the Outback?"

Matt: I"t depends on what you mean by ‘power couple’ – I’m not sure that we look at ourselves that way. Sure, we’ve both had our share of success both in and out of the rings, but if you were to describe us as such, I’d take it as something positive. Not because of how many titles or tournaments we’ve won, but because we’ve been together long enough, and stayed together long enough, to be recognized as a long-standing team."

Koy: "Aye, it’s a nice testament ta the fact tha somehow in this crazy world we live in we’ve held steady. I suppose we’re like the Outback in tha way, no matter how many times the place gets knocked down it ‘lways manages ta hang on and resurrect itself. The buildin’ may get destroyed from time ta time but the fightin’ spirit of the Outback ‘lways carries on through our community of brawlers."

R: "I'm a bit out of the loop, but what brought the two of you together?

Matt: "You mean, from a relationship standpoint? About nine years ago, the Outback played host to a holiday dueling ball. Just a night of relaxing a fun, you know? Koy and I hadn’t really done much other than fight one another up until that point but that night we danced together a few times, got to talking and opened up the road that we’ve been traveling down ever since."

Koy: "It’s true, I wore a killer dress tha night and Matt suddenly got interested in fashion… and me. " ::grins::

R: "I'd imagine you two have had to go head-to-head in several tournaments like the DQ. What's that like?"

Matt: "I’m pretty sure that if you checked the numbers, she’s beat me worse, and more frequently, than I’ve done to her. But whether it’s normal dueling or a tournament, both of us want to win. We have drastically different styles and motivations for dueling, but I know she’s not about to give me a break because of who I am to her, so I can’t let my guard down for half a second. If we’re in the ring against each other, we have to treat it as just another match."

Koy: "He’s givin’ me far too much credit. Matt was ‘ctually the first person I ever fought in the rings and he beat me soundly. We do define winnin’ differently as most people probably have noticed. When I get inta a ring I’m out fer the most brutal, physical fight possible, on both sides though I enjoy takin’ the brunt of a beatin’. Matt’s ‘lways a challenge ‘cause he’s more strategic and less reckless than I am. I ‘lways learn somethin’ new from ‘em in a match and I love ‘em fer not takin’ it easy on me."

R: "Does the drama of the Outback challenges ever follow you guys home? Like a negative outcome or something of that nature."

Matt: ::looks at Koy for a moment before answering that one:: Sometimes, yes. ::he’d let her elaborate if she wanted to, knowing that his “success”, perhaps in winning or defending an Opal, could often be deemed a “failure” in her mind::

Koy: ::purses her lips and pauses before answering:: I’d be lyin’ iffn I said it didn’t. Matt and I have different views on the Opals and wha it means ta carry one. I’m more in the minority since I look at ‘em as a burden and necessary evil while Matt, like many others at the Outback, see some use fer ‘em. And neither Matt or I are shy ‘bout voicin’ our opinions so ye can imagine sometimes wha goes on at the Outback spills over inta our home life.

R: "What do you both think about the duels being granted their own little holiday week out of the year?"

Koy: I think it’s been a lovely way ta celebrate ‘nother unique facet of RhyDin’s culture and ta open up the sports ta those who might’ve shied ‘way or not known ‘bout ‘em ‘fore. Gettin’ a chance ta fight out in the Marketplace was definitely a nice change of pace fer us.

Matt: I think it’s nice – hopefully it draws the attention and interest of some people who normally wouldn’t pay much attention to dueling, or didn’t know the duels exist. We just hired a caller on staff who’d been in Rhydin for a good while now and wasn’t aware of the duels at all.

R: "What would you say to anyone who wants to come out and duel but feels like maybe the aggression levels are things they might not be able to handle?"

Matt: "If you want to avoid aggression, maybe stay away from Anubis. But the duels aren’t about aggression, persay…there are many different reasons people have for dueling. Training, learning, relaxation (oxymoron as that may be), stress-reliever, social interaction, or even as something to do to pass the time. You don’t have to be in a rage or angry to duel and you don’t even have to be aggressive in the ring. Let your opponent do that while you anticipate, shift around, and let them work off all their energy. Once they’ve worn themselves out, that’s when you go in and take ‘em down!"

Koy: The rings can be strangely cathartic, least fer me they are. Sometimes ye need ta work out whaever’s eatin’ at ye physically when words won’t work fer ye. Ye can take on a fight however ye want ta, though I’ve faced many people who were surprised ta see how much they enjoyed havin’ a violent fight. Iffn ye want ta try a taste of brutality, come find me in a ring. I promise ta buy ye a drink afterwards.
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