Winter Warlord Tournament

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Rhiannon Brock
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Post by Rhiannon Brock »

Dear Harris,

You're awesome.

Rhi Brock


My sister is probably too polite to say this, but you should be seeking employment as a balloon filler or a home heating specialist. Clearly, you already have the proper equipment for either job, your own hot air supply.

Has beens and never will bes? Clearly, you are quite unfamiliar with those that would have been your competition the other night had you bothered to show up. Karen, Elijah, Teagan, Evan, and Jaycy have held baronial rings between them for more times than how high you can probably count. Wyheree recently held the Seaside barony and Xanth held Old Temple. Karen, Jaycy, and Teagan have held the mantle of Overlordship. Vinny was the Archmage for Duel of Magic. Red ur'Thorne has recently returned to the sport after long time away from Rhydin.

My sister and I competed in TDL between the ages of four and seven. We jointly hold the the distinction of having been the youngest duelists to ever earn the rank of Grand Master.

Popular? I think not. All you have shown is that you are an ignorant loudmouth who knows nothing of the history of this sport and has no respect for his fellow duelists.

Rhiannon Brock
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Rand alTan
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Post by Rand alTan »

And she's hotter than you.
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Guaire Bryne
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Post by Guaire Bryne »


My sister is probably too polite to say this, but you should be seeking employment as a balloon filler or a home heating specialist. Clearly, you already have the proper equipment for either job, your own hot air supply.

Has beens and never will bes? Clearly, you are quite unfamiliar with those that would have been your competition the other night had you bothered to show up. Karen, Elijah, Teagan, Evan, and Jaycy have held baronial rings between them for more times than how high you can probably count. Wyheree recently held the Seaside barony and Xanth held Old Temple. Karen, Jaycy, and Teagan have held the mantle of Overlordship. Vinny was the Archmage for Duel of Magic. Red ur'Thorne has recently returned to the sport after long time away from Rhydin.

My sister and I competed in TDL between the ages of four and seven. We jointly hold the the distinction of having been the youngest duelists to ever earn the rank of Grand Master.

Popular? I think not. All you have shown is that you are an ignorant loudmouth who knows nothing of the history of this sport and has no respect for his fellow duelists.

Rhiannon Brock

You're psychic? I think not.

I know the histories of those individuals and I'm less than impressed. I stand by my words. Has beens and never will bes.

You're speaking to someone of real talent here lass. I have few if any peers.

These will be the last words I waste on one such as you. If you're wise you'll listen.

Guaire Bryne

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Post by G »

Call me old fashioned, but I believe someone should have actual accomplishments to their name before they start putting down those who, you know, do.

What have you done to deserve being considered the greatest other than telling everyone you are? Sorry, but it's a load of manure. So far, you're in the "Never will be" camp.

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Post by Neo Eternity »


You should probably focus on beating me rather than spouting trash talk about every competitor in the duels. And even if you do beat me, your one achievement won't hold a candle to the myriad of achievements held by the other duelists surrounding you.

Confidence is one thing, but what you have is something else entirely. I advise you get it in check before you end up paying for it.
-- Neo Eternity
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Rhiannon D Harker
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Post by Rhiannon D Harker »


In the words of my dear mother, wipe the floor with his sorry hide.

Best of luck, Neo.

Rhiannon Harker


As always, you are a voice of reason.

Rhi H.


It seems that you are lacking in both interpersonal and mathematical skills. Your bet was 50 silver nobles not 100, which was mine. I also told you to keep it when you fussed like a child that was denied a favorite toy. Ergo, a courier has returned the 100 back to you.

For someone who claims to know so much, you keep jumping the gun on things. It will catch up with you. Since you are so familiar with the history of the sport, I suggest you draw on your knowledge of the reign of the 28th Overlord, Dalamar Ar'Daumon for insight.

Rhiannon Harker
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Post by Evan Rush Rynth »

Dalamar Ar'Daumon ... lost to him after Grey and Billy went at it to allow me to fight for the crown. He was really a pain in the arse to bring down. None of us could for a very, very long time. I give the 28th Overlord of this sport much credit to that aspect.

Those days are over but there is still a now.
Evan Rush Rynth
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Post by Cassius Gaius Maximius »

Guaire...thank you for giving me a reason to come out of semi-retirement.

If you win that ring, I'm coming to hurt you.

~Gaius of the Cassii
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Post by Guaire Bryne »

Guaire...thank you for giving me a reason to come out of semi-retirement.

If you win that ring, I'm coming to hurt you.

~Gaius of the Cassii


You couldn't hurt my testicles with both hands.

Guaire Bryne

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Post by Harris »

Because you have none.

I've made deposits in my toilet that have more value than you, Guaire.
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Rachael Blackthorne
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Post by Rachael Blackthorne »

Monsieur Peahen,

You are correct. Monsieur Gaius cannot hurt what is not possessed by you.

--Rachael Wynter
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Guaire Bryne
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Post by Guaire Bryne »

My fan club grows everyday. Damn, it's good to be so popular.

Guaire Bryne

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